��with the university. Has conducted local insti- tutes for teachers and has been an active mem- ber of teachers' ass'ns. Favors woman suffrage. Has summer home, TJie Hermitage, among the hills of Northern Pa. aOHNSON, Susan Rachel Harrison (Mrs. Allen
Clifford Johnson), Whlttler, Cal.
Bom Indiana; grad. Earlham Coll., A.B. '83; graduate student in Greek and Latin, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1885-87; Univ. of Mich., A.M. '88; m. 1893, Allen Clifford Johnson. Professor of Greek, Earlham Coll., 1889-93; prof, of Greek and L.atln, 1898-1905, and of Greek, 1905-07, in WhitUer (Cal.) College. JOHNSTON, AJmira Sntton (Mrs. Collins H.
Johnston), 347 Madison Av., Grand Rapids,
Bom Ann Arbor, Mich, Nov. 29, 1859; dau. George Sutton (one of the earliest settlers of Washtenaw Co., Mich.) and Catherine 0. (Pray) Sutton; ed. Helmuth Coll., London. Ont ; North- field dist. school, the Misses Clarks' school, Ann Arbor, Mich., grad. Ann Arbor High School; m. Detroit, Mich., Dr. Collins K. Johnston; chil- dren: Bessie S., b. 1881; Carolyn A,, b. 1884; George S., b. 1892; Katherine Sarah, b 1896; Collins H. Jr. b. 1900. Pres. Woman's Auxiliary of Grace Church, Grand Rapids (missionary soc); sec. Ladies' Literary Club of Grand Rapids, delegate to various philanthropic socie- ties, oSirial delegate to Nat. Soc. of Charities and Corrections held in Buffalo; novr sec. D. A. Blodgeti Home for Children; mem. Butter- worth Hospital Board. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian Mem. Ijadlea' Literary Club, Pro- re-na-ta Reading Club, St. Catherine's Church CiUb, Chautauqua Extension work. JOHNSTON, Annalia (Mtk. Alexander Johnston),
Montgorrjery Av., Egltnton. Ontario, OaJi.
Physician; b. Napier Ontario, Can.; dau. James and Maria (Cookj Keefer; ed. Stratliroy Grammar School, ttrst prize in general profi- ciency, gold medaj in. mathematics, First Class teachers' certificate, 1865 Michigan Univ. Homoj- opathic CoU., M.D., '90; Boston "Onlv. School of Medicine, M.D., '04; m. Htruthroy, Ontario, Feb. 24, 1869, Alexander Johnston: children: Mary, Annie, Arthur Cameron, Frank Keefer, Helen, Jessie Magdelene, Amelia, Marjorie. In 1907 re- ceived international Diploma in Teacher Train- ing, advanced Bible Study, three years' course, only one griven by International Sunday-school Asa'n In Canada. laterested in mission study, in Auxiliary Young People's Ass'n, in United Empire Loyalist Ass'n; elected a delegate to Imperial Conference of 'Teachers held in London, England, 1912, by the Ontario Teachers' Ass'n. Has written papers for Anglican Young People's Ass'n on Wyclifie and His Times; Book of Esther; The Flag of the Empire; reporter for Woman's Auxiliary branch (Eglinton) of mis- sionary meetings; read paper on the Ascension. Mem. Daughters of the Empire; United Empire Loyalist Ass'n, Canadian Historical Soc. Rec- reations: Music, the Bible, study of children; succeeded In banishing home work from the public schools of Ontario. Anglican. Favors woman suffrage. JOHNSTON, Anna Harper (Mrs. J. Bradford
Johnston), Canonsburg, Pa,
Teacher of harmony; b. Mercer Co., Pa., May, 1863; dau. Robert J. and Elizabeth (Henderson) Harper; ed. Pittsburgh schools; m. Canonsburg, Pa., April, 1900, J. Bradford Johnston. Organ- ized the Shakespeare Club, Music Circle for Young Women, New Era Soc. of Central Pres- byterian Church. Mem. Daughters of Am. Pio- neers, Shakespeare Club of Canonsburg, New Era Club of Pittsburgh, Art Com. of Fed. of Women's Clubs of Pa. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. JOHNSTON, Annie I'>llow8 (Mrs. William L.
Johnston), Pewee Valley, Ky.
