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��sumers' League in Wis. Favors woman suffrage; actively engaged in work of Dane Co. (Wis.) and Wis. State Equal Suffrage Ass'ns; mem. Green- wich (Conn.) Equal Suffrage Ass'n. JONES, Grace Latimer, 1175 E. Broad St.,

Columbus, O.

School principal; b. Columbus, O., Apr. 3, 1879; dau. George Dudley and B. Jane (Latimer) Jones; ed. Columbus public schools and private tutors; Bryn M»wr Coll., A.B. 1900; A.M. '02; also a graduate student in philosophy at the Ohio State Univ. Principal and half owner Columbus School for Girls, 1904-12; teacher of English lit- erature and Italian art. Mem. of various phil- anthropic organizations. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Equal Suffrage League. Author of occasional articles and stories in magazines; two English grammars in pamphlet form: The Columbus School for Girls' Elementary Gram- mars; The Columbus School for Girls' Verb Scheme. Pres. Columbus Branch of the Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Recreation: Travel in Europe (abroad 1905-07-08-10-11). Club: Present Day. JONES, Grace McHardy, Asheville, N.C.

Librarian; b. Newberry, S.C; dau. Benson M. and Lillie (Woodfin) Jones; grad. (salutatorian) at St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N.C, '91. Former teacher in Asheville High School; now librarian of Pack Memorial Library, Asheville, N.C. Re- gent of Edward Buncombe Chapter D.A.R. for five years; pres. Book Club; mem. United Daugh- ters of Confederacy; second vice-pres. N.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. JONES, Helen Beach (Mrs. Samuel M. Jones),

2439 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio.

Born Toledo, Ohio, April 28, 1857; dau. William A. and Harriet E. (Brigham) Beach; ed. Toledo High School, musical education completed in Cincinnati Coll. of music (organ), also pupil of Clarence Eddy in Chicago; m. Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 24, 1892, Samuel M. Jones (called "Golden Rule Mayor" of Toledo; died July 12, 1904); one son: Mason Beach Jones, b. Oct. 3, 1897. Organist two and one-half years of Market St. Presby- terian Churob, Lima, Ohio; later organist of Westminster I^resbyterian Church, Toledo, Ohio, IB years. Served as musical director 22 years of the Eurydice Club of Toledo, Ohio, a woman's chorus which has been a power in the develop- ment of appreciation for good music in that city and is now one of the notable choruses of America. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Ursula Wolcott Chapter, D.A.R. ; second vice-pres. of Board of Directors of Toledo Woman's Ass'n, organized for the erection of a woman's building, which was opened in 1912 for the advancement of matters of interest to women of Toledo. Mem. Woman's Educational Club, Toledo Sorosis Club, Golden Rule Mothers' Club. Was in close touch with her husband's public work during his four unique campaigns and his service as Mayor, during which, because of his standing always for the common people, the poor and the oppressed, and his advocacy of the Golden Rule in business and politics, he waa called "Golden Rule" Jones. JONES, Ida Irwin (Mrs. Arthur Bacon Jones),

981 Central Av^ Plaintield. NJ.

Bom Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 25, 1872; dau. Lewis and Emma (Ridder) Irwin; ed. Pittsburgh private school. Miss Oapen's School, Northampton, Mass. ; Smith Coll.; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 8, 1900, Arthur Bacon Jones; children: Lewis Irwin, b. May 29, 1903; Katharine Jones, b. July 1, 1904. Interested in social service. Associate meim. Nat. Child Labor Com.; mem. Nat. Consumers' League, Nat. Progressive Party, College Club of Plainfleld, N.J.; Monday Afternoon Club, Plain- field Country Club (social). Presbyterian. Fa- vors woman suffrage; chairman of literature of Equal Suffrage League of Plainfleld, N.J. , also mem. of Enrollment Com. JONES, Jennie Wood (Mrs. Morgan Jones), 2063

Milan Av., Pasadena, Cal.

