��JENKS, Agnes M. (Mrs. Barton Piclcerlng
Jenks), Concord, N.H.
Boru Wakefield, Mass.; ed. Boston (Mass.) public and private schools; m. Concord, N.H., Oct. 23, 18S2, Barton P. Jenks (pres. William B. Durgin Co., silversmiths. Concord, N.H.); chil- dren: Phoebe M. Picliering, Barton Pickering .Jr., Lewis B. Was an actress; played Important parts with Edwin Booth, Lawrence Barrett and Mme. Helena Modjeska (stage name "Agnes Acrea"). Mem. Professional Woman's Club, Con- cord Woman's Club, various charity organiza- tions and Peace Soc. of N.H. Favors woman suffrage; sec. New Hampshire Woman Suffrage Ass'n; pres. Concord Equal Suffrage Ass'n. JKNNE, Ida Sherman (Mrs. Clarence F. R.
Jenne), Hartford, Conn.
Born E. Dover, Vt, May 1, 1860; dau. Sidney Harvey and Mary E. (Farnsworth) Sherman; ed. Brattleboro (Vt.) High School; m. Brattle- boro, Vt., Sept. 15, 1880, Clarence F. R. Jenne; children: Pauline Jenne Warren (B.A. Mt. Hol- yoke Coll., '05), Sherman Austin Jenne. Nat. treasurer U.S. Daughters of 1812; also pres. Conn. State Soc. of U.S. Daughters of 1812; vice-pres. Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America (Conn, chapter); charter mem. of Vt. Soc. of Colonial Dames; life mem. D.A.R. ; second vice- pres. Woman's Auxiliary to Y.M.C.A., Hart- ford, Conn.; mem. Motherhood Club of Hartford, Conn. ; pres. Good Samaritan Chapter of King's Daughters and Sons; director of Home Missions In Hartford Association. JENNEY, Caroline King: (Mrs. Alexander D.
Jenney), 5 Brattle Rd., Syracuse, N.T.
Born Syracuse, N.Y., 1879; dau. John F. and Sally (Sedgwick) King; ed. Smith Coll., Class of 1900; m. Syracuse, 1903, Alexander D. Jenney; children: John Lord King, Alexander D., Cor- nelia Jenney. Belongs to several local charitable organizations. Favors woman suffrage. Uni- tarian. Mem. Woman's Political Union. Recre- ations: Motoring, skating, swimming, golf. Mem. Onondaga Country Club, Sedgwick Lawn Club. JENNEY, Julie Regnla, 630 Onondaga County
Savings Bank Building, Syracuse, N.T.
Lawyer; b. Syracuse, N.Y. ; dau. Edwin Sher- man and Marie Regula Hoffendahl (Saul) Jenney; ed. Univ. of Mioh., LL.B. First woman in Court of Appeals'of State of N.Y., and first woman in State to argue appeals in Third and Fourth Dep'ts of Supreme Court of State of N.Y. Mem. Onondaga Co. Bar Ass'n, Syracuse Council of Women's Clubs, Professional Women's League, Consumers' League, Political Equality Club, Ka-na-te-nah Club (all of Syracuse). Recrea- tions: Literature, auction bridge, dramatics, swimming. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; has held several offices in Woman Suffrage Ass'n, and has given many addresses on the subject.
JENNEY, Marie Regula, (Mrs. Edwin Sher-
nnan Jenney), 236 Greene St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Born Boston, Mass. ; dau. Rev. George Saul, Lutheran minister, and Julia (Steiner) Saul; ed. Syracuse High School and Boston private school; m. 1S63, Col. Ed-win Sherman Jenney, who served through the Civil War (died 1900); children: Julie Regula (lawyer of Syracuse), William Sherman (counsel and vice-pres. Dela- ware, Lackawanna & Western R.R., N.Y. City), Mrs. Fred C. Howe, Alexander D. (lawyer, Syra- cuse). Actively identified with the efforts and organizations in the fields of philanthropy and civic improvement In Syracuse. Founded and is pres. of The Ka-na-te-nah (woman's) Club of Syracuse (350 members); pres. Syracuse Coun- cil of Women's Clubs (3,000 members); formerly pres. 13 years, now honorary pres. Syracuse Morning Musicals; director Syracuse Political Equality Club; chairman Com. on Suffrage, N.Y. State Federation of Women's Clubs; mem. Con- sumers' League, Fortnightly Club. JENNEY, Ruth Marie (Mrs. Charles Elmer
.lenney), Fresno, Cal.
