��KAHL,, Steila, Moore (Mrs. Charles N. Kahl), 717 E. Main St., "East Lawn," Vermilion, S.Dak.
State regent D.A.R. ; b. Kirkwood, 111., Sept. 1, 1867; dau. M. D. and Agnes E. (Paine) Moore; ed. high school in Iowa, State Univ. of S.Dak.; m. Clay Co., S.Ekak., Mar. 10, 18S6, Charles N. Kahl; children: Vera E., Bessie A., Marian E., Margaret E., Charles N. Has been teacher, county sup't, mem. Board of Education; pres. Woman's Civic League; State regent D.A.R. of S.Dak. Favors woman sufirage, Congrega,- tionalist. Clubs: Wasesa, Current History.
KAHXER-EVA^'S, Blanche EsteUe (Mrs. Rich- ard Bacon Ev-ans), 15 03 Gorman St., Cincin- nati, O.
Teacher of piano and harmony, tutor in Latin and Greek; b. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 29, 1874; dau. Joseph Weaver and Rachel Estelle (James) Kahler; ed. Cincinnati in district and inter- mediate schools, and Hughes High School; Univ. of Cincinnati, A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '97; at Miss Clara Baur's Conservatory of Music; m. Cincinnati, Jan. 10, 1899, Richard Bacon Evans; children: Joseph Kahler, Beatrice Kahler. Held fellowship in Latin at Univ. of Cincinnati, 1897- 98; taught the technic of piano playing at Miss Baur's Conservatory, 1897-98; taught privately, giving a public recital about once a year. Writer of occasional poems and short stories. Mem. Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc., the Finding Out Club. Lutheran. Favors woman suffrage. Republican.
KAJBXEK, Garnet Page (Mrs. William F. Kahler;, 101 Richard St., Guyandotte Station, Huntington, W.Va.
Born Guyandotte, W.Va., Nov. 25, 1874; dau. George Seldon and Emily Cordelia (Smith) Page; grad. Guyandotte High School; Virginia Coll. for Young Ladies, Roanoke, Va,, B.A. ; m. Guyan- dotte, Nov. 24, 1896, William F. Kahler. Works in the W.C.T.U. and different dep'ts of church; takes part in all social and philanthropic inter- ests of the town. Mem. M.E. Church, South; W.C.T.U. and Woman's Club of Huntington. Favors woman suffrage.
KAHN, Mrs. Adolph, The Ontario, 2733 Ontario Road, Washington, D.C.
Born Maryville, Mo.; dau. August and Amalia (Sanders) Oppenheimer; ed. St. Joseph, Mo.; m. Washington, D.C, Mar. 10, 1896, Adolph Kahn. Pres. Alliance of Jewish Women; mem. of many philanthropic societies, serving on many boards. KAHKS, Grace M., 2 W. Ninety-fourth St., N.Y. City.
Physician; ed. N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women; attending physician N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women; attending physician in The Babies' Dairies; ass't pediatrist Lying-in Hospital of the City of N.Y. ; anaesthetist Laura Franklin Hospital for Children; lecturer in pedi- atrics N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homoeopathy, N.Y. State Homoeopathic Soc., N.Y. County Homoeopathic Med. Soc, Women's Med. Club of N.Y., Alumni Ass'n of N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women.
KAI.P, Martha Wolfe (Mrs. J. Lloyd Kalp), 207 S. Church St., Mount Pleasant, Pa. Bom Lewisburg, Pa., Oct. 9, 1880; dau. Charles S. and Martha E. (Meixell) Wolfe; ed. Bucknell Inst.; Bucknell Univ., grad. '05, B.S. (Pi Phi local sorority); m. Lewisburg, Pa., Sept. 14, 1905, J. Lloyd Kalp; one son: Charles Wolfe, b. 1908. Sup't of Cradle Roll of First Baptist Church, Mount Pleasant; ass't teacher In primary dep't. Clubs: Woman's Saturday Afternoon (Mount Pleasant and Scottdale); treas. Mount Pleasant Civic Club, Shickelimo Chapter D.A.R. (Lewis- burg), Bucknell Alumnae Ass'n. Baptist Favors woman suffrage.
BLAMEN, Ets Rnbin (Mrs. Max Kamen), Cum- berland, Md.
