��Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of Heidelberg, Ph.D. '04; holder of foreign fellowships and elected to Phi Beta Kappa, 1905 (mem- Pi Beta Phi fraternity). Head of dept of German, Wells Coll., 1904-06; associate prof. English since 1906, Goucher Coll. Author: The Anglo-Sa.xon Weapon Names (Heidelberg), 1900; also various magazine articles. Mem. College Club of Baltimore; pres. of Pi Beta Phi fraternity for three consecutive terms, since 1908. Mem. Board of Directors Locust Point Settlement; on Board of Directors of Southern Mountain School at Gatlinburg, Teun. ; mem. numerous clubs and assn's for various kinds of educational and philanthropic work. Pres. Southern Ass'n of College Women; sec. Md. Beta Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa. Baptist. KEIXEKMAN, M»ode, 901 Twentieth St., N.W.,
Washington, D.C.
Botanist; b. Manhattan, Kan., May 6, 1888; dau. William Ashbrook and Stella V. (Dennis) Kellerman; ed. Ohio State Univ., A.B. '09; com- pleted four years' course In two years (Phi Beta Kappa); Univ. of LAUsaiine, Switzerland, 1909-10; studied Spanish in Madrid, one year; Berlin, Germany. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor of short technical articles, scientific ab- stracts and technical translations. Mem. Am. Ass'n for the Advancement of Science, Spanish Am. Athenaeum. Botanical ass't Crop Physiol- ogy and Breeding Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, Dep't of Agriculture, appointed August, 1911. KELLEY, A. LUlian Clark (Mrs. Charles H.
Kelley), Charles City, Iowa.
Born Illinois; grad. Rockford (111.) Sem. (now college), '78; m. July 31, 1884, Charlea H. Kelley (then of Forrest City, Iowa, judge of the 12th Judicial Dlst. of Iowa); two daughters (one de- ceased). Active mem. of the Woman's Relief Corps. Was identified as officer with several clubs and societ'es in Forrest City, Including the Chautauqua Club, University Extension Club, Tourist Club and others. Congregatlon- alist; interested in Sunday-school and Uadies' Aid work. KEIXEY, Clara Nichols fMrs. Seth W. Kelley),
690 Main St., Woburn, Mass.
Born Everett, Mass., Jan. 12, 1873; dau. Benja- min H. and Elizabelii A. (Hagar) Nichols; grad. Wellesley, A.B. '96; m. Woburn, Mass., June 7, 1898, Dr. Seth W. Kelley. Vice-pres. Hospital Aid Ass'n, Wo*)um; mem. Woburn School Board, 1907-10. Mem. WeUesley Alumnae Ass'n, Woburn Woman's Club. Congregationallst. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. Women's College Equal Suffrage League. KELLEY, Joaima B. (Mrs. Clark W. Kelley),
Devils Lake, N.Dak.
Farmer; b. Bmiwria, Kan.; dau. J. V. and Anna M. (Watson) Randolph; grad. Emporia public schools, '89; attended Kansas State Nor- mal; m. Devils Lake, N.Dak., Clark W. Kelley. Teacher in public schools for four years and school for deaf four years. Specialized on breed- ing Dent com for the North. Breeder of fine poultry and active In advancing the better farm- ing movement. Author of a few papers on: Improving Farm Conditions; Corn Breeding in the Northwest; The Farm Home; Good Roads For and By the Farmer. Christian Scientist. Vice-pres. International Farm Woman's Con- gress; pres. of Tri-State (Including N.Dak., S.Dak. and MLnn.) Farm Woman's Congress. Manages a 1,280-acre farm. Director of N.Dak. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. of Study Club (Devils Lake). KELLNEK, Elisabeth WlUard, 1 Berkeley St.,
Cambridge, Mass.
Born WiUlamsport, Pa.; dau. William Waldo and Sarah A. Mather (Maynard) Willard; m. (1st) Rev. Arthur Brocher, D.D.; (2d) Dr. Max Kell- ner, professor in Can>bridge Episcopal Theo- logical Sem.; one son: Waldo Willard Kellner. Has written tor magazines and papers and pub- lished one novel: As the WorW Goes By, 190B; has written short stories, articles on travel and book reviews and alao articles for children in newspapers and okagaslnes. B^piACopaiian. Club. Boston Authors.