Author; b. Evansville, Ind., May 15, 1863; dau. -Mbion and Mary (Erskine) Fellows; ed. Indiana public schools and State Univ. of Iowa; m. Oct. 11, 1888, William L. Johnston (died 1892). Books: Little Colonel Stories (nine vols.); Mary Ware; Mary Ware In Texas; Joel, a Boy of Galilee; Asa Holmes; Travelers Five; Two Little Knights
��of Kentucky; The Giant Scissors; Big Brother; Ole Manning's Torment; Story of Dago; Auflt Liza's Hero; Flip's Islands of Providence; Cicely and Other Stories; Mildred's Inheritance; The Jester's Sword; In the Desert of Waiting: Legend of the Bleeding Heart; Keeping Tryst; The Three Weavers; Mary Ware's Promised Land. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage.
JOHNSTON, Caroline A. Dorsey (Mrs. Thomaa Hamer Johnston), The Melrose, 1343 Clifton St., Washington, D.C.
Born San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 2, 1860; dau. Baker Johnson and Caroline A. (Jackson} Dor- sey; ed. at home; m. Washington, D.C, July 22, 1884, Thomas Hamer Johnston. Episcopalian. Pres. D.C. Nat. Soc. Chapter of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, mem. D.A.R. since 1895, founder of the Louise Adams Chap- ter D.A.R. (was its regent five years); mem. Vermont Soc. of Colonial Dames; mem. Con- servation Com. Nat. Soc. D.A.R., and Conserva- tion Com. of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America. Was chairman of the first D.A.R. Child Labor Committee In Washington City. Episcopalian.
JOHJ;STON, Klla Bond (Mrs. Melville F. John- ston), 103 North 10th St., Richmond, Ind. Director of Circuit art exhibits, h. Webster, Ind., Nov. 19, 1860; dau. Simon H. and Susan (Harris) Bond; ed. public schools of Wayne Co., Ind.; Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind.; m. Rich- mond, Ind., Nov. 14, 18S9, Melville F. Johnston, M.D.; one son: Donald Bond Johnston. Teacher in public schools of Wayne Co., and City of Richmond, Ind., 1879-89; director of the Indiana Circuit Exhibit, the Indiana Artists' Traveling Exhibit, the Philadelphia Water Color Club Ex- hibit; Exhibit of Prints in Colors. Lecturer on art subjects. Interested In the promotion of art interest In the Middle West by lecturing, send- ing out exhibits and organizing art associations. Pres. since 1897 of the Art Ass'n of Richmond, Ind.; chairman since 1907 of A.rt Com. of Ind. Federation of Clubs; chairman since Sept., 1912, of Art Dep't of Gen. Federation of Clu'bs; mem. 1904-11 of Board of Directors of Am. Civic Ass'n; mem. Social Center Ass'n, 1912. Articles pub- lished in The Chautauquan, The Outlook. Mem. Tuesday Aftermath of Richmond, Ind., 1889- 1911. Recreations: Change of work and travel. Friend (born, but not now member). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Franchise League, Rich- mond, Ind.
JOHNSTON, Eva, University of Mo., Columbia, Mo.
Born Ashland, Mo., 1865; dau. J. T. M. and Elizabeth (Martin) Johnston; ed. Univ. of Mo., A.M. '95; Berlin, Heidelberg, Gottlngen, Konlgs- berg, Ph.D., 1905, studied three years in Ger- many. Assistant prof, of Latin, Univ. of Mo., 1901-12; associate prof. Latin and Dean of Women, 1912—. Author: De Sermone Terentiano, QuEBstiones duo, 1905; Gemination In Latin, 1906. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. JOHNSTON, Julia Harriette, 1008 Hamilton St.,
Peoria, 111.
Writer; b. Salinevllle, O.; dau. Rev. Robert Johnston, Presbyterian clergyman, and Jane G. (Waters) Johnston; Infancy passed at Gettysburg, Pa.; grad. Peoria (111.) High School. Hymn writer, Sunday-school lesson writer. Extensive writer for the Sunday-school publications of David C. Cook Publishing Co., aa well as those of the Presbyterian and other denominational Sunday-school boards. Especially Interested in missions and Sunday-school work with little children; pres. Presbyterial Missionary Soc. of Peoria Presbytery. Writer of over 400 hj-mns and songs, which have been set to music. Books: The School of the Master (poems); Bright Threads (essays); Life of Adonlram Judson; The Indian and Spanish Neighbors (missionary); Who Was it?; Stories— Bible Guess Stories for Little Children; Benedictions of the Bible and Margi- nal Readings. JOHNSrON, Lucy Brown (Mrs. William Agnew
Johnston), 1900 W. Sixth Av., Topeka, Kan.
Born Camden, Ohio, April 7, 1847; dau. Robert H. and Margaret (Wright) Bronwn; ed. public