��maater-gen., 1860-61); nine children — survivors: Emma King-Gray, Alice King-Hanway, Susan King-Norton, Clara King-Litchfield, Mabel King- Brown; sixteen grandchildren. Manager Indus- trial School Ass'n Home for Destitute Children (chairman Music Com.) ; sec. 12 years of Prison- Ship Martyrs' Monument Ass'n (still sec); founded Long Island Soc. D.R. (regent four years); active from the first in securing Prison- Ship Mairtyrs' Monument in Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. Anti-suffragist. Congregation- alist. Mem. Plymouth Church, Brooklyn; charter mem D.A.R. and Daughters of the Revolution. Mem. Brooklyn Woman's Club. KING, Fannie Bayly (Mrs. "William Wayt
King), Kalorama, Staunton, Va.
Born Staunton, Va., Sept. 27, 1864; dau. Ed- mund Wilson and Edmonia (Bell) Bayly; ed. Mary Baldwin Sem.; m. Oct. 4, 1888, William Wayt King; one son: Edmund Bayly. Presby- terian. Mem. of two church societies and of Ladies' Auxiliary to the Y.M.C.A. Mem. Civic Club, Visiting Nurse Ass'n; vice-pres. Virginia Library Ass'n; State pres. Women's Rivers and Harbors Congress; former pres. Virginia State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Suffrage Club. KING, Florence Lord (Mrs. Landreth H. King),
157 Park Av., Orange, N.J.
Born N.Y. City, Aug. 7, 1872; dau. Manton E. and Susan J. (Carlisle) Lord; ed. Dearborn-Mor- gan School, Orange, N.J.; Smith Coll., B.L. '95 (mem. Alpha Soc.) ; m. Orange, Nov. 9, 1899, Landreth H. King; children: Helen, Ruth Rod- ney. Mem. Governing Board Consumers' League, N.Y. City; Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; vice-pres. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, 1907-09; second vice- pres. Women's University Club (mem. Governing Board); mem. Equal Franchise Soc, Collegiate Equal Suffrage League, Governing Board Visiting Nurses' Ass'n of Orange, College Settlement Ass'n, Smith College Club of N.Y. Presbyterian. KING, Florence Rich (Mrs. George R. King),
41 North Beacon St., Allston, Mass.
Organist and social service worker; b. Worces- ter, Mass., Sept. 6, 1869; dau. Henry H. and Mary L. (Bullard) Rich; ed. Boston public schools and Normal, and at School for Social Workers, Boston; studied organ harmony and theory with Everett E. Truette, Boston; m. Cam- bridge, Mass., May 12, 1896, G'orge R. King. Taught in a Boston grammar school, 1891-1902; organist and director Berkeley Temple, Boston, 1897-1907; organist Congregational Church, Win- chester, Mass., 1907-08; organist and director Baptist Church, Brookline, Mass., 1908^. Teacher of organ and piano. Mem. Union Church, Boston, interested in its women's work; does social service work for women at Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston. Con- gregationalist, Mem. Am. Guild of Organists. Clubs: Monday Evening, Graduate. KING, Grace Xlllzabeth, 1749 Coliseum Place,-
New Orleans, La.
Author; b. New Orleans, La., 1852; dau. William Woodson and Sarah Ann (Miller) King (of Scotch, French, English and Irish ancestry) ; reared on her father's plantation in lower Louisiana and educated privately there and in New Orleans. Formerly for years sec. of La. Historical Soc; was prime mover in the centennial celebration of the cession of Louisiana to the b'nited States in 1903; banded the society women of the State into an association and ga/e a balj which re- produced the costumes, niusic an 'I .le'-'orations of the preceding 100 years. Author: Monsieur Motte; Tales of Time and Place; Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville, the Real F >\inder and First Governor of Louisiana (in Makers of America series); De Soto in the Land of Florida; Iperville; New Orleans, the Place and the Peo- ple; Balcony Stories; also (in collaboration with Prof. Ficklen of Tulane Univ.): School History of Louisiana; Stories from the History of Louis- iana.
