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out and Park. Mem. Friends (Quakers). Mem. mended the day; alBO leading religious, fraternal, Thimble Club (social). educational, patriotic and business organizations. JANVIER, Catherine Drinker (Mrs. Thomaa Mem. Geog. Soc. of Philadelphia; honorary mem. AUIbone Janvier), 222 W. Fifty-ninth St., Associated Fraternities of America. Recreations: N.Y. City. Riding, travel and out-door recreations, music. ArUst and writer; b. Philadelphia; dau. Henry Club: New Century (Philadelphia). Sandwith and Susannah (Shober) Drinker; gen- j.iKVIS, Mary D., 2015 Q St. Washington, DC eral education at home; studied art in Phila- Born Mathews County, Va. ; dau. John W. and vf'l ^..^- J^®K ^^•-^of'^J °'! .-^t"® ^^^ ^°o '? ^"san A. (Shepard) Jarrls. Episcopalian. Mem. « io^'^u' ^^^ ^.».v'"'^®'J'^ League; m. Sept soc. of Mayflower Descendants in the Dist. of T®' ^^fi ToiT^^A'^'i?'*"®, •J^^'^'" ^^"l^Sfi f'!^ Colum'bia, Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames. Mem. June 18, 1913) Artist-painter; ha^ exhibited In club of Colonial Damee, Washington Club. leading competitions; won the prize of the Pa. „ ' ^ ^i^u. Acad, of Flue Arts with her picture The Guitar JASTROW, R»cbel Szold (Mrs. Joseph Jastrow), Player. Linguist; haa made a special study of 237 Langdon St., Madison, Wis. the Provengal; honorary mem. of Felibrlge, Bom Baltimore, Md., Nov. 30, 1865; dau. Ben- Provence. Mem. Art StudenU' League of N.Y. Jamln and Sofle (SchAar) Srold; ed. Baltimore City, Soc. for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Western Female High School (Peabody medal); Author: Practical Keramlcs for Students; London m- Aug. 2, 18S8, Joseph Jastrow. Mem. Coneum- Mews. Translator of works of Felix Oras (from ers' League, Audubon, Associated Charities, Jew- the Provencal): Reds of the Midi; The White Ish Charities. Favors woman suffrage. Meaan. Terror. Mem. Woman's Cosnu>polltan Club Dane Co. Equal Suffrage League, Wl«. Political (N.Y. City), Pioneer Club (London). Equality League. Author: Translation of In- Ti't.rTr.cm »i i r.,.. tt j, ■.. divlduallzatlon of I*unishment; The World's JANVIBR, Margrsret Thompson, Norwood, Masi^. t„<,„i t»,ji„_„„i,.„„. „„Jj1.," ._:■', . """u » WritPr nf luvpnilP cjtnrlPfl- h Npw Orlpana Ta • ^F^' Philosophies; various articles for encyclo- vvruer or juvenile swries, D.iNew uriean3,ija., pedias. Jewess. Mem. University League In- daughter Francis de Haes and Emma (Newbold) ternational Peace League, Queen Estief^^ Janvier. Contributor in verse and prose to maga- zi^nigt Soc. Club, Madison Woman's zmes. Author (pen-name "Margaret Vande- .„,„„ »»""ittii a. grift"): Clover Beach; A Dead Doll and Other JEITER8, Mary, Box 118. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Verses; Doris and Theodora: Holidays at Home; Teacher; b. Oxford, Pa., Apr. 23, 1868; dau LitUe Helpers; The Queen's Body Guard; Rose Eliakum Tupper and Esther (Hodgens) Jeilers- Raymond's Wards; Under the Dog Star; Ways ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '95; A.M. '97; studied and Means; Umbrellas to Mend; The Absent- at universities of Munich, Halle, Bonn, WUrz- Minded Fairy; Little Bell and Other Stories, burg and in Rome and Pompeii. Reader In Ger- Sister of the Ustinguished litterateur, Thomas man and oral examiner In French and German, Allebone Janvier (died June 18, 1913). Bryn Marwr Coll.; also private tutor for Bryn JAQUES. Bertiha F.velyn (Wrs. William K. ^tZ"" EP"' ^°^ ^^f^^wlL-i*" ^^I^Pean travel. Jaques), 4316 Greenwood Av., Chtcaro, III. Bt^' M^w A^h«r Ti?.?*'^* Y^'f^^^ glub. Etcher, printer; b. Covington. O.. Oet. 2i. bn?ri^n Me^ Ass'n^f r„n A^i,',^^"^ ^^"^ 1863; dau. John W. and CUi«-lotte A. (Wilde) iss^"'"; thV^Hanti^ IPfJ}' ^l^;, Classical Ciauson; ed. schools ir. Covington and Indian- ropean tr^vri g^enins Recreations: Eu- apolis; m. Nov. 28, 1889, Dr. William K. Jaques; !:^!rl „^ ,' S^^^^^'^B-

three children (aJl deceased). Lectureg on Etch- aS'.iri'REY, Jennettt Atwater Street (Mrs. Ed-

ing, and gives practical demonstrations of etching ^^.rd C. Jeffrey), 47 Lakevlew Av., Cambridge,

and printing: sec. and trean. Chicago Soc of -Mass.

