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��sec. Houghton Co. Equal Suffrage Soc. Episco- palian. Recreations: Piano, travel, tennis, skat- ing. Mem. Bryn Mawr Club, N.Y. City. HCBBARD, Grace Amanda, 618 W. 114th St., N.T. City.

College professor; b. N.Y. ; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '87; student of English and philosophy, Cornell Univ., 1S91-92, M.A. '92; Sorbonne, Paris, 1898-99; student of Elnglish, Smith Coll., 1892-1905; associate prof. English, Barnard Coll., since 1905. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n of America, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n (vice-pres. 18S6-S8).

HUBBARD, Ida Blanche Harroun (Mrs. W. G. Hubbard), Mabton, Wash., R.F.D. 1. Bom Toledo, 0., Oot. 10, 1862; dau. Henry E. and Dianna (Ames) Harroun; ed. Toledo public school; Sylvania Acad.; grad. business college. Grand Rapids, Mich.; m. Grand Rapida, Mich., Mar. 28, 1SS7, W. G. Hubbard; children: Floyd E., W. Guy, Dorothy B., Robert H. For several years teatrher of primary work. Interested in rural club work, Sunday-school, grange and In the betterment of rural life, rural schools, etc. Favor.s woman suffrage. Meithodist. Progressive in politics. Mem. Aids Soc. of Grange, Green Valley Progressive ClU'b.

HUBBAKD, Marian Elizabeth, Wellesley Col- lege, Wellesley, Mass.

Teacher; b. McGregor, Iowa, Aug. 31, 1868; dau. Rodolphus and Hannah Elvira (Giles) Hubbard; ed. Mt. Holyoke Sem. and Coll., 1889; Univ. of Chicago, B.S. '94. Instructor In zoology, Wel- lesley Coll., 1$94-1&01; associate professor of zoology, Wellesley Coll., since 1901. Mem. A.A.A.S. Favors woman suffrage.

HUBBAKD, Mary Bradley, Poultney, Vt. ; home address, Plymouth, Wis.

Teacher; b. Aurora, 111., July 10, 1859; dau. Rev. George B. and Jane (Beardsley) Hubbard; ed. Rockford Sem.; Univ. of Chicago; Columbia Coll. of Expression. Taught English and history in high school at Huron, S.Dak., 1889-96; principal higOi school in Norway, Mich., 1899-1901; teacher n Am Missionary Ass'n School in Saluda, N.C.; teacher erpression, Plymouth, Wis. ; n»w teacher of expression in "Troy Conference Acad., Poult- ney, Vt. Hafl been mem. of several musical so- cieties; interested in church and Sunday-school work. Mom. D.A.R. ; charter mem. of the Wis. Chapter Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, No. 574. Club: G.G.G.'s (a social club ot women In Plymouth. Wis.). Congregation- allst. Favors wonaan suffrage. UUBBASD, Mary Tenney, 137 Mason St., Green- wich, Conn.

Born Hollis, N.H., Oct. 12, 1855; dau. Luther Prescott and Mary C. (Tensey) Hubbard; grad. Greenwich (Conn.) Acad., Vasaar CoU., A.B. '78. Congregattonallst. Republican. Mem. Putaam Hall Chapter, D.A.R. ; pres. W.C.T.U., Green- wich, Conn. : State sup't Sunday-school Dep't W.C.T.U., 1897-1902. Mem. The Mystery Club and Travel Club, Greenwich, Conn.; Washington Headquarters Ass'n, Shakespeare Club (Green- wich), and Greenwich Group L'AUiance Fraa- caise.

HX'BBARD, Susan Piatt (Mrs. Hermon Milton Hubbard), 29 Hoffman Av. ; office. Chamber ot Commerce BIdg., Columbus, Ohio. Bom Columbu.<3, O., Nor. 20, 1885; d-au. WHl- iam Augustus Piatt of Columbus, O., and Sarah (Follett) Piatt of Sandusky, 0. ; ed. by private tutors, public schools (Columbus); Miss Porter's School, Farmington. Conn.; m. Columbus, Oct. 20, 1886, Hermmn Milton Hubbard; children: Hermon Milton Hubbard Jr., b. June 28, 1887; Piatt Hubhard, b. Nov. 2, 1889. Prominent In social life, in church ac<ivitles of Protestant Episcopal Church, In the anti-suffrage cause, in literature. In art. In the puilic schools and in all movements for the betterment of social condi- tions. Pree. Ohio Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suf- frage (Columbus) ; director Nat. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage (N.Y. City). Episcopalian; votes In matters pertaining to the school board. Progressive Republican. Trustee Columbus Gal- lery of Fine Arts; mem. Board of Managers and former treas. Columbus Art Ass'n; life mem. C*lldren'B Hospital; mem. Dlst. Nursing Ass'n,

