��Tour Ass'n, Am. Soc. for Judicial Settlement of International Disputes. Clubs: 19th Century (Memphis), Tenn. ; Fed. of Women's Clubs. Rec- reations: Golf, tennis, swimming, walking, gar- dening. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. JOHNSON, Lucy Amelyn© Ferrell (Mrs. Edwin
Theodore Johnson), 327 Home Av., Oak Park,
Bom NashTille, Ohio; ed. in schools at Colum- bus, Ohio, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '89; m. June 21, 1905, Edwin ITieodore Johnson. Journalist, Columbus, Ohio, 1889-90; teacher, Saltstourg, Pa., 1890-93; Columbus High School, 1893-99; ass't principal. Oak Park Hig'h School, 1899-1905. Mem. Board of Education, Oak Park, 111. Contributor of articles and short stories to newspapers and magazines. JOHNSON, Lydia Bernhardina (Mrs. Julius H.
Johnson), Fort Pierre, S.Dak.
Liawyer; b. in Sweden, Mar. 6, 1875; dau. J. E. and CarollBe V. (Erickson) Carlsson; ed. Univ. of Minn., B.L. 190O; Univ. of S.Dak., Coll. of Law, LL.B. (Minerva Literary Soc. Univ. of Minn); m. Milwaukee, Wis., June 19, 1901, Julius H. Johnson (attorn ey-at-law); one daughter: Charlotte Amelia Johnson, b. 1902. Mem. of various religious, philanthropic and social service organizations. Recreations: Travel, and study of sociological and political problems. Lutheran. Favors woman suffrage; pres. S.Dak. Equal Suf- frage Ass'n (bom suffragist). Past pres. S.Dak. Fed. of Woman's Clubs; chairman of Woman's Branch of Progressive Party of S.Dak. JOHNSON, Mabel l,meretia Pronity (Mrs. Arthur
Mills Johnson), Corcoran Manor, Mount Ver- non, N.Y.
Born Boston, Mass., May 24, 1872; dau. George Porter and Mary Lucretia (Bemis) Prouty; ed. Smith, B.L. '94; m. Spencer, Mass., June 11, 1895, Arthur Mills Johnson. Pres. Westchester Woman's Club of Mt. Vernon, N.Y. ; mem. Con- sumers' League, District Nurses Ass'n, Smith Coll. Club, N.Y., Siwanoy Country Club of Mt. Vernon, Woman's University Club of N.Y. City; mem. State Committees of N.Y., State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Hospital Auxiliary oi' Mt. Vernon. Favors woman suffrage, but Is in favor of restricted suffrage for both men and women. Has written several articles and short stories, printed In various papers and magazines. Congregationalist. Recreations: Golf, bridge, motoring, fishing. JOHNSON, Mabel Bnth (Mrs. Joe: Howard
Johnson), Nellgh, Neb.
Born Neligh, Sept. 11, 1883; dau. Peter J. and Hannah L. (Moon) Krise; ed. high school and Gates Acad., and Conservatory of Music; m. Neligh, Neb., Nov., 23, 1903, Joel Howard John- son; children: Bernard Morgan, b. June 15, 1905; Lucile Ruth, b. Sept. 30, 1906. Active '.n church, lodge and club work, also civic work, such as beautifying and improving the cemetery, helping to establish public library, putting domestic science course in public school. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Daughters of Rebekah. Clubs: Reviewers, Tuesday Evening Musical. JOHNSON, Margaret Edith Henry (Mrs. Alvln
Saunders Johnson), Palo Alto, Cal.
Born Lincoln, Neb.; grad. Univ. of Neb., A.B. '98, A.M. 1900; fellow in philosophy, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1900-01; graduate student Radcliffe Coll., A.M. '02; Columbia Univ., 1904-06, Ph.D. '06; m. Lincoln, Neb., April 18, 1904, Alvin Saunders Johnson, Ph.D. (now prof, of economics, Leland Stanford Jr. Univ.). JOHNSON, Margaret HiU Hilles (Mrs. Joseph
Esrey Johnson Jr.), Ashland, Wis.
Born Wilmington, Del. ; ed. the Misses Hebbs' School, Wilmington, Del.; Bryn Mawr, A.B. '93; student of Library School of Drexel Inst., Phila- delphia, 1898-99; m. 1902, Joseph Esrey Johnson Jr. Ass't in Haverford Coll. Library, 1898-99; mistress of Merion Hall, Bryn Mawr CoU., 1899- 1901. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae (was chair- man of Membership Com. of Va. Branch, 1907-08). JOHNSON, Marian Gray (Mrs. Theodore F.
