��190'?; manager Fifth At. Agency since 1904 (agency for women teachers in private schools and for secretaries). Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Wom.en's University Club fN.Y. City), College Club (Boston).
KELSO, Tessa L., care Baker & Taylor Co., 33
E. Seventeenth St., N.Y. City.
Librarian, newspaper writer; b. Dayton, O. ; dau. E. W. and Mary E. (Brelsford) Kelso. Newspaper writer, Cincinnati, O. ; librarian, Pub- lic Library, Los Angeles, Cal. ; dep't of Women's Clufes, etc., in N.Y. Evening Post, 1906-12; con- nected with the Baiter & Taylor Co. since 1898. Interested In special investigations and reports on social evU in N.Y. and London. Extensive writer of magazine ajid newspaper material. Clubs: Lyceum (London), hon. mem. Friday Morning (Los Angeles). Recreation: Music. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
KELTON, EdJth Rossell Wills (Mrs. Robert H. C. Kelton), Fort Banks, Mass.; permanent address, care Capt. Robert H. C. Kelton, Army and Navy Club, Washington, D.C. Born Newburyport, Mass. ; dau. George Edward and Mary E. (Russell) Wills; ed. Newburyport, Mass.; m. Newburyport, Mass., Dec. 15, 1910, Capt. Robert H. C. Kelton, U. S. Army Coast Artillery Corps; one son: John Cunningham Russell Kelton, b. Brookllne, Mass., Dec. 14, 1911. Mem. Army Relief Soc. of Washington, D.C; Soc. for Preservation of New England Antiquities, Anti-Tuberculosis Soc. of Newbury- port, Nat. Alliance of Unitarian and Other Liberal Christian Women, Woman's Army and Navy League, Washington, D.C; Mass. Soc. of May- flower Descendants, Old Newbury Chapter D.A.R., Historical Soc. of Old Newbury, Mass. Recreations: Tennis, rldnng. Unitarian. Anti- suffragette.
KELTON, Josephine Paxmly (Mrs. John C.
Kelton), 1841 R St., N.W., Washington, D.C.
Born Rotterdam, Holland, 1852; dau. William S. Campbell (U.S. Consul under 11 Presidents) and Josephine B. (Rabineau) Campbell (both parents of N.Y.); ed. in French school in Dres- den, Germany, 1863-70; m. Dresden, 1870, Briga- dier General John C Kelton, U.S. Army (died 1893); children: Josephine C, Robert H. C (captain U.S.A.), Margaretta N. (Mrs. Ames), Adelaide M., Anna C. (Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley), John V. (deceased), William S. (engineer in Seattle), Atlee S. (lawyer; died 1909). Charter mem. and was seven years pres. Woman's Army and Navy League, organized in 1887; now on Board of Managers of Soldiers', Sailors' and Marines' Club (orwned by Woman's Army and Navy League), providing lodging, baths and en- tertainment for enlisted men. Late husband, In 43 years' service in army, was devoted to im- proving conditions surrounding the enlisted man, and introduced the "canteen" as a temperance measure; since abolishment of "canteen" she has worked steadily for its restoration, securing and presenting petitions and speaking before Con- gressional committees and various meetings in that behalf. Vea-y strongly in favor of woman suffrage.
KEMMEBEB, Frances Ream (Mrs. John -Lels-
enrlng Kemmerer), 8B3 Seventh Av., N.Y.
Born Chicago, Jan. IB, 1878; dau. Norman B. and Caroline T. (Putnam) Ream; ed. Holman and Dickerman School, Chicago; Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., B.A. '01; m. June 9, 1906, John Leisenring Kemmerer; children: Frances Carolyn, b. Mar. 7, 1907 (died Feb. 22, 1909); John L. Jr., b. July 9, 1911; Mahlon S., b. Feb. 13, 1W3. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. S't. Mary's Guild, the Wednesday Club, Bryn Mawr Club of N.Y. City. KEMP, Harriet, 514 St. James St., Peoria, III.
