��Mem. Com. on Legislation and State InstltutlonB, Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912. Fayore woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Golf, bridge, etc. Clubs: Springfield Woman's, Springfield Equal Suffrage, tbe Magazine, the Country.
KETL, Leota Wheeler (Mrs. Oscar A. Keil),
306 Catherine St., Medina, N.Y.
Bom Hastings, Mich., May 2, 1865; dau. An- drew Buchanan and his wife, who died during the infancy of the child, who was adopted and reared by Lycurgus James and Mary (Ellis) Wheeler; ed. public schools of Nashville, Mich., and Albion Coll., Mich. ; constant student, has been doing non-resident work with Chicago Univ. and with private teachers; m. Grand Rapids, Mich., April 21, 1888, Oscar A. Keil; children: Karl Wheeler, Arna Corinne Keil. Active club worker 25 years, having held many offices In clubs of which she was a member; pres. Grand Rapids Woman's Club two terms. Mem. and three years chairman of dep't of Civil Service Reform of Mich. State Fed.; active in Playground Ass'n work. State Civil Service Reform League and many other organizations devoted to social service, alao active church worker, public speaker on Civil Service Reform and on educational and literary subjects. Uni- versalist. Progressive in politics. Mem. EJqual Franchise Club of Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Mich. State Civil Service Reform League, Grand Rapids Playground Ass'n, Hospital Ass'n and various others. Recreations: Books, music, theatre, opera. Mem. Grand Rapids Woman's Club, Grand Rapids Ladles' Literary Club, Grand Rapids Soc. of Elocution, Grand Rapids Par- liamentary Law Club.
BLEJIM, Augusta MoitLs Sladison (Mrs. William Franklin Keim), 25 Rosevllle Av., Newark, N.J.
Physician; grad. Smith Coll., B.S. '95; Wom- an's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '99; m. Newark, N.J., Nov. 25, 1903, William Franklin Keim; children: Dorothy Madison, b. Oct. 5, 1904; Mary Evelyn, b. Aug. 19, 1906; William Franklin Jr., b. Mar. 5, 1910. Interne New Eng- land Hospital for Women and Children, Boston, 1899-1900; practising physician at Newark, N.J., since 1900. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Contemporary Club of Newark, Travelers' Club of Roseville, N.J.
K£IS£B, Elizabeth Harris (Mrs. Edward Har- rison Keiser), 534 Linden Av., Clayton, Mo. Born Pottsvllle, Pa., Feb. 26, 1S70; dau. Stephen and Katharine (Mac Arthur) Harris; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '90, A.M. '91; m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., June 18, 1896, Edward Harri- son Keiser; children: Katharine, Bernard, Stephen Harris, Edward Harrison, Henry P'rancis, John MacAjthur. Presbyterian.
KEITH, Dora Wheeler, 33 W. Sixty-seventh St.,
N.Y. City.
Artist; b. Jamaica, L.I., N.Y.; pupil of Will- iam M. Chase. Specialty in- the painting of por- traits, her subjects having included many of the leading authors: William Dean Howells, Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain") and many others; has also illustrated books and done much decorative work. Elected associate of the Nat. Acad, of Design in 1906.
KEITH, Frances Gnigrnard Gibbes (Mrs. Oscar
L. Keith), 1B18 University Place, Columbia,
Writer; b. Columbia, S.C; dau. W. Hampton and Jane Allan (Mason) Gibbes; ed. South Caro- lina Coll., Elmerson (Joll. and private tutors, Cambridge, Mass. ; m. 1911, Oscar L. Keith. Author; Poems of Frances Guignard, 1902. Rec- reations: Mountain climbing, golf playing. Fa- vors woman suhrage. KEIXEK, Amelia B, — see Buehler, Amelia R.
Keller. KELLER, Caroline Gould (Mrs. S. H. Keller),
W^aynesvlUe N,.C.
