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��Rev. W. D. Jones; children: David William, Miriam Catharine, Naomi, Cecelia. Lecturer on home economics for farmers' institutes of N.Y. State Dep't of Agriculture; lecturer for granges; State sup't dep't Sunday-school work for N.Y. W.C.T.U. ; State lecturer for temperance in Sun- day-schools. Author of many leaflets, programs, responsive readings and pledges for temperance workers; local correspondent for Rochester Dem- ocrat and Chronicle five years. Presbyterian. Mem. Irondequoit Chapter D.A.R., Woman's Re- lief Corps, W.C.T.U., Woman's Home and For- eign Missionary Soc, Webster Grange; Sup't of Temperance N.Y. State Sunday School Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, walking, studying nature in the woods and on country roads. Charter mem. Western N.Y. Fed. Women's Clubs; char- ter mem. Mothers' Club of Buffalo; charter mem. Discovery Club of Webster, N.Y. JONES, Dymae J. DurUng (Mrs. B. T. Jones),

189 Water Av., Idaho Kails, Idaho.

Born Wadsworth, O. ; dau. James K. and Lydla (Copley) Durling; ed. Wadsworth High School; vocal music student, Buchtel Coll.; pupil of Madame Swenson; m. Wadsworth, Jan. 8. 18S1, B. F. Jones, M.D. (died 1904^, children: Florence Lydia (deceased), Ross Durling, Carl Harrison. Director of Public Library Board at Idaho Falls. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Repul>- lican. Charter mem. and pres. thre« terms Round Table Literary Club, Village Improve- ment Soc. of Idaho Falls. Identified in club work with Dlst. and State Federation of Idaho. JONES, Edith Beatrice (Mrs. J. D. Jones), 1014

McMillan St., Walnut Hill, Cincinnati. Ohio.

Missionary and philanthropic worker; b. Oshawa, Ont., Can.; dau. W. H. Gibbs (member of Parliament in Canada); ed. public and high schools and Besley House, Montreal; m. Dr. J. D. Jones. Active In various branches of philan- thropic and religious .work; for 13 years pres. Glenn Industrial Home, Cincinnati; mem. Board of Trustees of Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of the Methodist Episcopal Church; sec. of Col- ored Deaconesses' Bureau of M.E. Church. Mem. Mpthodist Episcopal Church; Bible class teacher; was a delegate to the World's Sunday-school Convention at Jerusalem, 1904. Mem. and trus- tee Cincinnati Woman's Club. JONES, Eleanor D wight (Mrs. F. Robertson

Jones), 71 K. Eighty-seventh St., N.Y. City.

Born Cambridge, Mass., Nor. 14, 1880; dau. William and Susan Coffin Boyd Cook; ed. Rad- cliffe C!oll., Cambridge, Mass., A.B. '(KS; m. Cambridge, 1905, F. Robertson Jones; childrec: Eleanor Robertson, Katharine Robertson. Taught English at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1303-06. Mem. «jid active in work of the Municipal League of N.I. City. Mem. Women's Political Union of N.Y. City; favors woiman suffrage. Unitarian. JONES, Eleanor Hooper, 4 5;; Beac<m ;r!t., Bos- ton, Mass.

Bom Cambridge, Mass.; dau. Charles W. and Mary L. (Morse) Jones; ed. Cambridge School for Girls, MLss Winsor'a School, Boston; Bryn. Mawr, A.B. '01. Mem. Board of Managers Bos- ton Y.W.C A. House Com. College Club of Boston. Interested in religious and philan- thropic work. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumna, Circolo Itallano dl Boston, Y.W.C. A. (life mem.), Alumnje Asa'D of Bryn Mawr College, College Club and Bryn ■Mawr Club (Boston). Recreations: Motoring, swimming, tennis, baseball, traveling. Favors woman suffrage. JONES, Elizabeth Ann McKey (Mrs. Robert

Elam Jonesi, Crystal Springs. Miss.

Born Fayette, Jefferson County, Miss., Feb. », 1850; dau. Hamden Jordan and Sarah Ann (Hill) McKey; od. in literature and music by govem- esF.er; one term in college; m. Bentontou, Copiah County, iiiiss.. Dr. Robert Elam Jones; children: Rena, b. Aug. 30, 1876; Robert Hill, b. July 10, 1879; Elizabeth, b. Feb. 2, 1881; Clara b. Sept. 4, 1882; Eva, b. Aug. SO, 1889 (died Nor. i, 1889'; Elma, b. Nov. 3, 1891; Wyetb, b. July 1«. 1894. Served an unexpired term and one full term as pres. of Miss. Fed. of Women's Club."?. Haa served as pres. of church societies. Floral Club, Daughters of the Confederacy; regent of the

��Copiah Chapter D.A.R. (State historian). Organ- izer of the Crystal Springs Floral Club 18 years ago (it being one of the pioneer clubs of the .=!tate, social, literary, floral). Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. Daughters of 1812. Against woman suffrage. Recreations: Reading, writing, entertaining, motoring, par- ticipating in club and various social affairs. JONES, Elizabeth Bartram (Mrs. Rufus M.

