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��Mem. Order Eastern Star, Methodist E)piscopal Missionary Soc. ; county pres. W.C.T.U. Recrea- tions: Reading, walking, talking. Mem. Emer- Bon Club. KEBCHEVAL, Rebecca C. (Mrs. Frank Kerche-

val), Sheridan, Ind.

Bom Deming, Hamilton Co., Ind., May 12, 1870; dau. E. C. and Susannah (Sheridan) Hiatt; ed. Hamilton Co. dist. school and Union High School, Westfleld, Ind.; m. Hamilton Co., Ind., July 12, 1890, Edgar Cammack, (died 1893); m. (2d) Mar. 22, 1897, Frank Kercheval, prof, of high school; children: Georgiannah and Herbert Cammack, Letha and Mabel Kercheval, and Don- ald (adopted). Taught school. Fayors womcin suffrage. Contributor to magazines on: Home Government; Mother's Influence in the Home, and Eugenics; also some poems of praise. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church and Woman's For- eign Missionary Soc. Pres. Tourist Club (largest and strongest in city); through it and other clubs a new town library is being erected. KEBLIN, Jenney Gilbert (Mrs. Ward Dix Ker-

lin), 314 State St., Camden, N. J.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 1, 1878; dau. John Bellamy and Catharine Russell (Nye) Gilbert; grad. Cornell Univ., class '02 (Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Devon, Pa., Sept. 2, 1302, Ward Dix Kerlin; children: Ward Dix Jr., Catharine, Gil- bert. Interested in the Theta Alumnae Ass'n of Philadelphia; mem. Nassau Chapter D.A.R., Bay View Reading Circle, Woman's Club of Camden, Camden Civic Club. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; pres. of Equal Suffrage League ot Camden, State legislative chairman of Camden County. KERN, Edith Kingman (Mrs. Joslah Qulncy

Kern), 1825 P St., N.W., Washington, D.C.

Lawyer, author; b. Woodstock, 111.; dau. Adoniram Judson and Sarah Matilda (Cronkhite) Kingman; ed. public and normal schools and Washington Coll. of Law, LL.B. '07; m. Wash- ington, D.C, 1903, Josiah Quincy Kern. Was teacher in Illinois before taking up law studies; mem. bar of Dist. of Columbia since 1907; also on faculty of Leojean Coll. ot Washington. Newspaper contributor; author of l>ook of travels: Little Journeys to Alaska, 1897. Mem. League of Am. Pen Women, Professional Woman's Club, College Club, Twentieth Century Club. KERR, Evelyn Nichols (Mrs. Frank M. Kerr),

353 Fulton Av., Hempstead, L.I., N.Y.

Writer and lecturer; b. Chester, N.J. ; dau. William Hanford and Margaretta (Dawson) Nichols; ed. Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., B.S.; m. Clinton, N.J., Sept. 6, 1892, Rev. Dr. Frank Melville Kerr; one son: Stuart M., b. 1893. Lecturer and reader; has lectured at Waldorf- Astoria and before women's clubs. Recreations: Golf, friends, books. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. KERB, Harriet Bower, 138 Hawthorne St.,

Edgewood, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. James and Mary Helen (McKee) Kerr, Jr.; ed. Dilworth Hall Preparatory School and Pennsylvania Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, A.B. '05 (class pres., busi- ness manager of college publication. The Soro- sis). Since graduation t'wice on board of editors of the Alumnas Recorder, which is the year book of the Pa. Coll. for Women Alumnse. Presby- terian. Mem. Woman's Coll. Club of Pittsburgh, Decade Club II. of Pa. Coll. for Women. Favors woman suffrage. KERR, Mabel Buslmell (Mrs. Jajnes B. Kerr),

637 Terrace Road, Portland, Ore.

Born July 9, 1870; dau. Allen R. Oregon and Mary F. (Sherman) Bushnell; ed. Univ. of Wis., 1888-91, B.L. '91 (meim. Delta Gamma); m. Madi- son, Wis., Sept. 6, 1893, James B. Kerr; children: Katharine Hope, Elizabeth Bushnell. Has taken part in affairs of local branch and Nat. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae; representative on Port- land Social Service Council, which Is active In educational and municipal matters. Mem. Trinity Episcopal Church and various church guilds, Portland Women's Union, Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Mothers' Club. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Episco- palian. Recreation: Gardening.

��KERB, Mina, Milwaukee-Downer College, Mil-

waTikee, Wis.

