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��KIBKBRIDE, Elizabeth Butler, 1406 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia; dau. Dr. Thomas Stony and EUiza Ogden (Butler) Kirkbrlde; ed. Bryn Mawr, A.B. '96. Ass't to the auditor Pa. Co. for Insur- ances on Lives and Granting Annuities (trust and safe deposit company), 1897-1905. Alumnse mem. Board of Directors of Bryn Mawr Coll.; mem. Board of Directors Civic Club of Philadelphia; mem. Board of Directors Soc. for Organizing Charity. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Pres. CoUege Club of Philadelphia.

KIRKER, NeUie Wiles (Mrs. Ernst Thorton Klrkeri, Ripley, Brown Co., O. Bom Ripley, Ohio, Jan., 1864; dau. Newton P. and Juliette B. (Hathaway) Wiles; ed. Ripley and Wesleyan Coll. ; m. Ripley, June 16, 1887, Ernst Thorton Klrker; one daughter: Juliette Belle. Mem. State Library Eiitension Commit- tee; through her Influence and work a library has been established in her home town. Favors woman suffrage. Presby teinan ; mem. church socs.; pres. Progress Club; mem. Social Club. KIRItLAJJD, CaroUne, 26 E. Walton PI., Chi- cago, 111.

Writer; b. Syracuse, N.Y. ; dau. Joseph and Theodosla B. (Wilkinson) Klrkland; ed. Miss E. S. Kirkland's School in Chicago. Favors Woman suffrage. Mem. Exec. Com. North Side Branch 111. Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Some African High- ways, 1908. Honorary mem. Friday Club of Chicago.

KIRKLAND, Wtoifred Margaretta, Box 554, Balnbrldge, N.Y.

Author; b. Columbia, Pa.; dau. George Henry and Ernxna (Reagan) Klrkland; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; studied at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898--1900. Author: Polly Pat's Parish, 1907; Introducing Corinna, 1909; Home-comers, 1910; various essays in Atlantic; various stories In Youth's Com- panion and other magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. Monday Afternoon Club, Binghamton, N.Y. KIRKPATBICK, Florence Wynn (Mrs. Joseph Paucett Klrkpatriok), Brandywine Summit, Delaware Co., Pa.

Born West Chester, Pa., Nov. 21, ISSO', dau. I. N-ewton and Ella Bva (Bishop) Wynn; grad. West Chester High School, '97; Swarthmore Coll., B.A. '01; m. N.Y. City, May 29, 1907, Josei^h Faucett Klrkpatrick; children: Florence (de- ceased), Joseph Wynn. Interested in the colored race, country schools and architecture, having spent some years with an architectural firm In Philadelphia. Presbyterian. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. of DUworthtown Pres- byterian Church. Recreations: Driving, fox hunting, baseball, walking. Favors woman suf- frage. Interested with husband In farm manage- ment; also in squa.b raising, having a large plant.

KIUKPATRICK, Marion Powers (Mrs. William Arber-Brovvn Klrkpatrick), 407 Fenway Stu- dios, Boston, Mass.; summer. Friendship, Me. Artist; b. London, England, of American par- ents; dau. of Orville W. and Carolyn (Stickney) Po'wers; educated in London and Paris; m. 19()9, William Arber-Brown Klrkpatrick. In 1904 her picture entitled Trfesors was purchased by the French Government for the Luxembourg Mu- seum. Came to America to live, October, 1906. In 1907 was awarded the Walter Lippincott prize at the Pennsylvania Acad, ot Fine Arts for pic- ture entitled A Tea Party; silver medal at Inter- nat. Exposition at Buenos Ayres, 1910. Has exhibited at the Royal Acad., the Paris Salon, and the leading American exhibitions. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Copley Soc, Boston. Associate mem. of the Am. Fed. of Arts, Wash- ington.

KIRKPATRICK, Mattle Gaston, 936 N. Stat« St., Jackson, Miss.

