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��dau. Andreas Franz and Mari (Ruef) Hofer; ed. McGregor (la.) Hi^h School, Chicago Kinder- garten Coll., Univ. of Chicago; m. Chicago, Aug. 1, 1909, Frank Jerome. Practical printer and editor; publisher of Kindergarten Magazine, Kindergarten Training Teacher; social settle- ment head worker. Active in Chicago social and civic committee work, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Fellowship House Woman's Club, District, State and General Fed. of Women's Clubs. One of founders of Intemat. Kindergarten Union, Playground Aas'n of Amer- ica, and Playground Ass'n of Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Ward leader under the Wom- an's City Club. EMitor of Kindergarten Maga- zine ten years; writer of magazine articles, etc. Progressive in politics. Recreations: Walking, nature excursions. JESS, Clara Alice, Daly City, San Mateo Co.,


City official; b. Valley, Modoc Co., Cal., Sept. 10, 1887; dau. William Allen and Mary Simeon (Gleason) Jess; ed. San Francisco public schools; law student, law stenographer. Ap- pointed city recorder of Daly City, Cal., 1912, by the Socialist Party; the first woman to hold a judicial office in the State. Recreation: Music. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. JESSUP, Mary Hay (Mrs. Henry Wynans Jes-

sup), 136 East Fifty-fifth St., N.Y. City.

Born Philadelphia, Pa., July 1, 1866; dau. James May and Lucy Hay (Butler) Stotesbury; ed. Mrs. Howell's private school; m. West Chester, Pa., Oct. 15, 1889, Henry Wynans Jessup; chil- dren: Henry Herbert, Theodore Carrington, John Butler, Philip Caryl, Richard Stotesbury. Pres- byterian. JEWELL, Edith Winifred, 6 Vincent PI., Mont-

clair, N.J.

Teacher; b. Bangor, Me., Aug. 28, 1879; dau. Milton A. and Hannah fWlggln) Jewell; grad. high school, Portland, Me., '95; ComeH Univ., Ph.B. 1900; graduate study at Univ. of Berlin, 1903-04 and 1907; summer school at Marburg, 1910 (mem. Delta Gamma). Teacher of German, Deering High School, Portland, Me., three years;

Montclair High School, 1905 . Against woman

suffrage. Recreation: Walking. Clubs: College Women's, Teachers' of Montclair, N.J. JEWETT, Faunie Cornelia Frjstie (Mrs. Frank

B. Jewett), Wyoming Av., Wyoming, N.J.

Bom Rockford, 111., Jan. 25, 1878; dau. Wil- loughby L. L. and Clara Frances (Leach) Frisbie; ed. Rockford Coll., A.B. '99; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '04; fellow Univ. of Chicago, 1902-03 (mem. Soc. of Sigma XI, 1903); m. Rockford, Dec. 28, 1905, Frank B. Jewett, Ph.D.; one son: Harrison Leach. Taught Dearborn Sem., Chi- cago, 1900-02; Barnard Coll., N.Y. City, 1303-04. Interested in local civic, religious and educa- tional activities. Author (Ph.D. thesis): Effect of Pressure on Magnetic Permeability of Soft Iron Anchor Rings. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Gardening, fishing, camping, canoeing. JEWETT, Frances Campbell (Mrs. Edward

Rountree Jewett), Cherryfleld, Me. District superintendent of schools; b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 2, 1863; dau. Gleason Ricker and Juliet Wheeler (Brown) Campbell; ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '84; Univ. of Maine, '09; m. Cherry- field, Me., Aug. 4, 1885, Edward Rountree Jewett; children: John Nelson, Helen Campbell, Donald Campbell. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Geo- graphic Soc., Nat. Educational Ass'n, Penobscot Valley Ass'n, Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n. Mem. Shakespeare Club of Cherryfleld, Me. JEWETT, Frances Gulick (Mrs. Frank Fanning Jewett), Oberlin, Ohio.

Writer; b. Ponape, Micronesian Islands, Oct. 13, 1854; dau. Luther Halsey Gulick, D.D., M.D., and Louisa (Lewis) Gulick; ed. Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, O., 1875; also special studies in Ber- lin, Germany, 189.5-96; m. Yokohama, Japan, July 30, 1880, Prof. Frank Fanning Jewett; one son: Charles Jewett (died in infancy). Author: Luther Halsey Gulick, Missionary, 1895; also five books

of the Gulick Hygiene Series; Good Health, 1905;

Town and City, 1905; The Body at Work, 1907;

��Control of Body and Mind, 1908; The Body and Its Defences, 1909. CongregationalWt. Inde- pendent in politics. Club: Ohio Woman's Press. Favors woman suffrage. JEWETT, Mary B., Florence Villa, Florida.

