��others as they come along. Recreation: Trips to mountains and seaside. Mem. Wednesday Morning Club of Los Angrelea. Favors woman suf- rage. KIJNG, Catherine A. (Mra. De Jay KUng), 123
Cooper St., Atlanta, Ga.
Bom Kentucky; dau. W. S. and Catherine A. (Stuton) Foster; ed. Cincinnati, 0.; m. Madison, Ga., De Jay Kling (deceased). Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Women's Relief Corps G.A.R. Club: Social Wednesday Afternoon. BLLEVGELSJUTH, Margaret Center (Mrs. Jo- seph M. Klingelsmlth), 4037 Locust St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Lawyer, law librarian; b. Portland, Me., 1869; dau. Isaac Henry and C!aroline How (Evans) Center; ed. Newton, Mass.; Portland, Me.; Univ. of Pa. Law School, LL.B. '98; m. Atlanta, Ga., 1884, Joseph M. Klingelsmlth. Entered bar, 1898; practising law, 1898-1912; librarian of the Biddle Law Library, Law Dep't of Univ. of Pa., 1898- 1912. Author: Biographies of James Wilson, Jere- miah Sullivan Black, and legal and other articles for periodicals. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of the Univ. of Pa., Bartram Ass'n, Alliance of Unita- rian and Other Liberal Christian Women, Wom- en's Democratic Club of Philadelphia. Unita- rian. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Philadel- phia County Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Woman Suffrage Party of Pa. ; treaa. 21st Legislative Dist. of the Woman Suffrage Party. KI.INK, Jane Seymour, 633 Seventeenth St.,
Brooklyn, N.T.
Welfare secretary; b. Albany, N.Y., June 5, 1855; dau. Nathaniel Baker and Elizabeth (Sey- mour) Klink; ed. Mills. Sem., Cal., 1873; Univ. of CaL, B.L. '01; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.M. '02. Taught in public schools in Vallejo and San Francisco 27 years; lady principal in Am. Internat. Coll., Springfield, Mass., one year; wel- fare manager, Pilgrim Laundry, six years; worked in boys' clubs in San Francisco five years; in settlement in Brooklyn six mouths. Lecturer in women's clubs and N.Y. School of Philanthropy; writer Atlantic Monthly, 1905; also various sketches from time to time on welfare work in Human Engineering, Social Settlement Quarterly, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian (father was clergyman). Mem. Asa'n Coll. Alumnae, Y.W.C.A., Mills Coll. Ahimnse Ass'n, Univ. of Cal. Alumnae Ass'n, associate mem. Mills Club, San Francisco, Cal., and of the Forum Club, San Francisco; active mem. Nat. College Club, N.Y. City. Worked one year as domestic servant for the point of view, Chi- cago, Boston and N.Y. City; one year as inspector of intelligence offices in N.Y. City. KNABE, Lula Cates (Mrs. William A. Knabe),
701 Cumberland Av., W. Knoxville, Tenn.
Born Marysville, Tenn. ; dau. Charles T. and Martha V. (Kidd) Cates; grad. Marysville Coll., B.A. '86 (Bainonian); m. Oct., 1889, William A. Knabe; children: Karl Cates, Earl Cates. Inter- ested in city mission work; mem. Foreign and Home Mission Soc, Y.W.C.A., W.C.T.U., Chil- dren's Rescue Work, Mothers' Ass'n of Schools, Mountain Settlement Work, Old Ladies' Home; cor. sec, chairman music dep't Tenn. Fed. Woman's Clubs. Charter mem. Equal Suffrage League, Knoxville. Wrote: Short stories only, occasionally for papers. Episcopalian. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy, D.A.R. Ladies' Memorial Ass'n. Recreation: Music; singer of note, also pianist. Pros. Otsoii Circle, oldest women's club in the South; mem. Tuesday Music Club; Nicholson Art League. ItNAPP, y\nnii! Miller (Mrs. Edwin A. Knapp),
Parkvllle, Mo.
Born Quincy, 111., July 11, 1867; dau. Col. Rufus L. and Francos L. (Pitney) Miller; ed. Beaver (Pa.) Coll.; m. Minneapolis, Feb. 6, 1890, Edwin A. Knapp. Ex-rec sec. Ind. Fed. of Clubs; vice-chairman Press Com. Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs; chairman Dep't of Publicity of D.A.R. Nat. Old Trails Road Com. Mem. D.A.R., Order Eastern Star, Kansas City Equal Suffrage Ass'n; suffrage propagandist. Clubs: Kansas City Athenaeum, Parkville Literary. Episco- palian. Actively interested in tenement housing conditions, child welfare, In the improvement of
��country life conditions, and in the establishment of State and national laws for women on the same basis as for men. KN.APP, EUa .\dclaide, Kalamazoo. Mich.
