��HXTNT, Mary Iceland, 53 Broad St.. Oneida, N.T. Teacher; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '97, M.Li. '98; Columbia Univ., Ph.D., 19U. Author of Thomas Dekker; A Study, written as dissertation for doctorate and published in Columbia Uni- versity Studies in English, 1911. Favors womaji suffrage.
HUNT, Bachel McMasters Miller (Mrs Roy Arthur Hunt), 610 Morewood Av., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bookbiuder; b. Pittsburgh, June 30, 1882; dau. Mortimer and Rachel H. (McMasters) Miller; ed. Miss Mlttleberger's School, Cleveland, O. ; m. Pittsburgh, June 11, 1913, Roy Arthur Hunt. Artistic bookbinder; has bound books for Hon. Philander C. Knox, Secretary of SUte; Dr. Will- iam A. Fisher of Johns Hopkins Univ., Wallace H. Rome of Pittsburgh and other book-lovers. Books exhtbited in N.Y. City, Chicago, Philadel- phia, St. Paul, San P^ancisco, Los Angeles. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Soc. of Craftsmen (N.Y. City), Guild of Book Workers (N.Y. City); mem. Pittsburgh Orchestra Com., Pittsburgh Etching Club, Art Soc. of Pittsburgh. Recrea- tions: Dancing, swimming, motoring. Mean. Bqual Franchise Ass'n of Kttsburgh. HUNT, Thomas* BUiyd'OCk (Mrs. Henry T. Hunt), 8788 Cltfton Av., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bom Cincinnati, O., Sept 22, 1885; dau. Thomas T. and Flora (Sew ell) Kaydock; ed. Cin- cinnati, Paris and Berlin; m. Cincinnati, Oct. 18, 1906, Henry T. Hunt; children: Barbara Carter, Henry Thomas, Samuel H. Hunt. Appointed by Mayor Htmt to the Woman's Commission, formed to try to better and beautify conditions ot Cinclnnattl. Actively engaged in civic work, p<dltics, society and the study of languages. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Demo- crat. Mem. Maternity Society. Recreations: Music, golf, tennis, athletic sports, reading. Clubs: Social Workers, Tennis, Cincinnati Golf, Matinee Musical, Queen City.
HUNTEB, Alice CuBhinaH, 1448 R St., Lincoln, Neb.
Teacher; b. Mendota, 111., Jan. 22, 1874; dau. Joseph and Mary (Crocker) Hunter; grad. Univ. of Net)., A.B. '95, A.M. '98, Ph.D. '06; elected to Phi Beta Kappa, 1896. Fellow in Latin, Univ. </t Neb., 1897-98; teacher in secondary schools and private instruction until in 1903 was called to faculty of Univ. of Neb. Interested in some Imes of missionary activity and in humane work. Favors woman sufirage. Author of many pajiers and lectures. Congr^ationallst. Mem. Univer- sity Women's Club, Classical Ass'n of Middle West
HUNTER, Anna Sogers, 1000 Fairdale St., Pitts- burgh, Pa,
Teacher of English; b. Tsl-nan-fu, China; dau. Stephen Alexander and Sarah (Moreland) Hunter; ed. Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, A.B. (now doing post-grad, work in Univ. of Pittsburgh). Teacher in East End Prep. School, 1903-04; teacher mathematics Beaver High School, 1904- 06; Latin and English, Pittsburgh High School, 1906-12. Literary editor High School Journal, 1899-1900 (Pittsburgh High School), editor-in-chief of Sorosis, 1902-03 (Penn. Coll. for Women). Mem. Botanical Soc. of Western Pa., Ptttsbnrgh High School Alumni Ass'n, Pa. CoU. for Women Alumnse Ass'n, Women's Coll. Club of Pitts- burgh, Decade Club of Pa. Coll. for Women, Recreaiions: Tennis, swimming. Presbyterian. HUNTER, Corinne Smith (Mrs. James W. Hun- ter). Mobile, Ala.
Born Mt. Sterling, Ala.; datu George Franklin and Mary (Powell) Smith; ed. Selma, Ala.; grad. Dallas Acad.; m. Selma, Ala., Dec. 27, 1892, James Westmoreland Hunter. Pres. Woman's Rivers and Harbors Congress for Ala.; mem. Century Book Club, Shakespeare Club (Mobile), Home Elconomics Club (Mobile). Recreations: Auction bridge, dancing, golf. Methodist. Farors woman suffrage.
HUNTER, rannie Dnndaa (Mrs. John E. Hun- ter), Cando, N.Dak.