Physician; b. Hickory Run, Carbon Co., Pa,; dau. Isaac and Susan (Sackett) Gould (mother was of the Sackett family of Sackett's Harbor and Newburgh, N.Y.); ed. private schools, Tren-
��ton, N.J. ; Pennington (N.J.) Sem., Wesleyan CoU., Wilmington, Del.; Woman's Med. Coll., Philadelphia, Pa., M.D.; twice married; present husband, S. H. Keller of Lebanon Co., Pa. Practiced medicine a short time in Pennsylvania and Georgia. Mem. W.C.T.U. many years and took active part in campaign which made North Carolina a "dry State." One of organizers and original members of the Woman's Club of Waynesville, N.C., now serving fourth term as pres. Meihodist; always active in church and Sunday-school work, organizing Mission Sunday- schools, frequently acting as sup't and leading religious and temperance meetings. KELLER, Edith LiTingston Mason (Mrs. Arthur
I. Keller), 876 St. Nicholas Av., N.Y. City.
Born Providence, R.I., Feb. 14, 1878; dau. A. LivlngBton and Edith B. (Hartshorn) Mason; ed. Mrs. Abbott's School, Providence and Sorbonne, Paris; m. June 3, 1907, Arthur I. Keller; chil- dren: Liona Marguerite, David Gardiner Ross. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames in America. KELLER, Eleanor, Barnard College, N.Y. Cltyl
Instructor in chemistry, Barnard Coll.; b. Salt Lake City, 1876; grad. Barnard Coll., A.B. 1900; Columbia Univ., A.M. '10. Assistant, 1900-01; lecturer, 1901-04; tutor, 1904-10; since then in- structor in chemistry, Barnard College. KELLER, Helen Adams, Wrentham, Mass.
Author; b. Tuscumbia, Ala., June 27, 1880; dau. Arthur and Kate (Adams) Keller (descend- ant on paternal side from Gen. Alexander Spots- wood, Royal Governor of Va., 1710-22 and con- nected in maternal line with the Everett and Adams families of Mass.). Has been deaf and blind since the age of 18 months as the result of an illness. When she was seven years old Miss Annie Sullivan (now Mrs. Macy) undertook her education, developing her mental powers and teaching her to speak and aiding in her subse- quent studies, including her career in Radcliffe Coll., whence she was grad. A.B. '04, and since with results that have caused Miss Keller to be regarded as the highest exemplar of the possi- bilities of education of the deaf-blind. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Story of My Life; The World I Live In; The Story of the Stone Wall; also three essays on The Modern Woman in Metropolitan Magazine, 1912. Mem. New Church (Swedenborgian). Socialist Trustee of the New England Home for the Blind; mem. of Mass. Commission for the Blind. KELLER, Ida Augrusta, 1001 S. 47th St., Phila- delphia, Pa.
Teacher; b. Darmstadt, Germany, June 11, 1866; dau. Dr. WUliam Charles Christian and Maria Augusta (Cramer) Keller; grad. Philadelphia High School for Girls, '84; studied In Univ. of Pa., dep't of biology, 1884-86; Univ. of Leipzig, 1887-89; Univ. of Zarich, Ph.D. 1S89-90. Ass't in botany, 1886-87; lecturer in botany, 1891-93, Bryn Mawr Coll.; since 1893 in Philadelphia High School for Girls, as teacher of chemistry, 1893-98; head of dep't of chemistry and biology, 1896-1909; since 1909 head of dep't of biology. Author: Ueber die Protoplasma Stroeming in Pflanzen- reich Zurich, 1SS2; numerous scientific communi- cations published in Proceedings of Academy of Natural Sciences, 1S95-1905; joint author: Hand- book of the Flora of Philadelphia and Vicinity (Keller & Brown), 1905. Lutheran. Life mem. Acad, of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; prof, of biology and honorary mem. Pa. Horticultural Soc., 1902-12; mem. Am. Soc. Naturalist; vice- pres. Philadelphia Botanical Club, 1896-1910; first pres. Botanical Club of Higher Schools of Phila- delphia, 1911-12. Favors woman suffrage; vice- pres. 46th Ward branch of suffrage organization, 1910. KELLER, Inez Rice (Mrs. John Keller) — see
Rice-Keller, Inez. KELLER, May Lansfleld, 1S22 Linden At.,
Baltimore, Md.
College professor; b. Baltimore, Sept, 28, 1877, dau. Wilmer Lansfleld and Jennie (Simonton) Keller: ed. in private schools of Baltimore; Girls' Latin School; Woman's (now Goucher) Coll. of Baltimore, A.B. '98; Univ. of Berlin;