��student In Baltimore Training School for Kinder- feartners, 1896-98; director in kindergarten of Friends Sem., N.Y. City, 1898-1900. Mem. Society of Friends. Favors woman suffrage.
HULiIi, Josephine Sherwood (Mrs. Shelley Vaughn Hull), 133 W. 56th St., N.Y. City. Actress, composer; b. Newtonville, Mass. ; dau. W. H. and Mary E. (Tewksbury) Sherwood; ed. Nerwton public schools, Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '99 (magna cum laude) and New England Conser- vatory of Music, Boston (special courses); m. Chicago, 111., April 3, 1910, Shelley Vaughn Hull. Went on stage 1902; played leading parts with Nat Goodwin, with Wilton Lackaye in Les Miserables (creating both Fantine and Cosette), and many other engagements, including both stock companies and productions; put on Shakespearian productions for Wellesley, Wells, and other colleges annually. Composer of many quartets for women's voices, and children's songs. Cross Die Chilly, Little Pappoose, among the more popular quartets; has published ar- ticles in magazines on stage topics. Mem. Three Arts Club and Radcliffe Club (N.Y. City). Rec- reations: Golf and out-door exercise. Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage (conservatively). Retains maiden name, Sherwood, for profes- sional use.
HUX.!., Mary Josephine, 413 E. Buffalo St., Ith- aca, N.Y.
Bom Ithaca, N.Y. ; dau. Albert Moseley and Margaret (Visscher) Hull; ed. Cornell Univ., Ph. B. '93 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Manager Ithaca Children's Home; sec. Women's Com. of the New Hospital, Ithaca. Writer of articles and reviews in Scribner's Magazine, Nation, Good Housekeeping, and others. Congregatlon- alist. Mem. Campus and Cornell Women Grad- uates' Clubs. HTJLST, Cornelia Steketee (Mrs. Henry Hulst),
100 Fountain St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Bom Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 16, 1865; dau. John and Catherine (Van der Boegh) Steketee (Dutch and Huguenot parentage) ; ed. Univ. of Mioh.; mem. Gamma Phi Beta; m. Grand Rapids, 1889, Henry Hulst, M.D. Teacher; head of dep't of English; has served on important educational committees; vlce-pres. Nat. Educational Ass'n; pres. Drama League of Grand Rapids. Writer of educational articles. Author: St. George of Cappadocia (a volume of legends and lore of the famous soldier saint, favorably reviewed), 1910; Indian Sketches, 1912. Frequently gives ad- dresses on educational, literary and historical subjects; especially interested in mythology and has in preparation a book of Norse myths. Rec- reation: Automobiling (wirtJi husband has made extended trips in Mich., Ind., 111. Mem. Ladies' Literary Club. HUME, Annette Ross (Mrs. Charles Robinson
Hume), 501 W. Central Boulevard, Anadarko,
Born Perrysburg, O., Mar. 8, 1858; dau. James White and Catherine (Darling) Ross (mother descendant from Gov. John Haynes, Governor of Mass. and first Governor of Conn) ; grad. Perrys- burg High School, '74, highest honors (valedic- torian); grad. Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, '94, with average of 99%; m. Perrysburg, O., Dec. 27, 1876, Charles Robinson Hume, M.D.; children: Judge Carleton Ross, Raymond Robin- son (M.D.), Harold James, Merle Marshall, Irene Annette (youngest three died young). Genealogist; only Okla. mem. New England Historic-Genealogical Soc. Actively engaged in church work; treas. many years of Ladies' Social Union; vice-pres. Woman's Home and Foreign Boards of Presbyterian Church; seven years pres. Oklahoma Synodical Soc. for Home and Foreign Missions; for past 12 years cor. sec. same; has assisted in several philanthropic or- ganizations. Author: An Historical Sketch of the Women's Clubs of Oklahoma and Indian Terrl- lories; several missionary and club pamphlets; has compiled the Ross, Darling and other (un- published) genealogies. One of the organizers of Okla. State Conference, D.A.R., State Parlia- mentarian D.A.R. of Okla.; regent Anadarko Chapter D.A.R. ; charter mem. Clan Ross in
��America; charter mem. Philomathic (31 ub, Ana- darko (for nearly 14 years been pres. or cor. sec); parliamentarian Second Dist. Fed., for eight years parliamentarian for Okla., now Gen. Fed. sec. for Okla. for Gen. Fed. Women's Chibs. Recreations: Amateur photographer, de- votes much time to hi^orical reeearch work, growing flowers and fruits. Presbyterian. Favors womian suffrage. Republican. HUME, Jessie Fremont, 15 N. First St., Ja- maica, N.Y.
