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��of fourteen writers). Recreations: Swimming, walking. Favors woman suffrage; mam. Women's Political Union, N.Y. City.

KEYES, Resina Flood, 149 Allen St., Buffalo, N.Y.

Surgeon; b. Apr. 18, 1870, Elmira, N.Y. ; dau. David C. and Mary E. (Flood) Thro (grand- daughter of Dr. P. H. Flood, noted surgeon of EJlmlra, N.Y.); grad. Convent, Elmira, N.Y. ; Univ. of Buffalo, M.D., May 4, 1896 (mem. Alumni Ass'n); widow. Dispensary house physi- cian. West Buffalo, 1S96-1910; surgeon in diseases of women, Buffalo Gen. Hospital; attending ob- stetrician, Erie Co. Hospital. Instructor in medi- cal dep't Univ. of Buffalo. Through her efforts the Erie Co. Hospital, In 1911, admitted women as medical Internes. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality Club, Buffalo, N.Y. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Clinical Congress of Sur- geons of America, Buffalo Acad. Medicine, Erie Co. Med. Soc.. N.Y. State Med. Ass'n, Women's N.Y. State Med. Ase'a. Recreations: Music, travel. Assoc, mem. Daffodil Branch Internat. Sunshine Soc. First woman to do abdominal surgery in Buffalo, N.Y.

KEY8ER, H»rTiett« A., 416 Lafayette St., N.Y.


Social worker, writer; b. N.Y. City, July 21, 1841; dau. John and Harrtette Ward (Dixon) Keyser; ed. N.Y. City schools, Cooper Union (art dep't), woman's law class of N.Y. tJnlv. •Taught in public schools, 1858-62; basinees secre- tary. 1875-87; registrar Teachers Coll., Colum- bia Univ., 1888-91. Was one of organizers, 1893, and is now vice-pres. of Church Ass'n for Ad- vancement of the Interests of Labor. Favors woman suffrage. Was one of (wganizers of N.Y. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1893-95. Author: On the Borderland; Thorns in Your Sides; Bishop Potter, the People's FViead. Episcopalian.

KIBBEY, Bessie Juliet, 2025 Massachusetts Av.,

Washington, D.C.

Born Washington, D.C; dau. William R. and Juliet Kinkead Rokohl KTbbey; ed. Washington private schools, Mt. Vernon Sem. Mem. Wash- ington Chapter of the National Cathedral ; mem. Dist. of Columbia Branch Woman's Welfare Dep't Nat. Civic Federation, Prisoners' Aid. Identified with various religious, social and phil- anthropic activities. Mem. Board of U.S. Gov't Asylum for the Insane; chairman Admissions Com., Home for Incurables. Charter mem. Red Cross Soc, when first reorganized was meim. Board of Trustees; vice-pres. George Washing- ton Memorial Ass'n; life mem. Archaeological Soc. and Navy League; mem. Nat. Geographic Soc, Columbia Historical Soc, Soc for Preser- vation of Virginia Antiquities, Am. Federation of Arts, Washington Soc. of Fine Arts, Audubon Soc, Alliance FYanQaise, Washington Club, Chevy Chase and Montgomery Country Clubs. Episco- palian. Favors limited suffrage.

KIBBEY, Minnie Gertrude (Mrs. William Beck- ford Klbbey), Klbbey Bldg., Marshalltown, la. Born Boston, Mass., May 28, 1855; dau. John and Amelia (Wrfch) Federken (of ancient Eng- lish and old Colonial lineage); ed. in Boston and Hingham High School and Shakford private fin- ishing school and under governesses and private tutors, travel and study abroad; m. East Boston, Oct. 17, 1878, Dr. William Beckford Kibbey; chil- dren: W. B. Jr., Richards Carroll, Blscoe Al- bertson, Harold Sturtevant, Gerald Sturtevant, Gladys Gertrude. Mem. Ladies' Episcopal Guild, Iowa Children's Home; chairman State Com. and mem. Nat. Com. Children of the Reipubllc; Nat. Historical Research Soc, D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Ethical Development of Reli- gion; Appeals for Children of the Republic Work; poems and travel articles. Class poet of Hingham High School Alumnae and editor of paper for sev- eral terms. Episcopalian. Mem. Mary Washing- ton Memorial Ass'n; charter mem. George Washington Memorial Ass'n; mem. Colonial Dames of America; mem. State Com. on Child Study of Iowa Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames Resident in Iowa; pres. Rebecca Bates Soc, Children of the Am. Revo- lution, Underbill Soc. of N.Y., Golf and Country

