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��school, Camden, Ohio; Western Coll., Oxford, Ohio; Chautauqua course, five years; m. Camden, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1875, William A. Johnston; chil- dren: John Jacob, Margaret Agnes. Interested in all activities that lead to the betterment o£ home, community, women, children. Served two years as pres. of State Fed. of Women's Clubs, two years State Regent D.A.R. Has written for newspapers and magazines. Mem. D.A.R. (mother's father and grandfather soldiers in Revolutionary War), Ladies of the G.A.R., West Side Forestry Club, Good Government Club (Topeka), District and State Fed. Recreations: Reading, driving. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Kansas Equal Suffrage Ass'n, life mem. of Am . Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Visiting mem. State Board of Control, mem. of State Traveling Library Commission.

JOHNSTON, Mary, Richmond, Va.

Author; b. Buchanan, Va., Nov. 21, 1870: dan. John William and Elizabeth (Alexander) John- ston; ed. at home and one winter at girls' school in Atlanta, Ga. Interested in the woman move- ment, economic readjustments and eugenics. Vlce-pres. Equal Suffrage l..eague of Virginia. Author: Prisoners of Hope; To Have and to Hold; Audrey, Sir Mortimer; The Goddess of Reason; Lewis Rand; The Long Roll; CeasJ-e Firing. Mem. Nat. Inst of Social Sciences, Nat. Municipal League, Am. Asf'n for Labor Legisla- tion, Ckmsumers League. Am. Forestry Ass'n, Virginia Nat. Soc.

JOHNSTON, Mary Beattie, Salem, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Salem, N.Y., Feb. 8. 18S4; dau. John W. and Nellie (Beattie; Johnston; ed. Salem Washington Acad.; Eardweli Prep. Acad.; Bryn Mawr Coll.; State Normai Ccli , Albany, N.Y., B.A. (mem. Psi Gamma). J'.^m. V/omen's Christian Temperance Union, Salem Union Grange,- Young Helpers' Missionary Soc., Chris- tian Union. United Presbyterian.

JOHNSTON, Mary H. Stoddard (Mr.i. Robert

J. Johnston), Humboldt, Iowa,

Banker; b. Red V/ing, Minn., Feb. 28, :86S; dau. James Gallup and Margaret (Barr) Stoddard; ed. HumboWt public school. Fort Dodge High School; m. Humboldt, la., June 28, 18.88. Robert J. Johnston. Mem. Order of Colonial Governors, Americans of Armorial Ancestry, Coloniai DaTrjer Mayflower Ass'n; State treas. D.A.R.; State pres. U.S Daughters of 1812, State pres. Iowa Daugh- ters of the Revolution; mem. Ladies' of G.A.R , New England Women's Soc., Soc. for Preserva- tion of Virginia Antiquities, Pocahontas Ass'n, Maria Mitchell .Ass'n: S ate treas. of lov/a Fed. of Women's Clubs. Re-creations: Raising cl: 'li- ens, flowers, genealogy. Mem. Hum'boldt \v'o- man's Club. Cashier of Humbolt State Bank. Episcopalian. Against women suffrage.

JOHNSTON, Mary Virginia del CastiUo (Mrs. R.

LeGrand Johnston), The Kensington, 2501

Fourteenth St., Washington, D.C.

Portrait painter; b. in Cuba, Aug. 16, 1865 dau. Francisco and Marietta M. (Aldrich) del Castillo; ed. St. Louis, Mo.; Westmoreland, N.H, Washington, D.C; grad. from WaS'hington High School; gold medalist Vernon Row Art School pupil of Robert Henri, William R. Chase of N.Y School of Art; m. Washington, D.C, 1886, R Le Grand Johnston; children: Philip Devereux del Castillo, Lionel Le Grand, Arturo Martin, Charles Croxall, Francisco Carroll. Gold medal for best painted portrait from life in Vernon Row (or Rouzee) Art School ; mean, of portrait class of Robert Henri; pwrtralts exhibited in ex- hibitions of Soc. of Washington Artists. Mem. of Maryland Government League, Bethesda, Md.; Woman's Club for Social Uplift, Sophocles Cluh of Washington, D.C; Soc. for Philosophical In- quiry of Washington, D.C ; Stanton Suffrage Club, Washington ; League ol American Pen Women; mem. Board of Managers Nat. Equality Fed. ; vicc-pres. of the PhUosopMcal Soc. Has written art articles; haa had two pnbllahed In N.Y. Art Interchange on What One Should See iu a Painting and Impressionism in Art. Recrea- tions: Rowing, walking, swlmmiag, mountain climbing, skating. Favors woman suffrage.

