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��of Visitors to all county institutions; mere. BoanJ of Directors Playground Ass'n; mem. Finance Com. of Hospital Ass'n. Frequent con- tributor to press, usually under a nom-de-plume; has written several memoirs which have bc>en published as booklets. Mem. Com. on Civics of Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Monday Literary Club (several terms pres.). Recreations: "Trips to seashore, mountain or country; music. Me&iodiat; active In Heme and Foreign Mis- sionary Societies of M.E. Church; several years pres. Steubenville Dls't Woman's Home Mission- ary Soc; mem. W.C.T.U. ; vice-pres. Florence Crittenton Circle. Favors woman suffrage.

ILLESCTON, Margturet (Mrs. Edward J.

Bowes), 169 W. Seventy-ninth St., N.Y. City.

Actress; b. Bloomlngton, 111., Mar. 22, 1881; dau. I. H. and Mary Ellen Light; ed. III. Wes- leyan Univ., Bloomlngton, and Conservatory In Chicago; m. (1st) N.Y. City, Nov. 22, 1903, Daniel Frohman; (2d) Nov. 14, 1S09, Edward J. Bowes, of Tacoma, Wash. Made profeselonal dSbut In a small part In The Pride of Jennico with James K. Hackett In N.T. City, 1900, later playing the leading woman's rOle in that play. Became a member of Daniel Frohman's Stock Company at Daly's Theatre, N.Y. City, 1902, and in the sum- mer of that year was leading woman of the Richmond (Va.) Stock Company; created the leading rdle In The Japanese Nightingale In 1903, and in March, 1904, played Henrlette in the all- star cast revival of The Two Orphans; created the part of Mrs. LeflBngwell In Augustus Thomas' comedy, Mrs. Lefflingwell's Boots, November, 1905; played the leading woman's rOle In Chicago In 'The Lion and the Mouse, 1906, and later In the Liondon presentation of that play; appeared at the Empire Theatre, N.Y. City, Sept. 3, 1896, as Nina In His House in Order at its flrst American production, and Sept. 9, 1897, was joint star with Kyrle Bellew In The Thief at the Lyceum Theatre, N.Y. City. Retired from stage, 1908-12, but returned In leading woman r61e in Kindling, under the Frohman management. In N.Y. City In the early part of 1913.

IMBBrE. Hattie SilUln*!) (Mrs. Addison Murray Imbrie), 6409 Fifth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bom SheakleyvUle, Mercer Co., Pa.; dan. James McPherson and Mary Louise (Dunn) Silll- man ; ed. Pittsburgh College for Women ; m. Allegheny City, Pa., Oct 2, 1885, Addison Murray Imbrie; children: Addison Murray Imbrie Jr., b. Gept. 10, 1891 (died July 15, 1894) ; Boyd Vincent Imbrie, b. Nov. 27, 1895. Episcopalian. Interested in College Settlement work, KIngsley House, Pittsburgh, Y.W.C.A. (contributing mem.): asso- ciate mem. Pittsburgh Male Chorus; mem. Art Soc., D.A.R. (life mem.); mem. Twentieth Cen- tury Club. Against suffrage for women, but will vote If It be granted.

INGAXLS, Anna L/onlsa 'Ohe«ebrongrh (Mrs. John James Ingalls), 1040 Santa F6 St., Atchison, Kan.

Bom N.Y. City, April 9, 1843; dau. Ellsworth and Anna Louisa (Addison) Ohesebrough; eighth In descent from Gov. William Coddington of R.I., and seventh In descent from Gov. Peleg Sanford of R. I.; came to Kan. in 1859 with father from N.Y. City; mother of the present Lieut.-Gov. of Kan. ; ed. by private tutors and. governesses, finishing at Acad, of Visitation (Catholic), St. Louis; m. Sept. 27, 18fi5, John Jajnee IngalJs, late Senator from Kansas; eleven children: Ellsworth, Ruth, Ethel, Ralph, Addison, Constance, Shef- field, Marion, Muriel, Faith, Louisa. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Pro- gressive Republican. Mem. Kansas Soc. of Colo- nial Dames, Ancestral Soc. of Rhode Island, and of church societies. Recreation: Horseback rid- ing.

INGALLS, Benlah Humphrey ScalT (Mrs. Mel- ville Edgar Ingalls, Jr.), 512 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.

Bom N.Y. City; dau. James Ambrose and Annie (Forman) Scaff; ed. In London and Paris; m. Freehold, N.J., Sept 11, 1910, Melville Edgar Ingalls Jr., a lawyer. Associated in the better- ment of tenement house conditions. Mem. BJplscopal Church. Recreations: Riding, golf.

