Camping, walking, swimmdng. M«m. Mich.
State Federation of Women's Clubs.
JOSAPHARE, Maude Josephine Coan (Mrs. Lionel Josaphare), 1652 E. Thirteenth St., Brooklyn. N.Y.
Writer; b. Morristown, Pa., March 18, 1886; dau. Joseph M. and Helen C. (Blair) Coan; ed. in public schools. Normal diploma, School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia, Pa.; special work, Univ. of Pa., Columbia Univ., Philadelphia Te.xtUe School, Acad, of Fine Arts; m. Home- crest, Ij.1., June 29, 1904, Lionel Josaphare; one daughter: Helen Blair. Art teacher, Polytechnic High School, San Francisco; supervisor drawing, Philadelphia public schools, and Ponce, Puerto Rico. Editorial work; ass't to chief Investigator Illinois State Vice Commission. Contributor of articles (In series) on book-binding, pwttery, textiles and interior decoration to a number of magazines, also short stories and verse. Presby- ttrian. Mem. Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science. Recreations: Swimming, riding, dancing. Mem. Plastic Club, Philadelphia, Pa. JOSLIN, Rebecca Richardson, 71 Charles St., Boston, Mass.
Born Boston; dau. Oilman and Mary A. (Cllne) Joslln; ed. Boston public schools; special student at Mass. Inst, of Technology; student at New England Conservatory of Music; at Boston Mu- seum of Fine Arts; grad. Posse (jymnasium (both Normal and Medical courses), with, diploma; mean. Mass. Inst. Technology Women's Ass'n; sec. Castilian Club of Boston, a club devoted to the study of Spain, 1897-98; the Club Essays, illustrated and bound into volumes, are deposited in Boston Public Library; pres. Castilian Club, 1901-12. Charter mem. John Han- cock Chapter D.A.R., vice regent for eight years, regent 1908-10. Author: Essays on Early Years of Charles V. in Spain; War of the Comuneros; Philip of Anjou and the Archduke Charles, Rival Claimants to the Spanish Throne; Queen Marie of Savoy, and the Princess des Ursins (the Camarera Mayor); French Influence in Spain; Moratin the Elder; The Club of the Fonda de San Sebastian; Iriarte and His Fables; Italian Literature in the Time of Charles HI. of Spain; Moratin the Younger and Other Spanish Writers of His Period; Spanish Generals of the Peninsular War. Unitarian. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston, D.A.R., American Folk-Lore Soc, Free Pweliglous Ass'n, Mass. Inst. v Technology Women's Ass'n, Mass. 'Soc. for Univ. Education of Women, Women's Municipal League, Hahnemann Ass'n, Nat. Geographic Soc. Recreations: Gymnastics, boating, painting, the theatre, the opera, foreign travel. Clubs: Appalachian Mountain, Lyceum (London), New England Women's, Twentieth Century, Castilian (Boston). Was a guest of the British Government at the Coronation Dur- bar at Delhi, India, Dec, 1911. JOY, Helen Hall Newberry (Mrs. Henry Bourne Joy), Grosse Polnte Farms, Mich.
Born Detroit, Mich., June 9, 1869; dau. John 5toughton (mem. of Congress, 1879-81) and Helen Parmelee (Handy) Newberry; ed. Detroit, Mich., and N.Y. City; m. Grosse Point, Mich., Oct. 11, 1S92, Henry Bourne Joy; children: Helen Bourne, Marian Handy (deceased), James Frederick (de- ceaiSed), Henry Bourne Jr. Interested in the Women's Guild, Women's Hospital and Infante' Home; president of Board of Lady Managers of Grace Hospital; treas. McAll Mission In Mich.; vlce-pres. Needlework Guild of Detroit; vice- pres. Y.W.C.A. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Daughters of 1812, Mayflower Descendants, (3ol- onlal Governors (chairman in Mich.), Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America (treas.). New England Women. Clubs: Twentieth Century, Fine Arts of Detroit, Tuesday Muslcale, Woman's Indoor Athletic (treas.). Recreations: Swimming, golf, yachting, skating. Presbyterian.
JUCH, Emma Antonia Joanna (Mrs. Francis L. Wellman), 123 E. Thirty-seventh St., N.Y. City.