Johnson), National City, Cal.
Bom Mazomanle, Wis., Sept. 26, 1852; dau.
��John and Elizabeth (Harrison) Gray; ed. Normal School, Whitewater, Wis., 1874-76; m. Mazo- manle, Wis, Dec. 10, 1878, Dr. Theodore F. John- son; children: Roy Harrison, Myrtle Elizabeth, Marjorie May, Halbert Theodore. Interested In church and Sunday-school, local birds, conchol- ogy, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Prohibitionist in politics. Mem. W.C.T.U., Women's Missionary Soc. Recreations: Bird study, nature study, reading. Mem. Friday Club (National City). JOHNSON, Mary EUa, Kingston, Ga.
Ex-teacher; b. Rome, Ga. ; dau. Brastus Var- ner and Ann Elizabeth (Smith) Johnson; ed. Miss Howard's Select School "Spring Bank," Nazareth Convent, near Bardstown, Ky., and special teachers. Taught in Savannah and In Rome, Ga. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's History Club (Kingston, Ga.); mem. and one of founders Huntingdon Club (first chair- man of educational dep't) ; mem. (first pres.) ol Shakespeare Club, ex-mem. Kindergarten Club (all of Savannah, Ga.). JOHNSON, Mary Hooker, 509 West 121st St.,
N.Y. City.
Teacher of English in high school; b. Law- rence, Kan., Jan. 22, 1875; dau. Ralph and Fan- nie (Ward) Johnson; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '97 (mem. Alpha); Wesleyan Univ., 1897-98; student of English, Yale Univ., 1899-1900; N.Y. Univ., 1902-03; Columbia Univ., 19U-I3; in Europe sum- mers of 1910 and 1913. Teacher of English In Mlddletown (Ckinn.) High School, 1897-1900; Utlca (N.Y.) Free Acad., 1900-02: Washington Irving High School, N.Y. City, since 1902. Interested In study of the social life of high school girls and graduates in N.Y. City. Mem. Gramercy Park Neighborhood Ass'n, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Collegiate E^ual Suffrage League of N.Y. City. Mem. Nat. Coun- cil of Teachers of English, Interborough Ass'n of Women Teachers (who won equal pay in N.Y. City schools). Consumers' League, Smith College Club of N.Y. Congregationalist. Recreation: Summer holiday travel In U.S. and Europe. JOHNSON, Mary Simomds (Mrs. Roswell Hill
Johnson), 7012 Willard St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born MUton-on-Hudson, N.Y., Sept 18, 1874; dau. Samuel E. and Elizabeth (Sands) SimcHids; ed. Wellesley, B.A. '97; two years in Wc«nan's Med. CoU., N.Y. City, 1897-99; m. Chicago, 111.. Feb. 10, 1900, Roawell Hill Johnson; children: Helen Simonds, Elizabeth Sands, Roswell Hill Jr. Lived for a time in Oklahoma, and was third vlce-pres. of Oklahoma Equal "Suffrage League. Mem. Pittsburgh Wellesley Club, and Woman's Alliance of the Unitarian Church. Recreations: Travel, camptng, walking, reading, music. JOHNSON, Myrtle Elizabeth, National City,
Biological research teacher; b. East Troy, Wis, Jime 4, 1881; dau. Dr. T. F. and Marian (Gray) Johnson; ed. high school and Normal School, San Diego; Univ. of Cal., B.S. '08; M.S. '09; Ph.D. '12 (Cranford Club). Research asa't Marine Biological Laboratory, La Jolla, Cal., 1909-11; teacher of biology, 1912. Contributor to scientific publications. Baptist. JOHNSON, Mrs. Seth Albert, Harrlman, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Middlebury, Pa., Mar. 25, 1865; dau. Oscar and Victoria C. (Bailey), Simonds (of N*w England parentage on both sides, ancestors hav- ing come from England at an early date; both great-grandfathers fought In the Revolutionary War); grad. State Normal School, Mansfield, Pa., degree M.E. (Master of Education), valedictorian '87, with two years' graduate work there 1901-03, and Cornell Univ., A.B. '07 (both normal and college courses taken after her marriage to en- able her to better assist her husband); m. Mid- dlebury, Pa., 1885, Seth Albert Johnson. Has taught 23 years, chiefly In graded and high schools of Pa. and N.Y., of which her husband was principal. Graduate of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, class of 1900, and is a firm believer in the Chautauqua movemrait Has organized Chautauqua circles, Shakespeare clubs and other literary societies. Mem. Cor- nell Women's Club of N.Y. ; whil6 at Cornell was mem. of English Club and Art Club, counecteA