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��KITE, Elizabeth S., Morton, Pa.

Field worker for the Psychological Research Dep't, Vlneland, N.J. ; b. Philadelphia, Pa., I>ec. 4, 1864; dau. James and Mary Anna (Bonwill) Kite; ed. Westtown Boarding School, and courses in England, Frajice, Germany, Switzerland; had scientific training under Dr. H. H. Go-ddard, Di- rector of Research, Vineland, N.J. Has been employed under the commis^ner of charities and corrections for the State of N.J. in the in- vestigation of a problem of degeneracy. Has taken active interest in Catholic settlement work, especially among Italians. Mem. Am. Catholic Hist. Soc, Intemat. Catholic Truth Soc., Catho- lic Working Girls' Club, Maria Mitchell Ass'n of Nantucket, Mass. Recreations: Gardening, walking. Roman Catholic. Has written maga- zine articles, reports, etc.

KITE, Eva Mary (Mrs. Thomas Kite), Chelsea

Place, Delhi, Cincinnati, O.

Born White River Junction, Vt., Dec. 22, 1851; dau. George Warren and Mary Anna (Mills) Bugbee; ed. private schools in New England, three years In Notre Damo Convent, Cincinanti; m, Delhi, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1871, Thomas Kite; two children: BMith, b. Jan. 24, 1881; Howard, b. Feb. 24, 1882 (both deceased). Organist In Epls- coj>al Church, Fern Bank, Cincinnati. Mem. Co- operative Board Children's Hospital, Cincinnati. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. (now Vice-President General from Ohio). Recreation : Music.

KITSON, Theo Alice Bugsles (Mrs. Henry

Hudson Kitson), Quincy, Mass.

Sculptor; b. Brookline, Mass., 1871; dau. Cyrus Washburn and Anna Holmes (Baker) Ruggles; ed. in public schools of Brookline, Mass. ; studied sculpture under H. H. Kitson and Dagnan- Bouveret, Paris; m. June 29, 1893, Henry Hudson Kitson. Received honorable mention for her work exhibited at the Paris Bxposiition, 1889, and the Paris Salon, 1890, and two medals were awardai to her by the Mass. Charitable Mer- chants' Ass'n. Has exhibited in the principal art exhibitions, including Nat. Acad, of Design, Soc. Am. Artists, Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts (Philadelphia), Art Inst. of Chicago, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, etc. Has been much employed in statues, portraits and medallions and complete soldiers' monu- ments commemorative of the Union soldiery of the Civil War, including State monument to the 29th, 35th and 3eth Regiments of Mass. Volunteers on the field at Vicksburg (National Military Park); medallions of several Union gen- erals on the Sherman monument at Washington; statue of volunteer on Soldiers' Monument at Newburyport, Mass.; Soldiers' Monument at Ashburaham and Sharon, Mass. ; Walden and Goshen, N.Y., and Pasadena, Cal. ; also statue of "Minute Man of 1776," Framingham, Mass., and monument erected by Univ. of Minn, to its students who were In the Spanish-American War, and others. Mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc., Copley Soc. of Boston.

KITTS, Harriet Elizabethi Walrath (Mrs.

Charles Adams Kltts), 11 University Place,

Schenectady, N.T.

Director of music; b. Syracuse, N.Y. ; ed. in schools of Syracuse, N.T., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '85; grad. Oswego Normal School, '02; m. June 4, 1886, Charles Adams Kitts (now deceased); one daughter. Teacher and director of music, Schenectady High School, since 1902. Writer of ^ort stories, sketches and magazine and news- paper articles.

KLAPP, Elinor Evans (Mrs. William K. Klapp),

80 W. Fortieth St., N.Y. City.

Designer of art objects; b. Philadelphia, 1848; dau. Robert E. and Elinor (Allen) Evans; ed. Friends private schools; m. Philadelphia, Will- iam H. Klapp; children: Eugene, William, Allen Lawrence. Mem. Society of Friends Church, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Nat. Sculp- ture Soc, Nat. Soc. of Craftsmen, Museum of French Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Fa- vors woman suffrage.

��ItLEINSTUCK, Caroline I. Mubbard (Mrs. C. G. Klelnstiick), 2003 Oakland Drive, Kalana^azoo, Mich.

