logical Laboratory, 1900-03; prof. Univ. of Kansas Art League. Mem. Country Club, Travis Club,
since 1899. Mem. Naples Table Ass'n for Labora- Woman's Club. Recreations: Study of her an-
tory Researcti. Interested in work of Boston cestry, D.A.R. work. Methodist. Favors woman
Educational Ass'n. Author: Outlines of Experi- sufirage; cbarter mem. of the Equal Franchise
mental Physiology; A Laboratory Guide in Phy- Soc siology, and a Monograph (1912) on the Influence of Science on the Development of Intellectual Personality; also numerous papers on physio- logical subjects, and more particularly on the nervous, circulatory and respiratory system of
various animals in Zeitschrift fiir Biologle, Jour- lAMS, Xacy V. Dorsey. (Mrs. Franklin P. lams),
nal of Morphology, American Journal of Phy- Tyndall and Hnxley Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
siology and other publications. Mem. Am. Phy- Court stenographer; b. Oakland, Md., Nov. 13,
siological Soc, Sigma Xi, Am. Geog. Soc., Am. 1855; dau. James Francis and Charlotte (Hook)
Biol. Soc. Chairman Douglas Co. Com. on Dorsey; grad. Waynesburg Coll., Pa., B.A. ; m.
Health, Education of Women, under Am. Med. Franklin P. lams, Waynesburg, Pa., Aug. 12,
Ass'n, membership com. of the Ass'n Coll. 1877; children: Jay Donald, Jesse Dorsey. Active
Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage. in promoting Pittsburgh's civic and sociologlc
HYDE, Mary Rebecca, 269 Court St., Bingham- betterment, and in State and national work of
ton N T similar character, helping to draft and secure
Principal of Lady Jane English school ; b. passage and enforcement of numerous laws to
Coming; N.Y., 1857; dau. Henry Mygett and tbat end, including tenement-house regulation,
Jane Lucy (Priest) Hyde; grad. Albany Female giil^,!*^"^'"' t^°- favors woman suffrage. Mem.
Acad., Allegheny Coll. and Geneva, SwiUerland. Equal Franchise A^ n. Writes chiefly local ar-
Engaged in teaching since 1876. Pres. Lady Jane "cles along Unes of civic and polit cal improve-
Grey Literary Soc.; prea. Monday Afternoon ment. Mem. Nat Child I^bor Ass n; vice-pres.
Club, Binghamton, N.Y.; pres. Soc. of New Eng- A^?°"fed Ohanties of Pittsburgh; vice-pres.
land Women (Colony 13) ; lecturer on art, history. Child Labor Ass'n of Pa. ; board mem. State
literature, director In Susquehanna Valley House. Federation of Pa. Women, and of Pa (3onsumers'
Favors woman suffrage. Has written articles League (mem. local league); mem. Nat. Housing
for magazines. Episcopalian. RepuWican. Rec- Ass'n; vice-pr^. Pittsburgh Housmg Conference;
reationT European traVel. Mem. D.A.R., Bar- vice-pres Civ c Club of Allegheny Co (1 000
nard Club of N.Y.; many times delegate to the ^e^mbers) P^'A^^® S'"!?,' >.^'"^^ ^l"^^' .^S??.^^
Fed of Clubs and has spoken ohiefi/ on eduoa- Musical Club, Quarrel Club and others In Pitta-
Uonal subjects. burgh.
HYDE, Sara Gardner, Tale Univ. Library, New LDDINGS, Lola Lamont, 7 Sheffield Road, Win- Haven, Conn. Chester, Mass.
Librarian; b. Palmyra, N.Y.; dau. Chauncey Born Baltimore, Md.; ed. in schools of Orange,
Thompson and Sarah J. (Hitchcock) Hyde; ed, N.J., and Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa)
public sciiools of Ware. Mass.; Mt. Holyoke Coll., '89; student in Yale Univ. for five years. Writer
N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. Cataloguer N.Y. of poems which have been published In various
State Library, 1901-03; cataloguer U.S. Geological magazines.
