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��ticular. Presbyterian. Mem. Friendly Inn (chil- dren) ; Orphans' Home, Woman's Relief Corps, Library Ass'n. Recreations: Traveling, reading. Mem. Colloquiallsts' Club, City Federation of Women (Flndlay). JONES, Nellie Sawyer Kedzie (Mrs. Howard

Murray Jones), Auburndale, Wis.

Born Madison, Me., Aug. 2, 1859; dau. Luke F. and Pauline Dinsmore (Gray) Sawyer; ed. Kan- sas Agricultural College, M.S.; m. (Ist) Ottawa, Kan., Dec. 28, 1881, Robert F. Kedzie; went to Miss. Agricultural Coll., where Prof. Kedzie died in 1882; m. (2d) Peoria, 111., July 17, 1901, Rev. Hofward Murray Jones. Prof, of domestic science in Kansas Agricultural Coll., 1882-97; prof, of same in Bradley Polytechnic Inst., Peoria, 111., 1897-1901. Lecturer through the Middle West be- fore farmers' institutes and women's clubs. Has written articles for various agricultural papers on home-making and domestic science subjects. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R. JONES, OliTe Branch, Library of the Ohio

State Univ., Columbus, Ohio.

Librarian; b. Jackson CJounty, Ohio, Oct 10, 1863; dau. Edward I. and Helen (Cherrington) Jones; ed. public schools, Ohio State Univ., B.A. '87. Univ. librarian of the Ohio State Univ. since 1893. Author of professional articles in library papers. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Ohio Library Ass'n, Nat. Fed. of College Women, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Recreation: Out-door life. JONES, Tabitha Kedman (Mrs. John Jones),

703 Whitman St., Walla Walla, Wash.

Oajpitalist; b. Virginia City, November, 1861; dau. George W. and Salley (Hibbird) Redman; ed. Walla Walla, Wash.; m. (1st) Walla Walla, 1881, Wiley Lasater; (2d) 1891, John Jones; chil- dren: Fred. W. Lasater, Wiley Lasater, F. Low- aen Jones. Favors woman suffrage and was sec. to a political equality club prior to the suffrage amendment two years ago in Walla Walla. Presbyterian. Clubs: Woman's Reading, Walla Walla Art; treas. Washington State Federation of Women's Clubs. Interested in school work, having been a teacher for ten years, seven yeare in the Walla Walla County public schools. JORDAN, Edith Monica, Polytechnic High

School, Los Angeles, Cal.

Teacher; b. Irvington, Ind., Feb. 17, 1877; dau. David Starr and Susan (Bo won) Jordan; grad. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., A.B. ; Cornell Univ., A.M. (Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Alpha Theta). Teacher of history. Mills Coll., Merced High School, etc.; head of history dep't. Polytechnic High School, Los Angeles, Cal. Favors woman's suffrage. Independent In politics. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Clubs: Evening City (Lcs An- gelas), Lyceum (London). JORDAN, Elizabeth, 36 Gramercy Park (office,

Harper & Brothers, Franklin Sq.), N.T. City.

Editor, author, playwright; b. Milwaukee, Wis., May 9, 1867; dau. William Francis and Margarita (Garver) Jordan; grad. CJonvent of Notre Dame, Milwaukee, with high honors (valedictorian of class and winner of cross of honor). Did first writing on western newspapers; went to N.Y. City, 1890, at invitation of Col. Cockerill (then editor-in-chief) to take position with N.Y. World, with which remained ten years, one year as reporter, ani nine years as editor of various de- partments, including the colored supplements and the Editorial Forum; was for three years ass't editor of the Sunday World, associated with Ar- thur Brisbane, then Sunday editor, and during that time "made up" the entire Sunday edition. In 1893 made a special study oi tenement condi- tions in N.Y. City, publishing the result of her Investigations under the caption: The Sub- merged Tenth; later made and published similar investigations of tenement conditions in London and Paris. Resigned from the World, Jan. 1, 1900, to take the position, held ever since, of edi- tor of Harper's Bazar. Author: Tales of the City Room, 1895; Tales of Destiny; Tales of the Clois- ter; Many Kingdoms; May Iverson— Her Book; May Iverson Tackles Life. Also joint author of the novel The Whole Family (written In collab- oration with William Dean Howells, Henry James, Alice Brown, Dr. Henry Van Dyke, Eliza-

