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��KENDAI-Ii, Marearet (Mrs. Sergeant Kendall),

82 Kay St.. Newport, R.I.

Painter; b. Staten Island, N.Y., 1871; dau. Al- bert and Elizabeth (Weston) Stickney; ed. Brearley School; studied art in Paris under Julius Rolshoven; m. Sergeant Kendall (artist), 1896; children: Elizabeth, Beatrice, Alison. Has exhibited in Pa. Acad. Fine Arts; Soc. Am. Artists; Paris Exposition, 1900; Soc. Miniature Painters; Pan-American Exposition, Buflalo, 1901; St. Louis Exposition, 1904 (bronze medal), and various other exhibitions. Mem. Am. Soe. Miniature Painters.

KENDAL,L, Mary Bazzell (Mrs. Alfred A.

Kendall), 10 Henry St., Portland, Me.

Born Cape Elizabeth, Me., Nov. 12, 1860; dau. John and Susan (Whltmore) Buzzell; ed. Port- laud and (rorham, Me. ; Bradford, Mass. ; pre- liminary examination for Vassar at 14 years; m. Portland, Me., June 1, 1876, Alfred A. Ken- dall; one son: Ralph Talbot, b. Nov. 9, 1877. Regent Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter D.A.R., State regent of Me., vice-pres. gen. of Nat. Soc. D.A.R. at two different times; pres. of Woman's Council, representing 2,000 women. Director of Portland Boys' Club and Me. Inst, for the Blind; sec. of Samaritan Ass'n of Sewing School of Fraternity (mem. of its exec, council for nine years) ; pres. of Opportunity Farm Corporation, a trades school. Favors woman suffrage. Club editor of Sunday Times; contributor to Boston Sunday Post and magazines. Universalist and New Thought. Mem. Opportunity Farm Corpora- tion House Trades School for Boys at New Gloucester, Me., a private corporation. Recrea- tions: Reading, motoring, walking. Mem. Wo- man's Literary Union, Crafts and Industry Dep't, Conkline Class (parliajnentary), Savolr Faire (literary and social). One of the most highly honored of the 80,000 D.A.R., having twice nominated the successful candidate for pres. gen. ; responded to the addresses of welcome of the pres. gen. three times; four years chairman of the Nat. Cons.

KKNDRICK, Georsria A. (Mrs. James Ryland Kendrick), Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Lady principal Vassar Coll. ; b. Rochester, N.Y., 1848; dau. Solon and Susan (Cook) Avery; ed. by tutor, especially by George Blackie of Edinburgh, brother of John Stuart Blackie; m. 1880, Rev. James Ryland Kendrick. Lady principal for 21 years at Vassar Coll. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Meridian Club, N.Y. ; Archaeological last, of America, Nat Geographic iSoc.

KENI>KICK, Helen Fryer, 723 Oak St., Walnut

Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Principal; b. Americus, Ga. ; dau. Samuel Still- man and Emily Herbert (Fryer) Kendrick; ed. private schools; Univ. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Principal of Oakhurst Collegiate School. Antl- suffragist. Author short stories published In Youth's Companion and Independent. Episcopal- ian. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Conn. Chap- ter. Mem. Cincinnati Woman's Club, Woman's Press Club.

KKXNEBBOOK, Martba Jane (Mrs. Kdgar C.

Kennebrook), Litchfield, Mich.

Teacher; b. St. Joseph Co., Mich., S^t., 1869; dau. Alfred and Sarah (Hazen) Eggleston; ed. Litchfield, Mich.; m. Butler, Branch Co., Mich., Nov. 30, 1882, Edgar C. Kennebrook. Actively in- terested in the local library and public school and the teaching of art in school. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Mem. Pythian Sisters, W.C.T.U. ; pres. Public Library Board. Clubs: Sorosis, Shakespeare, 20th Century.

KENNEDY, Jane McLeod (Mrs. Richard Laa Kennedy), 439 Portland Av., St. Paul, Minn. Born Woodstock, Ont., Can., March, 1876; dau. John Cochrane and Emily (Cocke) McLeod; ed. Woods'tock Collegiate Inst., Conservatory of Music, London; m. Woodstock, Sept. 17, 1902, Richard Lea Kennedy; one son: Richard Lea. Interested in religious and social activities. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. ToTvn Bnd Country Cluib.