Librarian; b. in N.Y. State; dau. Prof. R. W. and Mary (Charlidi) Hume; ed. N.Y. Normal Coll., A.B. Chief librarian of the Queens Bor- ough Public Library. Sec. of the Queens- Nassau Extension School Board (agriculture). Mem. Am.' Library Ass'n, N.Y. Library Ass'n, King Manor Ass'n, Queens Borough Allied Arts and Crafts Ass'n. Mem. N.Y. Library Club, Long Island Library Club, Jamaica Women's Club, Good Citizens League of Flushing, St. Cecelia Soc. of Flushing, Musical Soc. of Ja- maica. Episcopalian. Recreations: Music, art, literature and traveling. Believes In equal suffrage.
HUME, Julia Cracraft (Mrs. John P. Hume), 358 Royal PL, Milwaukee, Wis. Born Washington, Pa. ; dau. Elbridge Gerry and Mary (Black) Cracraft; ed. Wheeling, W.Va. ; grad. with first honors from Mrs. Wood's pri- vate school for young ladies; m. Wheeling, W.Va., Oct. 18, 1892, John P. Hume; children: Rosemary, b. Mar. 14, 1899; John P. Jr., b. Mar. 7, 1908. Interested in social and philanthropic work connected with church and patriotic so- cieties. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., State vice-regent D.A.R, of Wis. Mem. Milwaukee Art Soc.
HUME, Lida Monson (Mrs. James B. Hume) 3017 Wheeler St., Berkeley, Cal. Bom Cold Spring, Cal., Sept. 13, 1858; dau. J. R. and Hannah (Pulton) Munson; ed. public schools and Placerville Acad.; m. San Quentin, Cal., April 28, 18S4, James B. Hume; one son: Samuel James Hume, b. June 14, 1885. Teacher in public schools. Was identified for years with First Presbyterian Church of Oakland; edited and published church paper; lecturer on mis- sionary topics. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League of Cal. ; cam- paigned actively for suffrage in 1910. Progressive Republican. Pres. Berkeley Civic Center of the Cal. Civic League; pres. Berkeley Woman's Council; chairman of Civic Central Com. of Alameda Co. Was club woman for years; three years pres. Ebell Club of Oakland; two years pres. Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs; one year organizer of the Cal. Civic League; edited and published State club paper for two years.
HUMPHREY, Adele Alice, 40 St. James Park,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Teacher of journalism; b. Junction City, Kan.; dau. Judge James and Mary (Vance) Humphrey; ed. Univ. of Kan., A.B. ; Columbia Univ., A.M. (Pi Beta Phi). Engaged in newspaper work for Kansas City Journal and N.Y. Sun; head of English Dept. , high school, Butte, Mont.; teacher of journalism, Los Angeles Polytechnic. Chairman of Education for Cal. Federation of Women's Clubs; mem, and past pres. Los An- geles branch, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae; past pres. of Los Angercs Pan-Hellenic Ass'n of Coll. Sororities; fotmder of Evening City Club; founder of Los Angeles Soc. for Social Hy- giene; founder of Scribblers' Club of Los Angeles; mem. Coll. Woman's Club of Southern Cal., Federation of Coll. Women's Clubs, Kan. Univ. Club of Southern Cal. Recreation: Trav- eling. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. HUMPHREY, Harriette Zephine, Dorset, Vt.
Writer; b. Philadelphia, Dec. 15, 1874; dau. Zephaniah Moore and Harriette L. (Sykes) Humphrey; ed. Ferry Hall Sem., Lake Forest, 111., 1886-1892; Smith Coll., 1892-96. B.L. '98 (Alpha). A-uthor: Tke Calling of the Apostle; Uncle Charley; Over Against Green Peak; Tha School M.ister; essays and stories in magazines. Recreation: Farming in Vt. (JongregationallBt.