Teacher; b. Cherokee, Kan., June 30, 1881; lau. Robert Nathaniel and Jennie (Murray) Kemp; grad. Baker Univ., A.B. '01, A.M. 1900; two years graduate work at Univ. of Berlin, 1906-08 (mem. Delta DelU Delta). Teacher of German In high school. Clay Centre, Kan., 1901,
��1905; since 1909 dean of women in Bradley Poly- technic Inst., Peoria, 111. While In Berlin studied voQce and finds greatest enjoyment in music. Interested in temperance work; soloist at Tem- perance Conference in Boulder, Colo.. 1912. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. D.A.R. Recreatione: Tennis, baske'tb&Il. Mem. College Woman's Club, Peoria.
KEMP, Jennie Murray (Mrs. R. N. Kemp), 812 Washingrton Boulevard, Grant's Pass, Ore. Newspaper circulator; b. Bellevue, Mich., June 25, 1858; dau. James and Hannah (Perry) Mur- ray; ed. Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan., B.S., A.M.; m. Cherokee, Kan., June 23, 1880, R. N. Kemp; children: Harriet, James Murray, Robert George, Charles Anderson. Editor and publisher Our Messenger, 1899-1903; circulation manager The Union Signal and The Young Crusader, 1903-1912. Nat. W.C.T.U. press sup't since 1912. Prominent in social life and officially connected with the W.C.T.U. since 1883. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Progressive in politics. Mem. D.A.R., 111. Woman's Press Ass'n, Degree of Honor of Ancient Order United Workmen. Recreations: Travel, reading, needle- work.
KEMP, Minta Proctor, Newberry State Hospital,
Newberry, Mich.
Physician; b. Milford, Conn.; dau. Lewis D. and Eva B. (Proctor) Kemp; grad. Dean Acad., Franklin, Mass.; Univ. of Mich., M.D. (Alpha Epsilon Iota). Ass't physician Northern Mich. Asylum, 1900-03; did experimental work in Bio- logic Laboratory at Detroit, two years; Newherry State Hospital, three years. The only woman in Mich, (as far as known) who has passed the U.S. Civil Service examination in medicine and surgery (1904). Has published a few papers on medical subjects. Episcopalian. Recreation: Out-of-door pastimes. Mem. D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage.
KENDALL, Ada Davenport (Mrs. Frederick Willard Kendall), Hamburg, N.Y. Newspaper writer; b. Erie, Pa., Mar. 31, 1867; dau. Loren Daniel and Esther (Chaddock) Daven- port; ed. Cleveland; Pike Sem., Buffalo; m. 1S90. Frederick Willard Kendall; children: Gilbert Marjorie, b. 1891; Frederick, b. 1893; Sidney Chaddock, b. 1895; Davenport, b. 1897. Interested in Humane Soc. ; disL chairman of Progressive Party. Favors woman suffrage; former chairman of suffrage organization in Erie Co., N.Y. Has done seven years of magazine editions, 24 years of daily newspaper woman's page editions, eight years writing Jane, popular dep't In Sunday Express of Buffalo.
KENDALL, Adda Parker (Mrs. Elmer E. Ken- dain, 6731 Euclid Av., Chicago, 111. Born Virdiu, 111.; dau. Charles Irving and Frances (Avery) Parker; grad. High School, Oak- land, and Cook Co. Normal School (mem. Chi Rho Sigma); m. Chicago, June 30, 1S85, Elmer K. Kendall; children: Blma Esther; Helen Adela, Florence Frances, Parker, Charlotte Lillian, Elizabeth Parker. Taught school two years pre- vious to her marriage. Chairman Conservation Dep't 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Water- way Com. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; vice- pres. for 111. of Nat. C!onservatlon Ass'n; vice- pres. for 111. Good Roads Ass'n; also mem. Out- door Art League Board. Mem. Chicago Political Equality League; one of Jane Addams' escort to Springfield when she went in the interest of pro- curing a plank for suffrage In Republican plat- form, also when she seconded Col. Roosevelt's nomination for President on Progressive ticket. Has written magazine articles and several prize chapters, but most articles have been in interesl of forestry, conservation or other matters which women are Interested in carrying on. Pro- gressive in politics. Mem. Bryn Ma'wr Women's Club, South End Woman's Club. Organized a Civic Club at South Chicago, and the South End Centre at South Chicago; when pres. of club car- ried on a gar/den contest, which Dr. -Evans said reduced the infant mortality there; promoted the organization of a municipal garden at South Chicago, etc.