��KENNEDY, Nathalie Sieboth (Mrs. Horace M Kennedy), 13 W. Walton Place, Chicago, 111. Leaturer, writer, reviewer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. dau. Joseph and Clotilde (Kern) Sieboth; ed Utica (N.Y.) Sem., Germany, lectures and private tutors; m. Utica, N.Y., 1880, Prof. Horace M. Kennedy (died 1885); one son: Horace Sieboth. b. 1885 (died 1890). Principal of Sieboth-Ken- nedy School, Chicago, 1896-1904; connected with Shaw School, Boston, 1890-94; taught at Utica Female Sem., Utica Free Acad., English litera- ture and hiatory. Joint translator, with hus- band, of Ten Brink's Early English Literature; contributor to Scribner's Magazine, Christian at Work and other periodicals. Mem. Antiquar- ian Soc., Chicago. Clu'bs: Fortnightly of Chicago (pres. 1910-12), also on Exec. Board of Twentieth Century Club, Chicago. Episcopalian.

KENNEDY, Rose Walker Fisher (Mrs. Madison B. Kennedy), Auditorium Hotel, Chicago; country, Kilravock, Glen EUyn, III. Born Baltimore, Md. ; dau. George and Caroline (Walker) Fisher; ed. Miss Grant's Sem., Chi- cago; Miss Annie Brown's, N.Y. City; m. Chicago, Madison B. Kennedy (now deceased) ; children: Madison B. (deceased), Jane E. (de- ceased), Williajm Walker Kennedy, b. 1902. In- terested in and "Mother" of the Kiajockety Boys' Club at Glen EUyn, 111. (16 boys from 10 to 15). Musical (pianist); has contributed articles on music and travels to various magazines. Mem. North Side Branch 111. Elqual Suffrage League. Episcopalian. Mem. Amateur Musical Club, D.A.R., Glen Oak Club.

KENNEDY, Sara Beanmont (Mrs. Walker Ken- nedy), care Commercial-Appeal, Memphis, Tenn.

Journalist; b. SomervUle, Tenn; dau. Dr. Rob- ert Hines and Nora (D«vereux) Cannon; ed. St. Mary's Episcopal School, Raleigh, N.C. ; m. Somerville, Tenn., 1888, Walker Kennedy, editor and author, of Memphis, Tenn. Author: Joscelyn Cheshire; The Wooing of Judith; Cicely, a Tale of the Georgia March; Told In a Little Boy's Pocket. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., 19th Century Club.

KENNEB, Nettie Cox (Mrs. William C. Kenner), 4810 St. Lawrence Av., Chicago, 111. Grand secretary Order Eastern Star; b. Madi- son Co., Ky., Aug. 26, 1861; dau. Robert and Mary E. (Moberly) Ck)x; ed. Tuscola High School, Tuscola, 111., English honors (valedic- torian); m. Aug. 22, 1882, William C. Kenner; children: Mary Isaline, Alvin Robert, Humerd Jay, William Clark (deceased), Bessie Josephine. Served as worthy grand matron Order Eastern Star of State of 111. ; now State sec. Former mem. Woman's Federated Clubs and W.C.T.U., but has dropped them for other duties. Mem. Woman's Relief Corps, G.A.R. Circle, Daughters of Veterans. For some years in lecture field for women on health and home. Mem. Chil- dren's Day Ass'n (charity). Favors woman suf- frage. Author of poems of local color. Mem. Christian Church. Mem. White Shrine of Jeru- salem and True Kindred. As speaker before all kinds of orders, as well as in Chautauqua and lyceum courses, is well known, especially in the Order of the EJastern Star.

KENNEY, Elizabeth L., 301 American Bank

Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

Lawyer; b. Mattoon, 111., July 4, 1869; dau. Robert M. and Mary A. (Shinn) Kenney; grad. Sioux Falls (Dak.) High School, L.B. ; North- western Univ., LL.B.; took course in Stanford Univ. Sec. Los Angeles Housing Cora, (a dep't of city government) for four years preceding June, 1912. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Los Angeles Suffrage League and made public speeches for woman suffrage before it was granted in Cal. (Compiled (with Messrs. Wil- loughby, Rodman and William Chambers) : Laws of California Relating to Women and Children.' In charge as editor of Dep't of Legislation in Woman's Bulletin, Los Angeles (monthly publi- cation). Christian Scientist. Progressive Re- publican. Recreation: Automobiling (drives own car). Clubs: Friday Morning, College Women's, Business Women's.


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