JOITM, I/onlse Caldvrell (Mrs. Gilbert E. Jones), 1895-1900. Mem. Nat Educational Ass'n, Ass'n 222 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Born Buffalo, N.Y.; dau. Stephen Diokman and JONKS, JIary Noyes Tyler (Mrs. Frederick Hall Mary (Baasett) Caldwell; ed. In Europe; m. St. jones), 71 Central St., Andover, Mass. Thomas' Church. N.Y. City, Feb. 2, 1882, Gilbert Bom Haddam Conn., July 6, 1868; dau. E. Jones (son of George Jones, founder N.Y. Alpheus W. and Melissa (Usher) Tyler; ed. Hart- Times); children: George, Gilbert E. Jr. Inter- fg^d (Conn.) public school, 1855, Wellesley Coll., ested in religious, social, philanthropic, educa- ^.B. '90; mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon; m. Haddam, tlonal and musical activities. Founder and pres. Conn., June 22, 1893, Frederick Hall Jones. In- the National League for the Civic Education of terested in church work and social settlement Women; active speaker and writer against work. Against woman suffrage. Congregation- woman suffrage. Author of two-act plays: Isola aUgt. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns, Col- (drama); The Weaker Sex (comedy); also of jgge Settlement Ass'n. Mem. November Club, short pamphlets: Taxation Without Representa- Andover, Mass.; Boston Wellesley Club, College tion; Woman Suffrage and the Wage Earner; club Boston, Mass
Defeats of Woman Suffrage; Government aud ,^',„ ,, ^ ,, 1, ^ -,-,., ^ c^. Woman Suffragp. Mem. N.Y. State Federation JONtS, Maude Enuly, Congress Hotel, and B748 and N.Y. City Federation of Women's Clubs, Calumet Av., Chicago. ^ ^ ^ „ Colony, Barnard and 20th Century Clubs of N.Y. Good roads advocate; b. Sanford, Me., Aug. 28, City. Episcopalian. Recreation: European 1884; dau. H. W. and Frances May (Roberts) travel Jones; ed. Alfred, Me.; Boston, Mass. Active In ,^„.,„ ,,._.« , ,,, ™^ ,, Good Roads Movement since 1909; elected sec. JONfeS, Mabel Cronlse (Mrs. Thomas Mac- jy state Good Roads Ass'n, 1911; Nat, Good Dowell Jones), 105 Locust St.. Harrlsburg, Pa. Roads Ass'n, 1311; reelected 1912; sec. Inter- Writer; b. June 18, 1860; dau. Charles and national Good Roads and Automobile Ass'n, Martha Maria (Lyttle) Cronlse; ed. high school, 1912; sec. International Longfellow Soc., 1912. Toledo, Ohio (valedictorian), highest grades; Assistant sec. Fourth International (Jood Roads Lake Erie Coll. (Painesville, Ohio); m. Toledo, Congress, Chicago, Sept. 18 to Oct. 1, 1911; sec. Ohio, June 4, 1890, Thomas MacDowell Jones; pj^st 111. State Women's Good Roads Conven- one daughter: Dorothea, b. June 2 1892. Officer tion, Chicago, April 3-4, 1913; sec. Fifth Nat m the Civic Club; served on the State Worlds q^^^ Roads Congress, New Orleans, May 12, Fair Board; only woman regularly appointed on J912. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist that board. Regent of U.S. Daughters of 1812;
mem. D.A.R. and Colonial Dames. Interested In JONES, May Florence Van Akin (Mrs. Egbert
Sunday-school and church work, etc. Favors Arthur Jones), 3231 Blalddell Av., Minne-
woman suffrage; pres. Central Pa. Woman Suf- apolis, Minn.
