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��HCMPHBEY, Marie E. Ives (Mrs. William Brewster Humphrey), National Arts Club, Gramercy Park, N.Y. City (summer, "Ives- ton," Station A, New Haven, Conn.). Born New Haven, Conn.; dau. Charles and Catherine M. (Osbom) Ives; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B.; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 14, 1905, Rev. William Brewster Humphrey. Writer on the American Indians; devoting life to the Am. Indians through the Am. Indian League, trying to make Indians better understood and to Induce a study of their history; trying to foster the music and arts of the Indians; acting as an exchange for Indian women's work, to make a market for their bead work, silver work, blankets and other native articles. Pres. the Am. Indian League; mem. the Women's Municipal League, the McAll Ass'n, the Round Table, Vassar Stu- dents' Aid Ass'n, Woman's Board of Missions. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Conn, and State of N.Y. ; May Clap Wooster Chapter, U.A.R. ; Nat. Soc. of New England Women; Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll.; the Am. Indian League. Clubs: Nat. Arts, Congregational (N.Y. City). Congrega- tional ist. Favors woman suffrage.

HUMPHREY, Mary Vance (Mrs. James Hum- phrey), 328 W. Third St., Junction City, Kan. Born Springfield, O., 1846; dau. John and Eleanor (Donaldson) Vance; ed. Cincinnati, Wes- leyan Coll.; m. Topeka, Kan., Octol>er, 1361, James Humphrey; children: Herbert (deceased), James Vance, Spencer (deceased), Eleanor, Adele. Helped form Kan. State Social Science Club, 1880; founded Reading Club of Junction City, Kan., 1875; pres. State Fed. Women's Clubs, 1900-01; director Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1902-04; helped found Woman's Kansas Day Club, a patriotic organization (pres. 1907). Favors woman suffrage. Chairman Press Com., Filth Dist. Author: The Squatter Sovereign, or Kan- sas in the Fifties, a historical novel of pioneer days; also many shorter stories, chief ones of which are: King Lear in Kansas; The Legal Status of Mrs. O'Rourke (both stories concern- ing property rights). Universalist Mem. the Purity League, Reading Cluh, Authors' Cluh (Topeka, Kan.), Kansas Woman's Press Club, Woman's Kansas Day Cluh. EkiuaJ Suffrage Club.

HUMPHREYS, Mary Gay, 400 W. Fifty-seventh

St., N.Y. City.

Writer; b. Ripley, O.; dau. William S. and Henrietta (Wright) Humphreys; ed. Qlendale (0.) Female Coll. (first honors of class). Has been interested in forming women's trade unions through the Working Women's Soc., with Mrs. Abbe, Mrs. Lowell and others (society ijo longer in existence). Favors woman suffrage. Author: (Catherine Schuyler (Colonial Women Series). Novels: Jack Racer; Racer of Illinois (under nom-de-plume "Henry Somerville"); The Boys Catlin; The Boy's Pike; Missionary Explorers Among North Arnerican Indians. Compiled: The Wisdom of Confucius; has written various maga- zine articles: (latest) The Family and the Panama Canal (Scribner's, September, 1912). Recreations: Horseback riding. Mem. Barnard Cluh, City History Ciuh.

HUNN, Myrta Eleanor, Winona Lake, Ind.

Teacher; b. Batavia, N.Y., July 4, 1878; dau. Marc Washington and Harriett (Sanborn) Hunn; ed. district and high schools, Batavia, N.Y. ; grad. '95; Cornell Univ., A.B. '99; A.M. 1900; Ph.D. '07 (Phi Beta Kappa, '99). Taught in Ba- tavia (N.Y.) High School, 1900-05; in Lakota (N.Dnk.) High School, 1908-09; head dep't of for- eign languages, Winona Coll., Winona Lake, Ind., 1909. Mem. Winona Literary Soc, Warsaw- Winona Chautauqua Club. Recreations: Amateur photography, music (piano). Presbyterian. Fa- vors woman suffrage.

HUNT, Alice Elizabeth Palmer (Mrs. George E.

Hunt), 364 Maple St., Holyoke, Mass.

Physician; b. N.Y. City, June, 1867; dau. Damon (M.D.) and Mary A. (Welton) Palmer; grad. Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. '94; m. Aug. 2, 1898, George E. Hunt, M.D. Spent four years in

��hospital practice. Interested in charities. Physi- cian to Holyoke Home for Aged People; mem. Y.W.C.A., and two literary clubs. Congregation- alist.

