��organized Junior Civic Leagues in several citfes in committee). Long a believer and advocate of woman suffrage; attended conventions of Nat. Ass'n when Miss Susan B. Anttiony was active as pres. Charter mem. and first sec. of Chil- dren's Day Ass'n, a Chicago charity in connec- tion with Juvenile Court; did active service in behalf of school gardens through Chicago Women's Outdoor Art League; mem. Indian Ass'n, an auxiliary of Nat. Indian Ass'n. Mem. Soc. lor Political Study, Women's Health Pro- tective Ass'n, Woman's Municipal League and Legislative League (all of N.Y. Cityj; Civic Club (Binghamton), Broome Co. Historical Soc. Contributor to newspapers and magazines on Forestry, Irrigation, Artificial Waterways, and other economic subjects. Mem. M.E. Church. Progressive in politics. JOHNSON, Carolyn Ma« Lord (Mrs. Franklin
Winslow Johnson), 5715 Washington Av.,
Chicago, 111.
Bom Calais, Me., Aug. 20, 1875; dau. George W. and Mary (Rldeout) Lord; ed. Calais Acad., '93; Wellesley Coll., 1893-96; m. Calais, Me., July 15, 1896, Franklin Winslow Johnson. Interested in church activities of all kinds; chairman of Board of Managers of Woman's Am. Baptist Home Mis- sion Soc ; mem women's musical and literary clubs, civic and educational activities; pres. of Waterville (Me.) Woman's Literary Club, 1903-05; pres. of musical and special students' organiza- tion of Wellesley Coll., 1895-96. Has done public speaking on civic, educational and missionary topics. Baptist. Idem, crew at Wellesley, 1894- 96. Recreations: RoTving, walking, swimming, golf, horseback riding, fishing. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago Woman's City Club, Chicago Wellesley Club, Univ. of Chicago Settle- ment League. Was formerly chairman of Legis- lative Com. of Me. Fed. of Women's Clubs; later chairman of Home and Educational Dep't of Morgan Park (111.) Woman's Club. JOHNSON, Carrie Mabel Dexter (Mrs. Martin
L. Johnson), West Wardsboro, Vt.
Bom Wardsboro, Vt., Apr. 30, 1878; dau. Dele- van C. and Rosa L. (Knowlton) Dexter; ed. pub- lic school, Wardsboro, Vt.; Acad., Saxton's River, Vt., and Broiwn Univ.; m. West Townshend, Vt., Aug. 29, 1903, Martin L. Johnson; children: Rus- sell Dexter, Wells Martin. "Teacher graded schools, Bellows Falls, Vt. ; Leiand and Clay Sem., Townshend, Vt. ; six years sup't schools, Wardsboro, Vt. Library commissioner. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Ladies' Social Circle and Y.W.C.A. Interested in eugenics, hygiene and sanitation. JOHNSON, Constance Fnller ^Vheeler (Mrs. Bur-
ges Johnson), Port Washington, L.I., N.Y.
Author; b. Staten Island, Sept. 16, 1879; dau. Everett Pepperell and Lydia Lorraine (Hodges) Wheeler; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, June 14, 1904, Burges Johnson; chil- dren: Mary Abigail, James Gibson. Author: When Mother Lets Us Cook; When Mother Lets Us Help; When Mother Lets Us Keep Pets; When Mother Lets Us Travel in France; and poems. Mem. Village Welfare Soc., Port Wash- ington; 9th District Com. of the Charity Or- ganization of N.Y. City. Recreation League of Port Washington. Recreations: Canoeing, walk- ing, swimming, photography. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. JOHNSON, Edith Cherry, 614 E. Eighth St.,
Oklahoma City, Okla.
News writer and editor; b. Nov. 11, 1879; dau. Smith L. and Mary Caroline (Hatcher) Johnson; grad. Miss Phelps' School for Young Ladies, Columbus, Ohio; student at Ohio State Univ. For past four years society editor of the Daily Oklahi>man, Oklahoma City, Okla; her work also Includes music criticism, interviewing and fea- ture story writing. Episcopalian. Recreation: Theatre Against woman suffrage and writes in opposition to the cause. JOHNSON, Eleanor Hope, 37 Madison Av., N.Y.