College dean; b. Saville, Pa., Sept. 25, 1878; dau. Lewis B. and Elizabeth (Wagner) Kerr; grad. Walton Wellesley School, Philadelphia, '96; Smith Coll., B.A. (scholarship) 1900; Univ of Pa., Ph.D. (scholarship and fellowships) '09. Head English dep't Hood Coll., Frederick, Md., 1900-06; head English dep't Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la., 1909-10; dean of Milwaukee-Downer Coll., Milwaukee, Wis., 1910 — . Actively inter- ested in work in college and city Y.W.C.A., and in various lorms of social work, as probation, settlements, teaching of eugenics and hygiene, clubs for working girls. Author: The Personal Element in College Work, 1911; The Influence of Ben Jonson on English Comedy, 1912. Presby- terian. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Ass'n of Coll. Alamnie, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Coll. Alumnte Ass'n of Univ. of Pa., Wis. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Clubs: Down Town, City (Milwaukee).

KETCHAM, Susan M., Studio 1010 Carnegie Hall, N.T. City (summer, Ogunquit, Me.). Artist; b. Indianapolis, Ind.; dau. John Lewis and Jane (Merrill) Ketcham; ed. by Katherine Merrill, Indianapolis; studied art at Art Students' League of N.Y., under William Chase; out-of- door work with Charles W. Woodbury, Ogunquit. Four years vlce-pres. Art Students' League of N.Y.; five years cor. sec. Woman's Art Club of N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republican. For 22 years mem. of Fine Arts Soc. of N.Y. City; life mem. of Art Students' League. Pictures owned privately in Boston, N.Y. City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and other cities. Clubs: N.Y. Art Workers' for Women, Daughters of Indiana in N.Y.; life mem. (designed the club exhibits in many of the principal cities of the U.S.); Portrait of My Mother (World's Fair, Chicago); A Marine, Stern and Rockbound Coast (St. Louis Fair); awarded club prize Woman's Art Club; Ruth Payne Burgesa prize, Mary B. EUing prize (all first prizes). Pictures owned by the John Herron Art Museum, Indiajiapolis, Vincennes (Ind.) Art Ass'n, etc.

KEUCHENMEISTEB, Mathilde Brinker (Mrs.

Gustav A. Keuchenmeister), West Bend, Wis.

Born Paris, France, Aug. 15, 1848; dau. Henry and Emile (Wilmes) Brinker; ed. Chicago, 111.; grad Chautauqua, N.Y., in a reading course; m. Fillmore, Wis., July 17, 1873, Gustav A. Keuchen- meister; children: Clara, Florence, Martha, Emma, Gustav, Hugo. Taught school nine years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Order Eastern Star; has been sec. 13 years of German Meth- odist Episcopal Verein. Recreation: Study of langua.ges. Mem. West Bend Woman's Clu'b, has been dist. vice-pres., now mem. Club Ex- tension Committee.

KEYE8, Emma Willard Scudder (Mrs. Edward L. Keyes), 109 E. Thirty-fourth St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, Feb. 27, 1871; dau. Hon. Henry J. and Emma (Willard) Scudder; ed. private schools In N.Y. City and N.Y. School of Applied Design for Women (course in architecture); m. N.Y. City, Dr. Edward L. Keyes; children: Ed- ward L. Keyes, b. 1899; Emma Willard, b. 1902; Elizabeth Heulett, b. 1905; Alexander Lough- borough, b. 1911. Against woman suffrage. Catholic. Mem. Emma Willard Ass'n.

KEYES, Helen Johnson (Mrs. John M. Keyes), 40 Gramercy Park, N.Y. City, or care of The Crowell Co., N.Y^ City.

Fireside editor of Farm and Fireside; b. N.Y. Ci^y, 1874; dau. Oliver and Jane M. (Abbott) Johnson; ed. Miss Ballow's School, N.Y. City, 1886-90; abroad, 1890-95; m. Ammagansett, L.I., 1906, Dr. John M. Keyes; children: Oliver John- son, b. 1907; John Michael, b. 1909; Jane Abbott, b. 1911. On editorial staff of Historian's History of the World, 1904; Indexed testimony of insur- ance examinations conducted by Judge Hughes, 1906. Author: Monk of the Aventine, 1895; Life of Napoleon III., 1896; Articles in Warner's Li- brary of World's Best Literature, 1897; Articles on the Operas in the Scrap Book, 1906-07. Waa sec. to Mr. Gutzon Borglum, 1911-13; since then with Farm and Fireside. Mem. Candidail (soc.


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