HUNT, Alice Winsor, 152 Irving Av., Provi- dence, R.I.

Social worker; b. Providence, R.I., Feb. 16, 1872; dau. Daniel A. and Annie (Evans) Hunt; ed. public schools of Providence; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '95; mem. Shakespeare Soc. Taught Greek and English and history two years. Hillside, Norwalk, Conn.; English, Latin and history, seven years, Hope St. High School, Providence, R.I.; sec. Consumers' League of R.I. since 1909. Traveled in Europe, 1905-08; pres. R.I. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, 1900-02; helped to start com- munity gardens, playground, home gardens in Lonsdale, R.I. (mill village). Has given origi- nal monologues, travel talks and lectures; R.I. representative of Nat. Child Labor Com. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Congregationalist. Progressive. Mem. R.I. Branch Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Y.W.C.A., Housewives' League, Handicraft Club of Providence, the Wednesday Club (debating club), pres. 1911-12; Wannamoisset Country Club; pres. R.I. Wellesley Club, 1909-11. HUNT, Caroline Louuia, 1432 R St., N.W., Wash- ington, D.C.

Writer; b. Chicago, 111., Aug. 23, 1865; dau. Homer C. and Ann (Gleed) Hunt; ed. North- western Univ., A.B. '88 (Phi Beta Kappa-Dol1;a Gamma). Teacher domestic science Liewis Inst., Chicago, 1896-1901; Univ. of Wis., 1903-08; in charge of dep't La FoUette's Weekly .Vlagazine, 1909. Books: Home Pioblems, 1908; Life of Ellen H. Richards, 1912; Daily Meals of School Children (Bulletin U.S. Bureau of Education); joint editor several bulletins of U.S. Dep't Agri- culture; writer of magazine articles. Mem. Am- erical Home Economics Ass'n, Women's Trade Union League, Consumers' League, Am. Federa- tion of Arts. Favors woman suffrage. HUNT, Grace Usbcrne (Mrs. Stephen M. B. Hunt), 34B Seventh Av., La Grange, III. Bom Harmony, 111., Oct. 2, 1875; dau. Albert Harris and Susan (BMdy) Usborne; ed. (Jaiumet High School, Chicago; Chicago Normal School- m. Chicago, Nov. 27, 1S&5, Stephen M. B. Hunt. Teacher in Chicago schools; critic teacher in the Yale Practice School of the Chicago Normal; no- table work done in primary grade as critic teacher. Mem. Chicago Public School Art Soc. (chairman school com.); chairman of the art dep't III. State Federation of Women's Clubs 1912-14; pres. Nike Club of Chicago, 1911-13; mem! La Grange Woman's Club. Mem. People's Lib- eral Church. Favors woman suffrage.

HUNT, Harriet E., Hubbardsvllle, N.Y., and

Boston, Mass.

Teaoher; b. Hubbardsville, N.Y. ; daughter of ShereWah and Hannah iLawton) Hunt; ed. State Normal School, Oswego, N.Y. ; N.Y. Univ., Ph.D.; Chicago Univ., one year (earned the money which was paid for her education). Prin primary dep't, Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y.; director elementary science in public schools of Brookline, Mass.; teacher of psychology, peda- gogy and general method SUte Normal School, Providence, R.I.; prin. Training School for Teachers, Scranton, Pa. Interested In the prob- lem of reorganizing education on the basis of auto-educatlon; has visited schools in Germany and the Montessarl work in Rome, Italy. Au- thor: The Psychology of Auto-education. Clubs- Woman's (Hartford, Conn.), College, Woman's (Scranton, Pa.). Recreations: .Music, drama. Mem. Fabian Soc. of London, Eng. Favors woman suffrage.

HUNT, Marita Trotter (Mrs. Samuel Hunt), 241

E. Auburn Av., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Bom Lexington, Ky., Feb. 13, 1S52; dau. George R. and Amanda (Galloway) Trotter; ed. Xenla, O. ; Chestnut St. Sem. (now the Ogontz), Phila-^ delphia. Pa.; m. Xenia, 0., Dec. 21, 1876, Samuel Hunt; children: Henry T., b. April 29, 1878- Philip W., b. Nov. 21, 1883. Favors woman suf- frage. Prsbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Descendant Colonial Governors, Cincinnati Womaa's Club.


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