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��He and high schools; m. Chicago, Oct. 23, 1895, August J. Knelzow; children: Gladys, Rockwood, Dorothy, Maybelle. Interested in philanthropic work in connection with Carleton Club and the Ladies of th« G.A.R. and Daughters of Veter- ans, Lutiieraji. Sec. (former pres.) Gen. Henry W. Lawton Circle, No. 27, Ladies of the G.A.R. ; fourth color bearer, Julia Dent Grant Tent, No. 12, Nat. Alliance Daughters of Veterans; chaplain of Veritas Chapter, No. 720, Order of Eastern Star, 1912-13; mem. Presidents' Ass'n Ladies of the G.A.R.; pres. Carleton Club, IMS- IS; mem. Board Directors First Dist. 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs; director Logan Home, May wood. Ladies of the G.A.R. KNTESS, Lydia Hebron (Mrs. John J. Kniess),

1335 Shattuck Av., Berkeley, Cal.

Teacher, club woman; b. Constantino, Mich.; dau. William and Sarah (Hinshaw) Hebron; grad. high school, DowE^iac, Mich., '50; grad. Mich. State Normal Coll., '86; Mich. State Nor- mal Coll., B.Pd. '91; Univ. of Mich., B.L. '90; Univ. of Cal., M.L. '97; m. Lansing, Mich., Oct. 23, 1873, John J. Kniess. Preceptress high schools of Mich., 1869-83; instructor in history, State Normal Coll., Mich., 1886-88; head of Dep't of History, State Normal School, Minn., 1891; one of founders, vice-principal and head oi Dep't of History, State Normal School, Mt. Pleasant, Mioh., 1892-96; principal and instructor la his- tory aud modern languages in high schools of Cal., 1897-99 an4 19<H-12. Instructor of women's clubs in history, art and literature, teacher in Sunday-school. Favors woman su5rage. Con- tributor to educational journals on teaching Eng- lish grammar in high schools, tnethody in Eng- lish, methods in history. Mem. Soc. of Friends (Quaker). Progressive Republican voter. Mem. Aas'n of Collegiate AlumnaB (Cal. branch); pres. of various wom.eD's clubs; mem. of Univ. of Cal. Club; hen. mem. of CJounti-j Club, Washing- ton Township, Alameda Co., Cal.; admitted to candidacy for Ph.D., 1900, Univ. of Cal. (thesis not completed). KNIGHT, Katharine B. (Mrs. Augustus

Knight), 36 The Kenesaw, Washington, D.C.

Bom Philadelphia, Pa. ; dau. James and Sarah (Williams) Brearley; ed. Philadelphia High School; studied languages abroad (Paris, France); m. Washington, D.C, Augustus Knight, of S.t Louis, Mo. (died 1906). Mem. of the Board of Managers of Casualty Hospital. Interested in Y.W.C.A., Infants' and Children's Dispensary Ass'n of Was-hington, D.C, and Girls' Industrial Home of St. Louis, Mo. (mem. of the board) Episcopalian. Republican. Recreations: Travel- ing, reading, music, art. Pres. of Chapter C, Washington, D.C, of the P.E.O. Sisterhood; vice-pres. of the Columbia Heights Art Club; mem. of the Philo Classic Literary Club, Wom- en's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress; Execu- tive Board of the District of Columbia Federation of Women's Clubs. KNIGHT, Mariette Amanda Barnes (Mrs.

George Wells Knight), 104 Fifteenth Av.,

Colunribus, O.

Bom Mason, Mich., July 26, 1858; dau. Orlando Mack and Amanda (Fleming) Barnes; ed. by private schools and instructors, America and Europe; Vassar Coll., A.B. '80; m. Lansing, Mich., Jan. 12, 1882, George Wells Knifrht; chil- dren: Margaret Amanda, Adelaide. Mem. Colum- bus Art Ass'n (on board of managers for several years). Board of Lady Visitors of Children's Hos- pital of Columbus (mem. exec, com.), Columbus District Nursing Aas'n, Columbus Kindergarten Ass'n, Humane Soc., Columbus Wert Side Social Centre, Columbus Home and School Ass'n. Op- posed to woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae (director of the gen. ass'n since 1903, pres. of the Columbus branch, 1903-09), Vassar Alumnse Ass'n. Clubs: Women's Music Club, Women's University Club of N.Y. City, Women's Club of Ohio State University, College Women's Club of Columbus, Saturday Club.

