��Church; children: Eleanor Elizabeth, Ralph Welles Jr. Taught in Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) High School, 1903-06 (history and English literature). Interested in Christian sociology and religious education. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Methodist Social Union of N.Y. City. Itecreation: WaJklng. Mem. Wellesley Club of N.Y. City, Winter Club of Brooklyn, Dames Club of Columbia Univ.
KEELKK, Harriet Louise, 1953 E. 59th St., Cleveland, O.
Teacher; b. South Kortright, Delaware Co., N.Y., 1846; dau. Burr and Elizabeth (Barlow) Keeler; grad. Oberlin, A.B. '70; A.M. (hon.) 1900. Sup't primary Instruction In the public schools of Cleveland, 1871-79; teacher Central High School, Cleveland, 1879-1909; sup't of public schools of Cleveland, 1912. Author: Studies in English Compoalton (Keeler & Davis), 1891; Wild Flowers of Early Spring, 1894; Our Native Trees, 1900; Our Northern Shrubs, 1903; High School English (Keeler & Adams), 1906; Our Garden Flowers, 1910; Ufe of Adelia A. Field Johnston, 1912.
KBELEB, Katberlne, Wells College, Aurora, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Auburn, N.Y., Sept., 1859; dau. Delos M. and Catherine (Taylor) Keeler; ed. Smith Coll., B.A. '92; M.A. '03 (mem. Alpha); post-grad, study in Oxford Univ., England. As- sociate prof. Wells Coll. since 1892. Has been interested in Bible classes and settlement work. Mem. Woman's Coll. Club of Auburn, N.Y. Presbyterian.
KEBLEB, Lncy Elliot, 417 Burchard Av., Fre- mont, O.
Author and editorial writer; b. Fremont, 0.; dau. I. M. and Janette (BlHot) Keeler; ed. Wells Coll., Aurora, N.Y. Author: If I Were a Girl Again (three editions); If I Were a Boy; The Sandusky River, a Guide to the Local His- tory of Fremont, prior to 1860; Old Fort San- dozki and the Sandusky Country; Old Fort Sandozkl and the de Lery Portage; Fort Stephen- son and the Croghan Reinterment, and many magazine articles. Presbyterian. Mem. Ohio Archaeological and Historical See. KEELEY, Gertrude (Mrs. James Keeley), 1309 Ritchie Placft, Chicago, III. Born Gardiner, Me., May 30, 1868; dau. Augus- tus H. and Hannah (Webb) Small; ed. Friends School, Providence, R.I.; Dean Acad., Franklin, Mass.; Boston Univ., B.A. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. June 5, 1895, James Keeley (now editor Chicago Tribune); children: Dorothy, Jean, Margaret, Ruth. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Friday Club, Fortnightly Club.
KKEL.OB, Charlotte, Lake View Lodge, San- ford, Fla., R.F.D. No. 1.
Reader; b. Phcenixvllle, Pa., 1882; dau. Dr. R. S. and EJmma J. (Holman) Keelor; ed. Mount Vernon Inst., B.E. (gold medal). Interested in organizing charities. Has published several negro sketches In periodicals. Mem. Lend-a-Hand, D.A.R., Florida Fed. of Women's Clubs, Wednes- day Club and Welaka Club, Sanford, Fla. Rec- reation: Out-door life. Episcopalian. KEEN, Dora. 1729 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, June 24, 1871; dau. William W. Keen, M.D., and E. Corinna (Borden) Keen; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96. Interested in social betterment and public school improvement. Mem. Public Education Ass'n of Philadelphia (sec. for eight years, noTV second vlce-pres.); Child Labor Com. of Pa.; ex-mem. Ninth Ward School Board of Philadelphia (elected by people for three terms, nine years). Baptist. Mem. Civil Service Reform Ass'n of Pa., Pa. Conser- vation Ass'n, Nat. Geog. Soc, Am. Forestry Ass'n, Legal Aid Soc. of Pa., Soc. to Protect Children from Cruelty, Soc. for Organizing Char- ity, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Soc. for Promotion of Industrial Education; director Geographic Soc. of Pa. Recreations: Travel, horseback riding, mountain climbing, swimming, reading. Clubs: Am. Alpine Club, Appalachian Mountains (corresponding mem.). Civic Club of Philadelphia. Extensive traveler all over the
��world; made many difficult ascents in the Alps, and first ascent of Mt. Blackburn (16,140 ft.). May 19, 1912, one of three high and difficult mountains scaled in that Arctic region. Favors woman suffrage. Author of magazine articles: A Woman's Ascent of the Matterhorn (Outlook); A Woman's Climbs in the High Alps (Nat. Geo- graphic Magazine, July, 1911) ; Arctic Mountain- eering by a Woman (Scribner's, May, 1912); First Expedition to Mt. Blackburn, Alaska (Philadel- phia Geog. Soc. Bulletin), and Appalachian, vol. 12, No. 4.
