��KAPP, Mrs. Marie F., 43 Franklin St., North- ampton, Mass.
Professor amerltua of German at Smith Coll.; b. Westphalia, Germany, May 24, 1843; dau. Louis Groneweeg (chemist) and Dorothea (Bozi) Grone- weeg; ed. by private tutor; later In public schools of Southern Ohio; Seminary, Dayton, O.; Glen- dale Sem. ; then ahroad in Germany; hon. M.A. from Smith Coll.; m. May, 1861, Otto Kapp, son of Director Kapp of Gymnasium (Cdl.) In Ramm- on-the-Llppe; widowed 1879. Took charge of German dep't of Smith Coll. at Northampton, Mass., September, 1880; retired June, 1911. In- terested In missionary work, home and foreign, in college work and life; connected for many years with Women's Union Missionary Soc. and the Congregational Woman's Board. Congrega- tionallst Recreations: Reading, study, traveling in Europe, music, art, etc. Strongly against woman suffrage.
K.\BNS, Emily Sophia (Mrs. William A. Kama), Box S67, Channlng Lane, Palo Alto, Gal. Born Kane Co., III., Mar. 3, 1853; dau. Edmund and Sarah (Smith) Elliott; ed. high school and State Normal; m. (1st) Dr. E. H. Pardee, 1879 (died); (2d) Baltimore, Md., 1898, William A. Kams; one daughter: Nellie Pardee, b. 1881 (died 1896). Teacher for seven years. Contributor to religious, social and philanthropic objects. Has written travel articles to local papers and articles on Civil Service Reform In the official organ of the State Fed. of Women's Clubs. While pres. of the Palo Alto Woman's Club published a promotion magazine entitled, Santx Clara Val- ley. Mem. Colony of New Bngland Women, D.A.R. ; ex-pree. Palo Alto Woffloan's Cluh. Uni- tarian. Favors woman suffrage; during the eight months' campaign In Cal. in 1911 was pres. Palo Alto Suffrage League.
KAKNS, Louise M. (Mrs, John Delano Kama), 370 Kendall Place, Columbus, O. ; summer, Bonnydell Cottage, Put-In Bay, O. Born Baltimore, Md., July 17, 1870; dau. Rev. Frederick and Louise (Gummel) Bonn; ed. Washington State Univ. and Univ. of the Pacific (near San PYancisco) ; m. San JosS, Cal., April 22, 18i)0, John Delano Karns; one daughter: Bonnydell Louise, b. Columbus, O., No. 24, 1891. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. North Side Day Nursery, Y.W.C.A. ; active In the Broad St Methodist Church sooletiea. Pres. Southeastern Dist. of Ohio State Fed. Women's Clubs; second vlce-pres. Ladies' Blackstone Club (laiwyers' wives) ; sec. Altrurlan Club (literary) ; sec. Columbus Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. Woman's College Oluh.
KABR, Louise (Mary Lucasta Karr), 164 E. 91st
St., N.T. City.
Monologist; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1857; dau. Rev. W. S. Karr, D.D., of Hartford Theological Semi- nary, and Lucasta (Noyes) Karr; ed. Abbott Acad., Andover, Mass., 1875. Formerly much In- terested in boys' and girls' friendly and social clubs; while living in Hartford Interested in the Hartford School of Music (was on the advisory board). Writer of contributions, monologues, sketches to magazines and newspapers. Mem. Saturday Morning Club (Hartford), MacDowell and Barnard Clubs, and Art Workers' Club for Women (N.Y. City). Mem. Consumers' League, Needlework Guild. Presbyterian. Antl-suffra- gist.
K.\ST, Ida G., Mechanlsburg. Pa,
Lawyer; dau. D. B. and Elizabeth (Beelman) Kast; ed. Irving Coll., B.S. '92, A.M. '12. Inter- ested in Sunday-school and Bpworth League work and general civic work. Recording sec. Harrisburg Dist. Epworth League; mem. Legis- lative Com. State Fed. of Pa. Women; mem. Board of Managers Public Library, Mechanics- burg, Pa. Has written poems in various maga- zines, also in college periodicals. Mem. Woman's Club, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Methodist. Favors weman suffrage; mem. Cumberland (3o. (Pa.) Com. Woman's Suffrage Party; cor. sec. and mem. Advisory Board of Votes for Women Club of Mechaniorburg, Pa,
��KACFTMAN, Clara Norton (Mrs. Linus Benton Kauffman), 906 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. Bom Springfield, O., June 24, 1857; dau. Thomas Rood and Clara (Foos) Norton; ed. Springfield Sem.; m. Springfield, O., June 12, 1884, Linus Benton Kauffman; one daughter: Betsey Beeoher Kauffman. Pres. Y.W.C.A. of Columbus, O. ; pres. Hannah NeU Mission and Home of the Friendless. Mem. Columbus Phil- anthropic Council, Pioneer Ass'n of Franklin Co., Ohio; Columbus Female Benevolent Soc, Colum- bus Chapter D.A.R. , Old Northwest Genealogical and Historical Ass'n. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.