��beth Stuart Phelps, and others). Wrote plavs: The Lady from Oklahoma (produced 1911 and published later in same year); contributor of short stories to Harper's Magazine, Harper's Bazar, Scribner's, Century, Atlantic Monthly, and other magazines. Mem. Nat. Com. of KM), North Am. Civic League for Emigrants, Equal Fran- chise See, Advisory B'd of Pioneers of America, Big Sisters Ass'n (N.Y. City), Gramercy Neigh- borhood As'n; vice-pres. Notre Dame Alumnae Ass'n; mem. Cosmopolitan Club (N.Y. City), Lyceum Olub (London).

JORDAN, Elsie Medora (Mrs. Charles W. Jor- dan), 16 Center St., Yarmouthville, Me. Born North Yarmouth, Me.; dau. John W. and Susan H. (Porter) Johnson; ed. North Yarmouth and Cumberland Inst.; m. North Yarmouth, Jan. 1, 1878, Charles W. Jordan; children: Raymond B. and Ruth H. Interested in musical education and progress. Baptist. Club: Yarmouth Women's.

JORDAN, Ettie Airtelia, St. Regis Apartment, St, Louis, Mo.

Born Toledo, Ohio; dau. A. J. and Amelia E. (Weaver) Jordan; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Sylvanus Reed's School, N.Y. ; Frankfort- on-the-Main, Germany. Interested in various church and philanthropic activities. Presbyter- ian. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc., Y.W.C.A., King's Daughters. Recreations: Photography, golfing, motoring. Mem. Wednesday Club, Sickleholme Golf Club, England. Has spent most of the past 16 years abroad, in which time she has made three trips around the world, taking four years for one of them and visiting many unfrequented places.

JORDAN, Jessie Knight (Mrs. David Starr Jor- dan), Stamford University, Cal. Born Ware, Mass., Nov. 5, 1866; dau. Charles S. and Cordelia (Cutter) Knight; ed. public and high schools of Worcester, Mass., 1874-84; student Cornell Univ., 1886-87; Univ. of Ind., A.B. ; m. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 10, 1887, David Starr Jordan; children: Knight Starr, Barbara (deceased), Eric Knight. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. for many years of Century and Town and Country Clubs of San Francisco. Independent in politics. JORDAN, Mary A. L. Ranken — see Ranken-

Jordan, Mary A. L. JORDAN, Mary Adela, 33 Plymouth St., Mont- clair, N.J.

School principal; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '92. Teacher in private school at Old Point Comfort, Va., 1896; Providence, R.I., 1896-1902; Boston, 1902-08; principal Klmberly School, Montclalr, N.J., since 1909. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. JORDAN, Mary Augusta, Hatfield House, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Professor; b. Ironton, 0., 1855; dau. Edward and Augusta W. (Ricker) Jordan; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. ; M.A.; L.H.D. Teacher and librarian Vassar Coll.; prof, of English Smith Coll. Mem. Congregational Church. Interested in Drama League and Municipal Theatre. Mem. Soc. Op- posed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women. Editor of editions of Burke's Speech of Concilia- tion; Milton's Minor Poems; Emerson's Essays; Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. Author: Cor- rect Writing and Speaking; also essays In maga- zines occasionally. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n, Philological Soc, New England Ass'n of School and Colleges, Internat League of Gulic School in Spain (Internat. Inst,). Recreations: Walking, reading. Club: Women's Univ., N.Y. City.

JORDAN, Myra Beach (Mrs. Frederick P. Jor- dan), 923 Olivia PI., Ann Arbor, Mich. Dean of women; b. Penfleld, Calhoun Co., Mich,. Mar. 17, 1863; dau. Joseph Phelps and Susan (Atmore) Beach; grad. Battle Creek High School, '80; Univ. of Mich., '93; m. Bf.ttle Creek, Mich., Aug. 23, 1893, Frederick P. Jordan. Taught in country school when 16. Later taught eight years in Battle Creek schools and two years In Salt Lake City. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa (Mich.) Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Recreations:


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