Etchers (national In its scope); represented by „^'^^,^ Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan. 27, 1872; dau.

her etchings in N.Y. Public Library, Congres- Charles B and Rachel H. (Bishop) Street; ed.

sional Library, Washington; exhibited In Paris }^J^'^- °' Toronto, 1895, fellow in Latin, Bryn

Salon of 1912; represented in special num.ber of Mawr Coll., 1895-96; entered Univ. of Toronto

The Studio on Modern Etching and Etchers. In- |s winner of highest scholarship offered; had

terested in all movements for betterment of the ^^^ wass honors throughout, and took active

race. Books: Concerning Etchings; The Story P*" In college organizations; taught classics and

of Sbep; writer of eight well-known Christaaas ^f'lS" 1° St. Margaret's Coll., Toronto, 1897-

and three New-Year Cards; arUcles in maga- J^^: m- Toronto, June 25, 1901, Edward C. Jef-

zines illustrated with her etchings. Motu Little irey; one son: Charles Street. Press correspond-

Room, Audubon Soc., Anti-Cruelty Soc., Caxton ®°t for the Cambridge Political Equality Ass'n.

Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc, Chicago Soc of Favors woman suffrage. Has written many

Artists, Art Inst. Alumni Ass'n. Recreations: newspaper articles. Episcopalian. Recreations:

Sketchings out-doors, making Mueprints of ^.'^T^^^l,, ^^Himing, walking, out-of-door life,

plant forms, studying nature, writing music. Clubs: Plant, Cambridge Boat, College.

Independent. Favors woman suffrage. Progres- JENCKES, AdUUine Louise, Pawtucket, R.I.

sive. Teacher; b. EJast Blacketone, Mass.; ed. In

JARRETT, Cora Hardy (Mrs. Edwin Seton Jar- ^,'^^**^'?„°' Pawtucket, R.I., and Vassar Coll.,

rett), 105 E. Nineteenth St., N.Y. City. A.B. 87: N.Y. Univ. A.M. '99; post-graduate

Born Birmingham, Ala.; ed. Pollock-Stevens 2*i°°?°*^,J^°^- °^^ ^^^■- 1901-02; Univ. of Pa.,

Inst., Birmingham, Ala,, and Miss Florence F°;.°- OT- Teacher Hollldaysburg (Pa.) Som.,

Bald-win's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; holder of J,^°J"^; ^-^^ '-^'y- 1891-92; Miss Townsend'e

James E. Rhoads Junior Scholarship, 1897-98; ^"O^ ^®^?L^' ^-J-' 1892-1901; Aabury Park,

Anna Powers Memorial Scholarship, 1898-99; ^■^■' slice 1906.

Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '99; Bryn Mawr European JENCKES, Sarah Pratt (Mrs. Ray Greene

fellow and student at the Sorbonne, College de Jenckes, Jr., 669 Oak St., Terre Haute, Ind.

France and Univ. of Oxford, England; m. 1906, Bom Syracuse, N.Y. ; dau. Charles and Maria

E>dwin Seton Jarrett. Teacher Of Greek and Eng- (Preeland) Pratt; ed. Smith Coll., A.B.; Colum-

Hsh in Ward Sem., Nashville, Tenn., and grad- bia Univ. A.M.; m. Syracuse, N.Y., Feb.' 12, 1911,

uate student Vanderbilt Univ., 1902-03; teacher Ray Greene Jenckes, Jr.; one daughter: Marlon

of Engll.=h and literature in St. Timothy's School, Ray. Acting principal Schenectady (N.Y.) High

Catonsvllle, Md. School, 1905-06; head of English dep't, Springfield

JARVIS, Anna, 2031 North 12th St., Phlladel- (Mass.) High School, 1907-11. Pres. Schenectady

phla. Pa. Woman's Club, 1906-07; organizer of college grad-

Literary work; b. West Virginia; dau. Gran- ^^^^ courses in Springfield, Mass., 1908-10. Mem.

ville E. and Anna M. (Reeves) Jarvis; ed. South- Schenectady College Club, Springfield College

ern schools and Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, ^'"; Favors woman suffrage. Non-secUrlan In

Va. Founder of Mother's Day and pres. of '■?"S'*°- ™e™- Modern Language Ass'n. Recrea-

Mother's Day International Ass'n, with the ob- "ons; Walkmg, golf, bridge, music

ject to honor and uplift motherhood and the JEN180N, Madge C, 82 Washington PI NT

home. Mother's Day is the second Sunday In City. "* ' "

May, annually, and its badge is a wiiite carna- Writer; b. Chicago, May 21, 1874- dau Edirard

tlon. Forty-nine Governors of States, Territories Spencer and Caroline (Spooner) Jenlaon- ed.

and dependencies have recognized and recom- Hyde Park High School, Chicago; Wells 'coU.


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