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��KIMBERLAND, Angle Graham (Mrs. H. May-

nard Klmberland), 623 Main St., Wheeling^,


Born Charleston, W.Va., Dec. 4, 18S1; dau. Christopher Bream Graham, D.D., and Antlonette Augusta (Hill) Gruham: grad. Wheeling High School, 99; W.Va. Conference Sem., Buckhannon, W.Va., 1900; Ohio Wesleyan Univ., B.L. '03 imem. Delta Delta Gamma and Delta Nu Inter Sorority and Clionian) ; m. Wheeling, W.Va., Aug. 8, 1906, H. Maynard Kimberland (manager Union Central Life Insurance Co. for W.Va.); one son: Kendall Graham, b. Oct. 15, 1908. Chairman State Coll. Alumnte. Methodist. Char- ter mem. board of directors Y.W.C.A. ; pres. Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n of Wheeling; treas. W.Va. Federation of Women's Clubs. Clubs: Woman's Literary, Wednesday Musical, Woman's (charter mem.). KIMUROUGH, Carolyn Lowe Vroom (Mrs. T. B.

Kimbrough), 735 W. Reed St., Moberly Mo.

Born Toronto, Can., Jan. 19, 1847; dau. Tunis L. and Carolyn (Lowe) Vroom, ed. Mt. Pleasant Coll., Huntsvllle, Mo., A.B. '65 (valedictorian of class); m. Huntsvllle, Mo., Mar. 7, IS75, ";;. B. Kimbrough (lawyer), children. Roscoe H. Klui- brough, b. AprU 22, 1,S82; OllTe Van Vroom Kimbrough, b. Oct. 25, 1885. Has led movements In religious, social and philanthropic work In Moberly and Huntsville. Favors woman suf- frage. Methodist. Mem. D.A.R, Recreation- Literature. Pi-es. Shakespeare Club; mem. Sorosis Clab. KINO AID, Bess Beardsley (Mrs. Gerry T. Kln-

cald), Corry. Pa.

Born Ithaca, N.Y., June 25, 1879; dau. John Davis and Cynthia Jane (Emmons) Beardsley; ed. Ithaca High School, Cornell Univ., A.B. '03; post-grad. 1904 (joint editor of 1903 Comellian; mem. Delta Gamma); m. Aug. 1, 1908, Gerry Thaddeus Kincald. Taught Latin two years at Sheridan, Wyo., and one year in Corry, Pa., where was principal of the High School. Clubs: Btratford Shakespeare, New Era, Quaere, also Woman's Club of Sheridan, Wyo. Presbyterian.

KINDRED, EUa Cramer (Mrs. John Joseph Kindred), River Crest, Astoria, L.I., N.Y. City. Born Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; dau. George E. and Mary A. (Barnes) Cramer; ed. Lyndon Hall, Poughkeepsie; Vassar Coll., A.B. ; law dep't of Stetson Univ.; m. Luzerne, Switzerland, July 10, 1902, John Joseph Kindred, M.D.; one son; John Cramer. Mem. of League for Civic Education of Women; pres. of Astoria Branch of Needlework Guild of America. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Wife of Democratic mem. of House of Representatives, U.S.A.; mem. Vassar Aid Soc., Associate Alumnas of Vassar Coll., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Clubs: Women's University (N.Y. City), Congressional (Washington, D.C.).

KING, Annie Farrar Van Sweringen Barret

(Mrs. Robert B. King), 4512 West Pine Boule- vard, St. Louis, Mo.

Born SL Louis, Mo., Oct. 15, 1S4,3; dau. James fle la Tour and Martha Jane (Farrar) Van Swer- Ingen (descendant In paternal line from Capt. Gerrit de la Tour Van SwerinC'in, who left Am- sterdam, Holland, In 1656 with supplies- for Ite Dutch settlers at New Amsterdam, but losing bis vessel on the American coast, escaped from the wreck and landed on the Maryland coast, .1oin- ing the Maryland colonists; on maternal side from the FaiTars and other prominent Virginian families); ed. at Miss Bayard's School, Phila- delphia, and Mme. Oakhlll's in N.Y. City; m. (1st) St. Louis, Arthur Buckner Barret, who was .Mayor of St. Txiuijs at the timo of his death In 1875; children: Martha Van Sweringen Barret (who married John M. Frost and is now de- ceased), James Van Sworingen Barret and Arthur Buckner Barret; m. (2d) Robert B. King. Char- ter mem. St. Louis Woman'* Club; mem. Soc. of Colonial Uainea, DAP.. Rom.an Catholic. KING, Cora Smftli (Mrs. Judoon KIcO, «X, The Olynipta, Washloifron, O.C. Physiclaji, surgeon; b Rockford, 111. Sefi-t 7, 1867; dau. Col. Eliphaz and E)nnjia (Barnes) Smith; grad. Nat. School of Elocutioti ani Ora- tory, PhUadelphia (Bachelor of Bawntiou), '85;