��Mem. Le Lyceum Soci6t6, Femmes ae rtance 4 New York.

INGALLS, Carrie Crane (Mrs. Frederick Clark Ingalls). 145P Clay St., San Francisco, Cal. Teacher; b. Newton Highlands, Mass., Aug. 8, 1874; dau. Moses G. and Emeline H. (Rogers) Crane; ed. Newton schools, Univ. of Cal. (sum- mer school), 1912; m. Newton Highlands, Mass., June 12, 1906, Frederick Clark Ingalls. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Text-Book on Domestic Art for High Schools, 19U-12. Unitarian. Pro- gressive. Mem, Home Economics Soc., Civic Council of Women. Recreation: Music,

IN0.4XL8, Eleanor Caldwell (Mrs. C. E. IngallB),

Washington, Kan.

Librarian; b.'D wight 111-. Sept 18, 1879; dau. Frank and Mary Alice (Rea) Caldrwell; grad. Zanesville (0.) High School, Putnam Sem., '98; Ohio Wesleyan, B.L., '02; Illinois State Univ., 1904; m. Washington, Kan., May, 1906, C. E. Ingalls; one daughter: Alice Lockwood. Cata- loguer in Cleveland Public Library, 1905. Edited htisband's paper for several months. Helped to organize a suffrage club in Washington, Kan., 1912. Author: A Trip to Europe, 1906. Presby- terian. Republican. Recreations: Dancing, skat- ing, bridge. Clubs: Woman's Study, Bridge. LN GALLS, Emma A. (Mrs. Clayton O. Ingalls),

235 Second Av., E., Kallspell, Mont.

Journalist; b. Union Grove, Wis,, Feb. 7, 1860; dau. William L. and Mary (Carlyon) Backus; ed. public schools, supplemented by home study and reading; m. Clear Lake, la.. June 17, 1879, Clay- ton 0. Ingalls; children: Beraice, Adellah. On account of husband's health failing they went to Montana, 1889, and estahllshed the Inter Lake (newspaper) at Demersvllle, a frontier town in the Flathead Valley. Owing to his continued Ill- health, the editing and managing of this paper fell into her handfi. It is now a dally paper in Kalispell. Interested In religious, social and philanthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Active mem. of the Century Club for nine years (pres. 1909-10). -Sold the paper and bought a hJomestead, which ia one of the beat frutt and hay ranches in the Flathead Valley.

INGALLS, Florence AUln (Mrs. J. Klbben In- galls), 283 Keystone Av., River Forest, IlL Bora Iowa City, la.; dau. Richard H. and Ara- helle M. (Choate) Allln; ed. Iowa State Univ. and Chicago Kindergarten Coll., Chicago; m. Iowa City, July 3, 1890, J. Kijbben Ingalls; chUdren: Allln Kibben, Ruth. Sec. HI. Federation of WMnen'a Clubs, district vlce-prea. Woman's Home Missionary Soc. Methodist Cluibe: River Forest Woman's, Art Lovers.

INGELS, Mrs. Kosa Rnssell, 1504 E. Broadway,

Columbia, Mo.

Bom EJmlnence, Ky. ; dau. John Tlllott and Fannie (Giltaer) Russell; ed. by private teaching and Eminence Coll.; married; children: Russell, Callle Belle, Boone GUtner. Mem. Christian Women's Board of Missions, Public Library Board, Social Center Board, Art Guild of Colum- bia. Has given addresses on The Woman Citi- zen and The Equal Franchise. Mem. of Com. to form local Equal Suffrage Ass'n In Oot, 1912, Columblti, Mo. Author of various poems, sketches smd speeches. Recreations: Travel, piano playing. Mem. Tuesday Club of Columbia, Mo. Women's Farmer Club; pres. Fourth Dlst. Mo. Fed. Women's Clubs. Papers In for D.A.R.

INGEBSOIX, Mand Robert, office, 5032 Metro- politan Building, N.Y. City. Bom Peoria, 111. ; dau. Robert G. (well-known orator) and Eva A. (Parker) IngeraoU. One of the founders of the Vivisection Investigation League (sec.). A captain In the Woman's Suf- frage Party in 25th Assen>bly Dlst Agnostic. Mem. of all suffrage societies In N.Y., New Eng- land Antl-Vlvlseotion Soc., Boston; Am. Antl- VlvLsectlon Soc, Philadelphia; Cal. Antl-Vlvlsec- tlon Soc, Los Angeles; Maryland Antl-Vlrlsec- tion Soc, Baltimore.

rNGHAM, Mar7 UaO, SU a leth St, Philadel- phia, Pa,

Social worker; b. Plilladelphla, Nov. 24. 1866; dau. William Armatrong and CaXheri^e Eeppelo


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