��Humane Soc. of City of Columbus, Columbus SjTnphony Ass'n. Recreations: Tennis, golf, camping and walking. Mem. Monday Art Club; sec. -treas. Circulating Book Club (Columbus). HUBER, Caraliae Stephens (Mrs. Charles J. Huber), 515 Ross Av., Tampa, Fla. Born Quincy, Fla.; dau. George B. and Mary A. (Stephens) Zeigler; ed. Fairmont Coll., Tenn., and State Normal School, Salem, Mass.; m. Jan 10, 1893, Charles J. Huber; children: Vivien, Inez, George Barron. High school teacher for 5 years; helped organize the Ocala High School, Ocala. Fla. Interested in school matters; ad- vocated Fire Protection law. Compulsory Educa- tion bill, trained principals for primary schools, and Pure Drug bill; was chairman Child Labor Com. when Florida's first child labor law was passed, and worked for Its enforcement. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. D.A.R. and United Daughters of Confed- eracy. Recreation: Reading. Mem. Club of Current Events, Hillsboro Humane Soc, Tampa Civic Ass'n.

HTJBER, Lncretia Marshall (Mrs. John Bessner Huber), 40 E. Forty-flrst St., N.Y. City Born N.Y. City, Aug. 26, 1869; dau. WilUam Harman and Lucretia (Titus) Brown; ed. at home by governesses and tutors; m. N.Y. City June 9, 1903, Dr. John Bessner Huber (distin- guished in pulmonary diseases). Active in civic affairs. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian Mem. Woman's Municipal League. HUCKINS, Jennie Thomas (Mrs. Howard Huck- 1ns), 117 Elm St., Oberlln, O. Dau. Dennison C. (Ph.D.) and Minnie (Baker) Thomas; ed. State Normal School, Pa. and Oberlin Coll., A.B. 1894; m. Oberlln, O., 1898 Howard Huckins. Taught school before mar- riage, was principal of a high school in Ind., and teacher in State Normal School and Coll! Actively engaged In missionary and philanthro- pic work; State chairman ot Literature for Ohio; pres. Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs HUDSON, Clara EUzabeth, The Overlook, Plaln- fleld, Mass.

Born N.Y. City, Sept. 4, 1880; dau. Erasmus Darwin Hudson (M.D.) and Laura A. (Shaw) Hudson ; ed. Astoria Latin School, Astoria L I • Barnard Coll., A.B. '01; student Teachers' (3oli. (Household Chemistry course). Guardian of the Hilltop Camp Fire (Plainfleld, Mass.), of the Camp Fire Girls of America; engaged In choir work, 1963-08, and 1911-12. Mem. Unitarian Church, Northampton, Mass.; mem. Women's Univ. Club, N.Y. City, Christian Endeavor Soc, Plainfleld, Mass.; Woman's Unitarian Alliance. Recreation: Walking.

HIDSON, Laora Agrnes Shaw (Mrs. Erasmus Darwin Hudson), The Overlook, Plainfleld, Mass.

Born Plainfleld, Mass., June 27, 1846- dau Samuel and Elizabeth Owen (Clarke) Shaw ed Rutgers Female Inst., N.Y. City; Vassar Coll., 1864-65 (special student); m. Plainfleld, Mass.' Sept. 7, 1871, Erasmus Darwin Hudson, Jr ' M.D.; children: Samuel Fowler, Helen Turner' Darwin Shaw, Francis Shaw, Clara Elizabeth' Paul. Mem. Woman's Unitarian Alliance, and Mem. Philalethian Soc, Vassar Coll., 1864-65- The Fraternity (N.Y. Crty); Vassar Students' Aid Soc, N.Y. City. Mem. UnlUrlan Church, Northampton, Mass. Recreations: Music walk- ing.

HUESTIS, Annie CampbeU, 252 Tower Rd Halifax, N.S., Can.

Writer; b. Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 9, 18S5; dau. M. B. and Victoire Ayrton (Johnson) Hues- tls (of United Empire Loyalist descent); ed. Halifax public schools. Sacred Heart Convent and at home. Writes for several leading maga- zines, Canadian and American; some of her verse Is included In: Canadian Singers and Their Songs; Treasury of Canadian Verse; Canadian Women Writers, and Canadian Days; book of verse now in preparation. Has traveled through England, Scotland, Ireland and Europe as newspaper cor- respondent Recreations: Travel, walking, writ- ing. Mem. Halifax Ladles' Musical Club, Cana- dian Women's Press Club, Nova Scotia His- torical Soc, United Empire Loyalist Club. Espe-


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