Bom Kalamazoo, Mich., July 26, 1855; dau. Silas and Mary 0. (Doomis) Hubbard; ed. Univ. of Mich., B.S. '75, M.S. '76; m. May 3, 1883, Carl G. PCleinstiick ; children: Irene M., Frieda, Carl Hubbard, Pauline. Mem. Board of Trustees of Church and of Civic League; vice-chairman of Associated Charities; mem. Charity Ckim. of Mich. State Fed. of Clubs; treas. PubUc Improvement Com., appointed by City Council to make social survey of city. Mem. and officer of D_A.R. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; chairman of lecture and literature for district of eleven counties during recent campaigns; director of City Suffrage Ass'n; mem. of Board of Collegiate Suffrage Ass'n.

KLENK, Sophie GottUebe, 239 New York Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Physician; b. Union, N.J.; dau. August Fred- erick and Sophie Dorotiiea (Warnlcke) Klenk; ed. public schools and N.Y. Med. CoU. and Hospital for Women; Memorial Hospital for Women and Children; Alumnae Ass'n N.Y. Med. Ck)ll. and Hospital for Women. Has lectured on Sex Hygiene to Mothers' Clubs and on Hygiene in the home and schools. Actively interested in settlement work. Child Labor Com., Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, Consumers' League, Child Welfare Ass'n, Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Science, Woman's Auxiliary to Damrosch Symphony Concerts for Children, Brooklyn Ethi- cal Soc., Nat Sanitary MUk Com., N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs. Pres. Anna Shaw Equal Suffrage League; mem. Woman's Political Union, N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n, Nat. Suffrage Ass'n, Kings Co. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n, Kings Ck). Headquarters Ass'n. Mem. Ethical (Culture Soc, Soc. for Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis; visiting physician to Brooklyn Bureau of Charities Nur- sery; visiting physician to Broolilyn Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n Nursery; Brooklyn Hahne- mann Ass'n. Recreations: Art, club work, home- keeping, music, literature.

KLINE, Effl© Ober (Mrs. Virgil P. KUne), cor- ner Overlook Av. and Morning Road, Cleve- land, O.

Born Sedgwick, Me., 1843; m. 1888, Virgil P. Kline. In 1872 entered the American Literary Bureau as cor. sec. ; in 1879 organized the Bos- ton Ideal Opera Co. ; retired from business in 1885. KLINE, Fannie Talbot Littleton (Mrs. Linus Ward Kline), temporary address, 9 Sumner Road, Cambridge, Mass.; permanent, 1931 B. Fifth St., Duluth, Minn.

Born Farmville, Va., Jan. 10, 1869; dau. Rev. Oscar Littleton and Alice M. (Bernard) Littleton; ed. public and private schools in Va. , State Nor- mal School, Farmville, Va., '89; Cornell Univ., B.S. 1900; studied chemistry with Dr. J. W. Mal- let, Univ. of Va., private lessons and three summer seasons, 1892-96 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Suffolk, Va., Jan. 23, 1902, Linus Ward Kline. Taught Martha Washington (Joll., Abingdon, Va., 1889-92; teacher chemistry and physics, State Normal School, Farmville, Va., 1893-1902. Interested in religious work in Metho- dist (3hurch. Mem. Board Directors of Y.W.C.A., Duluth, Minn., for nine years, oflacer and com- mittee worker; has been active in the Duluth Branch Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, as officer and committee worker. Author: A Remarkable Mo- lecular Change in a Silver Amalgam; A Method of Determining Starch by Means of the Iodine Reaction. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Ladies' Literature Class, Duluth, Minn. KLINE, Mary Frances (Mrs. J. S. Kline), 218 S. Gates St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born Elmira, N.Y., July 4, 1842; dau. Jones and Mary Ann (Goodwin) Dodge; ed. Genesee Wesleyan Sem., whose connectioned college, Genesee Coll., graduated the first woman to re- ceive the degree with the same honors with men; m. Doniphan, Doniphan Co., Kan., Rev. J. S. Kline, Methodist minister; children: Mary Ann, Minnie Alice, Harry Hollister, Lais Frances, Thslla Edmonia, Charles Earle, William. Meth- odist. Mem. of church societies since childhood, all missionary societies of church, musical and


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