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��N.Y. City; m. South Church, N.Y. City, April 22, 1902, Howard Thayer Kingsbury; children: Howard Thayer Jr., b. Sept. 11, 1904; Ruth Oliver, b. Oct. 30, 1906. Mem. various literary, musical and artistic organizations. Favors wo- man suffrage. Author of one book of verse and various magazine articles, etc., published under nom-de-plume. Episcopalian. Recreations: Rid- ing, driving, swimming, dancing, miniature painting, sailing.

KINGSBURY, Marguerite Hempstead (Mrs. B.

F. Kingsbury), 2 South Av., Ithaca, N.Y.

Born Meadvllle, Pa., Oct. 28, 1876; dau. Ernest Alexis and Annie Mary (Warner) Hempstead; ed. Meadville public schools, Allegheny Coll., Prep- aratory School of Allegheny Coll., Meadville; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. 1900 (Sigma Xi, Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Meadville, June 22, 1904, Prof. B. F. Kingsbury; children: Marguerite, b. Oct. 8, 1905; Ernest Hempstead, b. Nov. 9, 1907; Robert Freeman, b. June 26, 1912. Favors woman suffrage.

KTNGSBUBY, Susan Myra, 110 Hancock St.,

Cambridge, Mass.

Professor; b. San Pablo, Cal., Oct. 18, 1870; dau. Willard Belmont Kingsbury, M.D., and Helen Shuler (DeLamater) Kingsbury; ed. Col- lege of the Pacific (academy and college), A.B. '90; Leiand Sauford Jr. Univ., A.M. 'Phi Beta Kappa), '99; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '05 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Teacher of history, San P'rancisco Lowell High School, 1892-1900; In- structor in history, Vassar Coll., 1904-05; con- ducted investigation for Mass. Commission on [nduscrial and Technical Education, 1905-06; in- structor in history and economics and head of dep't, Simmons Coll., 1906-07; assistant, asso- ciate prof, and prof, of economics, Simmons Coll., from 1907. Director Dep't of Research, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Bos- ton, 1909; mem. Board of Directors of the North Bennet St. Industrial School, Boston; mem. La- bor Com. Twentieth Century Club; mem. execu- tive committees of Mass. Labor Legislation Ass'n, Boston Social Research Council, Boston Branch Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; pres. New England History Teachers Ass'n, 1911. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Editor: Records of Virginia Company of Lon- don; supervisor of investigation and author of report on Relation of Children to the Industries (in Report of the Mass. Commission on Indus- trial and Technical Education), 1906. Editor: Labor Laws and Their Enforcement; Series on Econo'mic Relations of Women, etc. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Am. Economics Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Horseback riding, driving.

KINGSLKY, Bessie Cook (Mrs. Sherman C.

Kingsley), 1400 Judson Av., Evanston, 111.

Born Detroit, Mich., Oct. 12, 1868; dau. Otis L. and Mary (Raynolds) Cook; ed. Wellesley Coll. A.B. '90; Pratt Inst., library course, '94; mem. Zeta Alpha; m. Aug. 28, 1895, Sherman C. Kings- ley; children: Elizabeth, Frances Josephine. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Congregationallst. Mem. Woman's Club of Evanston, Drama Club, Chi- cago Wellesley Coll. Club, Univ. Guild of EJvanston.

KINGSLEY, Florence Morse (Mrs. Charles Raw- son Klngsley), Westerleigh, Staten Island, N.Y. (summer. Lake Hopatcong, N.J.). Author; b. Poe, O., 1859; dau. Jonathan Brad- Icy and Eleanor (Ecob) Morse; ed. Whitestown Sem. ; Wellesley Coll., class of '81 (mem. Zeta Alpha); m. Utlca, N.Y., 1882, Charles Rawson Kingsley; children: Charles Ryerson, Jr.; Donald Morse, Grace Eleanor, James Morse, John Brad- ley. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Titus, a Comrade of the Cross, 1895; Prisoners of the Sea, 1896; Stephen, 1897; Paul, 1898; The Cross Triumphant, 1900; The Transfiguration of Miss Philura, 1900; An Unrecorded Miracle; Kindly Light (collections of short stories), 1901; The Needle's Eye, 1902; Wings and Fetters, 1903; Tor, 1906; Truthful Jane, 1906; The Intellectual Miss Lamb, 1904; The Singular Miss Smith, 1905; Balm in Gllead, 1906; The Princess and the Ploughman, 1907; Those Queer Browns, 1906; The Resurrection of Mlsg Cynthia, 1907; And

��So They Were Married, 1908; The Glass House, 1909; The Star of Love, 1909; To the Highest Bidder, 1910; Those Brewster Children, 1910; Francesca, 1911; Wilhelmina Changes Her Mind, 1912; Miss Philura's Wedding Gown, 1912. Mem. of Union Church. Mem. Wellesley Club (N.Y. City), Fortnightly (Staten Island). KINGSLEY, Frances Hubbard, 12 Leyfred Ter- race, Springfield, Mass.