Teacher; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., 1861; dau. George and Ad-elaide (Sawyer) Knapp; ed. School- craft High School, Kalamazoo Coll., A.B. '88; Univ. of Mich., A.M. '90-, Ph.D. '99. Prof, of English, Univ. of South Dakota, 1384-87; head dep't of English, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1890-97; head dept of En^ish Language and literature in Pa. Coll for Women, 190*J-04; associate prof, rhetoric in Goucher Coll., 1904-11. Author: The Speech of the Special Occasion; also various articles on educational and literary subjects contributed to current periodicals. Mem. of college and kindred organizations. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; director Coll. Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Baltimore, 1908-10; one of the chairmen of Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Kala- mazoo Co., Mich., 1912-13; active in the suffrage campaign. liJs'AI'P, Gertrude Allen (Mj-b. Lebbeus J.
Knapp), B014 Fifteenth Av., N.E., SeatUe,
Born Leonidas, Mich.; dau. M. D. and Martha M. (Knight) Allen; ed. Albion (Mich.) Coll.; Syracuse Univ. A.M. (Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Albion, Mich., Lebbeus J. Knapp; one daughter: Martha Gertrude. Teacher of languages, modern and ancient, for several years. Interested in for- eign mission work in the Methodist Episcopal Church; mem. Parents' Club. Against woman suffrage. Writer of short stories and poems in various daily newspapers; composer of words of Montana State Song. Mem. Degree of Honor, Seattle Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. Recreation: Writing. Clubs: Century (Seattle); pres. 1910-12 Coterie (Seattle). One of founders of the Woman's Club of Missoula, one of the largest clubs in the State; first vice-pres. and acting pres. Montana State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1904-05; mem. Board of Education, Mis- soula, 1903-05. KNEFLER, Cynthella Isgrig (Mrs. Dan W.
Knefler), 1024 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St.
Louis, Mo.
Social worker; b. Marshall, Mo., June 30, 1872; dau. John N. and Mary E. (Kile) Isgrig; ed. Monticello Sem., Godfrey, 111.; m. EH Paso, Tex., June 4, 1901, Dan W. Knefler. Mem. Self- Culture Hall (settlement) and almost all the social organizations, such as Pure Milk Com- mission, Tuberculosis Soc, Soc. for Social Hy- giene, etc.; organizer and pres. of Woman's Trade Union League; vice-pres. Nat Woman's Trade Union League. Favors woman suffrage. One of the organizers of the present movement, and sec. of Equal Suffrage League of St. Louis and campaign manager for Mo. Mem. Wednes- day Club (St. Louis). KNEIFEL, Lulu Phelps (Mrs. Burt G. Knlefel),
441 Park Av., Kent, O.
Born Ravenna, O., Aug. 30, 1875; dau. I. H. and Rose (Wolcott) Phelps; ed. Akron High School and Akron Normal School; m. Akron, 0., June 28, 1905, Burt G. Kneifel. Against woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Horse driving, riding. Clubs: Kent Coterie (federated). Art. KNEIL, Caroline (Mrs. Thomas R. Knell), 230
Nelson Av., Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Born Enosburg, Vt., Dec. 7, 1860; dau. Chlpman Robert and Marcla (Wright) Hawley; ed. Troy Conference Acad., Poultney, Vt. ; m. Johnsonvlile, N.Y., Jan. 5. 1882, Thomas R. Kneil; children: Thomas Hawley, Margaret Mary, Philip Colburn, Robert Chipman, Caroline Marcia. 'Teacher of women's Bible class; director public playground; incorporator and trustee of Skidmore School of Art."?; chairman board of managers St. Christina School. Episcopalian. Pres. Saratoga Springs Motliors' Club; mem. Saratoga Women's Ass'n and Ladies' Reading Circle; chairman Fourth Dist. N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Saratoga Chapter D.A.R. KNEI.ZOW, Minnie I.. (Mrs. August J. Knel-
zow), 3748 Humboldt Av., Chicago, 111.
Born Chicago, Nov. 13, 1872; dau. Paul F. A. and Sophia (Kuhlmahn) Pundt; ed. Chicago pub-