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��KENNEY, Flora Bate (Mrs. J. Frank Kenney),

810 Mechanic St., Emporia, Kan.

Church and concert organist; b. Hudson, Mich.; dau. George and Anna (Bosworth) Bate; grad. city schools, St. Joseph, Mich., 1882; grad. Albion Coll., Mich., '84; studied pipe organ with Clarence Eddy; piano with William H. Sher- wood; m. Emporia, Kan., Jan. 18, 18SS, John Frank Kenney. Awarded diploma and medal by U.S. Columbian Commission for passing ex- pert jury as organist and pianist on Oct 26, lS9ci, at World's Fair, Chicago. &ave recital In Woman's Building. Played at World's Fair in St. Louis. 1904. Organist of First Congr^a- tionalist Church, Emporia, Kan.. 1892-1911. In- terested in church and social activity, eapeciaJly musical interests; individual mem. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Board of Directors of Lyon Co. Equal Suf- frage Ass'n. Congregationalist. Progressive in politics. Colleague Am. Guild of Organists; mem. Nat. Ass'n of Organists; mem. Kansas State Music Teachers' Ass'n, Fourth Dist. vice- pres. Woman's Kansas Day Club (1912); mem. Research Club, Emporia, Kan.; City Fed. of Emporia, Kan.

KENNEV, MabeUe King (Mrs. James Kenney),

Wellston, Okla.

Artist; b. Nortonville, Kan., Dec. 7, 1884; dau. Leroy P. and Elizabeth (Troutman) King; ed. Bethany Coll., Topeka, Kan.; Kldd-Key Coll., Sherman, Tex.; Okla. State Univ., Norman, Okla.; m. Wellston, Okla., Dec. 22, 1906, James Kenney. Opposed to woman suffrage. Pres. two years of Wellston Improvement Club.

KENOWER, Letitia Brawley (Mrs. John Pur-

viance Kenower), Huntington, Ind.

Born Warren, Ind., Aug. 28, 1868; dau. Lewis James and Mary (Wilson) Brawley; ed. Hunt- ington High School, Vassar Coll. ; m. Jan. 29, 1891, John Purvlance Kenower; children: Mary Louise (deceased), Josephine, John Lewis. In- terested In religious, philanthropic and social service activities. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. D.A.R. (regent 1910-12); mem. Associated Charities, Ladies' Guild, Monday Club (oldest In Huntington), the Mothers' Cul- ture Club; chairman Eleventh Dl»t. of Clubs, 1910-12; now State chairman of Parent-Teactiers' work in Ind Fed. of Clubs; assoclational sec. for Indiana Baptist Missions.

KENT, ^ima M. (Mrs. William G. Kent), Union

Springrs, N.Y.

Superintendent; b. Fleming, N.T.; dau. Albro and Cynthia (Clark) Nichols; ed. district, select and Cortland Normal schools; m. Union Springs, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1877, William G. Kent. Teacher in public schools about 25 years; teacher of Teadi- ers' Training Class; school oommissioner three years; school sup't, Teaohei- In the Sunday- school and mem. Board of Stewards in M.E. Church. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Republican. Mem. Star of Cayuga, Order East- ern Star, No. 339, Union Springs, N.Y. Was first womaji In N.Y. State to secure a nomination and election for any office through the Ptepublican Party; nominated by Republicans for school commisaioner (district of 13 towns) and endorsed by Democratic Party.

KENT, Elizabeth Thacher (Mrs. William Kent),

Kentfield. Cal.

Born Netw Haven, Conn., Sept. 22, 1868; dau. Thomas- A. and Elizabeth B. (Sherman) Thacher; ed. private schools in Connecticut; m. OjaJ Val- ley, Cal., Feb. 26, 1890, William Kent; children: Albert, Thomas T., Elizabeth S., William Jr., Adaline D., Sherman, Roger. For 15 years worked as chairman Charitable Section and In other capacities for All Souls" Church and the Abraham Lincoln Centre, Chicago; school trustee three years in Cal. Mem. Woman's Club, Chi- cago; Tamalpais Centre Woman's Club, Con- gressional Club. Favors woman suffrage; chair- man for Marin Co. of Club Woman's Franchise League, 1911; chairman Congressional Com. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage A*s'n, 1911-12, In Waah- Ington, D.C.

