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��Favors woman suffrage; captain 25th Assembly Dist. (N.Y. City) Woman Suffrage Party. Con- tributor of stories and articles to magazines; sketches of New York in Saturday EJvening Post; Harper's. Author: The Lie; The Sacrament of a Night; The Spectator; articles on German Model Housing and Workman's Insurance; The Wrong Man (American Magazine), etc. JENKEVS, Alice Thornton, 902 Twenty third St., N.W., Washin^on, D.C.

Government clerk and stenographer; b. Balti- more, Dec. 18, 1857; dan. Rear Admiral T. A. and Elizabeth G. (Thornton) Jenkins; ed. Moravian Sem., Bethlehem, Pa.; private schools In Wash- ington, D.C, and Philadelphia, Pa. Interested in music; author of four musical compositions. Mem. U.S. Sponsors' Soc, Stanton Club, Dist. of Columbia Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Anthony League, Washington, D.C. Recreations: Read- ing, vocal music, painting. EJpiscopallan. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Mem. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n and local clubs; delegate to three Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Conventions: Was:h- ington, D.C; Louisville, Ky.; Philadelphia, Pa. Director D.C Woman Suffrage Ass'n to Fed. of Women's Clubs; auditor State Equal Suffrage Ass'n, D.C, 1912-13.

JENKINS, Anna Spalding, 427 Nostrand Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Teacher of Latin; b. Joliet, 111., 1869; dau. Har- mon Dutilh and Harriet (Burrill) Jenkins; ed. Smith Coll., B.A. '90, A.M. '97; pupil in Am. School of Classical Studies, Rome, 1897-98. Ass't In Smith Coll., 1895-97; Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1895. Interested in church and Y.W.C.A. Wrote article on The Trajan Reliefs In the Roman Forum in the Am. Arahaeological Journal. Presbyterian. Officer N.Y. Latin Club.

JENKINS, Frances. 404 W. KWorado St,, Decatur. 111.

Educator; b. Oswego, N.Y., Nov. 4, 1872; dau. Isaac Gray and Rsbecca (Congdon) Jenkins; ed. Oswego private schools; Oswego High School (grad.); Osiwego Normal School (grad. and post- grad.); Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. (one year). Critic teacher, Northern 111. State Normal School, DeKalb, 111. ; supervisor. Teachers' Training School, Baltimore, Md. ; instructor, Howard Univ., Washington, D.C; supervisor of elemen- tary grades, Decatur, 111. ; vice-pres. of Muni- cipal Art League. Favors woman suffrage. Ass't editor of The Riverside Readers. Congregatlon- alist. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, 111. State Teachers' Ass'n, Religious Educational Ass'n, D.A.R., Y.W.C.A., Musical Club of Decatur, 111. JENKINS, Gfirtirvjde JHalbert (Mrs. Paul B. Jen- kins), 276 Ogden Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Born Binghamton, N.Y.; dau. Delancey M. and Sarah (Morgan) Halbert; ed. Wells ColU, A.B. 1890; m. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 23, 1897, Rev. Paul B. Jenkins, D.D. ; one son: Halbert H. Jenkins, b. 1899. Interested in church, missionary and young women's work and social life. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Reading, out-door life. Presbyterian.

JENKINS, Hester Donaldson, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo.

Professor; b. Oshkosh, Wis., July 6, 1869; dau. James Howard and Mary Lawrence (Turnbull) Jenkins; ed. Oshkosh State Normal School, di- ploma '96; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B. '98; Ph.M. in English literature '99; Columbia Ph.D. in modern European history '12; held a scholarship In Columbia 1911-12. Prof, history and English In Constantinople Coll., 1900-09; ass't prof, history and sociology in Adelphl Coll., Brooklyn, 1911-12; dep't history In Colorado Coll., Colorado Springs, from Sept., 1912. Lectured in N.Y. public schools, Brooklyn Inst., and elsewhere, on the Turkish Revolution; Turkish Song and Story; Constanti- nople College, etc. ; has been connected with philanthropic and religious activities where she has taught Author: Behind Turkish Lattices; Ibrahim Pastia, Grand Vizier of Sulieman the Magnificent (Columbia Political Science Series); also articles on the recent Turkish revolution; Women In Turkey, etc. ; short stories In The Outlook, The CongregationaUst, The N.Y. Trib-

��une, etc. Has translated poems by Flkre-Bey for The Open Court, from the Turkish. Congre- gationalist. Mem. Am. Historical Soc, Am. Oriental Soc, Chicago; Columbia and Oshkosh State Normal Alumnfe. Recreations: Riding, boating, tennis, etc. Has belonged to clubs con- nected with various colleges.

