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��Mass., 1904, John Perit Huntington; children: Eaizabeth, Rogers, Evelyn. Assisted in organiz- ing public kindergartens in Cuba during military occupation of U.S.A. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Child Labor Soc. Favors woman suffrage. HUNTINGTON, Ruth, 206 Broadway. Norwich,

Conn. ("Winter, Hindman, Ky.).

Teacher; b. Norwich, Conn.; dau. James Maurice and Elizabeth (Barston) Huntington; ed. Smith Coll., Columbia Univ. (Phi Kappa Psl). Teacher In Kamehameha School for Native Boys In Hawaii; Oahu Coll., Honolulu; Settlement School for Mountaineers at Hindman, Ky. Con- gregationalist. Favors woman suflfrage. HUNTON, Grace, Roanoke Woman's College,

Salem, Va,

Teacher of Latin, dean of Roanoke Woman's Coll.; b. Roseville, O., Dec. 12, 1878; dau. John Henry and Lavinia Priscilla (Baker) Hunton; ed. Thlel Coll., Greenville, Pa., B.A. 1900. (valedic- torian). Teacher for 11 years in Lima High School; entered Roanoke Woman's Coll. as (feah Sept., 1912. Interested in Luther League work; sup't of primary dep't of local Lutheran Church 11 years. Author of arucies on iathors and con- tributions to Young Folks and Young Pe^iple, publications of the Lutheran Church for Sunday- schools. Clubs: Chautauqua. Lutheran.

HUNTON, Virginia Semmes Payne (Mrs. Eppa

Hunton), 8 E. Franklin St., nichmond, Va.

Born Warrenton, Fauquier Co., Va. ; dau. Will- iam Henry Fitz'burgh Payne (>rlg.-gen. C.S.A.) and Mary (Winston) Payne; ed. Hochelage Con- vent, Montreal, Can.; m. Warrenton, Va., April 24, 1901, Hon. Eppa Hunton; children: Mary Wdnter (deceased), Eppa Hunton 4th. Episco- palian. Mem. Country Club of Va., Warrenton Country Club. Against woman suffrage. HUNTSMAN, Elizabeth Van Buskirk (Mrs. Owen

B. Huntsman), 112 Riverside Drive, N.T. City.

Bom Aurora, N.Y., May 30, 1876; dau. Dr. M. B. and Sarah M. (De ShoQg) Van Buskirk; ed. Wells Preparatory School, N.Y. ; grad. from Wells Coll., A.B. '97; studied at the National Conservatory of Music, N.Y. City (music and languages); m. Lakelands, Aurora, N.Y., Sept. 18, 1902, Owen B. Huntsman (vice-pres. Missouri Pacific R.R. and Texas and Pacific R.R.). In- terested in settlement work, children's clubs, Bureau of Occupation for College Women, phil- anthroT>ic activities. Presbyterian. Mem. East- ern Ass'n of Wells Ck)ll., Nat. Civic Federation. Recreations: Riding, driving, danoing. Clubs: Wells (N.Y. City), Century Theatre. Against woman suffrage.

HURD, Annah, 602 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis,


Physician; b. Humboldt, Kan., Nov. 20, 1871; dau. Tyrus I. and Ethel (Edgerton) Hurd; grad. Coll. of Pharmacy, Univ. of Minn. (Doctor of Pharmacy), '96; Coll. of Homoeopathic Medicine? and Surgery, Univ. of Minn., M.D., 1900; Ham- line Univ. (non grad.) Mem. Am. Inst, of IIoiQoeopathy, Minnesota Inst, of Homoeopathy, Minneapolis Med. Soc, Med. Woman's Club of Minneapolis, State Med. Examining Board, Woman's Welfare League, Minneapolis Political Equality Club. Favors woman suffrage; chair- man Lecture Bureau, Minn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n.

HURD, Ethel Edgerton, 602 Nicollet Av., Min- neapolis, Minn.

Physician; b. Galesburg, 111., Aug. 11, 1845; dau. S. Everest and Martha L. (Belding) Edgerton; ed. public school and Knox Coll.; Univ. of Minn. Med. Dep't, M.D.; m. Woodhull, III., Feb. 22, 1865, Capt. Tyrus I. Hurd (now deceased); chil- dren: Addle (deceased), Annah. After graduation took post-graduate course in electro-therapeutics; mem. Med. Woman's Club (sec. four years, pres. two years); now sec. Minn. State Homoeopathic lust. Mem. Minneapolis Med. Soc. (pres. 1908); lecturer In electro-thcrapeutlcs, Univ. of Minn., four years. Chairman Social Hygiene Com., Minn. Federation of Woman's Clubs; lecturer on social hygiene and eugenics. Favors woman suf- frage: has held various offices In Political Equal- ity Club of Minneapolis; mem. Exec. Board of

��Minn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, and since 1897, excepting one year (sec. several years), lecturer on Woman and the Franchise. Universalist. Mem. Minn. State Homoeopathic Inst.; D.A.R.

