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��1881; Poems and Songs for Young People, 1884;

The Nutshell Series, 6 vols., 1885. Contributor

to various periodicals. Against sufErage for women.

J0ILN80X, Helen Lonjse, 234 Paddock St.,

Watertown, X.Y.

Writer and lecturer; b. Watertorwn, N.Y. ; dau. Levi Arthur and Mary Louise (Clarke) Joshnson; ed. public and high schools, Watertown; Wells Coll., Columbia Univ., B.S. 1904. Teacher of home economics; has been instructor Univ. of 111., prof. Milliken Univ. and R.I. State Coll.; lecturer Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences. Was ass't editor Good Housekeeping; later on staff of Harper's Bazar. Chairman of Household Econonlics Dep't Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs; pres. Present Day Club, Watertown, N.Y. ; mem. Women's University Club, N.Y. City.

JOHNSON, Helen Boss (Mrs. Allen Johnson),

Yale Station, New Haven, Conn.

Born German torwn, Philadelphia, May 4, 1872; dau. Henry Augustus and Mary Acker (Hartman) Ross; ed. Mrs. Head's School, Germantown; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1890-92; art student at Drexel Institution, Philadelphia, and in Paris; m. Phila- delphia, June 20, 1900, Allen Johnson (now prof, in Yale Univ.); one son: Allen S'heppard. Epis- copalian. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae (Conn, branch).

JOHNSON, Jennie Fowler Willing, 4937 Michi- gan Av., Chicago, 111.

Singer, teacher; b. Bloomington, 111.; daugh- ter of John Lawrence and Luema (Green) Johnson (mother formerly singer and public speaker; now a practicing physician at Tacoma, Wash.); ed. on Pacific Coast in the public schools and in Chicago in music at American Conservatory, and in London, Eng. (Royal Acad.), in oratorio. Church singer, teacher in American Conservatory and public singer. Mem. Liberal Church of All Souls, Chicago. Mem. Peace Soc, Frederick Douglass Center (colored work), women's clubs, temperance work; mem. Nat. Child Labor Com. and Immigrants' Pro- tective League. Favors woman suffrage. State treas. of Illinois Suffrage Ass'n; pres. South Side Suffrage Ass'n. Recreations: Suffrage work, singing. Mem. South Side Woman's Club. JOHNSON, Mrs. J. Lindsay, Rio Vista, Rome,


Born Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. J. D. C. and Le- titia (Patterson) Gillespie; ed. In school jt Madame Baseau, Neuilly, Paris, France; m. Brooklyn, N.Y,. 1876, J. Lindsay Johnson; chil- dren: J. Gillespie, Letitia G., J. Lindsay, Jr. Majority owner and assoc. editor of the Daily Tribune-Herald, Rome, Ga. Roman Catholic. Mem. Associated Charities of Rome, Ga. ; pres. Rome Woman's Club; mem. Atlanta Woman's Club; ex-pres. Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs; ex-State editor of same and director for life. JOHNSON, Julia Macfarlane (Mrs. Richard W.

Johnson), 1632 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn.

Teacher; b. Salem, Westmoreland Co., 1862; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1885; post-graduate Univ. of Pa., Univ. of Cincinnati, M.A. ; Univ. of Minn.; m. 1894, Gen. Richard W. Johnson, U.S.A.; one son: John Macfarlane Johnson, b. Jan. 25, 1895. Taught at Coates Coll., Terre Haute, Ind., for several years prior to marriage; head of English dep't and dean of women, Macalester Coll (co- educational), St. Paul Minn, since Sept., 1897. Interested in State Fed. of Clubs, patriotic so- cieties, woman suffrage, temperance and peace movements; leader of Bible classes (adults of both sexes); lectures at various city missions and clubs. Has written for various college maga- zines and local newspapers articles and papers in the published proceedings of the State College Ass'ns of Minnesota and Indiana. Mem. Inter- national Peace Ass'n, Christian Ass'n, Aas'n of Collegiate Alumnae, New Century Club, Civic League, Mt. Holyoke Alumnae. Recreations: Horseback riding, canoeing, tramping. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage; active In com- mittee work in the St. Paul Welfare League; constant promoter of suffrage interests in Macalester College. Republican.