KING, Helen Dean, 17 ElUott Av., Bryn Mawr,
Biologist; b. Owego, N.Y., Sept. 27, 1869; dau. George A. and Leonora Louise (Dean) King;
��grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '92; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.M., Ph.D. '99; grad. student in biology, Vassar Coll., and ass't in biological laboratory, 1894-^; grad. scholar in biology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895- 96; grad. student in biology, 189S-97 and 1901-06; fellow in biology, 1897-98, and fellow by courtesy in biology, 1898-1901. Teacher of science Miss Florence Baldwin's school, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1899-1907; univ. fellow for research in zoology, Univ. of Pa., 1906-08; Investigator, Wistar Inst, of Anatomy an-d Biology, Philadelphia, 1908-09; ass't in anatomy, 1909-10; assoc. in anatomy, 1910-12. Publications deal chiefly with regenera- tion, development of germ cells in vertebrates and the problem of sex determination. Episco- palian. Mem. Am. Soc. of Zoologists; fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Maine Biological Ass'n, Phi Beta Kappa. KING, Uda Shaw, The Women's College,
Brown University, Providence, R.I.
Dean of women. Brown Univ.; b. Boston, 1868; dau. Henry Melville King, D.D. (Baptist clergy- man), and Susan Helen (Fogg) King; grad. Vas- sar, A.B. 'SO; Brown Univ., A.M. '94; Litt.D., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1912; fellow Vassar Coll., 1894-95; graduate student Harvard Univ., 1897- 98; Bryn Mawr fellow, 1899-1900, and Agnes Hoppin Memorial fellow, 1900-01; in Greek at Am. School, Athens, Greece. Teacher Vassar, 1895-97; Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1898-99 and 1901-02; dean of Women's Coll., Brown Univ., 1905 — . Ass't prof. classical philology, 1905-09; prof, classical literature and archaeology, 1909 — . Mem. Board Directors R.I. School of Design, Board Directors R.I. Hospital; mem. of Corporation of Butler Hospital for In- sane; a director of Providence District Nursing Ass'n. Contributor of articles in Journal of Archaeology and in Education. Author: The Higher Education of Women (in report of South- ern Educational Conference), 1909. Baptist. Mercu Archajological Inst, of America, Women's Club of R.I. (Providence), Women's University Club (N.Y. City), College Club (Boston). KING, 1-oulsa Yeomans (Mrs. Francis King),
Orchard House, Alma, Mich.
Born Washington, N.J., Oct. 17, 1863; dau. Rev. Alfred and Eli2tabeth (Ramsey) Yeomans; ed. private schools; m. Orange, N.J., June 12, 1890, Francis King; children: Elizabeth, Henry W., Frances. Has written several articles on gardening, contributed to Garden Magazine of N.Y. ; The Garden Movement in America During the Past Ten Years (for Cyclopedia of Horti- culture); lecture on Color in the Flower Garden, delivered before the Mass. Horticultural Soc, Boston. Mem. Am. Forestry Ass'n, Mich. For- estry Ass'n, Nat. Civic Ass'n, Am. Gladiolus Soc, Am. Rose Soc, Am. Peony Soc. Pres. Garden Club of Mich. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. KING, Mary Cutts Howard (Mrs. Robert Watt
King, 104 Elm St., Montclair, N.J.
Born Brattleboro, Vt., Feb. 22, 1865; dau. Abel Trumbull and Anna (Cutts) Howard; ed. Tilden Sem., St. Katharine's Hall, Brooklyn (distin- guished in Latin); m. Brooklyn, N.Y., April 22, 1889, Robert Watt King; children: Robert Pep- perrell, Edith Margaret, Margaret. Directress Home Missionary Soc. ; mem. Consumers' League, McAll Ass'n. Against woman suffrage. Presby- terian Mem. Montclair Colony of New England Women. Clubs: All Round (pres. 1910-12), Fort- nightly Book. KING, Nina Ansley, 1749 Coliseum Place, New
Orleans, La.
Born New Orleans, La.; dau. W. W. and Sarah Ann (Miller) King; ed. by Miss Mlta D. Huger, who opened a select school in 1870. Ac- tive mem. of the Y.W.C.A.; pres. of the South- ern Women's Economic and Political Science Ass'n. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Democrat. Mem. "Mrs. Nell's" Book Club. KINGSBURY, AJLlce Gary Bussing (Mrs. How- ard Thayer Kingsbury), 24 E. Sixty-nrst St.,
N.Y. City; country, Sands Point, L.I., N.Y.
Bom N.Y. City, Dec 2, 1872; dau. Abram and Emma (Frost) Bussing; grad. high school, Mont- clair. N.J., and Peebles and Thompson School,