��Univ. of N.Dak., B.S. '99: Boeton Univ. School of Medicine, M.D. '92; m. Seattle, Wash.. 1313, Judson King (sec. Nat Referendum League); one adopted daughter: Sylvia Smith Kins. Prac- tised in Grand Forks, N.Dak., 1893-96; Minne- apolis, Minn., 1896-1906; In Seattle, Waah., 1906- 12; now in practice in Washington, D.C. Inter- ested In domestic science. In unique caxaptLiga for votes in the Dist. of Columbia, where all men and women are disfranchised; talks and writes on food values, dress, household devices. Ha^ written medical articles: part author of Washington Women's Cook Book, wlileh helped finance suffrage campaign of 1910; writes arti- cles on domestic science subjects. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homoeopathy, Am. Ass'n of Official Surgeons, Nat. Council of Women Voters. Clubs: Mountaineers (Washington), Sierra of Cal., Sin- gle Tax, Seattle and Washington, D.C. Recrea- tions: Mountaineering, horseback riding, walk- ing. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; funda- mental Democrat; voted Progressive; mem. Diet. Suffrage League, College Equal Suffrage League; State pres. N.Dak. Woman Suffrage Aaa'n, State pres. Minn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1897; Nat. Auditor Nat Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; now treas. Nat. Council Women Voters; w*s treas. Washington Equal Suffrage Ass'n; led the dele- gations from the nine suffrage States in suffrage parade. Mar. 3, 1913, Washington, D.C, riding horseback with tanner of Nat Council of Wo- men Voters; was first to carry Votes for Women banner to top of Mt. Rainier In Cascade Moun- tains, Wash.

KXNG, Cornelia Boanell Greene (Mrs. Paul King), 279 Tulpehocken St., Germantown, Pa, Born Philadelphia, Dec. 28, 1873; dau. Stephen and Martha M. (Houston) Greene, ed. Bryn Mawr (3oll., A.B.; m. (Jermantown, Pa., June 4, 1907, Paul King; one son: Paul King Jr., b. 1909. Interested in all Evangelical Christian work and in all work for the betterment of labor condi- tions. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Public Education Ass'n, Bryn Mawr AluzonaB Ass'n, Consumers' League, American Ass'n for Labor Legislation, also Pensylvania Ass'n, Grenfell Ass'n of America, Women's Christian Ass'n, Young Women's Christian League. Recreations: All out-door diversions. Episcopalian. KING, Kleaaor AugnHta Friak (Mra Eustace Eugene King), 304 W. Louisiana St, Mc- Kinjaey, Tex.

Piano and pipe organ teacher; b. Crystal Springs, Miss., July 11, 1854; dau. Alexander Hamilton and Sarah Jane (Dodds) Frlnk; ed. Crystal Springs Inst, with, honors m. Crystal Springs, May 8, 1877. Rev. Eustace Eugene King; children: JgJnuna Corin, Conant Meigs, Eustace Eugene. Active In Chrtstian. social and phil- anthropic work; leader in local Christian ac- tivities and in Dist Ass'n Ohrlstiaa work and in local social work, especially in behalf of the poor; active In efforts to prcTent cruelty to ani- mals, to hare Sunday observed and to promote the prohibition of the sale and drinking of in- toxicants. Has written articlea for local papers and several papers fur clubs and socleUeo. Mem. liadles' Aid Soc, Augusta King: MlBsioD Soc., Owl Club (former pres). Recreation: Summer Taoations at quiet retroatB, Baptist Farors woman suffrage. Prohlbltioaljjt

KING, KiTJom B., Hit Txlbott Av , Indianapo- lis, Ind.

Artist, b. Indianapolis, Tod.; dMi, BJd'warti and Rebecca J. (Suydam) King; studied art in Art Studentjs' l>«i)fue, N.7. City, iind Id Par»«, France. Enerase*) In art worlt tmr 30fn«« jfsaxt in Student*} Leacofs N T. Ctt» onsniL Woman's Art Club. U.t. City, aaaoctat<>< m^ns. Soc. Western Artiflts; mem Over the Teaeoiw Club Uncllanapolld).

KINO, Esther Howard (Mrs. Horatio C. King),

46 Willow St., Brooklyn, X.Y.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. John Tasker and S'jsau TaykT (Raymond} Ho^-ard; ed. Miss Sarah .Porter'6 fJchool «t FB.rinlnj:ton, Conn., 1859-65; mem. Farmlngton Lodge and Sewing Soc. of N.-? ; itL BrooUyr^ NT., 1866, G«a. Horatio C. King (son of Iloratlo King, post-


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