High school teacher; b. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 19, 1878; dau. John Chester and Frances (Hubbard) Kingsley; ed. Springfield public schools; Smith Coll., B.A. Teacher of Greek and Latin, Palmer (Mass.) High School, 1901-04; teacher of Greek and Latin, Newburyport (Mass.) High School, 1904-09; teacher of Latin and Greek, New Bedford (Mass.) High School, 1909-11; teacher of Latin in Central High School of Springfield, Mass., since 1911.

KINK AID, Mary Holland (Mrs. John Klnkald), 509 W. 121st St., N.Y. City. Writer; b. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Dec. 31, 1861; dau. John and Nettie (Simpson) McNeish; ed. In private and public schools, Wllkes-Barre and Philadelphia; m. February, 1891, John Klnkald; one son: John Holland Klnkald, b. Feb. 19, 1894. Served as editorial writer, copy-reader, Sunday editor and feature writer on staffs of Omaha World-Herald, Chicago Inter-Ocean, Milwaukee Sentinel, Los Angeles Herald, Denver Times; associate editor Butterlck publications. Ass't State Sup't of Public Instruction, Colo., 1897-98. Favors woman suffrage. Worked in campaign for suffrage in Colo.; has been a suffragist since 1886 and has belonged to organizations In Colorado, California and New York. Author (novels): Walda; The Man of Yesterday. Demo- crat. Mem. MacDowell Club of N.Y. City, Southern California Woman's Press Club.

KINKEAD. Eleanor Talbot, 422 Second St.,

Lexington, Ky.

Author; b. Fayette County, Ky. ; dau. Judge William B. Kinkead and Elizabeth de la Fon- taine (Shelby) Kinkead; ed. at home and In State Coll. of Ky. Author: Florida Alexander; Wings of the Morning; Young Greer of Kentucky; The Invisible Bond; The Courage of Blackburn Blair.

KINKEAD, Elizabetli Shelby, 423 Second St.,

Lexington, Ky.

Author, lecturer; b. Fayette Coimty, Ky.; dau. Judge William Bury Kinkead and Elizabeth de la Fontaine (Shelby) Kinkead (descendant in fourth generation from Gov. Isaac Shelby, distinguished Revolutionary ofiicer); ed. under instruction of her father and in State Coll. of Ky. Lecturer on English in the State Coll. of Kentucky, also in Chautauqua courses in N.Y. and Kentucky. Author: History of Kentucky, 1896. KINNEY, Charlotte Pearl Conkright (Mrs.

Charles Arthur Kinney), Des Moines, la. Jan. 7, 1886; dau. George W. and Emma (Childs) Conkright; ed. Ionia public .school; Art Inst, of Chicago (academic); Art Inst. Normal Course; m. July 21, 1913, Charles Arthur Kinney. Prof, of drawing and painting, Art School of Drake Univ., 1309-10; director of art, 1910-12; lecturer on art; won several competitions for book and magazine Illustrations. Interested In various societies for the preservation of Am. birds, humane societies, etc. At present pre- paring the manuscript for Outlines for the Teaching of Art In the Public Schools; author of several articles on different phases of art teaching and art education. Mem. Art Students' League, Alumni of Chicago Art Inst., Pro- fessional Woman's League, League for Medical Freedom. Recreations: Sketohiilg, boating, hunting with a camera, studying birds and ani- mals in their natural haunts. Christian Scien- tist. Against woman suffrage. KINNEY, Eunice Draper (Mrs. John Mozart

Kinney), 248 Beach St., Revere, Mass.

Physician; b. Southampton, N.B., Sept. 29, 1852; dau. James and Katherine (Schriver) Draper; grad. Boston Training School for Nurses IfvSl; Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, M.D. '90 post-grad. Tufts Coll. Med. School, June 13, 1896 m. Boston, Aug. 6, 1884, ex-Senator John Mozart Kinney. Edited Journal called The Nurse, 1891


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