��vate schools; m. 1st, Philadelphia, 1S82, Jamea Monroe Heiskell (died 1899); 2d, Baltimore, 1900, J. Herman Ireland; children: J. Monroe Heis- kell, Marian Gouverneur Heiskell. Favors wo- man suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Baltimore Country Club. IRISH, Lncina Giffln (Mrs. Ralph Orren Irish),
299 Oak Av., River Forest, III.
Lecturer, organizer; b. Fond du Lac, Wis., Jan. 10, 1SG9; dau. Judge Nathan C. and Jane (Eddy) Giffin; grad. Lawrence Coll., A.B., '93; m. Fond du Lac, Wis., 1893, Ralph Orren Irish; children: Joseph, Jane, Dorcas, Ralph. Asso- ciate editor The Woman Citizen's Library, 1912; teacher of Girls' High School, Kiukiang, China, 1893-97; treas. Wis. Conference Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, 1902-04; sec. Wis. Com. Wo- man's Foreign Missionary Soc, 1904-08; mem. Board of Managers North'w'estern Branch Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, 1904-10; Nat. vice-pres. Business Woman's Educational League, 1911-12; pres. Suburban Civics and Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 1911-12; lecturer and organizer for foreign mis- sionary interests and woman suffrage. Writer of verses: Christmas Thoughts, Baby's Smile, The Song the Angels Sang. Mem. W.C.T.U. Progressive Club (Chicago), Woman's City Club (Chicago). Methodist; prominent in activities of M.E. Church. Favors woman suffrage; mem. III. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Progressive Party. IRONS, Mrs. Francena Langrworthy, Brookfleld,
Physician; b. Brookfleld, N.Y., Mar. 1, 1845; dau. Nathan and Lucy A. (Dye) Langworthy; ed. Brookfleld Acad.; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. and Hospital, N.Y. City, M.D. 1888; m. Brook- field, N.y., May, 1872, Le Roy Irons (died 1876); one daughter: Annie Langworthy (Mrs. M. S. Clawson). Has practised medicine in Syracuse and Brookfleld, N.Y. ; in Syracuse was mem. Medico-Chirurgical Soc. Mem. W.C.T.U. Seventh Day Baptist. IRONS, Margaret Hill (Mrs. Walter Stokes
Irons), 35 Humboldt Av., Providence, R.I.
Lecturer, teacher; b. Berkshire, Vt. ; dau. Mer- rill J. and Mary (Rand) Hill; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A., for special work In history and literature, M.A. ; m. 1895, Walter Stokes Irons. Head of English Dep't, Springfield (Mass.) High School, 1890-95; head of History Dep't, R.I. Normal School, 1912. Speaker representing the East, at the biennial in St. Paul of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1906. Pres. R.I. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1906; pres. R.I. Woman's Club, 1912; mem. Women in Council; mem. Ass'n Col- legiate Alumnae (chairman of Com. on Educa- tion). Writer of occasional articles to magazines and professional papers published in educational magazines. Mem. Short Story Club (writers of verse, fiction, and one representative of each profession). Recreations: Tennis, theatre, study of wild flowers. Episcopalian.
IRVINE, Julia Josephine (Mrs. Charles James Irvine), care Monroe et Cie, Paris, France. Former pres. Wellesley Coll.; b. Salem, Ohio, Nov. 8, 1848; dau. Owen and Mary Frame (Myers) Thomas; ed. Antioch Coll., Ohio; Cor- nell Univ., A.B. '75, A.M. '76; received honorary degree of Litt.D. from Brown Univ., 1895; m. 1875, Charles James Irvine (died 1886). Prof. Greek, 1890-99; pres. Wellesley College, 1895-99. IRVING, Isabel rMrs. William H. Thompson), care of Twelfth Night Club, 23 W. Forty- fourth St., N.Y. City.
