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��cially interested In children and their welfare.

Favors equal suffrage, but Is against militant


HUE8TIS, Jessie Bunting: (Mrs. Charles Calvin

Huestis), 279 Highland Av., Buffalo, N.Y.

Born Hamburg, N.Y., Oct. 15, 1871; dau. Thomas L. and Bettie Maria (Newton) Bunting; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Gamma); m. Hamburg, N.Y., 1895, Charles Cal- vin Huestis; children: Thomas Bunting, John Phelps, Bertram Francis. -Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Western N.Y. Branch Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Buffalo Club of Cornell Women. HUIT, AUee E. (Mrs. Charles C. Huff), 211 E.

Fifth Av., Homestead, Pa,

Born Ann Arbor, Mieh., 1862; dau. Chas. G. and Arabella (Matthews) Clarke; ed. Univ. of Mich. (Literary Dep't); m. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1880, Charles C. Huff, M.D.; one son: Harold Clark, b. 1886. Interested in civic work, Play- ground Ass'n work, and work among foreign- ers in way of patriotic instruction, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Pitts- burgh Chapter D.A.R., Daughters Am. Pioneers, Playground Ass'n, Pittsburgh and Homestead. Clubs: Woman's (Pittsburgh), Woman's (Home- stead), College (Pittsburgh), Civic (Homestead). Served as director of State Fed. Pa. Women lor four years; vice-chairman Civics for S.W. Dist. State Federation of Pa. Women; Chairman of Civics for Allegheny Co. ; Chairman Civic Dep't Co ll. C lub, Pittsburgh. HCTT, Alta OUvia Emery (Mrs. George W.

Huff), Sanford, Me.

Reporter; b. Sanford, Me., May 10, 1872; dau. Prescott and A. Olivia (Cole) Emery; ed. Brad- ford Acad.; m. Sanford, Me., George W. Huff; chairman Literature and Art Com., State Fed. Women's Clubs, 1910-12; past matron and past district deputy. Order of Eastern Star. Favors woman snffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Re- becca Emery Chapter, D.A.R., Clover Chapter, O.E.S., Sanford. Recreations: Boating, fishing, gunning, automoblling. Mem. Searchlight Club. HUrr, Helen Schaeffer (Mrs. William Bashford

Huff), Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Reader In mathematics, Bryn Mawr Coll. ; b. Kutztown, Pa., Dec. 31, 1883; dau. Dr. Nathan C. and Anna (Ahlum) Schaeffer; grad, A.B. '03, A.M. '05, Dickinson Coll.; Ph.D. '08, Bryn Mawr Coll. ; graduate student Bryn Mawr 1903-05, 1306-08; student Univ of Gottingen, Germany, 1905-06; fellow in physics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1904-05; holder Bryn Mawr European Fellowship 1905-06 (Pi Beta Phi); m. Mt. Gretna, Pa., Dr. William Bashford Huff. Mem. German Re- formed Chnreh. Favors woman suffrage. HUFTAKEB, Lucy, 42 Bank St., N.Y. City.

Writer; b. Memphis, Tenn. ; dau. Matthew K. and Mary Catherine (Mc(Jonnell) Huffaker; grad. Drake Univ. (Des Moines, la.), A.B. Re- porter Chicago Evening Post and Chicago Inter- Ocean; in 1308 Paris correspondent for several periodicals. Press agent for Child Welfare Ex- hibit. Favors woman suffrage. Captain in 25th Dist. Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. City. So- cialist, Mem. Intercollegiate Socialist Society. HUFFMAN, Mrs. Cttto V., 223 Lancaster St.,

Albany, N.Y.

Born Buffalo, N.Y., June 24, 1S80; dau. Moore and Mary (King) Peters; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900; m. Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct 21, 1909, Otto V. Huffman, M.D,; one son: Moore Peters Huffman. Mem, Y.W.C.A, Territorial Com. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Independent In politics. Rec- reation: Mountain climbing. HUG<3rNS, Clara Ellsbury (Mrs. Edward N.

Hugglns), Parkview Av., Bullitt Park, Colum- bus, O.

