��for Aged Women. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumna (R.I. branch), R.I. Smith Coll. Club, also Wednesday Club (debating soc). KIMB.VLL, Ellen Imogen Hay ward (Mrs. Will- iam Hale Kimball), 206 Mississippi St., Daven- port, Iowa,
Born Davenport, Iowa; ed. In schools of Daven- port and Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; m. Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 19, 1900, William Hale Kimball; two sons. Former pres. Tuesday Club of Davenport, Iowa.
KIMBALX, Frances Ay era (Mrs. Gordon Kim- ball), Ouray, Colo.
Teacher of housekeeping; b. Akron, O., July 25, 1S42; dau. Justin and Angelina (Clark) Ayera; ed. Twlnsburg (O.) Inst; Summit Co., O. ; m. (1st) Denver, 1S71, Dr. R. W. Sweet; (2d) Iowa City, 1881, Gordon Kimball. Teacher of several grades; prin. Iowa City High School, 1875-81; mem. of City School Board in Ouray, Colo., 15 years; first woman to hold this oflBce on Western Slope. Active worker in Episcopal Guild; pres. Ouray Woman's Club nine years; founded a chapter of D.A.R. in 1906, and has been regent ever since; assisted in forming chapter of D.A.R. in 1906, and has been regent ever since; assisted In forming chapter of D.A.R. in Mont- rose, Colo. ; also In sajne town was active in organizing the Civic Improvememt Soc. Author: Course of Study for the High School and Grades of Public Schools in Ouray, Colo. Mem. Ad- visory Board of Child Home Soc., Denver; viee- pres. Walsh Public Library Board since Its opening, 1901. Mem. Ouray Woman's Club, CUolian Club of Montrose and Whist Club. Rec- reations: Reading, cards, mountain cUiobing. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Suffrage League. RepubUcan. KIMBAIL, Grace Niebahr, 337 Mill St., Pough-
Physician ;" b! Dover, N.H., 1855; dau. Richard and Elizabeth (Hale) Kimball; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of N.T. Infirmary, M.D. '92. Mis- sionary in Vau, Turkey, 1882-88, and med. mis- sionary same place, 18S2-96. Ass't physician Vassar Coll., 1896-1900. Practising physician In Poughkeepsle, N.Y., since 1900. Pres. Board of Trustees Bcwne Memorial Hospital (for tubercu- losis), Poughkeepsie; pres. Y.W.C.A. of Pough- keepsle 13 years; mem. Am. Playground Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; mem. N.Y. State Suf- frage Ass'n, Poughkeepsie E^qual Suffrage League, College Equal Suffrage League. ESpisco- palian. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Soc, Dutohess Co. Med. Soc., Poughkeepsie Acad, of Medicine, Nat. (Jeographic Soc., Poughkeepsie Board of Health (chairman Hos- pital Com.), Tuesday Club of Poughkeepsie. Conducted during the Armenian massacre of 1895-96 extensive industrial relief work In East- ern Turkey and did much public speaking and writing after return to America. Now speaker on suffrage, tuberculosis, Y.W.C.A., public health, etc. KIMBALL, HMumh Parker, 29 Chestnut St.,
Boston, Mass.
Author; b. Boston, Mass., Apr. 25, 1861; dau. M. Day and Susan TUlinghast (Morton) Kim- ball; ed. private schools In Boston, followed by special work In literature at Cornell Univ. and abroad. Interested specially In trade organ- ization of women, trade education of children; Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Cup of Life and Other Verses, 1892; Soul and Sense (verses), 1896; Victory and Other Verses, 1S97. Mem. Authors' League of America, Women's Trade Union League, Boston Authors' Club. Recreations: Wood-carving, canoeing.
KIMBALL, Kate Fisher, 420 W. 119th St.
(office, 23 Union Sq.), N.Y. City.
Secretary; b. Orange, N.J., Feb. 22, 1S60; dau. Horace and Mary D. K. Kimball; grad. Plainfield (N.J.) High School, 1877. Exec. sec. Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle since 1878. Has edited The Round Table in The Chautauqua, 1899-1909. Has written yearly reports of the Circle. Author: An English (jathedral Journey, 1911.