Physician; b. Ohio, Feb. 24, 1858; dau. Mendall Jewett, M.D., and Cordelia (Kent) Jewett; ed. Buchtel Coll., Akron, O., A.B. '78; post-grad. Wellesley Coll., 1883-85; Women's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '95; hospital cours'e in Philadelphia Hospital. Appointed as attending physician N.Y. Infirmary for Women and C!hil- dren, 1909;; pres. Women's Med. Soc, N.Y. City, 1909-10; pres. Women's Med. Ass'n N.Y. State, 1910-11. Leeturer in N.Y. City on Social Hygiene before clubs, settlements, schools, teachers' aas'ns, etc. Sec. Public Health Education Work of Am. M«d. AiJa'n for N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Author: A Problem in Hygiene; also magazine articles upon medical and socio- logical subjects. Mem. Disciples of Christ. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, Women's Med. Soc. N.Y. State, Women's Med. Soc. N.Y. City. Recreations: Growing oranges in Florida, fishing, auto- mobiling.

JEWETT, Nannie Hume (Mrs. Henry C. Jewett), Washington Barracks, Washington, D.C. Bom April 23, 1881; dau. Frank and Emma (Norris) Hume; grad. Friends School, Washing- ton, D.C.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '01: m. April IS, 1906, Capt. Henry C. Jewett. Interested in the George Junior Republic at Annapolis Junction, Md. Recreation: Horseback riding. Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage. JOHANSEN, M. Jean McLane (Mrs. John G. Johansen), 5 E. Ninth St., N.Y. City. Portrait painter; b. Chicago, 111; dau. George A. and Annie (Wirsing) McLane; student of art under John H. Vanderpoel, Frederick W. Freer, Frank Duveneck; m. N.Y. City, 1905, John C. Johansen; one daughter: Margaret McLane. First prize. International Art League, Paris, 1906; two medals, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; silver medal. Fine Arts Exposition, Buenos Ayres, 1910; Elling prize, N.Y. City, 1906; first prize, N.Y. Art Club, 1907; Shaw medal, Nat. Acad. Design, N.Y. City, 1912. Exhibited in all the principal art exhibitions in this country and abroad. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant. Associate Nat. Acad, of Design; mem. MacDowell Club of N.Y. City.

JOHNS, Alice Gillette (Mrs. P. O. Johns), Me- tropolis, 111.

Club woman, business woman; b. Manliue, N.Y., 1863; dau. Norman and Caroline (Spore) Gillette; ed. Syracuse Univ., M.A. (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Metropolis, 111., Jan. 28, 1889, P. O. Johns. High school principal for eight years; now busy in management of own estate and active in church and social life; vice-pres. of 111 State Fed., 1910-11; pres. 24th Dist. of 111. State Fed., 1908-11; chairman of Philanthropic Com. of 111. SUte Fed., 1912-14. Mem. Church Guild (pres. five years). Am. Civic Ass'n, Junior League Branch, Woman's Club of Metropolis, 111. (pres.). Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- frage.

JOHNS, Laura M. (Mrs. James B. Johns), 2121 University Av., San Diego, Cal. Born near Lewiston, Pa., Dec. 18, 1849; dau. John R. and Angeline (Ames) Mitchell; educated in public and private schools in Pa. ; m. Lewiston, Pa., Jan. 14, 1872, James B. Johns. Favors woman suffrage. Leader in securing municipal suffrage for women of Kansas; nine years pres. Kansas Equal Suffrage Ass'n and lecturer and organizer under Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; later took active part in Cal. suffrage campaign, which resulted in securing full suffrage for women. Christian Scientist. Republican. Mem. Woman's Christian Temperance Union of San Diego. Mem. Public Welfare League of San Diego.

JOHNS, Mary J. V. (Mrs. Bennett Willson

Johns), 1224 Adams St., Olympia, Wash.

Born Perry, 111., Oct. 26, 1851; dau. CharJea

Morrison and Mary J. (Macfarlane) Vertrees; ed.

Perry, 111.; m. Olympia, Wash., Feb. 25, 1872;


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