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Porto Rico, trips to Califomia, Colorado, Florida. KEXL,Y, Marian E. (Mrs. James J. Kelly), 49

Mem. Woman's League, Mich. Woman's Press Vienna Av., Niles, O.

Ass'n (charter mem. and now hon. pres.). Pres.s correspondent, magazine writer; b.

.j-„w»^.r,^ ^ .• » ^ ■ i* •7C Tii„v,io^,i A„ Mineral Ridge, O., Oct. 12, 1869; dau. J. Maurice

KJELLOGG, JuUa Antoinette, 75 Highland Av., ^^^ Elizabeth (Rhys) Jones; ed. Nori^heastern

OrMge, N.J. rw.f 1 loqft. Oliio Normal Coll., Canfield, O. ; m. June 24, . ^"^i ^- Ehzabethtown, N^J-. Oct liJ^^^ 1892, James J. Kelly; children: J. Gordon, Arthur dau. Elijah and Anne Mana (Wwdruff) Kellogg ^^^^ Teacher in putlic schools of Mineral (descendant of first settlers of Elizabeth N..), j^;^ ^^^ ^^^ contributor to dally and weekly ed. in school of Miss C. D. Spa dmg, Elizabeth, papers, covering territory of Eastern Ohio and N.J. Began teachmg career early, but owing to -^gstern Pennsylvania; historian and manager ol weai eyes for years her teaching was ch.efly publicity for McKinley birthplace memorial; has confined to Private c asses favors woman suf- ^^^^^ knowledge of municipal government and f rage. Author: Nash's "Table Book and Introduc- ^^^ compiled many statistics. Song writer; com- tory Arithmetic; Digest of the Pl"'osophy of ^^^ ^ history of the iron industry in Ohio for Henry James, Senior; A Swendenborg Perpetual ^a^zinea. Mem. Ohio Newspaper Women's Calendar; Abridgement of Patrick Edward Davis ^gg,^ ^^^ McKinley Chapter Order of Eastern Theory of Human Profession; also articles In g.^^^.^ Cleveland Women's Press Club, Ohio Fed. various periodicals, chiefly arUclra on the single ^^ women's Clubs. Recreations: Walking, horse- tax, published in The New Earth. Mem New ^^^ ^.^^^^^^^ Presbyterian. Favors woman suf- Ohurch (Swedenborgian). Single Taxer (active j Rmubllcan. worker). Was charter mem. of New Elngland ""

Women's Club. Boston, and continued in it for KELLY, Mary (Mrs. Hugh T. Kelly), 33 Maple

25 vears ■^^•' Ro»edale, Toronto, Can.

' ' , „^ , TT. * . 1 TiK o..^ Born Toronto, Can., Mar. 23, 1862; dau. Michael

KELLOGG, Louise Phelps, Historical Library, ^nd Margaret (O'Connor) Hynes; ed. under

Madison, Wis. .^i^o-ot Ladies of Loretto; grad. 1878, with gold medal

b. Milwaukee, Wis.; dau. _ Amherst . cpneral nrnflciencv! mem. T^retfn Ahimnffl

���fellow, 1898-99; matriculate o£ Uaiv. of Paris, ^.g^sed). Arthur. Vice-pres. of St. JOlizabeth

instructor in history, Univ. of Wis. isya-isiw, yi^ting Curses' Ass'n of Toronto; mem. Coun-

history, fellow, Univ. of Wis., 1900-01; awarded ^.j ^^ g^_ Vincent de Paul Children's Aid So-

Winsor prize by Am. Historical Ass n, i»!«. "^ ciety, Toronto. Against woman suffrage. Ro-

cliarge of research in Wis. State Historical boc. Catholic. Mem. Woman's Canadian Club,

since 1901. Lecturer for D.A.R. and various Toronto

clubs on historical subjects. Favors woman , J „ „ ^, ., ,-, * v, r,

BUfS^e; first treas. of Wis. College Equal Snf- ^ELI^^. M^ry Butledge, Emmetsburg Pa.

fraee Leaeue Author: The American Colonial Born Ionia Center, Wis., April 15, 1876; dau.

Chlrter, 1M4 ;' Marquette's Map, 1906; Fox Indian I>aniel and Anastatla (Lynard) Rutledge; ed St.

Wars 1907; Siege of Mackinac in 181^, 1912. joint Mary's Acad. Emmetsburg, la.; St Patrick s

Pditor fwltli R G Thwaites) of Documentary Acad., Cedar Rapids, la.; m. Emmetsburg, la.,

^tory of Dunmore's War, 1905; RevoluUon on Nov 7, 1878, Darnel Kelly; children: Mary, Ed-

Se Upper Ohio, 1908; Frontier Defense on the ward, Cecelia THomas. Against woman suf-

Upper Ohio, 19U. Ass't editor of Wis. His- frage. Catholic. Club: Friday,

torical Soc. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Am, Li- KELLY, Maud McLure, 1236 Louise St., Blr-

brary Ass'n, Wis. Peace Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate mlngham, Ala.

