��pres. St. Joseph Federation of Women's Clubs, 1909-10; pres. St. Joseph Tag Day Ass'n, 1910-11; field chairman of Committee on Endowment of General Federation o^ Women's Clubs. JAMES, Panline Sholes (Mrs. George Francis
James), 316 Tenth Av., South Kast, Minneapo- lis, Minn.
Bom Chicago, April 24, 1874; dau. Clarence Gordon and Bertha (Ten Eyck) Sholes; ed Mrs. Henry Babcock's School for Girls, Chicago, m. Chicago, Aug. 10, 1899, George Francia James; children: Alice Felicia, Bertha Ten Eyck, Mar- garet Pauline, (Jeorge Francis. Interested in theosophical and social work. Favors women suffrage; mem. Minnesota Suffrage Ass'n. Kpisco- palian. Mem. Woman's Olub of Minneapolis. JAMES, Mrs. Robert Darringrton, 823 Main St.,
San Antonio, Tex.
Bom Mobile, Ala.; dau. Sterling Thrower (of Georgia) and Mrs. Caroline C. (Montgomery) Thrower (mother descended on maternal Bide from the noble French emigre family i>f Juzan, and on paternal side great-granddaughter of Gol. Hugh Montgomery of the Cksntinental Army); ed. at Milward's private Sem., Mobile, Ala., with honors on literary lines; m. Mobile, Ala., 1885, Robert Darrington James. Interested in reliirious matters and social affairs, active in philanthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Mem of Suf- fragist Club (local). Contributor of verse and essays to magazines and newspapers, and has had prize for poems in State cormpetition. Presby- terian. Democrat. Mem. Daughters of the Con- federacy, of the Woman's Club of San Antonio, and ex-pres. and prominent organizer of the San Antonio Pen Women (an organization of writers). Recreations: Out-door sports. JAMESON, Maud Eaton (Mrs. Thomdike C.
Jameson), 175 So. Boulevard, Corona. Gal.
Bom St. Louis, Mo,. 1866; iau. Alfred N. and Emily (Dean) Eaton; ed. St. Louis High School; m. St. Louis, 1893, Thomdike C. Jame- son; children: Emily Dean, Caro, Ruth Avis. Baptist. Republican. Pres. two years of Woman's Improvement Club of Corona. JAMESON, Kose Howe (Mrs. W. B. Jameson),
122 Old York Road, Jenklntown, Pa.
Born Groton, Tompkins County, N.Y., April 2, 1865; dau. Samuel Burnett Howe, Ph.D., and Sarah (Grain) Howe; grad. Wellesley, A.B. and music, 1886; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. ■91; m. Philadelphia, April 2, 1893, W. B. Jame- son, M.D.; one son: William Howe Jameson. Practised medicine until marriage. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., Wellesley Club. Recreations: Tennis, cards, piano. JAMIESON, l/oulse Carapbell (Mrs. Alvln W.
Jamieson), 321 W. Seventh St., Rushville, Ind.
Bora Davenport, Iowa, Feb. 4. 1862; dau. Rev. W. T. and Rachel (Bratton) Campbell: grad. Monmouth (111.) Coll.. Classical Courne, A.B. '85; m. Monmouth, 111., June 23, 1885, Rev. Alvin W. Jamieson, D.D.; riiildren: Ethel Campbell, Mary Belle, Alvah Louisa, Jean Frances. Has written various articles for the Woman's Mis- sionary Magazine of the United Presbyterian Church. Mem. A.B.L. Literary Soc., Monmouth Coll.; pres. Presbyterial Woman's Missionary So- cieties in 111., Cajl., Colo, and Ind. Clubs: Woman's (Loveland, Colo.), Coterie (Rushville, Ind.). Recreation: Horseback riding. United Presbyterian. Favorc woman suffrage. Pro- hibitionist or Independent. Very active on the side of the dry forces in several local option campaigns. Husband was formerly pastor for twelve years in Wildomar, Cal., and ten years in Loveland, Colo., and in both pastorates she took a leading part in union and interdenomi- national activities as well as in those of her own church.