��KELLOGG, AUce Lovell (Mrs. Lee Olds Kel- logg), Kelly, N.M.
Born N.Y. City, 1882; dau. John W. and Car- rie F. (Croole) Lovell; grad. Bryn Mawr, A.B. ■03; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 21, 1907, Lee Olds Kel- logg; one son: Cyrus Norman Kellogg. Editor of The Teller, 1905-06. Favors woman suffrage.
KEl-LOGG, AUce Rogers Ropes (Mrs. Edwin Dwlght Kellogg), 8has-wu, via Foochow, China.
Missionary; ed. in high school, Bangor, Me.; holder of the first Bryn Mawr matriculation scholarship for the New England States; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '06; special student In Bangor (Me.) Theological Sem., 1808-09; m. 1999, Rev. EWwin Dwight Kellogg. 'Teacher of mathe- matics and science In the Tome Inat., Port De- posit, Md., 1906-07; teacher of mathematics and history, Ipswich (Mass.) High School, 1807-08; missionary in China since 1909.
KELLOGG, Clara Cook (Mrs. Frank B-KeDogB), 633 Fairmont Av., St. Paul, Minn. Born Rochester, Minn. ; dau. Georte Clinton and Elizabeth (Burns) Cook; ed. Rochaater High School; m. Rochestsr, Mian., June 16, 1886, Frank Billings Koilogg (ditinguished lawyer; special counsel for U.S. GovenuneBt in Standard Oil and other trust prosecutions under ti>e Sher- man Act).
KELLOGG, Clara Louise — see Strakosch, Clara Louise Kellogg.
KELLOGG, CUra N., Route No. 8, Tacoma.
Born Rochester, Minn., Aug. 1, 1870; dau. Cyrus H. and Julia C. (Olds) Kellogg; ed. St. Paul Central High School; Univ. of Minn., B.S.; mem. Delta Gamma. Teacher St. Paul Central High School, 1895-1902. Resident College Settle- ment, N.Y. City, winter 1904-05; head resident Neighborhood House, St Paul, 1905-12. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Wilson Democrat. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Survey As- sociates, Child Labor Ass'n. Recreation: Farm- ing. Mem. New Century Club, St. Paul; five Neighborhood House clubs.
KELLOGG, Cornelia Van Wyck HaUey (Mrs.
Frederick Rogers Kellogg), 31 Boyken St.,
Morristown, N.J.
Born Morristown, N.J.; ed. Miss Dana's School, Morristown; holder of second Bryn Mawr ma- triculation scholarship for N.Y. and N.J., 1896-97; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 19u0; m. 1907, Frederick Rogers Kellogg. Chairman Morristown Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children; sec. Morris- town Memorial Hospital; mem. Exec. Board Con- sumers' League of N.J. ; ass't sec. Morristown Branch of the Berkshire Industrial Home; mem. Exec. Board of the State Charities Aid, 1904-08.
KELLOGG, Ella Eaton (Mrs. John Harvey
Kellogg), Battle Creek, Mich.
Writer, teacher; b. Alfred, N.Y., April 7, 1863; dau. Joseph Clarke and Hannah Sophia (Coon) EaXon; grad. Alfred Univ., B.A. '72, A.M. '75; grad. Ajn. School Household Economics, 1909; m. Battle Creek, Mich., Feb. 22, 1879, John Har- vey Kellogg. M.D.; has no children of own, but has adopted 12 children and raised several not adopted. One of founders and for years manager of the Haskell Home for Orphan Children; teacher of cookery and domestic science in the Battle Creek Sanitarium at different periods during past 15 years. For years connected with puJblic W.C.T.U. work as sup't of hygiene, later assocaate of Miss Frances Willard In social purity dep't; later nat. sup't of Mothers' Meet- ings and after that associated In the purity dep't as sup't Child Culture Circles. Mem. house- hold economics dep't Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Talks with Girls; Science in the Kitchen; Studies In Char- acter Building; most of her writing has been for the monthly magazine Good Health, of which she has been one of the editors for many years, and for other periodicals. Seventh-day Baptist. Mem. W.C.T.U., Y.W.C.A. (life mem.). As- sociate mem. Nat Congress of Mothers, Am. Home Economic Ass'n. Recreation: Traveling in Europe, made two trips to Mexico, visited Cuha.