Operatic singer; b. Vienna, Austria Hungary, July 4, 1863; dau. Justin and Augusta (Hahn) Juch; ed. public schools and grrad. from normal school; pupil of Mme. Murlo-Celll. Made d6but In concert, Chickerlng Hall. Engaged by Col. Mapleson, May, 1881, to sing leading soprano rales in London and made d6but at Her Ma- jesty's Grand Italian Opera as Felina in Mignon, 1881; also singing in other leading soprano rdlea of Italian grand opera for three seasons. Shared work of Nllsaon and Materna In Wagnerian tour in U.S. under management of Theodore Thomas and sang alternate nights with Nilsson as Elsa in Lohengrin. Was the first artist engaged when the Am. Opera Co. was formed; sang six rOlea and 164 times; for Ave years sang In festivals, symphonic concerts and at the head of Emma Juch Grand Opera Co. until marriage; m. Stam- ford, Conn., June 25, 1894, Francis L. Wellman, of the N.Y. City bar. Hon. mem. Aschenbroedel Verelu of professional orchestra musicians In recognition of her services In aid of the society's Circle Fund.
JUDGE, Winifred E. (Mrs. John H. Judge), 27 W. Ninety-fourth St., N.Y. City.
Born Louisville, Ky. ; dau. Capt. Ephralm J. and Mary JudI N. (Kerns) Hollis; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 30, 1889, John H. Judge; one son: Victor H. Stockell (by first husiband). Interested In all matters pertaining to women. Pres. Soc. for Political Study; vlce-pres. the Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n; mem. of several clubs. Has traveled through the U.S. and Europe, visiting and studying everything in connection with women's clubs and charitable associations. Has served as delegate to conventions of women's clubs and served on many Important committees. Inter- ested in child labor and the passage of billa to regulate the conditions of children who work outside the home.
JUDSON, Katherine Berry, The Halmar, 13th St. and Denny Way, Seattle, Wash.
University Instructor, author; b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; dau. William Barker and Harriet Anna (Berry) Judson; ed. Cornell, A.B. '04 (Phi Beta Kappa); Univ. of Washington, A.M. '11; N.Y. State Library School, 1904-05. Librarian Kalispell (Mont.) Public Library; dep't head Seattle Public Library; research instructor in Northwest history, Univ. of Washington, 1911-12. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Author: Myths and Legends of Alaska; Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest; Myths and Legends of California, and the Old Southwest; Montana (an elementary history); When the Forests Are Ablaze (novel). JUDSON, Margaret, 53 Washington Sq., N.Y. City.
Teacher; b. Orange, N.J., Feb. 15, 1880; dau. Edward and Antoinette (Barstow) Judson; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. 1903. Instructor in English, Simmons Coll., 1904-05; Instructor in English, Vassar Coll., 1905-07, 1909-12; graduate student at Yale Univ., 1907-09, 1912-13; fellow at Yale, 1908- 09, 1912-14. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Dutchess Co. (N.Y.) Equal Suffrage League, Equal Franchise League of New Haven, Conn. Author (in collaboration with Martha Hale Shackford): Composition, Rhetoric, Literature, A Four Years' Course for Secondary Schools.
JUDSON, Sarah Worrall (Mrs. Charles Francis Judson), 1005 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Covington, Ky. ; dau. John Milton and Rhoda Isabelle (Byars) Worrall; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; special course at Wellesley Coll. ; m. June 23, 1902, Charles F. Judson. Mem. Civic Club. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
JUHRING, Frances Fisher (Mrs. John C Juhring), 311 W. Eighty-sixth St., N.Y. City, and Ardsley-on-Hudson in summer.
Born New York; dau. Eugene Augustus and Antoinette (Bryant) Fisher; ed. Comstock School, N.Y. City; m. Nov. 19, 1901, John C. Juhring; one son: Jack C, b. Aug. 30, 1902.
JULIAND, Janet, Terrace Hill, Bainbridge, N.Y.
Agriculturist; b. BaJnbrldge, N.Y. ; dau. Joseph and Emma (Chamberlain) Juliand; ed. Balnbrldge High School, St. Margaret's School, Waterbury, (3onn. Pres. Balnbrldge Woman's Cluib, 1909-12; pres. of the local Fed. In SUth DIst. of N.Y. State Fed. Favors woman suf- frage. Has written three plays for use In wo- men's clubs: Joan of Arc; The Grand Mon«rcta, and Remhrandt; also one play for children: The Twelfth Guest. Protestant Episcopal. Diocesan sec. Little Helper Branch of Woman's Auxiliary of Central N.Y.