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��HUGHES. Maade Howard (Mrs. D. G. Hughes),

211 Penny Av., Dowagiac, Mich.

Born Dowaglac, 1868; dau. E. Smith and FYances M. (Shaw) Howard; ed. Dowagiac High School; m. Dowagiac, Feb. 1, 1899, D. G. Hughes; children: Kathryn, Howard, Helen Hcrward. Sup't St. Paul's Episcopal Sunday-school. For n>any yeiars aclive in charity and Sunshine work. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Music, dramatic reading. Pres. two years and active mem. many years In the Nineteenth Century Club. Interested in the committee vrork of the Mich. State Fed. Women's Clubs. HIGHS, Fannie May Barbee (Mrs. C. M.

Hughs), Wharton, Tex.

Journalist, author; b. Augusta, Houston C!o., Texas; dau. Hon. James Gray Barbee (judge) and Fannie Barker (Fifer) Barbee; ed. Baylor Female Coll., Belton, Texas; Huntsville (Ala.) Female Coll., M.A., M.L. (mem. Royal Acade- mla) ; m. WTiarton, Texas, Covey M. Hugbs. Regular correspondent San Antonio Express and Houston Post; has reported many State gather- ings, religious, political, educational, agricul- tural; staff reporter of Houston Post at San Francisco Biennial of Gen. Federation of Wo- men's Clubs. First vice-pres. Texas "Woman's Press Ass'n; pres. 4th Dist. Texas Federation of Women's Clubs; served as chairman of Press Com. of Texas delegation in interest of Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker's campaign for presi- dency of Gen. Federation at San Francisco Bien- nial. Pres. Wharton Library Board; estab- lished monthly "story hour" for children; es- tablished County Teachers' Inst. Library and served without compensation as librarian. Fa- vors woman suffrage and has written many ar- ticles for daUy papers of Texas in interest of the cause; toured Colorado, Utah and California in 1911 to secure IntervlcTvs from prominent men and women for articles published in Texas papers. Author: Cult of the Short Story— Its Mapters; Overland to Oregon; Influence of Music; Character Sketches; Southern Heroes; The Shofar; Seen in Mexico; Mexico's Riches; A Legend of Texas In 1850; Easter in Latin Land; Sketches of Historical Characters. Also prolific writer of short stories, articles in favor of social reform, and commercial articles. Has been prominent In advocacy of prison reforms, and as pres. of Fourth Dist. Texas Federation is now endeavoring to secure employment of trained matrons In public schools; active in child welfare work in State. Baptist; mem. Ladies' Aid Soc. Democrat; though husband is a Re- publican and was a Taft delegate at Chicago, 1908, 1912. Mem. Texas Press Ass'n, Texas Historical Ass'n; charter mem. of local D.A.R., recently organized; hon. mem. Wharton Co. Teachers' Inst. Recreation: Hilnting. Clubs: New Century (Wharton) ; Pen Women, hon. mem. (Houston); Shakespeare (Crockett).

HUIZINGA, Faith Trumbnll (Mrs. Arnold C. P.

Hulzinga), Thompson, Conn.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 29, 1873; dau. ArtJhur and Harrieit (Bladgen) Mathewson; ed. Miss GoodTvin's School, Brooklyn, and by tutors; Bryn Mawr Coll. two years; m. Wa^lngton, D.C., Oct. 8, 1909, Arnold C. P. Hulzlnga; one daughter: Faith Trumbull. Favors woman suf- frage. Congregationallst. HULBKKT, Edith Josephine, 206 K. Seventeenth

St., N.Y. City.

Journalist; b. N.Y. City; dau. Charles Fred- erick and Sarah (Disbrow) Hulbert; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. ; Columbia Univ., A.M. (mem. Alpha Oniicrou Pi). On staff of New York Sun, April, ]907-Novembpr, 1912. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Political Union, New York. Au- thor: His Perfect Vision; Eleanor's Alter Ego; also verse: Remorse (Harper's Monthly). Mem. D.A.R., New York County Com. of Progressive Party. Sec. Liberal Club; mem. Pen and Brush Club.

HrLBlTRD, Alice I.., 224 North Prairie Av.,

Chicago. 111.