Born Rutland, Vt; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '94. Settlement worker Hull House, Chicago, 1897; Hartley House, 1899; school visitor, Farmington,
��Conn., 1901-04; chairman of local School Boar5 of Eighth Dist., N.Y. City, since 1908. Mem. Am. Economic Ass'n, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Archaeological Inst, of America, Japan Soc. Has done editorial and journalistic work. Sec. Com. on Hygiene of School Children, Public Education Ass'n, 1912. Writer of children's stories and educational articles. Mem. Exec. Com. Gram- ercy Neighborhood Ass'n; mem. Women's Uni-- versify Club, Woman's Cosmopolitan Club, Washington Square Progressive Club. Congrega- tionalist. Favors woman suffrage. JOHNSON, Elizabeth Ayer (Mrs. Frank Seward
Johnson), 2521 Prairie Av., Chicago.
Born Harvard, 111., Nov. 28, 1886; dau. Edward Everett and Emma (Burbank) Ayer; ed. Misses Grant's Sem., Chicago; Kirkland School, Chi- cago; m. Lake Geneva, Wis., Sept. 3, 1890, Frank Seward Johnson; children: Hosmer Ayer, Edwarc*. Ayer. Presbyterian. Mem. Chicago Chamber Music Soc., Woman's Exchange Soc. for Pro tection of Immigrants, School of Domestic Art/ and Sciences, Fortnightly Club. JOHNSON, Eli3. ! th Hopkins (Mrs. HobaK
Stanley Johnson , 130 E. Gorham St., Madi •
son, Win.
Bom Madison, Wis,, Nov. 5, 1874; dau. George Bates and Julia (Proudflt) Hopkins; ed. Dobbs Ferry-on-Hudson (Miss Masters' school), and Bryn Mawr Coll. ; m. June 4, 1898, Hobart Stan- ley Johnson; children: George Hopkins, Hobart Stanley Johnson Jr. Mem. Woman's Club, Madi- son, Wis. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Dane Co. Equal Suffrage League. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames. JOHNSON, Elizabeth Winthrop, 499 Ellis St.,
Writer; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 12, 1859; dau. Will- iam Templeton and Laura (Woolsey) Johnson; privately educated. Contributor to various periodicals. Author: The Studio Arts; Yesterday; Two Loyal Lovers; Orchard Folk; One Chance In a Hundred. Unitarian. Mem. Audubon Soc. of California, Archaeological Inst, of America, Am. Forestry Ass'n, Friday Morning Club of Los Angeles, Cal.
JOHNSON, Florence Merriam, 129 E. Seven- teenth St., N.Y. City.
Nurse, dispensary manager; b. N.Y, City; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '87. District nurse, N.Y. City, 1902-03; Montclair, N.J., 1904-05; resident nurse, N.Y. Hospital, 1905-08; since 1909 in charge of Cornell Univ. Medical Dispensary, N.Y. City. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumns Ass'n. JOHNSON, Frances Adams (Mrs. Bascom John- son), Forest Hills Gardens, S.I., N.Y. Born Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1878; dau. Samuel Douglas and Sophia Maria (Hampton) Adams; ed. Miss Gilson's School, Philadelphia; Mary- land Coll., A.B. '98; Bryn Mawr CoU., A.B. '02; m. Philadelphia, June 4, 1904, Bascom Johnson; children: Bascom, Margaret Taber. Director of out-door sports of Bryn Mawr Coll, 1902; pri- mary teacher at Miss Wright's School, Bryn Mawr, 1903-04; private tutor, 1902-04; sec, and treas. Philadelphia Hockey League, 1907; sec. and treas. Am. Hockey Ass'n, 1907-C9; leader of Children's Out-door Play Tlub at Forest Hills, S.I. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Tennis, golf, hockey, walking, riding.
JOHNSON, Helen Kendrick (Mrs. Rossiter John- son), 3 W. Eighty-seventh St., N.Y. City. Author and editor; b. Hamilton, N.Y.. Jan. 4, 1844; dau. Asahel C. and Anne (Hopkins) Ken- drick; ed. Oread Inst., Worcester, Mass.; m. Rochester, N.Y., May 20, ISoj, Rossiter Johnson; one daughter, Florence K. Founded the Merid- ian (a woman's club that meets at noonday) in 1886; founded the Guidon (a club for the study of woman's social and political relations) in 1908. Author: The Roddy Books. 3 vols., 1874-76; Raleigh Westgate (a novel), 1S89: Woman and the Republic; A Survey of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the United States and a Discussion of the Claims and Arguments of Ita Foremost Advocates, 1897; enlarged ed., 1909. Editor: Tears for the Little Ones, 1878; Oui Familiar Songs and Those Who Made Them,