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HTJBI3UT, Mrs. Clarke Stanley, 2105 Spruce HUSSEY, £thel Jt'ountain (Mrs. William J.

St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hussey), Observatoire Astronomlco, Unlversl-

Born Philadelphia, Oct. 26, 1868; dau. H. and dad Nacional de la Plata, La Plata, Argentina. Julia (Barge) Beck; when twelve years of age Daughter of Orlando and Jeannie (Shepherd) admitted to Girls' Normal School and graduated Fountain: ed. high school, Binghamton, N.Y.; at sixteen with distinction; m. Philadelphia, Univ. of Mich., '91; Ann Arbor (Phi Beta Kappa); Pa., 1885, Clarke Stanley Hurlbut (died Jan. 26, m. Santa Rosa, Cal., June 27, 1895, William J. 1899); one son: Clarke Stanley 2d, b. Aug. 9, Hussey; children: Roland, b. Nov. 16, 1896; Alice, 1888 (grad. Yale Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) b. Dec. 1, 1898. Engaged in educational work In 1908; grad. Univ. of Pa., LiL.B. 1911). Specially San Francisco and Oakland. Cal., 1891-95; mem. Interested In little children who are maimed, of various boards and committees on student af- sickly or sightless. Author: The Biography of fairs, Univ. of Mich., Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A., Benjamin P. Barge (her uncle); also many 1905-12; chairman Nat. Com. of Corporate Mem- smaller pufbllcations, short stories, also verse, bership, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; pres. Ann Ar- Protestant Episcopal. Recreations: Music, study, bor Branch Collegiate Alumnae, 1908-10. Con- boating, golf, walking. With her son has been tributor to magazines: Atlantic, The Independent, presented to the King of England. Sunset and others. Hon. mem. Woman's Club HURLBUBT, Katherine Maria, 294 Lafayette ot Sydney, Australia. Organizer and first pres.

Av., Brooklyn, N.T. Woman's League of Univ. of Mich., 1890. Rec-

Bducator, social worker; b. in Connecticut; reations: Golf, horseback riding, music. Con-

grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '86; student New Britain gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Pro-

(Conn.) State Normal School, 1886-87; physiology gressive in pK)lJtics.

and psychology, Clark Univ., 1892-93; philosophy hUSSTOY, Nora I.arge (Mrs. Charles Stuart

of education, sociology and etiiics, Columbia Hussey), 125 East Avenue Fifty-two, Los

Univ., 1904-05. Teacher of mathematics. New Angeles, Cal.

Britain (Conn.) State Normal School, 1887-89; Born Zanesvllle, Ohio; ed. in schools of Zanes-

teacher of Latin and astronomy. New Haen, yille, Ohio, and Vassar CoU A.B (Phi Beta

Conn., 1887-89; principal pedagogical dep't Ind. Kappa) '96; m. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept 29

Univ., 1889-91; Holyoke City Trainmg School for iggi^ Charles Stuart Hussey. Teacher in Du-

Teachers, 1891-96; Buffalo City Traming School tuque, Iowa, 1893-99; Los Angeles, Cal.. 1899-

for Teachers, 1896-1902. Head worker Alta Social iggi

Settlement, Cleveland, Ohio, 1902-03; principal of „,,btotc cn™i. * ^i\t,.= w=.it»,. <a TT.,=t„„^ New York Public School Recreation Center No. "woodlakd r^c Co., Cal ^*"^"^ ^- Huston). 141 since 1505. „ „ „ ,^, „^ , Editor arid publisheri i>. Snleii, N.C.; dau.

HUBLBCT, LoDlse McCollom (Mrs. Charles Samuel H. and Lisetta (Fisher) Langonour: ed.

Chase Hurlbut), 97 Lincoln St.. Montclalr, N.J. gaiem fN.C.^ Coll, fo- Oirlii and Moraviaji

Bom Laurens, N.Y., Mar. 13, 1«75; dau. James school; m. Jan., 1869, Walter S. Huston; chil-

Taintor and Emma Jane (Brown) McCollom; ed. at'en: Walter S., Arthur C, Edward P. Mary

high school, Troy, Pa.; Wesleyan Acad. ; State (^j^ j^ infancy). Harry L., BertUa. Prior to

Normal School; Cornell Univ (Kappa Alpha marriage taught school, then (entered Viiislncas,

Theta): m. Troy, Pa., Feb. 23, 1899, Charles Chase established 1891, The Homo Alliance, ^ local

Hurlbut; children: Helen Proal, Jesse Lyman, newspaper devoted to the prohibition of the

Teacher for one yearln high school Wethersfield, nquor traffic and advwuto oi woman EuCmge.

Conn. Mem. Glen Ridge Congregational Church; joined Woodland V/.G.T.U. when organized by

Woman's Club of Glen Ridge. Favors woman jyjjgg Frances WiHard in 1883, have siuco been

suffrage. sup't of press dep't of the county and f>ditor a.Qd

HTJEIX, Esteile May (Mrs. John Chambers publisher of the Home Alliance since July, 1891.