HURD, Harriette CoUin Seward (Mrs. David N.

Kurd), 805 Main St., Cedar Falls. la.

Journalist, correspondent; b. Fayetteville, N.Y., Mar. 19, 1849; dau. Nathan and Harriette (Collin) Seward; grad. private school and high school, Fayeitteville (grad. with honors), 1868 (same school which President Cleveland attended; was baptized by Rev. Richard Cleveland, President Cleveland's father); m. Fayetteville, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1869, David N. Hurd, of Gilbertsville, N.Y.; one daughter: Sueie N., b. 1871 (died 1877). With husband removed to Cedar Falls, 1889, where en- tered newspaper Held, in which has since worked from local reporter to city editor, also editor club organ for Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs. Dep't editor Waterloo (la.) Dally Re- porter. Correspondent for syndicate of news- papers In Middle West, including leading dallies in St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha, besides Iowa State papers. Prominent in club life; for six years was chairman State Press Com., Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs; represented third district Iowa Feileration at Biennial, San Fran- cisco, 1912; app't, 1912, Iowa editor for Gen. Fed. Bulletin by State pres. of Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs. Congregiitlonalist; a State officer of mis- sionary society, has addressed various churches in Iowa; hae attended most of the State and Nat. bien*-Ials of federated clubs and sent report to dozetis of papers. Mem. D.A.R. (has been regent o/ local chapter) ; mem. Cedar Falls Tuesday Club and other social clubs; mem. for many years it Iowa Press and Authors' Club of Des Moines.

HURD, Katherine Hatfield (Mrs. Rukard Hurd),

Hotel Angus, St. Paul, Minn.

Born N.Y. City; dau. Frederick Domer and Katherins (Murphy) Hatfield; m. N.Y. City, Hon. Rukard Hurd, C.E., Ph.D. (Minnesota Tax Com- mission and author of the Iron Ore Manual). Mem. N.J. Soc. Colonial Dames, Nat Soc. Co- lonial Dames of America.

HURDON, Elizabeth, 31 W. Preston St., Balti- more, Md.

Physician; b. in England, 1868; dau. John and Anne (Coom) Hurdon; went to Canada In girl- hood; ed. In Ladies' Coll., Hamilton, Ont. ; Univ. of Toronto, M.D., CM. '95; special student of gynecology In Johns Hopkins Med. School. Ass't in gynecology, 1899-1908; associate since 1908 In med. dep't Johns Hopkins Univ., writer on gynecological subjects and abdominal surgery. Author: Gynecological Pathology; also (In col- laboration with Dr. Howard A. Kelly) The Ver- miform Appendix and Its Diseases.

HURFORD, Etta B. (Mra. A. R. Hurford),

Indianola, Iowa.

President W.C.T.U.; b. Meadvllle, Crawford County, Pa., Oct. 30, 1853; dau. Edwin B. and Sarah L. (Logan) Brown; ed. public schools and Female Sem., Crawford County, Pa.; m. 1878, A. R. Hurford of Melrose, Iowa. Was State cor. sec. W.C.T.U. of Iowa 20 years; editor of State paper; State pres. since 1908. Interested in re- ligious activities of church; Sunday-school teacher 40 years; active In philanthropic reform; has been pres. of Board of Trustees for a home to rescue unfortunate girls for the past 15 years. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Eng- lish Classic Circle; mem. Society Hall In the Grove (Chautauqua Circle); mem. Women's Club.

HURLBATT, Ethel, Royal Victoria College for Women, McGUI University, Montreal, Can. Warden Royal Victoria Coll.; b. County of Kent, England; ed. Somervllle Coll., Oxford, Eng., 1888-92. Principal Aberdare Hall, Cardiff, Univ. Coll. of South Wales and Monmouthshire, 1892-98; principal Bedford Coll. for Women, Univ. of London, 1898-1907; since 1907 warden of Royal Victoria Coll. for Women, McGill Univ., Mon- treal. Favors woman suffrage. Author of va- rious papers on educational subjects and on women's place and work. Mem. Women's Cana- dian Club.


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