��JOHNSTON, S. Edna, 232 W. Walnut Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Principal: dau. W. L. D. and Rebecca (Moore) Johnston: grad. Lindenwood School, Wilson Coll. (Chambersburg, Pa.), '06, A.B. Editor of The Proceedings of The American Soc. of Mechanical Engineers (New York) ; principal of the Walnut Lane School (Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.). Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Consumers' League and College Settlement. Rec- reation: Horseback riding.

JOHNSTONE, Mary Margaret Sewall, 1703 Jack- son Boulevard, Chicago, III.

Physician; b. Newburyport, Mass., Dec. 18, 1870; dau. David and Margaret (Hodge) John- stone; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '94; Woman's Med. School, Northwestern Univ., M.D. '99 (mem. Nu Phi Sigma). Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- frage.

JONAS, Anna Isabel, 91 West Commerce St., Bridgeton, N.J.

Geologist; b. Bridgeton, N.J., 18S1; dau. George and Mary Hughes (Gilbert) Jonas; ed. Friends Central School till 1900; Bryn Maivr Coll.. A.B. '04; A.M. '05; Ph.D. '12. Author: Serpentines of ^Eastern Pennsylvania; The Gcciogy of the Avon- dale District. Mem. Civic Club, Bridgeton, N.J. ; Soc. for Prevention Cruelty to Animals; Alumnae Ass'n of Bryn Mawr Cell. Recreations: Auto- mobiling, termis, walking, horseback riding. Episcopalian.

JONES, Alice. Home, Halifax, N.S., Can.; pres- ent address. Bank of Montreal, 47 Thread- needle St., London, England. Author; b. Halifax, N.S. (coming of United Emprire Loyalist stock, who left Mass. after the Revolution and settled in Weymouth, X.S.); dau. Hon. A. G. Jones (who w:-h.s many years mem. of the Clanadian Parllaiaent for Halifax and died Lieut. -Governor of Nova Scotia) and Margaret Wiseman (Stairs) Jones; ed. in Hali- fax and later studied langiiages in France and Italy. Has traveled much in Europe, Egypt and West Indies, and since 1910 has lived in Italy, but hopes soon to return to Canada. Contributed several serials to Toronto V/eek and other pub- lications. Author (novels) : Bubbles We Buy, 1901; Gabriel Praed's Castle, 1902; Marcus Hol- beach's Daughter, a Tale of the Gulf Shore, 1912.

JONES, Ajnanda Theodosia, Junction City, Kan. Author, inventor; b. East Bloomfleld, N.Y., Oct. 19. 1835; dau. Henry and Mary Alma (Mott) Jones; ed. public schools of N.Y. State, Acad. of East Aurora, N.Y., and high school of Buf- falo. Literary editor The Western Rural, rcitor The Bright Side, 1858-69. Interested In philan- thropic work, looking to th" reform of unhappy women and the protection of girls; originated one working woman's home. Inventions: Pure Food Vacuum Preserving Processes, with needful ap- paratus; Automatic Safety Oil-Burning System; Jones' Master Valves; Ready-Opener Tin Can, and others; six patents, others pending. Author (verse): Ulah and Other Poems; Atlantis; Poems of the Rebellion; A Prairie Idyl; Rubaiy&t of Solomon and Other Poems. Prose: Children's Stories: Fairy Arrows; The White Blackbird; A Psychic Autobiography, 1908; A Daughter of Wall Street (novel about to be published); Man and Priest, a Story of Psychic Detection; Mother of Pioneers. Recreation: Cultivation of flowers. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. JONES, Clara Eouise, 67 W. Central Av., Dela- %vare, Ohio.

Craftsman, jeweler; b. Delaware, O., 1866; can. Gen. J. S. and Louise (Campbell) Jones; grad. VaS'Sar Coll., A.B. '87 (Phi Beta Kappa). Teacher Ohio Wesleyan School of Music, Dela- v.'are, 1891; preceptress East Greenwich (R.I.) Acad.. 1S93; craftsman-jeweler since 1908. Fx- 'hibited at Art Inst.. Chicago, 1910; at Nat. Arts Club, N.Y. City, 1911. Methodist. Mem. Tourist Club, Delaware, O.

JONES, Delia A. (Mrs. W. D. Jonea). Worces- ter, N.Y.

Born Cobhleskill, May 12, 1866; dau. Charles B. p-.-iA Sarah J. rstevens) Felter; ed. schools at Lhnira, N.Y.; m. Elmira, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1SS5,


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