JENKINS, Irene Fowler Brown (Mrs. William

Ernest Jenkins), Ellendale, Tenn.

"Writer, farmer; b. Moscow, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1871; dau. Joseph John and Mary Balsora (Aber- nathy) Brown; ed. Clara Conway Inst., Mem- phis, Tenn., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '94; m. June 12, 1907, WUliam Ernest Jenkins. Teacher in Columbia (S.C) Female Coll., 1894-95; Bailey Springs (Ala.) Univ., 1895-98; Birmingham (Ala.) Sem., 1899-1902; Memphis, Tenn., 1902-05; Higbee School, Memphis, 1906; governess in Alabama, 1905-06. Since marriage to a farmer, devoted to farm life, and most interested in improved methods of farming; enthusiastic advocate of return to farm life. Occasional contributor of stories and poems to leading magazipes; also writes for newspapers and farm publications. Her poem, "The Child Eternal" (published In Harpers), has been Included in a volume of poems about the child compiled by Mary Sparkes Wheeler. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Child Labor Com. Recreations: Writing, tennis, vrhist, read- ing.

JENKINS, Mary B., Boonton, N.J.

Bom Beonton; dau. George Kid Hannaii (Ma- gan) Jenkins; mem. N.Y. Alumnge of Bethlehem Moravian Sem., Pa. Manager of Woman's Branch of N.J. Historical Soc; past director N.J. State Federation of Women's Clubs. Pres- byterian. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, N.J. State Charities Aid and Prison Reform Ass'n, Mary Fisher Home of N.J. Ass'n. Mem. Sorosi's (N.Y. City), Boonton Improvement Soc, Keeno Valley Country Club.

JENKINS, Mary Emma, Syracuse, N.Y.

Newspaper publisher; b. Syracuse, N.Y., May 5, 1879; dau. Arthur Jenkins (founder, principal ovmer and publisher of the Herald); ed. public schools and high school. After death of her father succeeded to his post as pres. of the Herald of Syracuse.

JENKINS, Mary Otis (Mrs. John B. Jenkins),

2625 Prairie Av., Chicago.

Born Chicago. III., Nor. 24, 1860; dau. Joseph Edward and Maria Ellen (Tayloi^ Otis; ed. Dearborn Sem., Chicago, and grad. Chestnut St. Sem., Philadelphia, '79; m. Nov. 19, 1885, John E. Jenkin.<3; one son: John Blliott. Manager since 1897 of Board of Old People's Home of Chicago. Presbyterian. Mem. Colonial Dames of America.

JENKINS, Stdla Frances, 3001 Bales Av^ Kan- sas City, Mo.

Teacher, minister, lecturer; b. Wabash, Ind., 1882; dau. Benjamin F. and Frances C (YTiles) Jenkins; ed. Barlhann Coll., Richmond, Ind.; Chicago Univ. Teacher 25 years in ward and high schools of Kazksas City, Mo. ; last 15 years in Manual Training High School in English compo- sition and literature dep't. Interested in church work, civic improvement, sociology. Favors woman suffrage; mem. local Equal Suffrage Soc. Author: An Interpretation of the Gospel According to P^lends — A Sketch. Has con- tributed numerous articles to church papers and some to local newspapers. Regularly ordained minister of the Friends (Quaker) Church. Mem. W.CT.U., Y.W.C.A., Kansas City Equal Suf- frage Soc; mem. Com. to Promote Morsd In- struction In Public Schools of Kansas City, Mo. Recreations: Gardening, walking. Mem. Athe- njenm Club of Kansas City, Mo.; first and only woman admitted to Ministers' Alliance of Kansas City: first woman In State of Missouri to per- form the marriage ceremony. Devotes most of time to teaching and making addresses on im- portant current topics. Leader-teacher of one of the largest women's Bible classes in Kansas City. Planned and built, without architect, con- tractor or builder, the $5,500 home In which she lives, a much admired structure.


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