Born Colobrook, N.H. ; dau. Elbridge H. and Jennette H. (Rogers) French; ed. Western Re- serve Acad., Hudson, O.; Young Ladies' Acad., Sherbrook: Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, O. ; won Gov-
��ernor General of Canada's medal for scholarship; m. Fresno, Cal., June 17, 1903, Charles £lmer Jenney. Mem. and on two of Y.W.C.A. of Fresno, Cal. Against woman suf- frage. Congregationalist. Republican. Pres. of Friday Club, Fresno, Cal., for past two years. JENNINGS, Mary Kirby, 4 3 West St., South
Norwalk, Conn.
Born N.Y. City, Mar. 1, 1871; dau. Isaac S. and Sarah Deshon (Kirby) Jennings; ed. prlyate schools and New Haven Normal School of Gym- nastics, '94. Branch sec. of Trinity Glrla' Friendly Soc, South Norwalk (mem. exec. com. of Conn. Diocesan Council of Girls' Friendly Soc.); chairman of Altar Soc.; Sunday-school teacher; mem. Woman's Guild of Trinity Church; mem. of Com. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions; director and sec. of Norwalk Day Nur- sery, Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n. Associate mem. of Hillside Alumnae Ass'n; mem. Woman's Mu- nicipal League, Conn. Botanical Soc., Soc. for the Protection of Native Plants, Portfolio Club (for the study of history and art), Norwalk Bird Club.
JENNINGS, Phillipena G. (Mrs. Louis H. Jen- nings), 5 307 Kenmore Av., Chicago, 111. Bom Pirmesens, Germany, Dec. 1, 1852; dau. Peter and Katherine (Faul) Gundrum; grad. Ionia (Mich.) High School, In English, French, German, 1876; m. Ionia, Mich., Aug. 29, 1876, Louis H. Jennings, noTV serving the twentieth year as recording sec. of North-western Branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of M.E. (Jhurch; has edited and published twenty annual reports of same; leader of Birchwood Study Class, Chicago, four years; completed Bayvierw Study Course and received diploma; in 1900 made an extended tour of Europe studying noted places and art galleries of principal cities. Mem. North End Woman's Club, Chicago; char- ter mem. and three terms pres. Rogers Park Woman's Club, Chicago; mem. and has served two years as pres. of Argyle Park Portia Club, Chicago. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive. JEPHSON, Lady (Harriet J.), 60 Brompton Sq.,
London, S.W., England.
Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; b. Thornhill, Quebec, Canada; dau. Archibald Campbell (barrister at law and Pro- thonotary for the Province of Quebec) and Isa- bella (Prior) Campbell; ed. by masters and gov- ernesses at home, but studied painting and mod- eling in Rome; m. Captain Sir Alfred Jephson, Royal Navy, Knight of Justice of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (now deceased). Has exhibited water color paintings in the New Gal- lery, British Artists, Grafton, Dudley, Royal Institute of Painters In Water Colors, Roman Academy, etc. Author: A Canadian Scrap Book; Letters to a Debutante; also articles and essays which have appeared in the principal English magazines. Mem. Church of England. Po- litically a strong Unionist and Conservative. Against woman suffrage. Vice-pres. Eteptford Clothing Guild; a branch pres. of The Children's Happy Earnings. Recreations: Riding, reading, traveling, sketching, also society. JEPSON, Mabel Pretiton Wyatt (Mrs. Harry
Benjamin Jepson). 246 E. Rock Rd., New
Haven, Conn.
Bom N.Y. City, 1870; dau. Albert H. and Martha W. (Preston) Wyatt; ed. Packer Colle- giate Inst., Smith Coll., B.L. *93 (mem. Phi Kappa Psi); m. Norwalk, Conn., Aug. 1, 1895, Harry Benjamin Jepson. JERMAN, Camelia (Mrs. Palmer Jennan), 109
E. Ann St., Raleigh. N.C.
Bom N.C; dau. William C. and B^mma V. (Thayard) Petty: ed. Oxford Coll., N.C; New England Conservatory of Music; m. Carthage, N.C, Nov. 10. 1898, Palmer Jerman ; children: Lucy V. (deceased), Thomas Palmer. Pres. Women's Club of Raleigh, 1904-'10; first vice- pres. N.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs; vlce-prea. Woman's Betterment Ass'n of N.C, 1911. Baptist. JEROME, Anialie Ilofer (Mrs. Frank Jerome),
831 W. Thirty-third PI.. Chicago, 111.
Educational lecturer; b. Clermont, la., 1864;