KEEP, Ida Savory (Mrs. S. Hopkins Keep), Gibson Terrace, 32 Clay St., South NorwaUc, Conn.
Born Boston, Mass., Dec. 23, 1862; dau. Thomas C. and Mary A. (Berkeley) Savory; ed. Boston High and Normal schools, grad. 1868; m. Brook- lyn, N.Y., Nov. 21, 1877. Dr. S. Hopkins Keep; children: Adrian Dwlght, Ethel Savory Keep (now Mrs. Frank D. Layton). Was leading lady, supporting Charles Fechter, E. L. Davenport, Edwin Adams, Laurence Barrett, John McCol- lough, Robson and Crane; last engagement, at time of marriage, was leading lady for Henry E. Abbey, supporting E. A Sothern at Park Thea- tre, N.Y. City. Mem. Friday Afternoon Club of South Norwalk (ex-pres., now sec); director Conn. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Was pupil of George Vanderhoff, English tragedian; E. L. Davenport, Am. tragedian, and Lewis B. Monroe and William T. Leonard, teachers of oratory.
KEEZER, Martha W. (Mrs. Frank M. Keezer),
1243 Colubine St., Denver, Colo.
Bom West Roxbury, Boston; dau. John Adams and Maria (Chamberlain) Whittemore; ed. Bos- ton schools; West Roxbury High School; Cornell UnlT.; m. Boston, April 29, 1891, Frank M. Keezer; children: Madelyn Moore, Dexter Mer- riam. Vice-pres. of several Denver clubs; treas. for many yeare of Denver Keramic Club; di- rector Nat. Alliance of Unitarian Women for Rocky Mountain Section; State pres. Sunshine Soc; active in the city's musical and charitable work. Favcrs woman suffrage. Occasional con- tributor to newspapers and magazines. Liberal Unitarian. Independent in politics. Mem. D.A.R., Children's Hospital Ass'n. Clubs: Tues- day Musical, Denver Keramic (took several blue ribbons with keramic work).
KEHEW, MiUo Marie (Mrs. Everett Eugene Kehew), 247 Emerson St., Pittsburgh (sum- mer, "The Bungalow," Bradford Woods, Pa.). Born Mt. Pleasant, Pa. ; dau. Col. George Noj and Mary Virginia (Overholt) McCain; ed. New- ton Girls' School, Philadelphia; Bucknell Sem., Lewisburg, Pa.; Vassar Coll.; Swarthmore, A.B. '04; awarded prize for elocution, Bucknell Sem., '98; associate editor The Phoenix, Swarthmore, 1902-03 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Philadel- phia, Jan. 12, 1907, Everett Eugene Kehew; chil- dren: Julia Ann, Nox McCain, John Taylor. Ex- change editor Colorado Springs Daily and Sunday Gazette, 1904-05. Has traveled extensively in North Africa, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Hol- land, etc Mem. Kappa Alpha Theta Alumni Ass'n (Pittsburgh), Coll. Club.
KEHBLEIN, Frances Cassandra (Mrs. Oliver
du F. Kehrleln), Los Altos, Cal.
Born San Francisco, Oct. 11, 1886; dau. Charlea M. and Cassanova H. (Adams) Coon; ed. Con- vent of the Sacred Heart, N.Y. City, and Menlo Park, Cal.; grad. from latter, 1904; m. Menlo Park, Cal., June 12, 1907, Oliver du F. KehrleTn; children: Frances Cassanova, Oliver du Fresne, Charles Coon. Favors woman suffrage. Catho- lic. Progressive Republican. Metn. Alumnae of the Sacred Heart, Madison Av., N.Y. City, also mem. Bnfants de Marie.
KEUFEB, Alartha Steele (Mrs. William White Kelfer), 12S0 E. High St., Sprlnglleld, O. Born Springfleld, O., Dec. 15, 1867; dau. Marsh- field and Martha (Lehman) Steele; ed. Springfleld public schools; Springfleld Sem.; Wells Coll., Aurora; Cayuga Lake, N.Y. ; Wells, B.A. "87; m. Springfleld. O., June 13, 1894, William White Keifer; children; Horace S., William W., Martha, Penelope. Alumn® trustee Wells Coll., 1906-12.