Born Williamsburg, Clermont Co., 0.; dau. William W. and Helen (Porter) Ellsbury; ed. public schools and Univ. of Michigan; m. Oct. 8, 1889, Edward N. Hugglns. Mem. Board of Managers, Columbus Art Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. William Morris Soc. HUGHAN, Jessie Wallace, 61 Qulncy St.. Brook- lyn, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1875; dau. Samuel and Margaret (West) Hughan; ed. North- field (Mass.) Sem.; Bernard Coll., A.B. '98;

��Columbia Univ., A.M. '99, Ph.D. '11 (junior honors in classics, junior honors in economics. Phi Beta Kappa); mem. Alpha Omicron Pi. Ac- tive mem. of Socialist Party; mem. of Executive Com. of Intercollegiate Socialist Soc; first vice- pres. N.Y. Chapter Intercollegiate Socialist Soc; sup't Sunday-school, Unity Church, Brooklyn, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Author: American Socialism of the Present Day, 1911; also stray poems in magazines. Unitarian. Recreations: Swimming, out-door Ufe.

HUGHAN, Margaret BaUott West (Mrs. Samnel Hughan), 61 Qulncy St.. Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Frederick Rapp and Margaret (MacMillan) West; ed. public schools and by private study; m. Brooklyn, 1868, Samuel Hughan; children: Evelyn West, Herbert Forsyth, Jessie Wallace, Ethel Margaret (Mrs. F. F. Rickwell). Charter and hon. mem. Fort- nightly Club of Staten Island; pres. Brooklyn Woman's Single Tax Club; chairman L.I. (Coun- cil of Women's Clubs, 1901. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Bedford Political Equality League; mem. Woman's Alliance of Unity Church, Unity Child Welfare Ass'n. Author of s,hort stories and poems. Composer of music, vocal and instrumental. Unitarian. HUGHES, Adella Prentiss (Mrs. Felix Hughes), 2400 Kenilworth Road, Euclid Heights, Cleve- land. O.

Manager of concerts; b. Cleveland, O., Nov. 29, 1869; dau. Loren and Ellen R. (Rouse) Pren- tiss; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '90 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Cleveland, O., Oct. 5, 1904, Felix Hughes. Established Symphony Orchestra concerts in Cleveland by visiting orchestras, the 12th season to consist of 10 concerts by 7 of the finest orchestras. On Board of Trustees of Rainbow Cottage, and of Cleveland Music School Settle- ment; mem. of executive board, Fortnightly Musical Club. Clubs: Women's Univ. (N.Y. City), Euclid, Mayfield Country (Cleveland). Recreation: Golf. Baptist.

HUGHES, Frances Laura, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111.

Teacher; b, Cortland, N.Y. ; dau. James W. and Cleo B. (Kelsey) Hughes; ed. CJortland Normal (entire course) ; Wellesley ColL, B.A. '02 (mem. Shakespeare Soc). Principal Newark Valley (N.Y.) Aead., 1894-95; principal Ferry Hall (school for girls). Lake Forest, 111. Presby- terian. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Lake County Tuberculosis Ass'n, Chicago Collie Club, Chicago Wellesley Club.

HUGHES, Grace V. MUler (Mrs. Charles M. Hughes), 946 St. Nicholas Av., N.Y. City. Bom Allegheny City, Pa. ; dau. W. Halsey and Carolyn (Gatchell) Miller; ed. private and public schools, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Charles Mar- tyn Hughes; one son: RoUin Maynard Hughes. Mem. Loyal Circle of King's Daughters, N.Y. City; Sunshine Soc, Blind Babies' Soc. Clubs: N.Y, Mozart, Mary Arden Shakespeare, N,Y. Theatre, N.Y. City Federation, Actors' Church Alliance, Presbyterian.

HUGHES, Katherine, 456 Eleventh St., Edmon- ton, Alberta, Can.

Provincial archivist of Alberta; b. Melbourne, P.E.I,; dau. John Wellington and Anne (O'Brien) Hughes; ed. Notre Dame Convent and Prince of Wales Coll., .Charlottetown, P.E.I. Upon leaving coll. devoted a few years to Indian mission work among Canadian Indian tribes. In 1903 joined editorial staff of Montreal Star; In 1906 Joined staff of Edmonton Bulletin, and in 1908 represented Bulletin and other papers in press gallery of the Legislative Assembly. Ap- pointed provincial archivist of Alberta in 1908. Elected vice-pres. Canadian Women's Press Club, 1909. Made a tour of the Peace River and Atha- basca districts in 1910, to secure data for archives, by stage, river boat, canoe and scows; for S days was accompanied only by Indian guides. Author: Forest and Timber Section (Canadian Encyclopedia, Vol. V) ; wrote and edited annual magazine of Edmonton Bulletin, 1906-07-08; Archbishop O'Brien, Man and Churchman, 1906; Father Lacombe, The Blackrobe Voyageur, 19U, Roman Catholic, Recreations: Walking, canoe- ing, conversation, theatre.


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