Alumnse (Wis. mem. of Nat. Membership Com.), Lawyer; b. Mountain Spring, Sylacauga, Ala.;

Women's League Univ. of Wis. dau. Judge Richard Bussey and Leona (Bledsoe)

„ .,^ ... nc T,r„/ti=^^ i„ -M V Kelly; ed. Noble Inst, '04 (private school, Annis-

KELLOB, Frances Alice, 95 Madison Av.. N.Y. ton/^i^j. univ. of Ala.. LL.B. '08 (highest

9*ty- . , .„. K o,,i„rT,v,„e ciTiin Cift bouor). Admitted to bar at Birmingham. Ala.,

^^Yl^\^°^^^^Y\^k Mi^wwa.?) KPllor: 1908. ^ Circuit Court of Jefferson Co. 4nd in

20. 1873: dau. Daniel ^nd Mary (Spran) KeUor. g^ ^^^ ^ourt of Ala., spring of 1909. Has

ed. Univ. of Chicago; .Cfrae^l La* School N^Y. ^^^-^^^^ successfully in all courts of the State

city, I^-B. ■97; special student "f foeiolosy- and in several counties. Has done committee

attended N.Y. Summer School of Philanthropy. ^^ .

1901; fellow College Settlements Assn 1902 Chlrf g^ ^^ ^^^ University of Ala. Favors woman

Investigator on staff of the Bureau of Industri^ suffrage. Organizer Birmingham Equal Suffrage

and Immigration of the N.Y. State Dept of ^^,^ chairman Legislative Com. of Ala. State

Labor, appointed 1910; ^^em N.Y State Pre* a g^^ ^3^,^ g^ ^1^^ 3^^^^ ^^3 U.S.

tion Commission^ Wa^ sec. and treas. NY SUte ^^^ j^^g^ ^f 1812 and Nat. Sec. of War of

ImmigraUonCommiMion 1902-04 Favors woman Daughters of 1812; historian Yancey Chapter

suffrage. Mem. „Colleg^ate Equal Suffrage Diughters of Coniederacy; mem. D.A.R..

^^^^^^ 4"^°'"S^Sth.TH?« Mem North Am Southern Ais'n of College Women, Birmingham

CmT LeSrC^mXants,rY.Resea'i?h Equal Suffrage League, United Daughters of the

eru^cil'^^^m. ' on Vr,Tn Conditions Among ^lf,^^r^l.Xtn'Tu..^rr.^i^'l.^^^^^

Negroes. Marion Military Inst.; hon. mem. Franklin Liter-

KELLY, Florence Finch (Mrs. Allen Kelly), ary Society of Howard Coll.; hon. colonel of

324 W. Nlnety-Blxth St., N.Y. Ctiy. Corps of Cadets of Howard Coll. Patroness of

Author; b. Girard, 111., Mar. 27, 1858; dau. Alpha DelU Phi Sorority, Judson CoU.

James G*. and Mary Ann (Purdum) Finch; ed. ^ELLY, Susan M., 67 Salem St., Bradford,

Univ. of Kansas, A.B. '81 A.M. '84 (mem. Pi ^ass.

Beta Phi); m. Boston, 1884, Allen Kelly; cnu- principal and part owner of Classical Day

flren: Morton, b. 1885 (died 1890); Sherwin Finch gchool, HaverhUl, Mass.; dau. George L. and

b. 1895. After graduation entered newspaper ^^^^ ^_ (Dusey) Kelly; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '9.3.

work and worked several years upon papers in taught in public high schools of Mass. for four

Boston. New York San Francisco and other ^g^g. tutored in Haverhill, Mass., for 12 years.

ciUes. Author: With Hoops of Steel; the JJeia- gt^p^g^ ^itii Miss Agnes Judkins, the Classical

neld Affair; Rhoda of the Underground Bmer- ^ g^j^^^j ^^^ q^^j^ j^ ^j^^ ^^ Haverhill, 1909.

son's Wife and Other Western Stories , The t ate congregationalist. Clubs: College, WhitUer (both

of Felix Brand. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate . jfa^rhin). Alumnffi. Recreations: Walking nature study.

Mem N.Y. Women's University. Author of KELSEY, Helen Marian, 156 Fifth Av., N.Y.

many magazine articles on artistic, literary and City.

economic subjects; visited New Zealand and Aus- Manager; b. Theresa, N.Y., April 17, 1872; dau.

tralia in 1905 to study results of social and eco- George and Annie L. (Hamlin) Kelsey; grad.

nomic legislation and contributed numerous artl- Wellesley, B.A. '95; Radcliffe Coll., 1895-96; mem.

eles to magazines concerning it. Since 1906 on Shakespeare Soc. (local). Instructor Wellesley

Btafl of N Y Times Review of Books. Coll., 1897-1900; registrar Wellesley Coll.. 1900-


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