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��Ohio, Nov. 30, 1305, Prank Irwin (Harvard, A.B., M.A., Ph.D.; ncm ot Faculty of Univ. of Cal., Mathematics Dep't); children: Eleanor Barrows, b. Aug. 22, 1906; Mary, b. and died Aug. 29, 1907; John Henry Barrows, b. July 7, 1909; Char- lotte Martin, b. July 15, 1910; Agnes, b. Jan. 23, 1913. Teacher in Dearborn Sem., Chicago, 1897- 99; instructor in English, Oberlln Coll., 1901-04. Interested in household economics, in training and education of small children; also studying Christian Science. Mem. Nat. Progressive Party. Favors woman suffrage. Edited: A World Pil- grimage; wrote Life of John Henry Barrows. At one time wrote book reviews for the Dial. Mem. Cal. Branch Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith College Alumnae Ass'n, Smith Coll. Student Aid Soc., Consumers' League, Anti-Saloon League, Nat. Child Labor Organization. Recreations: Traveling, reading, tramping, canoeing. Was several years mem. Present Day Club of Prince- ton N.J.

rBWIN, May — see Eisfeldt, May Irwin. ISHAM, Hden, 78 Woodward Av., Buffalo, N.T.

Teacher; b. TitusviUe, Pa., July 14, 1881; dau. James Henry and Julia (Rouse) Isham; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. '03; Ph.D. '06 (Sigma Xi— held graduate scholarship and fellowship at Cornell Univ. (Alpha Phi). Ass't in chemistry, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., 1906-07; instructor in chemistry, Univ. ot 111., 1907-12. Sec. Neighborhood House Ass'n, Champaign, 111., 1910-12. Favors woman suffrage. Has pub- lished some reports of experimental work in the Journal of the Am. Chemical Soc. ; has now in press a Laboratory Guide for General Chemis- try. Mem. Am. Chemical Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc. Recreations: Tennis, boating. ISHAM, Mary Keyt, 849 Oak St., Walnut Hills,

Cincinnati. Ohio.

Physician; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '94; graduate student in philosophy, Univ. of Cin- cinnati, 1897-98, A.M. '98; graduate student phil- osophy and psychology, Univ. of Chicago, 1898- 99; fellow in philosophy, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899- 1900; lectured on psychology and student Laura Memorial Med. Coll., Cincinnati. Interne and Iiouse physician, Presbyterian Hospital, Cincin- nati, 1903-04; practising medicine, Cincinnati, 1904-08; ass't physician Columbus State Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, since 1908. Sec. Acad, of Medi- cine of Cincinnati, 1907-08. ISOM, Mary Frances, 815 Overton St., Portland,


Librarian; b. Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 27, 1865; dau. John Franklin Isom, M.D., and Frances (Walter) Isom; ed. by private teachers, Cleve- land (Ohio) public schools, Wellesley Coll. (one year), Pratt Inst. Library School. Librarian Portland Public Library since 1901; pres. Pacific Northwest Library Ass'n, 1912; second vice-pres. Am. Library Ass'n, 1912. Interested in social service of all kinds. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Independent in politics. Pres. Professional Woman's League of Portland. ISRAEL, Mina W. (Mrs. I. Jack Israel), 335

E. Seventeenth St., Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Born Boston, Jan. 1, 1875; dau. Martin J. and Malvina (Rosenback) Weil; ed. public schools of N.Y. City, Normal Coll., A.B.; took course of philosophy at Columbia Univ. ; m. Whitehall, N.Y.. Aug. 22, 1901, I. Jack Israel; children: Lucille N., Jane M., John W., James M. Pres. Whitehall Civic League; vice-pres. Trustees of Whitehall Free Library. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Browning Club, Fortnightly Literary Club. Recreation: Tennis. ISRAELS, Belle Lindner (Mrs. Charles Henry

Israels), 21 EdgeclifE Terrace, Park Hill,

Yonkers, N.Y.

Born N.Y. City, Oct. 5, 1877; dau. Isidor and Esther (Freyer) Lindner; ed. public schools, N.Y. City; Horace Mann School, Teachers Coll.; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 9, 1903, Charles Henry Israels; children: Carlos, Miriam, Josef. Chief clerk of Grievance Board Waist and Dress Manufacturers' Ass'n. Interested In politics, civic activities (chairman Ckim on Amusement Resources ot Working Girls), recreation problems and social questions, industrial and educational problems.