��JOHNSON, Julia Trlppe (Mrs. M. L. Johnson),

Cass Station, Bartow County, Ga,

Born Cartersville, Ga., June 12, 1870; daAi. Abda Johnson (lawyer, Col. 40th Regiment, C.S.A., Ga.) and Frances (Trlppe) Johnson; ed. local schools and seminaries, Atlanta public school and private tutors; m. Charleston, S.C., Dec. 21, 1887, Hon. M. L. Johnson. Has been In State and county library work for ten years; worker along educational lines more than 20 years; mem. of several educational organizations, honorary mem. of some. Fed. manager of Mass.- Ga. Fed. Model School (in establishing which the Ga. Fed received substantial aid from the Mass. Fed.) since its ©atabUshment in 1903. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy, Cherokee Club of Ga., Fed. of Women's Clubs, also mem. Gen. Fed. Was State Registrar for four years of United Daughters of Confederacy of Ga.; reelected, but declined further service.

JOHNSON, Katherine Smyth (Mrs. Alfred B.

Johnson), 237 W. Madison Av., Pasadena, Cal.

Born Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1856; dau. Henry M. and Louise (Gregory) Smyth; ed. St Paul High School and private schools, and tutors; m. April 23, 1878, Capt Alfred B. John- son, U.S.A.; children: Katherine Steele, b. Feb. 15, 1879; Rachel Louise, b. Sept. 22, 18S2; Alfred B. Johnson, b. Feb. 26, 1892 (cadet U.S. Military Acad.). Against woman suffrage. Catholic. Mem. D.A.R.

JOHNSON, Laura C, 116 West State St., Tren- ton, N.J.

Born Newton, Sussex Co., N. J. ; dau. Hon. Whitfield S. Johnson (Sec. of State of N.J., 1861- 66) and Ellen (Green) Johnson; ed. Newton Coll. Inst. ; removed to Trenton 1862. Teacher of instrumental and vocal music and chorus sing- ing in N.J. State schools for 22 years. Mem. of various quartet choirs In Trenton churches. Mem. the Contemporary Woman's Club; sec. Woman's Board of Mercer Hospital eight years (resigned) ; pres. Monday Musical Club (women's) of Trenton. Republican. Mem. N.J. Historical Ass'n. JOHNSON, Laura Elder (Mrs. W. A. Johnson),

Roswell, N.Mex.

Bom in Grayson Co., Tex.; dau. (DarroU Lee and Phoebe (Darnell) Elder; ed. Greenville High School; m. Greenville, Tex., 1889. William An- drew Johnson. Mem. Baptist Church and espe- cially active In Sunday-school and missionary work; directs t'wo Bible clubs that meet weekly, and has had great success in that work. Pres. of Roswell's Women's Club for third term; mem. of Shakespeare Olub of Roswell. JOHNSON, Laura WiUoa (Mrs. S. P. Johnson),

Palomas Springs, N.Mex.

President N.Mex. Federation of Women's Clubs; b. In Pennsylvania; educated for pro- fession of teaching, which she followed for several years, principally In the State of Kan- sas, where her girlhood was spent. Twice mar- ried; 1st to J. B. McGonlgal, of Oberlln, Kan.; 2d to present husband, S. P. Johnson, In Ros- well, N.Mex. Long active In women's clubs: now pres. State Federation. JOHNSON, Lilian Wyckoff, Memphis. Tenn.

Teacher of history; b. Memphis, Tenn., 1864; dau. John Cumoning and Elizabeth (Fisher) Johnson; ed. Wellesley Coll., 1879-84; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '91; Cornell Univ., Ph.D. '02 (mom. Coll. Sorosla, Univ. of Mich.). ObUined funds for and superintended Hope Night School of Memphis, 1888-92; instructor of history, Vassar Coll., 1893-97; traveled and studied In France and Germany, 1897-99; fellow, Cornell Univ., 1839-1900. Asa't prof, history, Univ. of Tenn., 1902-04; pres. Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, O., 1904-07; teacher of history, Memphis Central High School, 1908; traveled in Orient and Greece, 1907. Chair- man of Education Com. of Tenn. Fed. of Women's Clubs; director Associated Charities. Interested In every plan of education and uplift, particu- larly for children. Writer of newspaper articles and public addresses. Mem. Am. Hfatorlcal Ass'n, Southern Educational Ass'n, Nortiem Educational Conference, Southern Ass'n of Coll. Women, Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, Women's Rest


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