Jones), Haverford, Pa.

Bom Philadelphia, Aug. 15, 1871; dau. Joel and Anna K. (Lowry) Cadbury; ed. Friends Select School, Philadelphia; Miss Case and Miss Hal- lowell's School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll. one year; m. Philadelphia, Mar. 11, 1902, Rufus M. Jones; one daughter: Mary Hoxie Jones, b. 1904. Overseer in Haverford Meeting of Soc. of Friends. Mem. 0>uncil of the Bryn Mawr Fed- eration of Churches; Interested in tke social bet- terment of the neighborhood. Mem. Bryn Mawr Alumnse Ass'n, Haverford Needlework Guild, Y.W.C.A. of Philadelphia.

JONES, Elizabeth Howard Blanton (Mrs. Eg- bert Rufus Jones), Holly Springs, Miss.

Born Richmond, Va., Sept, 14, 1868; dau. Leigh Miller and Clara Lydia (McConnell) BlantoA; ed. private school. State Normal Coll., FarmvUle, Va. (second honor); Peabody Normal Ck>ll., Nashville, Tenn. (degree L.I.), '88; m. Richmond, Va., Sept. 10, 1889, Egbert Rufus Jones; children: Egbert Reese, Clara Leigh, Howard Saliaferro, Francis Crawford. Much interested in the pa- triotic societies; has been chapter regent, State vice-regent. State regent and vice-pres. general in the Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; honorary State regent and a mem. of six important committees of the Nat. Soc.; registrar of the Colonial Dames; vlce- pres. of the Soc. for the Preservation of Historic Buildings and Sites in Miss. Belongs to three church societies and does much church work In her tov/n; particularly interested in the boys of the church and in engaging their affections for church work while they are stHl in Sunday- school Has bean much interested in the preser- vation of historic sites and data; has written many newspaper articles on the Natchez Trail or Trace, and kindred subjects. Presbyterian. Mem. of the United Daughters of the Confed- eracy, Miss. Historical Soc. Recreations: Read- ing, driving, riding, tennis, bridge, whist, society and club work. Mem. Thursday Club of Holly Springs, Bridge Club, Civic League, State Fed- eration of Women's Clubs. JONES, Eva Llnnette Socle (Mrs. Frank Oscar

Jones), 67 Oakland Terrace, Hartford, Conn.

Bora Worcester, Mass., May 17, 1873; dau. George Henry and Ellen R. (Smyth) Soule; ed. Stamford, Conn., High School (grad. with honors); Wells Coll., A.B. '97; post grad. Yaie Univ., receiving ceri,lflcate of completion of A.M. work, 1902-03 (mem. Phoenix Literarum Societas, Welts); m. Stamford, Conn., June 29, 1899, Frank Oscar Jones; children; Philips Carey, 1904; Fran- ces Linnette, 1906; Arthur Elwyn. 1907. Inter- ested In church, missionary society, educatioiuU, philanthropic and social work. Has written Tor college publications: Cap and Gown, 1897, Wells Cardinal 'annual) ; on the editorial board of the Cardinal In 1897. Mem. D.A.R., Conn. Peace Soc, 0)nn. Soc. for Social Hygiene; pres. the Mothers' Neighborhood Circle. Mem. Hartford Coll. Club, Glee Club, Equal Franchise League; mem. of State Board Conn. Congress of Mothers. Recreations: Tennis, music, dancing, swimming. Cong:regatlonallst. Favors woman suffrage. Re- publican. JONES, Georgia H. Lloyd (Mrs. Richard Lloyd

Jones), Madison, Wis.

Teacher; b. Eau Claire, Wis., June 5, 1875; dau. Henry H. and Florence (Slocum) Hayden; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '96 (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Eau Claire, Wis., Apr. 30, 1907. Richard Lloyd Jones; children; Richard Lloyd Jr., b. Feb. 22, 1909; Jenkins Lloyd, 2d, b. Nov. 1, 1911. Teacher of literature Eau Clalro (Wis.) High School three years; post-grad, student Univ. of Chicago, and Univ. of Cal.; one year's study in Germany. Charter mem. of N.Y. Brown- ing Soc. ; mem. Madison Woman's Club. Uni- tarian. Interested in early organlcatlon of Con-


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