��KENT, Gertrude (Freeman) Hall (Mrs. Roland Grubb Kent), 204 St. Mark's Sq., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Quincy, Mass., 1874; dau. Isaac Freeman and Amelia (Mead) Hall; grad. Raddlffe Coll., A.B. '98; Univ. of Pa.; grad. student 1901-03; m. North Adams, Mass., July 12, 1904, Roland Grubb Kent. Episcopalian. Clubs: Philadelphia Col- lege, Philadelphia Radcliffe, Ass'n of Collegiate AJumnae.

KENT, Grace Helen, Sterling, Mass.

Psychologist; b. Michigan City, Ind., June 6, 1875; dau. Evarts and Helen M. (Beckwlth) Kent; ed. Univ. of Iowa, A.B. '02, A..M. '04; Harvard Psyoholog^lcal Laboratory, one year; George Washington Univ., Ph.D. '11. Her psychological researches have been conducted In institutions for the Insane. Author: A Study of Association In Insanity (Am, Journal of Insanity); Habit Formation In I>em€ntia Praecox (Psychological Review). Mem. Am. Psychological Ass'n, A.A.A.S.

KENT, Juliet Crossett (Mrs. Arthur W. Kent), 221 Harvard Av., Swarthmore, Pa. Bom Ohicago, Mar. 20, 1880; dau. John B. and Ella (Hawley) Crossett; grad. Cornell, A.B. '03 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Warsaw, N.Y., June 16, 1906, Arthur W. Kent; children: John Crossett, Constance. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Swarthmore Suffrage League; mem. Soc. of Fnends, Kai>pa Alpha Theta, Alumnae Ass'n, Woman's Club at Swarthmore, Suffrage League, College Suffrage League, Cornell Alumnae Ass'n.

KENT, Louise Leonard (Mrs. Henry T. Kent),

Clifton Heights, Pa.

Born Oharlestown, Mass., Feb. 12, 1867; dau. Capt. Nahum and PhcEbe Jane (Coweu) Leon- ard; ed. Bridgewater, Mass.; m. Bridge water, Mass., Oct. 1, 1885, Henry T. Kent; children: Henry T. Jr., Everett L., Russell H., Evelyn, Warren T., Rosamond K. Mem. Daughters of the Revolution, .Mayflower Soc, Twentieth Cen- tury Olub, Lansdowne, Pa. Swedenborgian. Favors woman suffrage.

KENTON, Edna Baldwba, 240 W. Fifteenth St.,

N.Y. City.

Author; b. Springfield, Mo.; dau. James Edgar and Ruth (Rice) Kenton; grad. Univ. of Mich., A.B. '97. Engaged In teaching at Jacksonville, 111., for some time after graduation. Author (novels): What Manner of Man, 1903; Clem, 1907; also short stories In the magazines. KEOGH, Katharine Emmet (Mrs. Martin J.

Keogh), New Rochelle, N.Y.

Born New Rochelle, N.Y., Mar. 9, 1873; dau. Richard S. and Katharine (Temple) Emmet; ed, by governesses and private schools; m. New Rochelle, N.Y., May 26, 1894, Martin J. Keogii; children: Richard Emmet Keogh, Grenville Tem- ple Keogh, John Keogh, Katharine Templa Keogh, Hugh Keogh, Margaret Philan Keogh, Terence Jerome Keogh, Mary Keogh, Brigid Temple Keogh. Catholic. KEPHART, Ellen R. (Mrs. Henry Kephart),

Berrien Springs, Mich.

Born Nelson, O., Jan. 1, 1854; dau. Charles H. and Caroline (Smith) Northrop; ed. two years la Clinton (N.Y.) Liberal Inst.; three years in Jewish schools, Rochester, N.Y. ; m. Berrien Springs, Mich., Oct. 25, 1876, Henry Kephart; children: Philip, Louis E. Favors woman suf- frage; was on com. for preliminary arrangement for a county organization. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R. ; mem. Woman's Club for 18 years in Berrien Springs; on Exec. Board County Fed. three years, and two years its pres. KEPLEY, Ada Harriet (Mrs, Henry B. Kepley),

Effingham, 111.

Bom Somerset, OWo; dau. Henry and Ann Maria (Knowles) Miser; ed. St. Louis common and high schools; Univ. of Chicago, B.L. ; Aus- tin Coll., 111., Ph.D.; m. Henry B. Kepley. Pa- Tors woman suffrage; pres. of county and in ooutrol of suffrage work. Editor: The Friend 9t Home, a monthly paper, for 11 years. Author: A Farm Philosopher, 1S12; has published pamphlets and has been a newspaper corre- spondent always. Unitarian. Prohibltlo&ist


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