High school teacher; b. Brasher Falls, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar, A.B. '76. Teacher Albion, N.Y., 18&)-84; Milwaukee, Wis., 1884-87; Rockford, lU.,

��1889-91; Penn Yan, N.Y.. 1892-95; John Marshall High School, Chicago, since 1896. HL'LBC'BD, Anna Kilian (Mrs. Oscar T. Hub- bard), 5510 East End Av., Chicago, 111. Born Winona, Minn., Jan. 2. 1862; dau. Adam and Eva (Knapp) Kilian; grad. Winona High School; Winona State Normal; m. Kasson, Minn., 18S4, Oscar T. Hubbard; children: Charles T.. Hortense S., Florence L. Mem. Congregational Church of Hiawatha, Kan.; later mem. of Peo- ple's Church of Englewood, 111.; later associate mem. Universalist Church, Chicago. Mem. South Side Suffrage League, 111. EJqual Suffrage Ass'n. Socialist. Mem. W.C.T.U., Christian Socialist Fellowship. Recreations: Music, theatre. Pres. Woodlawn Woman's Clul), 1907-09; vlce-pres. Second Dist. 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1910-12; mem. Chicago Woman's City Cluib. HULXNG. Ellen Paine, 17 Hurlbut SU. Cam- bridge. Mass.

Lecturer, teacher, writer; b. Fitchburg, Mass., July 24, 1880; dan. Ray Greene and Ellen Corinna (Paine) Huling; ed. public schools of New Bedford, Mass. ; Cambridge, Mass. ; Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '03, magna cum laude, A.M. '07. Teacher from 1903 Ln schools of Mass. and N.Y. State; since 1904 teacher of English in high school, Cambridge, Mass. ; lecturer since 1906, mainly on Labrador. Mem. of Sagamore Socio- logical Conference, East Cambridge Conference of Cambridge Associated Charities, Advisory Com. of citizens in connection with Ford Hall meetings, Boston; has traveled extensively, in- cluding Labrador, Newfoundland, Alaska, United States, Canada, Europe, West Indies, South and Central America. Author of short stories and contributor to current magazines and periodi- cals, mainly on subjects connected with Labra- dor and French Canada, including Atlantic Monthly (Harbor of Lost Ships), Everybody's Magazine (A Woman's No), Appleton's Maga- zine. Ladies' Home Journal, Independent, New England Magazine, NeTv Boston, Canada West, Everyland, Westward Ho, Sunday School Advo- cate, Radcliffe Magazine, Out West. Mem. Radcliffe Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Nat. F'irst Aid Ass'n of Am., Cambridge Teachers' Club. Rec- reations: Traveling, snow-shoeing. Favors wo- man suffrage.

HUI..1,, Fannie Fitzalan Johnston (Mrs. Lolco Mitchell Hull), Shelby, N.C. Bom Richmond, Va. ; dau. James Calvin and Susan F. (Payne) Johnston; grad. Richmond High School; m. June 27, 1888, Luico Mitchell Hull; children: Marion Frances, James Frank- lin, Mildred Alexander. Teacher; head of one of public schools of Richmond, Va. Active In philanthropic, religious and social work. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Organizer and leader, and pres. of several socs.

HULL, Hannah Clothier (Mrs. William I. Hull),

Swarthmore, Pa.

Bom Sharon Hill, Pa., July 21, 1872; dau. Isaac Hallowell and Mary E. (Jackson) Clothier; ed. Friends School, Philadelphia; Swarthmore Coll., B.L. '91; graduate student at Bryn Mawr, 1906-07 (Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Wynnewood, Pa., Dec. 27, 1898, William I. Hull, Ph.D. (prof, history In STvarthmore Coll.); children: Mary Clothier, Elizabeth Powell. In- terested in Young Friends movement; chairman Coll. Y.W.C.A. ; of Faculty Advisory Com. in Swarthmore Coll. Memi. PI Sigma Ch! (honor soc. of the woonen students of Swarthmore Coll.), Woman's Club of Swarthmore (pres. since 1909), Coll. Club of Philadelphia. Mem. Soc. of Friends (Liberal Branch). Mem. of Swarthmore Suffrage League, Pa. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n.

HULL., Helen Lamb (Mrs. Thomas Burling Hull), 3510 Duvall Av., Baltimore. Md. Kindergartner ; b. Baltimore, Md.. Jan. 29, 1875; dau. Ell M. and Anna W. (Cockran) Lamb; ed. Friends Elementary and High School, Baltimore, 1881-92, grad. classical course, '92; Swarthmore Ckdl., B.L. '94; m. Baltimore, June 24, 1901, Tbomas Burllag Hull; one daughter: Anna Wal- ton, b. 1907. Teacher in primary dep't Friends Elementary and High School, Baltimore, 1894-98;


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