��(Hall) Ingliam; ed. Bryn Mawr, A.B. '03. Pres. Board of Managers of the Day Nursery; director In Octavla Hill Ass'n for better housing in Phila- ielphia. Mem. Board of Uirectors Equal Fran- ehise Soc. of Philadelphia; mem. Council of Pa. Branch of Coll. Equal Suffrage League. Mem. Program Com. for 1912 Convention of Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Protestant Episcopal. Progressive in politics, 1912. Mem. Bryn Mawr Alumnae, Agnes Irwin School Alumnee, Nat. Housing Ass'n, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Recrea- tion: Mountain climbing. Clujbs: Acorn, College (PhUadelphia), Sedgeley, Civic, Randolph, Moun- tain.
CNGHAU, Sarah Woodward (.Mrs. Howard M. Ingham), 303 Adams St., Camd^, Ark. Bom Keene, N.H.; dau. Cyrus W. and Mary N. (Gove) Woodward; ed. Keene public schools and high school and Wesleyan Acad. Wilbraham, Mass.; m. Kleene N.H., Rev. Howard M. Ingham, rector St John's Church, Caanden, Ark. ; one Bon, Leslie Howard. Ten years sec'y Y.W.C.A., Cleveland; successively treas., gen. sec. and pres. Nat. Non-Partisan W.C.T.U.; vice-pres. Nat. Temperance Soc, six years sup't of the largest Bpiscopal Sunday-school in the Diocese of Ohio; diocesan treas. of Arkansas Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions and diocesan pres. Daiigliters of the King (Diocese of Ark.). Prot- estant Episcopal. Charter mean. Ohio Woman's Press Club; mem. Art and History Club (Cleve- land), New Century Club (Camden, Ark.). Ten years editor of The Earnest Worker. Author: Temperance Teaching In Homes, Societies and Schools; five years editor of the Temperance Tribune (organ of Nat. Non-Partisan W.C.T.U.). INGRAHAM, Frances Adelaide Levcrich (Mrs. D. Phoenix Ingraham), 26 Mt. Morris Park, West, N.Y. City.
Born Brooklyn, N.Y.; dau. Richard Berrien and Margaret M. (Schoonmaker) Leverich; ed. private schools of Brooklyn; m. Brooklyn, D. Phoenix Ingraham; children: Marguerite Leverich (Mrs. Capt. R. F. Walton, U.S.A.), Sidney Phoenix. Mem. Reformed Dutch Church. Pres. N.Y. State Chapter Daughters of Pounders and Patriots of America. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of Holland Dames, Harlem Philharmonic Soc, Huguenot Soc, Order of the Constitution. Mem. College Woman's and Rota Clubs. INGSAM, Eleanor Ms^e, Grand View on Hud- son, N.Y.; winter, 223 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City.
Anthor; b. N.Y. City, 1887; dau. John Wharton and Anna A. (Sheilds) Ingram; ed. at home with private teachers. Author: The Game and the Candle; The Flying Mercury; Stanton Wins; From the Car Beklnd; also contributor to various magazines here and abroad; books and short stories have appeared in England and Europe and have been translated into Swedish, Danish and Norwegian. Christian. Recreations: Motor- ing, yachting, music, reading, foreign literature. Reads French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Mem. Tappan Zee Yacht Club, Rockland Country Club, Circulo Literario Hispaniola. INGRAM, Ida Nelson (Mrs. Orrin Henry In- gram), Rice Tyake, Wis.
Bom River Falls, Wis., Sept. 6, 1867; dau. Samuel and Caroline (Johnson) Nelson, ed. high school. State Normal School and Acad.; m. River Falls, Wis., June 27, 1899, Orrin Henry Ingram; children: Walter, Helen Faith. Taught sohool for twelve years. Pres. Fortnightly Club (char- ter mem.); mem. Library Board. Interested in charity and church work. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality League. INGRAM, Marie L^tltia, 2439 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.
Physician; b. Henderson, Ky., June 9, 1867; dau. Wyatt H. and Catherine (Milton) Ingram; ed Kentucky Univ., Southern Homceopathlc Med- ical Coll., M.D., 1907. ArUst before studying medicine, and elected pres. Art League of the South, in Louisville, Ky., 1896. Actively en- gaged In movement for the minimum wage for women. Favors woman suffrage. Waa editor of a dep't of art in Dr. S. S. Curry's Magazine, Expression, Boston, Mass., Ohristedelpihian.