Actress; b. Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 28, 1871; dau. Charles Washington and Isabella Irving; ed. In public schools. First appearance on stage was at the Standard Theatre, N.Y. City, as Ermyntrude Johnson in The School Mistress In February, 1887; mem. Augustin Daly's Company, 1888-94, appearing as Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Helen in The Hunchback, Au- drey in As You Like It, Daisy in Nancy & Co., Susan In A Night Off, Pansy in The Great Un- known and other parts in this country and Lon- don, and also In the Vaudeville Theatre in Paris, where she played Ada Rehan's part of Jo in The Lottery of Love. In 1894 with Daniel Frohman's
��Company played in Lady Noellne In The Ama- zons, then becamie leading woman of the old Lyceum Theatre Company until 1S97, playing in The Case of Rebellious Susan, The Prisoner of Zenda, A Woman's Silence, The Wife, The Charity Ball and The Benefit of the Doubt; in 1897 succeeded Maude Adams as leading woman for John Drew, playing for several seasons with him in Rosemary, A Marriage of Convenience, One Summer Day, The Liars and The Tyranny of Tears. J>ater appearances were in the Frohman production of The Husbands of Leontine, Self and Lady, The Romanesques (with William Faversham) and A Message from Mars (with Charles Hawtrey); starred in The Crisis (with James K. Hackett); played Louise In the all- star revival of The Two Orphans; starred In The Girl Who Has Everything, 1907-08, and leading roles in The Flag Lieutenant and The C!ommanding Officer, 1909. Mem. Twelfth Night Cluh.
IKWIN, Agrnes, 2027 De Lancey Place, Phila- delphia, Pa- Teacher; b. Washington, D.C., Dec. 30, 1841; dau. William Wallace Irwin (mem. Congress from Pittsburgh Dlst., 1841-43) and Sophia A. (Bache) Irwin; ed. in private schools and by pri- vate teachers; honorary LL.D. Univ. of Western Pa.; Litt.D. Univ. of Pa.; LL.D. St. Andrew's. Head of private school for girls, Philadelphia, 1869-94; dean of Radclifle Coll., 1894-1909; mem. Massachusetts Comm'n, Paris Exposition of 1900; mem. Massachusetts Com. for the Adult Blind, 1903-05.
IKVTIN, Edna Campbell (Mrs. S. G. Irwin), 907 N. Capitol Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher and writer; b. Alamo, Montgomery Co., Ind.; dau. Henry Carson and Ruth (Hum- phrey) Campbell; grad. Northern Ind. Normal Coll., '91; m. Crawfordsville, Ind., 1896, Dr. S. G. Irwin (died 1907). Teacher and practice of medi- cine during life of husband. Began teaching at fifteen years (self-educated). Pres. charitable organization known as Girls' Cooperative Home; principal of soc. known as The School of Hu- mane Science which deals with higher sciences relative to the human being; lecturer, speaker and philanthropist. Interested in the evolution of the human as the important element of the universe. Editor of Appeal Magazine; contrib- utor to periodicals. Author: The Science of Be- ing; Have We an Affinity? Christian. Rosicru- cian; mem. Ind. Fed. of Clubs, Women's Coun- cil, etc. Recreations: Reading, experimenting. Mem. New TThought Olub, The New Era Club. A persistent student of the philosophy of life and the relative compositions of Nature in re- gard to Man and in the scientific application of natural law.
IRWIN, Elisabetii Antoinette, 95 Rlvlngton St., N.Y. City.
Journalist, social worker; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '03; student Summer School of Philanthropy, '03. Instructor In out-door playground, Serward Park, N.Y. City, 1903-04; worker in College Set- tlement, N.Y. City, 1904-05 and 1909-10; In news- paper work from 1905.
IRWIN, Elizabeth Ag:nee (Mrs. Wilson Irwin), 164 Villeneuve St., Vllle St. Louis, Montreal, Can.
Born Montreal, Can.; dau. Henry and Jane Seymour (Tucker) Hammond; grad. Montreal High School for Girls, with honors; McGiU Univ., Montreal, B.A. (first rank honors and gold medal in classics), B.A. '76, M.A. 1900; m. Montreal, Wilson Irwin. Began teaching profession 1896; now retired. Taught classics in Montreal high schools; was non-resident tutor in classics of Royal Victoria Coll. and McGill Univ., and mem. of Examining Board (Protestant Section), Coun- cil of Public Instruction of P.Q. Has contributed to educational publications.
IRWIN, Mary Eleanor Barrows (Mrs. Frank Irwin), 2632 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Born Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 25, 1876; dau. John Henry and S. Eleanor (Mole) Barrows; ed. Dearborn Sem., Chicago; Smith Coll., A.B. '97 (mem. Phi Kappa Psl Soc); Univ. of Chicago, Oherlin Coll., Yale Graduate School; m. Oberlin,