Born Burlington, la.; dau. David Dundas and Sarah Anna (Creisher) Michaels; grad. high school and normal school at Englewood (Chi- cago); m. Chicago, Feb. 27, 1884, John E. Hunter;
��children: Joiin Vincent, Dundas. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Fleur-de-lla Club of Cando (pres. four years). HUNTER, Lillian Acomb (Mrs. Livingston L. Hunter), Tldioute, Warren Co., Pa. Bom Cuba, N.Y. ; dau. Jaimes LaFayette and Seraph (Oliver) Acomb; ed. Buchtel Acad., Buchtel Coll., Akron, 0., B.S. '85 (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Jan. 6, 1887, Livingston L. Hunter; children: James Livingston, Leila May, Dorothy, Jahu Acomb. Since her husband's death has carried on his business interests in the lumber, oil and banking busine^. Interested In educa- tion, social betterment and conditions of children and the helpless class; served eight years as school director; several years sup't of scientific temperance instruction In the public sciiools of Warren Co. ; vice-chairman for Warren Co. Cavio Ass'n. Mem. missionary and aid societies, W.C.T.U. (vlce-pres. of Warren Co., Pa.), D.A.R. (regent of Tidloute Chapter), Order of Eastern Star. Clubs: Mendelssohn, Tidloute Shakespeare, Warren Art, Chautauqua Woman's. HUNTER, Lucy Robins (Mrs. Richard Stock- ton Hunter), 235 South Thirteenth St, Phila- delphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Thomas and Eliza (Wiltbank) Robins; m. April 20, 1872, Richard Stockton Hunter; one daughter: Isabel Rot>ins Hunter. Interested in the Consumers' League, College Settlement, Country Nursery. Mem. Civic Club. Favors woman suffrage. HUNTING, Ethel Parker, 48 Evergreen Av., Winter Hill, Somervllle, Mass. Private sec Boston Y.M.C. Union; b. Charles- town, Mass., Sept. 21, 1877; dau. B. Newell and Georglana (Bradford) Hunting; ed. Somerville Latin School, Tufts Coll., A.B. 1900; M.A. in English '03 (Chi Omega). Taught In high school three years after graduation; took buslnesa course; was at Tufts Coll. in secretarial posi- tion about three years; left to be with pres. of Boston Young Men's Christian Union. Author of verses published In college periodicals, and other magazines and newspapers. Recreations: Walking, boating.
HUNTINGTON, Arrla Sargent, 408 Douglas St,
Syracuse, N.T.
Bom Boston, Mass., June 22, 1848; dau. Fred- eric Dan and Hannah Dane (Sargent) Huntington; ed. Boston private school. Mem. of Board of Education, Syracuse, N.Y., 1898-1904; trustee of the Shelter for Unprotected Girls, Syracuse; vice- pres. of the Y.W.C.A., Syracuse; trustee of the Hospital of the Good Shepherd, Syracuse. Author: Under a Colonial Roof Tree, 1892; Memoir and Letters of Frederic Dan Huntington, First Bishop of Central New York, 1906. Mem. Consumers' League, Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Soc. for Preven- tion of Cruelty to Children, Church Ass'n in the Interest of Advancement of Labor. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Political Union, Political Equality Club, Syracuse. HUNTINGTON, Ellia ITentiss, 37 Winchester
Ro&d, Newton, Mass.
Assistant Harvard College Library, 1882-97; b. 1858, Cambridge, Ma^s. ; dau. James and Hannah L. (Stevens) Huntington; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '81 (Alplia Soc.). Mem, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Mass. Library Club. Congregatlonalist Favors woman suffrage.
BTUNTINGTON, Helen (Mrs. Archer Hunting- ton). 1083 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.
Author; dan. I. E. tind B. (Huntington) Gates; ed. privately; m. London, Eng., 1895, Archer Huntington. Poems: Polk Songs from the Span- ish; The SolltzuT Path; The Days that Pass; PYom the Cup of Silence. Novels: The Sovereign Good, An Apprentice to Truth; The Moon Lady Mean. Colony Club, N.Y. City. HUNTTNGTON, Julia Bradlee Weld (Mrs. John
Perlt Huntington), Harland Rd., Norwich,
Bom Boston, Mass., 1878; dau. Franklin and Loretta (Barton) Weld; ed. Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; grad. Garland Kinder- garten Training School, Boston, Mass. ; special course in political economics and Industrial his- tory at Mass. Inst of Techn<rfc«y; m. HlBgham,