��KIMBALL, Luella D. (Mrs. Henry D. Kimball), Kimball College of Theology, Salem., Ore. Born Chicago, 111. ; dau. Sainuel and Hannah F. (Kettlestring5) Dunlop; ed. public school and Mt. Carroll (111.) Sem. ; m. 1883, George L. East- man; (2d) 1903, Rev. Dr. Henry D. Kimball. Erected a college building on the campus of Willamette University for the Kimball Col- lege of Theology. Pres. of Columbia River Branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of the M.E. Church. Mem. Salem Woman's Club. Methodist. Against woman saffrage. KIMBALL, Maria Brace (Mrs. James P. Kim- ball), Onteora Club, TannersvlUe, N.Y. (win- ter, 1657 Thirty-first St., N.W., Washington, D.O.
Bom Penn Yan, N.Y., July 20, 1852; dau. Claudius B. and Harriet (Taylor) Brace; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '72 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. N.Y. City, Feb. 3, 1892, Dr. James P. Kimball, U.S.A. (died April 19, 1902); one son: Philip Brace, b. Governor's Island, N.Y., Sept 1, 1898. Teacher in English department (elocution) in Vassar Coll., 1880-85; visited Conservatoire in Paris as listener in dramatic dep't, 1883. In- structor in elocution and lecturer on dramatic literature In Am. Acad, of Dramatic Arts; lec- turer on French theatre and dramatic literature in schools; teacher of elocution in Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1883-92. Against woman suf- frage. Author: A Text Book of Elocution and various contributions to periodicals. Episco- palian. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnas, Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll., Women's University Club, N.Y. City; the Meridian Club, N.Y. City; the Onteora Club, Tannersville, N.Y. KIMBALL, Martha Smith, Union St and South Road, Portsmouth, N.H.
Social worker; b. Portsmouth, N.H., Feb. 28, 1870; dau. Edward Payson and Martha (Thomp- son) Kimball; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '92; Ports- mouth schools. Sunday-school teacher; volun- teer teacher in Evening School for Foreigners; pres. Girls' Club Ass'n; mem. of Playground Com. ; Social Survey Com. ; Woman's dnh Houfte. Mem. N.H. Conference of Charities and Correc- tions, Nat. Child Labor Com., Am. Ass^ for Labor Legislation, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, Coll. Settlement Asa'n, Smith Coll. Alumnffi Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alomnae, past pres. and director of Graffort Club; pres. Civic Ass'n; mem. College Club (Boston). Rec- reations: Golf, automobiling. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Portsmoulii Equal Suffrage Xjcague; director of N.H. College Equal Suffrage League; pres. N.H. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n.
lilMB.ALL, Matie E. (Mrs. Charles A. Kim- ball), 1026 Pay-ntz Av., Manhattan, Kan. Writer, lecturer; b. Baldwin, Kan., Feb. 23, 1871; dau. William H. and Lydla Elizabeth (Murphy) Toothaker; ed. Olathe High School, Kan. ; State Agricultural Coll. ; m. Kansas City, 1902, Charles A. Kimball; children: Gloria Lil- lian, Mary Marcine, Solon Toothaker. Asso. editor Courtland Register; book reviewer Colum- bia (Tenn.) Times: special writer for papers. Lecturer for peace and Netw Thought move- ments, social philanthropic work, and cajnpaigned State for suffrage and made addresses for Pro- gressive Party. Pres. Fifth Dist Equal Suffrage Assn; mem. State Executive Board. Author. Leaves. Mem. New Thought Church. Recreations: Reading, walking. Mem. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, Kansas Day Club, Woman's E*rods Club, Domestic Science Club, State EJqual Suffrage Club (Kansas) ; pres. Kan. Council of Women (a federation of thewom.-u's organi;:ations of State). KIMBALL, Llyra Weeton, 420 Jefferson St, Green Bay, Wis.
Public health nurse; b. Green Bay, Wis., Sept. 7, 1875; dau. Charles T. and Hannah Elizabeth (Carwthorne) Kimball; ed. Green Bay public schools; course in pharmacy, Univ. of Wis., Ph.G. ; grad. Women's Hospital Training School for Nurses, Saginaw, Mich. Started public health nursing in Green Bay, with most of time spent in school nursing. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Alumni Ass'n of Woman's Hospital, Saginaw, Mich.