��Mem. Md. State Homoeopatnlc Med. Soc, Wed/- nesday Medical Club. Has charge of the Clinic of Children's Diseases at the Md. Homoeopathic Hospital. Recreations: Motoring, flower garden. INDIAN, Grace EUzabeth, 14 Willow St., Provi- dence, R.I.
Librarian; b. Providence, R,I., Oct. 29, 1874; dau. Harris Smith and Elizabeth Frances (Wal- den) Inman; grad. Brown Univ., A.B. '98; has also taken graduate work in German and Latin at Brown, and several courses at the School of Library Science, Simmofts Coll., Boston. Baptist. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n.
rNSKEEP, Annie L,ncy I>olnian (Mrs. Loren*© Dow Inskeep), Oakland, Cal. Teacher; b. Gold Hill, Nov.; dau. WUllam Hickman and Christine Caroline (Hoemer) Dol- man; ed. Univ. of CalUornia, B.L. '93, M.L. '96; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '98 (cum laude); m. June 11, 1895, Lorenzo Dow Inskeep; children: Lorenzo Dow Jr., William Dolman. Asst. prof, sociology. Mills Coll. Mem. Am. Sociological Soc, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnas (pres. California Branch, 1910-11); mem. Home Club, Oakland. Baptist. Teacher of Adult Bible Class. EBBY, Mrs. Claude, Kingston, Bartow Co., Ga.
Bom Keokuk, Iowa, April 12, 1897; dau. Samuel Lewis and Abbie Edwina (Bell) Bayless; ed. public schools of St. Paul and Minneapolis; m. Kingston, Ga., April 25, 1894, Claude Irby; one daughter: Dorothy Bell. Pres. seven years of Woman's History Club; since 1911 pres. of Sev- enth Dist. Ga. Federation of Women's Clubs. Episcopalian and interested in all religious work. Favors woman suffrage.
IRELiAJJD, Mary E. (Mrs. John M. Ireland), The Norwood, 1343 E. Capitol St., Washington, D.C.
Author, translator; b. Calvert, Cecil Co., Mary- land, Jan. 9, 1834; dau. Joseph and Harriet (Kirk) Haines; on father's side sixth in descent from Riohard Haines, English Quaker, who came from Oxfordshire in 1682; on mother's side, Scotch- Irish (sixth in descent from Roger Kirk, who came from Lurgen, Province of Ulster, in 1712). Both families bought tracts of land adjoining the forty acres given in person by William Penn in 1701 on which to build the Friends' meeting house. Supposed tiiey were in Chester Co., Pa., but when, in 1763, Mason and Dixon's line was run, found they were in Cecil Co., Maryland. Her great-grandfather. Job Haines, as member of the Maryland Legislature, attended, wltJi the other members of that body, the funeral of Genoral Washington; ed. Ladies' Sem., Jamaica, L.I. ; m. Calvert, 1859, John M. Ireland (died March, 1911); children: two daughters (deceased) and one son. Resided in Baltimore during the many years her husband held government ap- pointment in the Internal Revenue Dep't Au- thor: What I Told Dorcas; Grandma Elliot's Farmhouse; Timothy and His Friends; Otter- brook's Blessing; Under the Cherry Blossoms; Ot- terbrook's Parsonage; Otterbrook People; Hilda's Mascot; also many short stories and poems. Translator (from the German) : Christian Beck's Grandson; Her First and Only School F^end; An Obstinate Maid; Adolph's Victories; In Days of Abd-el-Rader; Stolen for Ransom; The School on Luneburg Heath; Driven Out; Eh-ic's Vaca- tion; Betty's Decision; In Fair Selicia; The Doc- tor's Family; Lenchen's Brother; Doctor Eck- hart's Boys; The Shepherd's Family; Life Work of Pastor Louis Harms; Prince Albrecht of Bran- denburg; The Block House on the Shore; The First School Year; Red Carl; Happy Days at Grandfather's; In Days of Peter the Great; Lot- tie's Second Year with the Wendorfs; More Happy Days at Grandfather's; Dorris and Her Moun- tain Home; The Young Violinist; The Tower Angel; Pixy's Holiday Journey. Mem. Eastern Presbyterian Church and of Its missionary so- ciety; Sabbath-school teaoher; mem. Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
IRELiAinD, Mary Nivln Deringrer (Mrs. J. Her- man Ireland), Cherry Tree Lodge, Hawthorne Rd., Roland Park, Md.
Bom Delaware; dau. Bomaugfh M. and Esta- lena (Woodland) Derlnger; ed. Philadelphia prl-