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HOXIE, Vinnie Beam (Mrs. Richard L. Hoxie), (deceased); Winifred, b. 1893; Stephen C, b.

1632 K St., N.W., Washington, B.C. 1896; Eleanor, b. 1900. Spent married life in

Sculptor; b. in Madison, Wis.; dau. Robert Chicago (where husband was pastor of West- Lee and Lavlnia (McDonald) Ream; ed. in minster Church, 18S7-S8; then in Oak Park, 111., Christian Coll., Columbia, Mo.; early showed where he was pastor of the First Presbyterian talent in clay modeling; went to Paris and Church, 1SS8-1903); since 1S03 in her native place, studied under Bonnat and, later, in Rome, was where sihe is interested in all church and mis- a student of Majoli; m. May 28, 1878, Lieut, sionary work and in Parent-Teachers' Ass'n. (now brig. -gen.) Richard Leveride Hoxie. Be- Mem. Alumnse Ass'n of Smith Coll., "Woman's fore she was 20 years old she had executed a Educational and Industrial Union, V/aman's bust of President Lincoln, a statuette of Gen. Auxiliary of Y.M.C.A., Consumers' League, Grant and ideal figures of Spartacus, The Fortnightly Club; charter mem. College Club, Indian Girl, The Dying Standard Bearer and Auburn. Recreation: Gardening. Presbyterian. The Violet, and busts and medallions of lead- Favors woman suffrage.

ing Americans of that period: Reverdy Johnson, HOYT, Maud Buckingham, 2123 California St.,

Thaddeus Stevens, John Sherman, Senator Nes- Washington, D.C.

mlth of Oregon, Daniel W. Yorhees of Indiana, Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; dau. Gov. Henry M Gen. Green Clay Smith of Kentucky, Governors and Mary (Longland) Hoyt; ed. Wilkes-Barre Yates of Illinois and Fletcher of Missouri, Hon. Grammar School; Miss Porter's School, Farming- James 3. Rollins of Missouri, Gen. R. V. Van ton. Conn.; Sorbonne, Paris. Mem. Soc of Col- Valkenburgh of New York and Horace Greeley. (Miial Dames, Nat. Civic Federation, Woman's Congress, while she was still in her teens, au- Welfare Branch of Pa. State Woman Suffrage thorized a contraot with her for a life-size model Ass'n; mem. L'Union pour la verite, France; and statue of President Lincoln, which now Labor Legislation Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage, stands in the rotunda of the Capitol, where it Presbyteriaji.

was unveiled by Judge David Davis of the U.S. hOYT, Myra Corliss (Mrs. Jay W. Hoyt), Hotel

Supreme Court, Jan. 25, 1871; Congress later Hamilton, Brockton, Mass

contracted with her for the statue of Admiral Minister; b. St. Albans, Vt • ed New York Farragut, which stands m Farragut Square, schools; studied music and elocution. Piano Washington, and was unveiled April 2b, 1831. teacher and composer of several hymns and other Among other productions are ideal statues of music; m. Lowville N Y. Rev Jay W Hoyt The West, Miriam, Sappho, The Spirit of the (deceased). Evangelist for several years- at- Carnival; ideal heads of America, The Morning tended three theological schools; ordained min- Glory, 'The Passion Flower; bust of Presment j^ter 1903, holding pastorates at Crystal Dale, Lincoln for Cornell Umv., of Mayor Powell for st. Regis Falls and Dickinson Centre, N.Y State the City Hall, Brooklyn; busts and medallions of and since 1908 at Brockton, Mass. Has served in Ezra Cornell, Peter Cooper, Elihu B. Washburn, j^any offices in W.C.T.U. work and other re- William G. Brownlow, L. Q. C. Lamar, E. G. foj.^ ^ork. Does not favor woman suffrage. Ross, John H Rice, E. C Boudmct. Gen. John hubbARD, Alice (Mrs. Elbert Hubbard), East C. Fremont, Gen. George B. McClellan, Cardinal Aurora NY ■■-■"•^<- Antonelll PSre Hyacinth, of Spurgeon in his g^ .^ R^ycroft Shops, manager Royeroft Inn; Tabernacle, of Kaulbach and Dore in their ^ ^^^ Erie Co., N.Y., June 7, 1861; dau studios, Franz Liszt and other American and Welcome and Melln4a (Bush) Moore; ed. State foreign notables; commissioned by the State of Nopujal School, Buffalo; Emerson Coll. of Ora- lowa to make a statue m bronze of Gov. Samuel ^ ^_ ^^^^^^ Hubbard; one daughter Miriam. J K.rkwood to be pl^ed m the Cap tol at ^hief interests are writing, economic farming, Washington; commissioned by State of Ok ahoma i^j,j.^g3 Suffragist; stands for economic indl- to make a statue in bronze of Sequoyah Indian pendence for womw and proposed a State tax chief) to be placed m the National Capitol. ^^^ mothers. Author: Woman's Work; iSe HOY, Anne Harris, Bellefonte, Pa. Lessons; The Basis of Marriage; The Myth in

Born Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 10, 1866; dau. Judge Marriage. Also articles for The Fra Magazine,

Adam and Louisa Miller (Harris) Hoy; ed. Belle- The Philistine Magazine System, McCall's Maga-

fonte Acad.; Bryn Mawr Coll. Interested in zine. Recreations: Walking, riding, farming.