frage Ass'n; active In press suffrage work and Musician, State co mma nder Ladies of the on State Legislative Com. Author: Dolly's Col- Maccabees, etc.: b. Kildare, Wis., Feb. 26, 1866; lege Experiences; Acheah; Six of Them; In Days "^au. William B. and Mary Elizabeth (Dunning) of Old; Gettysburg; also stories and special arti- Van Akin; ed. high school, Sparta, Wis.; studied cles in Smart Set, Argosy, Delineator, Harper's Plano music with Prof. Gustavus Johnson, Min- Weeklv, Harper's Bazar and Leslie's Weekly, at neapolis, Minn.; Prof. H. S. Woodruff on pipe different times; editor for two years of children's organ. Prof. Warren Andrews on pipe organ; m. page of Philadelphia Record, Pittsburgh Gazette, in Wis., Mar. 1, 1883, Egbert Arthur Jones (died Pittsburgh Times, and special articles for news- Minneapolis, Minn., Mar. 28, 1908. Church or- papers everywhere. Presbyterian. Mem. Soc. ganist First Congregational Church, Sparta, Wis., for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Associated 1893-99; Lyndale Ck)ngregational Church, Min- Charities, Home and Foreign Missionary Socle- neapolis, Minn., 1899-1904; Wesley M.E. Church, ties, U.S. Daughters of 1812, D.A.R., Colonial Minneapolis, Mmn., 1905; Lyndale Church, 1906- Dames, Hospital Aid, etc. Mem. Wednesday 09: appointed State commander Ladies of the Club (musical). Civic Club. In 1891 had a legis- Maccabees of the World, July 1, 1909. Interested lative correspondent's desk at the extra session 'n women's study clubs and fraternal work, of the Pa. Senate and did the legislative work Favors woman suffrage. Recites German dialect for N.Y. City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and and writes own selections. CJongregatlonallst. other papers— the only woman In the State who Republican. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Relief ever did such work. Evolved a system for edu- Corps, Order Eastern Star, Order Amaranth, cation of her daughter by which, though always Daughters of Rebekah, Royal Ladies, Women's in -perfect health, the child could read any news- Auxiliary of the Railway Mail Ass'n, Twin City paper or ordinary book when she was three Commanders' Ass'n, Ladies of the Maccabees of years old, entered Dickinson College at 13, grad- the World, Knights and Ladies of Security, uated from Univ. of Mich, when just 17 (June, Recreations: Drama, reading, study. Mem. 1909) with A.B. degree and A.M. the next year. Thursday Study Club, Tuesday Club (study), -.^■vT^a ■%. 1 -rr 4.1 n»n « , . Twin City Commanders' Club (parliamentary ^^^.^/ Marian Hastings. 722 Asylum Av., ,aw), Minneapolis Women's Auxiliary of Railway Hartford Conn. ,, o .*v /^ 1, Ma -^ss'n. Has been three times pres. of Congregational minister; grad. SmitJi Coll., Thursday Club, once Tuesday Club; sec. and ?«•^•-r^^ = v.^'"'^^°,^°lP^'it^°^^•v,^^^■^°/,•• ^^^" treas. of D.A.R. and chairman of Program Com.; 99. Teacher girls boarding school, (>sslnlng-on- three times delegate to State Fed. of Women's Hudson NY^ 1898-1900; private school Hartford, clubs; Nat. pres. of Women's Auxiliary Railway Conn., 1900-02; lady principal, 1902-M; mission- Mail Ass'n; promoting SUte organizations of ary in NY city, 1904-09; p^tor Staffordville women's fraternities In Minnesota, and at present Congregational Church since 1910. Mem. Smith ^ charge of work in State of Maine, with head- Coll. Alumna Ass n . quarters at Falmouth Hotel, Portland, Me. JONES, Mary Elizabeth, 8 James St. Boston, JONES, May L. (Mrs. A. F. Jones), 1218 Mont- Mass, gomery St., OrovlUe, Cal.
Physician; b. Boston; ed. In Boston schools and Boin Marysville, Cal.; dau O. M. and Jane H
Vassar Coll., A.B. '82, A.M. '88; medical student (Baldwin) Evans; ed. San Jos6 State Normal
In Woman's Med. School, Philadelphia, 1885-88, School; m. Oakland, Cat, Dec. 21 ISSl Hon A
and Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, 1889-90, M.D. F. Jones; children: George Foster Irving (de-
'90; student In European hospitals, 1890-92. Since ceased), Grace G., Leslee. Mem the Monday
1892 engaged in practice of medicine in Boston. Club of OrovlUe, Cal. Republican.
JONES, Mary Lee Bnfkin (Mrs. Wllmot Rufus JONES, Mollie E. J. (Mrs. Elijah P. Jones),
Jones), Cambridge Turnpike, Concord, Mass. 313 E. Sandusky St., Flndlay, O.
Born Illinois; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '90; stu- Bom Plqua, O., Oct 31, 1830; dau. John Shaw
dent of English literature, Univ. of Chicago, '95; and Margaret (Bercaw) Johnaton; ed. Ohio Wes-
m. Oct. 9, 1900, Wllmot Rufus Jones; one son: leyan Univ. (regular collegiate course, also mu-
Wilmot Rufus Jr., b. May 5, 1902. Teacher of sic, vocal and Instrumental); mem. Coll. Vocal
English and Latin, Aurora (111.) High School, Soc; m. Plqua, O., Jan. 15, 1863. Elijah P. Jones;
1890-91; English history, Lyons Township High children: Cornelia, Gertrude, George P. Always
School, La Orange, 111., 1891-93, 1894-95; prof, active In everything pertaining to town where
English literature, Mllwaukee-Etowner Coll.. living, and to the advancement of women In par-