��Club, Twentieth Century Club, Marshalltown Historical Soc Clubs: Hawthorne Literary (ex- pres.); pres. Der Deutsche Unterhaltungs Kreis; vice-pres. City Fed. of Woman's Clubs; historian and ex-regent Spinning Wheel Chapter D.A.R. First directress Children of the Republic (club for boys in Iowa, organized by her in 1908; now nine clubs); also organized first society Sons of the Republic In Virginia. Recreations: Horse- back riding, rowing, swimming, walking, dancing, theatre, reading, travel. KrLIANI, Lilian Bayard Taylor (Mrs. Otto

G. T. Kllianl), 44 W. Seventy-seventh St.,

N.Y. City.

Bom Gotha, Germany, Aug. 3, 1858; dau. Bay- ard Taylor (famous American author) and Marie (Hansen) Taylor; ed. in schools abroad; Anna C. Brackett's School, N.Y. City; Vassar Coll.; Victoria Lyceum, Berlin; Art Students' I.ieague, N.Y. City; pupil of Yakobldes, Mtinlch; m. Frled- sichroda, Germany, Aug. 12, 1887, Otto G. T. Killanl; children: Richard Bayard Taylor, b. May 6, 1888; Gladys, b. AprU 16, 1892 (died 1899) Studied etching In Munich; mem. Ladies' Auxil- iary of German Hospital, German Hospital Nurses' Aid Ass'n; for two years pres. German Governesses' Home Ass'n; mem. German House- wives' Soc. ; mem. Executive Com. of former Household Research Soc. Internat. sec. Nat. A^s'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage; hon. mem. Nat. League Opposed to Woman Suffrage, Lon- don, England. Author: On Two Continents: A Sheaf of Poems; translations from German and French poets. Mem. Woman's Municipal League, Woman's Dep't Nat Civic Federation, Am. Acad, of Political Science, Ladies' Auxiliarv to Am. Museum of Natural History; life mem.' Art Students' League; mem. Lyceum Club, London. KXLPATRICK, Mana Buckle Needels (Mrs. William Marvin Kilpatrlck), Owosso, Mich.

Born Groveport, Ohio; dau. Cyrus Fay and Eva (Ruckle) Needels; ed. Ohio State Univ., B.Ph. '90; active mem. Browning Soc and held the prominent offices; m. Three Rivers, Mich., June 30, 1897, William Marvin Kilpatrlck, at- torney; children: Eva Katherine, Mana Frances. Taught high school seven years, history and English; organized the Woman's Club; was pres. six years. Interested in all projects for bettering the city; distributed flower seeds to school chil- dren. Favors woman suffrage. Was vice-pres. of Shiawassee County organization in 1912. Con- gregationalist. Republican. Charter mwii. of the D.A.R. organized in Owosso, Oct. 15, 1907 (now regent of chapter); helped open Y.W.C.A. rest rooms, 1909; held flower show. Recreations: Afternoon clubs and church and other social functions. An active Sunday-school worker; attended three State Sunday-school conventions. KIMBAXL, Mrs. A. B., Greensboro, N.C.

Born Oak Ridge, N.C, June, 1872; dau. W. 0. and Martha (Lanier) Donnell; ed. Oak Ridge Inst. Greensboro Female Coll. ; m. Oak Ridge N C ' Dec, 1892, A. B. Kimball. Active in work for civic improvement, having served two years as chairman Civic Dep't Woman's Club of Greens- boro, N.C., and two years as State chairman Dep't of Civic N.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Methodist Protestant Church. For two years has worked to stimulate an interest among the women of North Carolina for development along the lines of organizing the children for civics, establishing playgrounds, the sanitation and beautifying of home grounds, lawns, public squares, parks, etc. Has offered prizes for the most attractive yards, hedges, shrubs, roses, school gardens, etc. Has urged the observance of Civic Day, Mar. 10, with appropriate exercises to stimulate an interest in the work of the town and rural communities of the State. KIMBALL, Alice, 16 Montague St., Providence,


Bom Providence. Sept 30, 1876; dau. James C. and Maria B. (Moore) Kimball; grad. Providence public schools; Smith Coll., B.L. '99. Has had Sunday-school class for eight years; has taught in Working Girls' Club (Sprague House Senior Club) since 1902; has been on Vacation House Com. of the R.I. Ass'n of Women Workers for six years; rec. sec. board of managers for Home


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