KAUFFMAN, Margraret Brfle Houston (Mrs.
M. L. Kauffman), 1711 Moser Place, Dallas,
Poet, reader; b. Texas; dau. Dr. Sam Houston (son of Gen. Sam Houston, first President of Texas) and Lucy (Anderson) Kaufiinan; ed. private schools, convents; grad. St. Mary's Coll., Dallas (honors In English); m. Dallas, Tex., 1900, M. L. Kauffman; one daughter: Katrina, b. November, 1901. Trustee of Newsboys' Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; pres. of newly organized Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Dallas. Author: Prairie Flowers (a volume of poeims written while in college), 1907. Author of many poems and short stories published in leading magazines, written under maiden name. Mem. Shakespeare Club of Dallas. Engaged on a drama of Old Mexico; her poem, The Poet in the Market Place, appeared in the Lyric Year.
KAUFFMAN, NcUe Dnnliam (Mrs, Frank Kauff- man), The Arches, Algonquin P. C, Klrkwood, Mo,
Born St. Louis; dau. John S. and Emily (Peck- ham) Dunham; ed. Mary Institute; m. St. Louis, Jan. 12, 1899, Frank Kauffman; children: Frank Edgar, EJmily Dunham. Pres. Auxiliary Soc. Baptist Orphans' Home. Interested In gardening and photography. Favors woman suffrage. Mean. Wednesday Club of St, Louis.
KAUFFMAN, Knth (Mrs. Reginald Wright
Kauffman), winter address, Columbia, Lan- caster Co., Pa,; summer, The Cottage, Clough- ton Newlands, Cloughton-ander-Scarborough, Yorks, Eng.
Writer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 5, 1883; dau. Charles L. Keene and Harriet B. (Hatch) Ham- mltt; ed. Bucknell Coll.; Bryn Mawr Coll., and Tours, France (PI Beta Phi); m. Charleston, S.C, 1909, Reginald Wright Kauffman. Worked in dep't store, 1905; acted as Insurance clerk, 1906; do- mestic servant, summer 1906; taught French, Latin, English, 1906-09; Investigated with hus- band so-called "white slave" traffic In various U.S. cities and Europe, 1909-10. Contributes spe- cial articles, short stories and verse to magazines; co-author (with husband) Mr. Desmond's Di- vorces, 1910; The Latter Day Saints, 1912; The Primrose Path (piay), 1912. Recreation: Horse- back riding. Favors woman suffrage. Socialist. KAUFMAN, Pauline, 173 E. 124th St., N.Y. City, Nature work in public schools; b. N.Y. City, 1857; dau. Abraham and Hannah (Elseman) Kaufman; ed. city public schools. Normal Coll. of City of N.Y. Jewess. Recreations: Botanical trips principally,
KAUFMANN, Annie Millln«rton (Mrs. WUllam P. Kaufmann), 60 Church St., Port Jer^'is, N.Y. Bom Derby, Eng., 1867; dau. William BS, and Hannah (Oldknow) Milllngton; ed. in English boarding school; m. Hamburg, Erie C!o., N.Y., 1888, William P. Kaufmann; children: Marie and William P. Jr. Assists husband, and has charge of an insurance and real estate office. Teaches a Sunday-school class of young men in Grace Episcopal Church, Port Jervis; pres. of the City Improvement Ass'n of Port Jervis. Mem. Orange Chapter, No. 33, Order Eastern Star; Tourist Club of Port Jervis. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics.
K.4.VANA, Rose M., 300 S. Elwood Av., Oak
Park, 111.
Assistant principal Medlll High School, (Chi- cago; b. Poygan, Wis.; dau. Josepih P. and Bllen (Blake) Kavana; ed. Hl^h School, Oshkosh,