I'om Chickasaw, la., Sept. 20, 1S57; dau. David S. and Margaret (Ohoate) Wood; ed. grammar BChools; m. South Pasadena, Cal., 1907, Morgan Jones; children: Maud N. and Fred H. Greer by former marriage. Interested in civic, social and

��industrial conditions, working at present to helj and arouse interest in prison reform and voca- tional training schools for boys and girls In place of so-called reformatories. Favors woman suffrage. Author of short articles on same sub- jects m April's West Coast Magazine; had an article on the Failure and Mismanagement of Girls' Reformatories and recommending voca- tional and occupational training. Methodist. Progressive voter. Recreations: Out-door life, physical culture and athletic training. Pres. of Badger Club; mem. Woman's Improvement Ass'n of South Pasadena. JONES, Jessie Kussell (Mrs. WilUam Clinton

Jones), Walnut Springs, Tex.

Born Walnut Springs, Texas, Mar. 20, 1870; dau. Dr. William H. and Sarah Allen (Holt) Russell; ed. public school and Add-Ran Coll. (since changed to Texas Christian Univ.), Fort Worth, Tex.; m. Walnut Springs, July 17, 1887, Dr. William Clinton Jones (grad. of Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll. of N.Y., died Dec. 2Ja, 1906); children: Luther Russell, b. June 11, 1888; EXhel Estfclle, b. Jan. 8, 1890; Mabel Blanche, b. Oct. 23, 1891; Jessie Claire, b. Aug. 20, 1893. Active in religious matters. Pres. Ladies' Aid and Mis- sionary societies; active in social affairs; or- ganizer of Circulating Library Club. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Charter mem. and has been pres. of each of the following clubs: Circulating Library, Pierian, Wednesday Music. JONES, John Anna (Mrs. Nathaniel B. Jones),

Passing Show Publishing Co., 211 Market St.,

San Antonio, Tex.

Publisher; b. Grayson County, Tex., Jan. 29, 1865; dau. M. J. and Anna Priscill-a (Morronj Davis; ed. Howard Coll., Gallatin, Tenn., B.A.; library course, Drexel Lnst., Philadelphia, Pa.; m. Whitesboro, Tex., June 23, 1887, Nathaniel 3. Jones.- Founder and pres. of the Passing Show Publishing Co. Interested in the Y.\V.C.A. and the Protestant Orphans' Home. Mem. San An- tonio League, San Antonio Chamber of Com- merce, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Daughters of the Confederacy. Pres. of the Business Woman's Club of San Antonio. Recrea- tions: Agricultural development and fishing. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. JONHS, Kate Emery Sanborn (Mrs. Gardner

Maynard Jones), 2 Eaton PI., Salem, Mass.

Born Henniker, N.H., June 24, 1860; dau. Ed- ward Burr Smith and Caroline A. (Emery) San- born; ed. Concord and Franklin, N.H. ; m. June 30, 1897, Gardner Maynard Jones. Ass's in Bos- ton Athenseum 1882-91 ; cataloguer St. Louis Mercantile Library, 1891-94; librarian City Li- brary, Manchester, N.IJ., 1894-97. Mem. Mass. Son. Opposed to the Further Extension of Suf- frage to Women. .Author: Cutter Sanborn Au- thor Tables. Unitarian. Mem. .A.m. Library Ass'n, Mass. Library Club. Clubs: Appalachian Mountiin, Salem Woman's, and various local organizations. JONES, Itatherlme Currier (Mrs. 'Ricbsj-d Ham-

len Jones), The Arches, Beacon St., Chestnut

Hill, Boston, Mass.

Born Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Joaeph and Augusta (Campbell) Currier (mother of the Argyle Clan Campbell) ; ed. Boston, St. Agnes School of Al- bany, public school, <;ioot?o Conservatory, Dres- den; Italy and Paris; m. Richard Hamlen Jones; children: Cyrel Hamlen, MarilLa Augusta- Pianist. Pres. of Chromatic Musical Club. Fa- vors woman suffrage. JONES, Louisa, 714 N. Wood Av., Florence, Ala.

Teacher; b. Ijauderdale Co., Ala., Jan. S, 1868; dau. Albert Hampden and Reibecca Ann (Boddie) Jones; ed. State Normal Coll., Florence, Ala., 1885; Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1900. Founded first free kindergarten in Alabama, 1898 (for cotton-mill children). Interested in school libraries, school improvement, civic improve- ment, playgrounds, child labor legislation, con- servation of natural resources; has served as chairman of committees in the State Educational Ass'n and Ala. Fed. Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Has written newspaper articles and papers for conventions. Progressive Demo- crat.


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