Teacher of music and expression, public reader; b. Canton, Miss.; dau. Dr. James Gaston and Juliette Caroline (Stebblns) Klrkpatrick; ed. rrammar and high schools. Canton, Miss.; Ward's Bern., Nashville, Tenn., M.A.; special courses In Vanderbilt Univ., Boston Univ., New England Conservatory, Sherwood Conservatory, Chicago

��Univ. Recording sec. for two years of Methodist Hospital Board; pres. three years of Review Club; recording sec. of Woman's Literary Club one year; recording sec", and later cor. sec. of Chaminade Club, several years; pres. Research Club two years; delegate to Nat. Fed. of Music Clubs at Memphis (Tenn.) meeting; delegate to Miss. State Fed. of Clubs five times. Active in church, missionary work. Christian Elndeavor, Epworth League, Sunday-school, Y.W.C.A., Y.M.C.A., Civic League, all branches of charity, including relief ass'ns, day homes, free kinder- gartens, girls' homes, rescue homes, old ladies' homes, Methodist Hospital. Writes for news- papers and magazines. Mem. U.D.C., Daughters of Veterans, D.A.R,, Alumnae Ass'n of Ward's Sem., King's Daughters. Clubs: OhamLnade, Re- search, Fortnightly, Sans Souci; formerly mem. Revle\v College Woman's Club, Woman's Liter- ary and Wednesday Music Club. Re<^reatlon8 : Walking, mtountain climbing, horseback rWlag, tennis, rowing, driring, reading, traveling, Qower culture, gardening, chicken raising. MAthodlst. Favors woman suffrage; mom. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n In Jackson, Miss.; formerly recording sec. of Miss. State Suffrage Ass'n. Democrat. KIRKWOOD, Edith Brown (Mrs. Samuel Ken- nedy Klrkwood), Riverside, III. Society editor Chicago Tribune; b. Columbia City, Ind. ; dau. Eli Wise and Nancy (Douglas) Brown; ed. public schools of Ind., followed by private instruction; m. Riverside, 111., June 6, 1905, Rev. Samuel Kennedy Klrkwood (died Jan. 24, 1907); one son: Samuel Brown Kirk-wood, b. May 2, 1907. Organizer and hon. pres. of Sun- beam League of Chicago, one of the important charitable organizations composed of young women In Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Author of book of verse (Animal Children) for children; also fairy stories and either children's stories and magazine articles of general Interest published in Saturday Evening Post, American, Collier's, Designer, Delineator, Woman's Maga- zine, Good Housekeeping, Suburban Life, Drees, Town and Country, Wom-n's Home Companion, and other publications. Presbyterian. Recrea- tion: Music.

KIRTLAND, Mrs. Ira Boshnell, 229 W. lOlst

St., N.Y. City.

Born Newport, Me., May, 1860; dau. Ira B. and Emily (Tenny) Philbrook; ed. in country school in Newport, Me.; m. Ballston, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1907, Ira Bushnell Kirtland. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Unitarian Church. Active In social service of the Church of the Messiah. Mem. Woman's Alliance of Middle States; Woman's Branch Alliance, Church of the Mes- siah; Social Series of the Flower Hospital. Clubs: Friday Night Social of the MeeslsJi, Woman's Republican Ass'n, Woman's Forum, Mozart Soc., Nat. Geog. Soc. of Washington. D.C.

KITCHELT, Florence Ledyard Cross (Mrs.

Richard Kitchelt), 4 Falrvlew Heights,

Rochester, N.Y.

Social worker; b. Rochester, N.T., Dec. 17, 1874; dau. Frederick Holland and Jennie Ledyard (Wilcox) Croes; ed. High SchooJ, Rochester, N.Y.; Wells Coll., A.B., '97; N.Y. School of Philanthropy (summer course), 1900; m. Roches- ter, N.Y., June 24, 1311, Richard Kitchelt. Scholar (College SetUement, N.Y. City, 1300-02; bead worker. Little Italy House, Brooklyn, one yew; head worker, Italian settlement, "Housekeeping Center," 1907 to Jan. 1, 1910, Rochester. Mem. Board Habncmar.n Hospital, Consumers' League Ck)m. of Woman's Educational Industrial Union; chairman of the Woman's City Lunch Club; worker for trades unionlFm, woman suffrage and socialism. Mem. Political Ekjuality Club. Au- thor: Poetry in the Boston Common, September, 1910; The Twentieth Century, September, 1512; The Public, Sept. 20, 1912. Prose: The World's Work, April. 1912. On editorial board of "Hie Cksmmon Good, a Rochester magazine with ob- ject, "Know Your City." Unitarian. Socialist Mem. College Woman's Club. Social work has been among immigrants, esp>eclaUy Italians; now registrar and social worker In evening public school for foreigners.


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