Survey Library, 1903-07; catalc^iie reviser Yale ide, Fannie Ogden (Mrs. Charles W. Ide), 43 Univ. Library, 1907—. Mem. New Haven Equal Remsen St., Brooklyn, N.T. Fran<^se League. Author of a list of medical Author (pen name, "Ruth Ogden"); b. Brook- serials in the Yale University Library. Con- iyii_ oeo., 1853; dau. Jonathan and Abigail (Mur- gregationallst. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Conn, p^y) Ogdea; ed. private schools in Brooklyn; m. Library Ass'n, Mt. Holyoke Alumnae Ass'a, N.Y. Brooklyn, Dec., 1875, Charles W. Ide (now de- State Library ScOiool Ass'n. Recreation : Walking, ceased); one daughter: Alice Steele. Author ot Favors woman suffrage. juvenile stories: A Loyal Little Red-Coat; His HYDE, Winifred, 1039 C St., Lincoln, Neb. Little Royal Higheness; A Little Queen of Hearts; Professor of philosophy; ed. Univ. of Neb., Courage; Little Homespun; Friendship; Tattine; A.B. 1900, Phi Beta Kappa; Univ. of Denver; Loyal Hearts and True; The Good and Perfect Bryn Mawr fellow, 1902-04; Cornell scholar of Gift; also contributor to magazines in prose and philosophy, 1904-05; European fellow for Boston verse. Against woman suffrage. Woman's Ass'n, 1905-06. Instructor Univ of jgi^ehABT, Fanny Chambers Gooeh, 1901 Neb., 1911-12; prof, of philosophy, Univ. ot Neb., -^Tiites Av., Austin, Tex.
1912-13. Interested in singing. Favors woman ^^thor; b. in Mississippi; dau. WUliam and suffrage. Author: Bertrag fur Erkenntnistheorie p^^.^^^ (Magee) Chambers; resident of Texas des Pragmatisnius. Methodist. Recreation: ^^^^ ^^^,^ childhood; ed. in Waco (Tex.) schools Sports of all kinds. and in Baylor Female Coll., Independence, Tex.; HYMAN, Lillian Phillips (Mrs. Mai Wyman), m. (1st) George W. Gooch, of Albemarle County, Newboldt PI., Kew Gardens, No. Richmond Va. ; (2d) Austin, Tex., D. T. Iglehart. Author: Hills, N.Y. Face to Face With the Mexicans; Christmas in Bom Milwaukee, Wis., June 7, 1860; dau. Moses Old Mexico; The Boy Captive of the Texas Mier Phillips Wheelcock, of Vt., and Nancy (Vlsburg) Expedition. Spent years In Mexico studying the Wheelcock, of N.Y. .City; ed. private school and country and the people. Active In charities; high school, Garrison, 111.; m. Cairo, 111., Mai one of the original founders of the Altenhelm, Wyman. Identified with religious, social and home for aged women In Austin, and its presi- philanthroplc activities. Interested in woman dent for five years. One of founders of Path- suffrage Recreations: Painting, sewing. Mem. finder Literary Club; mem. and former vice- Minerva Club, Illuminati Club, Century Theatre pres. American History Club (Austin); mem. Club Domestic Science Club, N.Y. Federation Woman's Club, San Antonio. Episcopalian, of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Music, social affairs. Favors woman HYMAN, Sarah Minna Chalk (Mrs. Harry Hy- 3"^age. man), 309 Magnolia Av., San Antonio, Tex. tKEBT, Mary Holmes (Mrs. George P. Ikert, State Regent D.A.R. ; b. Elk Falls, Kan.; dau. cor. Jackson and Sixth Sts., E. Liverpool, Ohio. Robert L. and Anna (Butcher) Chalk; ed. private Born Black Hawk, Pa.; dau. Robert Cooper schools, Beaton Higti School, Companche, la.; m. and Euphemia (Boyce) Holmes; ed. Beaver (Pa.) (1st) Belton, Texas, 1890, W. T. Scott; (2d) Fort Coll., Preparatory Dep't; Mt. Union (Ohio) Coll., Worth Texas Harry Hyman (LL.B. Columbian B.A. (first honors of Philosophical Dep't), later Law School, Washington, D.C.); children: William M.A.; m. Alliance, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1880, Dr. George Thomas Scott, Robert Chalk Scott, John Pinck- P. Ikert; children: Horace Holmes, Georgella, ney Scott, Anna Rose Soott. Sunday-school Mary Rubiena, Olive Elizabeth, Jacob Jasper, teacher; soc'y of Foreign Missionary Soc.; mem. Virgil Crocker, Geraldine Boyce. Teacher for Colonial Dames, Daughters of the Signers of the ten years previous to marriage; for many years DeclaraUon, Daughters of 1812, Daughters of the mem. Board of City Examiners for Teachers. Re- Confederacy, State Regent of the D.A.R., Board sided in Washlngtan when Dr. Ikert was member of Directors of Y.W.C.A., Free Clinic Y.M.C.A., of Congress. Served for years as mem. of Board