Kuril), 22 Langdon Av., Watertown, Mass. Favors woman aufirage. Mem. Christian Churcih.

Author; b. New Bedford, Mass., July 25, 1853; Indi^pendent in politics. Recreatioas: Visiting,

dau. Charles W. and Sarah (Smith) Hurll; grad. reading. Was active in the campaign which won

Wellesley Coll., B.A., '82; M.A., '92 (mem. Zeta equal 3uffri?.go for California.

Alpha); m June 29, 1908 John Chambers Hurll jjUTCHIN, Mary, Middletown. Del.

^"^^^"■=,£^'^1,^^ n ^V' r^^t^ I^f^ i^Q^ Th« Teacher of pianl; b. Dover, Del., Feb. 13, W5;

^>'^!.^^7L^J'^'^ ?B^1^T?. R^ii if^^^H dau. Rev. Wmia/» Henry and Mary Elizabeth

f-T'?.}^ ^J^^^' ^^"^.;Jt P?intfn?^q^' (Reedy) Hutchin; grad. Tilton (N.H.) 3em.. '92.

t^i'. ^^^ ^""r^^'^.^^ft^wn^kl iSQfi FnI.P^^ New England Conservatory of Music. Mem

Edited Mrs. Janieson s Art works 1896 Episco- Anti-Tuberculo3i,<-. Soc. ; greaUy inturesU^

pahan. Clubs: Boston Authors , Boston Welles- ^^ j^^^ j^^. ^^^^^ ^^^ children in State of

ley College. jjgj . g^jgj, j^ conservation of forests. Favurs

HUKSH, Catherine 8. McGuigan (Mrs. John J. -vyomajj. suffrage. Metn. Nat. Soc. Coloniul

Hursh), Box 113, Newville. Pa. Dames of America in the Siate of Del.: moro..

Bom Tamaqua, Pa., Mar. 14, 1856; dau. William Consumers' League of De!., New Century Olub

W. McGuigan, M.D., and Harriet Leech (Wil- of Middletown, Del. (ex-pres.).

son) McGuigan; ed. Tamaqua High School later „j,.|^pwv,„a Ti.^c,„ni« 43 6 Rose Bide d-^valand

by private tutor; m. Tamaqua, Pa., Nov. 1, HUrCMmh, .*<=i/uiie, 43b Kose Hiag.. Cl<*voiana,

k'o^rrM^^uil^-f'iofn^^rc^i.'iltfan^^'S; P>|cian; ^.Brooklyn NT. ;d.u Robe,. ^.

woods. Again^st 'woman suffrage Presbyterian ll%,^rc%..m^ll. M^^^^J'p't "ff U^if^^f

MUSB/VND, Helena Eorgman (Mrs. Richard southern Ca3.. Renident physician. Children's

Wellington Husband), Hanover, N.H. Hospital, San Francisco; assistant physicijui.

Born Penn Yan, N-r., 1869; dau. Bernard and Cleveland State Hospital: aaaistant in Neurology,

Christina (Avercamp) Bergman; ed Vassar Coll., Western Reserve Medical Coll. Interested in

A.B.; Iceland Stanforl Jr. Univ., M.A. ; m 1901, ^^^g^i Betterment work. Favors woman suffrage.

Richard Wellington Husband; one son: Richard conereeationallst B Teacher in Hals^ad School, Yonkers, N.Y.,

to 189S. Episcopalian. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. HUTCHINSON, Klarache Boydew (Mrs. M. F.

HUSSA, Cora Isabel Warburton (Mrs. Theodore HutchinBon), Fargo. N.Dak. t i ix

Frederic Hussa), 18 Epplrt St., East Orange, Dramatic reader; b Watertown, Jak., Julv 14

jj J 1882; dau. Charles S. ana Mano B. (Morgan)

Graduate Smith Coll., B.L. '94; m. June 26, Boyden; «i. Sparta (Wis 1 High School, '01; Beloit

1%1 Theodore Frederic Hussa; children: Rich- (Wis.) Coll., A.B. '06; Emerson ColL of Oratory.

ard' Warren, b. DeC. 3, 1812 (died Mar. 8, 1903); Boston '09 (mem. Kappa Gamma Chi---Bmer8on

Althea, b. Feb. 8. 1904 (died June 12, 1909); School) ; m. Lisbon, N. Dak July 12, 1911, M. F.

Theodore Frederic Jr., b. July 30, 1909. Teachfer Hutchinson. Dramatic reader. Mem. Dramatic

of English and Latin in Bergen School for Girls, Section of Pine Arts (sec); mem. FortnighUy

Jersey City 1894-95, 1895-96; Englfsh and history Club. As dramatic reader has rendered ihsen,

in Wellesley School, Philadelphia, 1896-97; head Sheridan, Shakespeare, Dickens, Crawford, Bar-

of English dep't Miss Dana's School for Girls, rie and many others. Mem. Gotene and t^erman

Morristown N J 1897-1901. Metropolitan Societies- Recreations: Basketball,


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