Daughter of George and Ida (Fox) Rubin; ed. Baltimore and Chicago; m. Baltimore, Md., June 5, 1901, Max Kamen; children: George Rubin,
��Leigh Maxine. Since 1S07 active In civic wot\ begrinnitLg by agitating for a municipal systera of gartoage removal and street sweeping, securing signatures to a petition which resulted in estab- lishing such a system by the City Council a yeai later, and in June, 1909, the Cumberland Civic Club was organized, of which she has since been president. Club has agitated and procured a new water supply system now being put in at a cost of half a million dollars. Has helped to organize the Associated Charities and is endeavoring to establish a Public Library through a board of which she. is a member. She has also helped to organize civic clubs with similar ends at Lona- coming and Frostburg, Md. Also mem. Gurrent Events Club (literary), the Melody Club, two hospital auxiliaries and the Jewish Ladies' Aid. Favors woman suffrage.
KANE, Elizabeth C, 7 32 Exchange Bldg. (resi- dence Gayoso Hotel), Memphis, Tenn. Physician; b. Allegheny, Pa.; dau. S. D. and Margaretta (Kennedy) Kane (niece of Justice George Shiras of U.S. Supreme Court, descendant of Dr. Elisha Kent Kane, the Arctic explorer) ; ed. Woman's Med. Coll., Baltimore, Md. ; Univ. of Nashville, Tenn. First woman to hold posi- tion on staff of Memphis City Hospital; head of obstetrics four years, gynecology four years; chairnan health dep't Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1909-13; through her efforts the bill for the pre- vention of blindness in babies was passed, 1911. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Tenn. State Med. Soc, Shelby Co. Med. Soc. and 19th Century Club. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage.
KANE, Grace Miriam Wilson (Mrs. George F.
Kane), Anthon, la.
Bom Leigh, la., Oct. 1, 1879; dau. J. M. and A. B. (Whipple) Wilson; ed. Convent at Orlando, Fla. ; Elgin (111.) Acad.; Taunton (Mass.) Acad.; Swain Art School, New Bedford, Mass. ; m. Lake City, la., May 1, 1902, George F. Kane; children: Herst Wilson, Grace Whipple. Specially inter- ested in maintaining the Anthon Public Library founded by Anthon Woman's Club, in which she is serving second year as pres. Mem. Order Eastern Star. Recreations: Painting (china and water colors), reading, music. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
KANE, Susan Majy (Mrs. .Sandy Morrow Kaue), Michigan Club Bldg., University Campus, Seat- tle, Wash.
Teacher; b. New Castle, Pa., Nov. 26, 1866; dau. John and Elizabeth (McCauley) McClelland; grad. East Des Moines (la.) High School, 85; m. July 5,, 1886, Sandy Morrow Kane. Primary teacher East Des Moines, la., ten years; prin. school, Deadwood, S.Dak., six years; teacher Seattle schools five years. Pres. of Scribes' Club, doing original work in literature; mem. Writers' Club. Writer of stories and verse for children, educational magazines and short stories, asd ar- ticles in magazines. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Ciiurch. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive new, formerly Republican.
KANEKO, Josephine Conger (Mrs. Kuchl Kaneko), 5445 Drexel Av., Chicago, HI. Editor, publisher; b. Centralia, Mo.; dau. Mil- ton Marshal and Anna (Wigginton) Conger; ed. public schools; tTwo years in Ruskin Coll., Tren- ton, Mo.; studied economics especially under Prof. Thomas E. Will, former pres. of Manhat- tan (Kan.) Agricultural School; m. N.Y. City, 1904, Kuchi Kaneko. Learned printing and pub- lishers' business in brotiier's country newspaper office; was two years on editorial staff of Appeal to Reason, a Socialist paper with half a million circulation. Has published and edited The Pro- gressive Woman six years. Has been a mem. of Socialist Party since 1903. Was formerly mem. of Am. Fed. of Labor; helped organize a branch in Glrard, Kan., also mem. of various suffrage clubs. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Suf- frage Club of Girard, Kan. ; mem. Woman's Suf- frage Party of Chicago, 111. Author: Little Sister of the Poor (novel) ; also two small volumes of poems. Has contributed articles to Coming Na- tion, Life, World's Work, Success Magazine, New York Sunday Times, etc. Socialist. Rec- reations: Walking, tennis, boat rowing.