JAMIESON, Mary Scudder (Mrs. Alexander Fridge Jamieson), Lawrenceville, N.Y. Born Trenton, N.J., Mar. 12, 1858; dau. Ed- ward Wallace Scudder, Justice of the Supreme Court of U.S., and Mary Louisa (Drake) Scudder; ed State Model School, Trenton, N.J.; m. Tren- ton, N.J., Aug. 11, 1885, Alexander Fridge Jamie- son of Va. (now master in Lawrenceville
��School); children: Louisa (died Jan. 9, 1898), An- drew Douglas, Prudence Kelsey. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Social Centre Committee for City of Trenton, Consumers' League, and various philanthropic organizations. Vice-pres. N.J. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Presbyterian. Vice-pres. Nat. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, pres. N.J. Soc. Colonial Dames, Regent Trent Chapter D.A.R. Charter mem. and first pres. Contemiwrary Olub of Trenton; mem. Woman's Club of Liawreiice- ville. For nineteen years in charge, with hus- band, of the Lawrenceville Scbool Colony Houses for Boys.
JAMISON, Alice Peyt»D (Mrs. Samuel W. Jami- son), 1016 Franklin Rd., Koanoke, Va.
State Regent D.A.R.; b. Roanoke, Va., Sept 10, 1860; dau. Peyton Leftwlch and Mary (Trout) Terry; ed. Staunton, Va. ; m. RosJioke, Va., June 18, 1879, Samuel W. Jamison; children: Mary Lee. Lila Leftwioh, Peyton, Sdith Alicia. In- terested Id hospital work, has been for years chairman of Exec. Com., of Roanoke Hoopital, mem. of Board and Exec. Com. of the Roanoke Free Medical Dispensary; mem. Com. State Board of Charities and Corrections; particularly in- terested in edncationa) and patriotic work and thfl conservation question. AJgalns'; woma.-p suf- frage. Kpiscopalian, Has been State Risgent for six years of Va. D.A,R. ; mem. Va, Historical Soc. ; Hfe mem. Soc. for Preservation of Va. Antiquities. JANIN, Flora Earle (Mrs. L. F. Janln, Jr.),
Biloxl, Miss.
Born Tomah, Wis., Jan. 1, 1882; dau. Watson and Emma Marsden (Turner) Earle; grad. Tomah High School, '98 (modern and ancient pJassical course); grad. Stevens Point Normal School, '01; summer course Univ. of Wis.; m. Biloxi, Miss., Dec. 7, 1904, Leon Fergus Janin, Jr.; children: Emma Katherine, Leon Fergus. At the age of 19 taught Gexman and Latin in a West Salem (Wis.) High School for two years. Interested in education of children. Episcopalian. Mem. Guild of EJpiscopal Church, Biloxl, Miss. Rec- reations: Fishing, motoring, camping, bridge. Clut>s: Music and Cleophan, Biloxi, Miss. JANIS, El(*ie, 2018 High St., Columbus, Ohio.
Actress, author; b. Columbus, Ohio, Mar. 16, 1889; dau. John B. and Jan is E. Bierbower; ed. privately at home. Early evinced great powers of mimicry; made first stage appearance in James O'Neill's (Company as the boy Cain in The Charity Ball, Dec. 24, 1897. In August, 1900, first appeared in N.Y. City in vaudeville on the Ca- sino Theatre Roof and for three years under the name of "Little Elsie" was a headliner on the vaudeville circuit in imitations of the voices, make-up and mannerisms of various well-known actors; became a star at age of 14 in The Belle of New York, 1904, and later in The Fortune Teller and The Duchess; headed the staff of summer players of the New York Roof Garden, 1905, and in the fall ot that year opened in The Vanderbilt Cup, in which she starred two years, followed by The Hoyden, 1907, and others, the latest being The Slim Princess and The Lady of the Slipper. Author: A Star for a Night, 1911; Love Letters of an Actress, 1913. JANNEY, Frances Moale (Mrs. Stuart S. Jan-
ney), Chattolanee, Md.
Born Baltimore, Md., 1882; dau. Jerri* and Elizabeth (Elder) Spencer; ed. Girls' Latin School, Baltimore, 1900; m. Baltimore Co., Md., 1905, Stuart Symington Janney; children: Stuart Symington, Spencer, Elizabeth Elder. JANUARY, Anna L. (Mrs. D. A. January),
Osawatomie, Kan.
Born Wilmington, O., June 2, 1879; dau. Nathan M. and Jane Sara (Wise) Linton; ed. Wilming- ton (O.) High School; m. Wilmington, O., Oct. 9, 1901, D. A. January; children: Joseph H. (deceased), H. Linton. Was a teacher for three years. Mem. and active worker in the Congress of Mothers; mem. Monday Club, federated in the State of Kansas; mem. W.C.T.U.; also the Equal Suffrage Ass'n. County chairman of membership extension in the Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Wrote: Historic Souvenir of Osawatomie, Kan.; John Brown Battle Grounds; Calvin Monument, Look-