KNIGHT, Rachel, Somerton, Pa.

Teacher; b. Byberry, Philadelphia, July 10, 1878; dau. Joseph Iredell and Mary T. (Warner)

��Knight; grad. Friends Central School, Philadel- phia, 1S95; George School, Pa., 1896; Swarthmore Coll. B.L. '98; M.A. '09; student at Woodbrooke, England, 1912. Teacher in Friends School, 1899- 1906; teacher in Philadelphia public schools, 1906- 12; now principal of Byberry School, Philadel- phia. Mem. Hicksite Branch of Soc. of Friends. Mem. Browning Soc, Dickens Fellowship, Phila- delphia Teachers' Ass'n, Teachers Institute, Pa. Educational Ass'n, Welcome Soc. and College Club (Philadelphia); pres. Woman's Club of Somerton, Pa.; member of the Old Tork Road Country Club.

BLNOBE, Bertha Damaris, Hotel Martha Wash- ington, N.Y. City.

Magazine writer; b. Franklin, Ind.; dau. Louis W. and Damaris (Kimball) Knobe; ed. Franklin Coll., B.S. '91; M.S. later. Was professional pro- tegee of William T. Stead of London, who lately lost his life on the Titanic. First position as a newspaper reporter was on the Chicago Tribune. Contributor to leading N.Y. magazines, writing on the woman question; marched in the first unpopular parade in N.Y. several years ago, where the women were shoved along by the police, and held a meeting of protest in a nearby hall, and has marched in several other woman suffrage parades. Recreations: Gardening, trav- eling. Mem. Woman's Political Union of N.Y. City.

KNOBLAUCH, Mary Biwkstaver (Mrs. Charles Edward Knoblauch), The Wyoming, Fifty-fifth St. and Seventh Av., N.Y. City. Bom N.Y. City, Oct. 12, 1873; dau. Henry W. and Mary Bailey (Young) Bookstaver; ed. Miss Peeble's School, N.Y. City; Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98; m. New- port, R.I., Aug., 1906, Charles Edward Knob- lauch. Interested in social service, Gouverneur Hospital, Babies' Dairy. Clubs: Women's Cos- mopolitan, Bryn Mawr Club. Mem. Colonial Dames. Writer of articles in several magazines. Favors woman suffrage; mem. exec, board Women's Political Union; captain 29th Dist. Woman Suffrage Party, College Franchise League, Equal Franchise Soc, N.Y. State Suf- frage Soc.

KNOOTE, Mme. Jos^hlne Phoebe Eva (sea Gauthier, Mme. Eva).

KNOTT, Jane GUlmore (Mrs. Richard W.

Knott), Wcodbourne Av., Louisville, Ky.

Born Boston, Mass., July, 1862; dau. Robert B. and Charlotte Anne (Gould) Gillmore; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '85; m. 1891, Richard W. Knott; one son: Richard Gillmore Knott, b. 1892. Editor of w^oman's and children's pages of Home and Farm, book reviews, and editorials in Louis- ville Evening Post. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian.

KNOTT, Minerra, Sedalla, Mo.

Physician (alopathic); b. Westville, Mo.; dau. Dr. Isaiah and Mary (Wolfe) Knott; ed. Warrens- burg (Mo.) State Normal; Univ. of Mich., M.D.; post-grad, at Chicago Post-Grad. School of Medi- cine. Mem. Mo. State Med. Soc, Pettis Co. Med. Soc. Club: Nehemgar (Sedalia, Mo.). Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church.

KNOWLES, Elizabeth A. McGillixT^y, The

Studio, 278 Bloor St.. W., Toronto, Can.

Artist; b. Ottawa, Can., Jan. 8, 1866; dau. W. G. and Emily (Dyde) Beach; ed. Toronto, Can.; m. June 10, 1890, P. McGillivray Knowles. Elected associate of Royal Canadian Acad, of Arts in 1898 (picture purchased by Dominion Government). Clubs: The Home Musical (hon- orary pres.), Heliconian (first vice-pres.). Mem. Church of England.

KNOWLTON, Helen M., Box 87, Needham,

Artist, writer; b. Littleton, Mass.; dau. John S. C and Anna W. (Hartwell) Knowlton; ed. In Worcester, Mass., and in Boston. Books: Hints to Pupils in Drawing and Painting; compiled Hunt's Talks on Art; Art Life of William Morris Hunt. Recreations: Painting, music, books. Unitarian.


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