��Favors woman suffrage; mem. Yonkers Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Woman's Political Union. Has published pamphlets and magazine articles. Jewess. Progressive in politics. Mem. Municipal Art Soc., Soc. for Sanitary and Moral Prophy- laxis, Women's Conference Eithical Culture Soc, Council of Jewish Women, Woman's Municipal League, Progressive Party Com. ot 14. Recrea- tions: 'Theatre, out-doors. Mem. Nat. Arts Club. IVES, Edith Wetherill (Mrs. Frederick M. Ives),

318 W. 75th St., N.Y. City.

Born Philadelphia, April 16, 1869; dau. Edward and Anna (Thori>e) Wetherill; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '92; m. Philadelphia, Nov. 15, 1900, Dr. Frederick M. Ives; children: Elizabeth, Ger- ard Merrick, John Wetherill, Chauncey Bradley, Margaret Newbold. Was for six years sec. and mem. Board of Directors of (3ivic Club of Philadelphia, 1894-1900. Unitarian. Mem. Con- sumers' League of N.Y. Recreations: Social. Mem. Women's University Club (N.Y. City), hon. member Civic Club ot Philadelphia. Favors woman suffrage. IVES, Georgiana Luvanne (Mrs. James Edmund

Ives), 1030 Main St., Worcester, Mass.

Bom Worcester, Mass., July 3, 1867; dau. George Edward and Nancy Elizabeth (Darling) Stone; ed. Mrs. Troop's school, Worcester, Mass.; m. Worcester, Mass., June 25, 1903, James Ed- mund Ives; one dau.: Elizabeth Laura, i. July 16, 1904. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. IVES, Mildred Card (Mrs. Robert Franklin

Ives), 8504 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, N.T.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y.; dau. Benjamin Franklin and Abigail Minerva (Bliss) Card; grad. public school and Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1897, Robert Franklin Ives, M.D. : one son: Robert Milliard. Pres. Winter Club of Brooklyn; ex-pres. Mothers' Club of Public School 128, Brooklyn; vice-pres. Benson- hurst Foreign Missionary Soc; treas. "Onward" Woman's Christian Temperance Soc. ; mem. Children's Playground Ass'n of Brooklyn. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Daugh- ters of Revolution (Long Island Chapter), Soc. of New England Women (Colony No. 8), Colo- nial Daughters of 17th Century. Recreation: Travel. Mem. N.Y. State Federation of Wo- men's Clubs. IVES, Sarah Noble, care Hospital, Middletown,


Artist; b. Grosse He, Mich.; dau. William and Sarah Maria (Hyde) Ives; early education at home; grad. Port Huron High SchQOl,. Detroit Training School of Elocution and English Liter- atiire; art one year in N.Y. City and three years in Paris, after which began earning living as painter and illustrator. Adopted daughter of Mrs. Edna Chaffee Noble, who gave her her art education. Favors woman suffrage. Wrote and illustrated "The Inland Farmer," for The Woman Voter (1912). Wrote and illustrated two books for children: Songs of the Shining Way (poems) and The Story of a Little Bear (prose); contributed to and illustrated a weekly chil- dren's story to the McClure Newspaper Syndi- cate for two consecutive years. Universalist. Clubs: MacDowell, National Arts (N.Y. City). IVES, Susanna Mary, 198 College St., Middle- town, Conn.

Physician; b. London, England, 1866; dau. James T. B. and Mary Collins (Johns) Ives; ed. Woman's Medical Coll. of Philadelphia, M.D. '94; Post-Grad. School of Homoeopathy, Philadelphia, '95. Practised in Philadelphia, 1894-1901; Middle- town, Conn., since 1901. Pres. of Conn. Homoeo- pathic Medical Soc, 1907-08. On the Board of Directors and chairman Com. for Prevention of Poverty ot Social Sers'ice League ot Middletown, Conn. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Board of Directors of Equal Franchise League of Middle- town, Conn. Mem. Ethical Soc. of Philadelphia. Mem. Internat. Hahnemannian Ass'n, Am. Inst, ot Homoeopathy, Conn. Homoeopathic Med. Soc, University Club of Middletown, Conn. IVES, Victoria Siree (Mrs. Ansei B. Ives), 912

Fourth Av., No. Great Falls, Mont.

Born Garden Valley. Wis.; dau. Alexander and Mary (Spencer) Sires; grad. Black River PallB


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