Mission Sunday-sahool, teacher of Bible class of iiUBBAKB, Alice Clarke, 169 B. Sixty-third

men and wom-en; mem. Needlework Guild of gt., N.Y. City.

America. Favors woman suffrage; has been ac- Teacher of art; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '94-

tive in cause. Presbyterian. Recreation: Gar- Teachers Coll. (Columbia), student of Fine Artsi

dening. Mem. Woman's Civic Club, Bellefonte. 1905-07, 1909-10, B.S. '10. Ass't head worker

HOY, Claribel Wright (Mrs. William Pierson College Settlements, Philadelpiila, 1900-01; N.Y.

Hoy), Huntley, 111. City, 1901-05; teacher of art, Washington, D.C,

Club president; b. Woodstock, 111., Apr. 20, 1907-09. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith

1879; dau. A. A. and Olive (Owen) Wright; ed. Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.

Woodstock schools, Jacksonville Acad, for Young HUBBAKD, Edna Post (Mrs. George W. Hub- Women; m. Woodstock, 111., 1902, William Pier- bard), Urbana, 111.

son Hoy; children: Adelkit Vi^right, George Born Cronrwell, Conn., Oct. 4, 1854; dau. Eben

Mamaduke, Mary Louise. Interested in church w. and Mary E. (Stickney) Post; grad. Crom-

and home work; favors woman suffrage. Con- well Acad., 1870; m. Oomwell, Sept. 10, 1874,

gregationalist. Pres. Huntley Women's Club. George W. Hubbard; children: George Wallace,

HOYT, Deristhe Lavimta, Maiden, Mass. Mae Woodruff, Jenflie Edna, Julia Post, Ernest

Author lecturer- b. Wentworth, N.H.; dau. Thomas. Interested in religious and uplift work.

Dr. Peter Livingstone and Elizabeth Aspinwall Presbyterian. Pree. Alliance Chapter, D.A.R.

(Davir,) Hoyt (granddaughter of Rev. Increase Pres. FortnighUy Club of Urbana,

Sumner Davis of Brcokiine, Mass.); ed. public HUBBAKD, Emma Lueretia, 177 Chestnut St.,

schools and Wentworth Acad.; Kimball Union Holyoke, Mass.

Acad., Meriden, N.H.; South Kensington Art Former teacher; b. Easthampton, Mass.; grad.

Museum School, Loudon, England. Taught in Vassar Coll., A.B. '69, A.M. '73; elected to Phi

high school Reading,;>Iass.; Appleton Acad., Beta Kappa; Univ. of Mich., LL.B. '73. Teacher,

New Ipswich, N.H.; Mass. Normal Art School, Springfield (Mass.) High School, 1869-71; Holyoke,

Boston, 1874-92; since then lecturer on history Mass., 1875-77; Springfield, 1877-79; Wheaton Sem.,

of painting. Author: Historic Schools of Paint- Norton, Mass., 1880-84; Smith Acad., Hatfield,

ing; The V/orld's Painters and Their Pictures;. Mass., 1886-93; Holyoke, 1893-98.

Barbara's Heritage, or Young America Among HIIBB.4LRD, Frances Johnson, Houghton, Mich,

the Old Native Masters. Born in Germany, Dec. 5, 1885; dau. Lucius Lee

HOYT, I'lorence Smith (Mrs. Charles Sumner and Frances Johnson (Lambard) Hubbard; ed.

Hoyt), 28 Fulton St., Auburn, N.Y. Miss M. R. Ingol's School, Cambridge, Mass.;

Born Auburn, N.Y., Aug. 9, 1863; dau. Byron Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr;

Clark and Charlotte T. (Letchworth) Smith; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '05; post-grad, course at

grad. Auburn High School, '81; Smith Coll., B.A. Mass. Inst. Technology, 1908-09. Interested in

'86; m. Auburn, N.Y., June 16, 1887. Rev. Charles music. Mem. Cecelia Club, Houghton; treas.

Sumner Hoyt (died 1S03); children: Ruth, b. 1890 and sec. Houghton Co. Anti-Tuiberculosis Soc;


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