< Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu
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��Workers' Conference. Kansas City, Mo. Favors woman suffrage. Author: City Mission Manual; Social Service .Manual. Recreations: Walking, tennis, skating. HOWELLS, Mildred, Kittery Point. Me.

Artist, author; b. Cam'brldge, Mass.; dau. Will- iam Dean and Elinor G. (Mead) Horwells. Exhib- ited water colors at the Champ de Mara Salon in Paris, 1S&5-96, and at N.Y. OHy, Boston and Philadelphia. Works in illustrations and versa in magazines. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Cosmopolitan Club. HO WELLS, Sophia Brookee (Mrs. Frank S.

Howells), 23 Franklin PI., Morrlstown, N.J.

Born Coopergtown, N.Y.. Aug. 29, 18S4; dau. Frank and Almira (Canning) Waller; grad. Miss Dana's School, Morrlstown, N.J., '03; m. Morris- town, N.J., June 28. 1907. Frank S. Howells; children: Frank Coggeshall, b. 1908 (died 1909); Sarah Lrord. b. 1909. Interested in church work; press agent for Women's Town Improvement 0)m. of Morristown, N.J. ; sec. Morrlstown Indian Ass'n (a branch of Nat. Indian Ass'n) ; Interested in Children's Dep't of United Charities Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Am. Cl-^ic Ass'n, Audubon Son. Recreations: Horseback riding, boating. Mem. Music L/overs' Clut). HOWEBTH, Cora Olive <l/Srs. Ira W. Howertb),

2401 Prospect St.. Berkeley, Cal.

Physician; b. Wayne Co.. 111.. Mar. 6, 1864; dau. James and Sarah E. (Palfreeman) Cis.sna; ed. Vatparaiso (Ind.) Univ.; Cambridge (Mass.) L.atin School; Hahnemann Med. Coll.. Chicago, M.D.; m. Aug. 16, 1881, Prof. Ira W. Howerth, of Univ. of Cal. Favors woman suffrage. Presby- terian. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n. Recreations: Housework, walking. IIOWKS, Bertha Saffe BeU fMrs. Franklin J.

Howes), 272 Alexander St., Rochester, N.T.

Born Canton, 111. ; dau. Humphrey and Mary (Ingersoll) Bell: grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; Cornell Univ., A.M. '08; m. Ithaca. N.Y.. 1910. Franklin J. Hcrwes; one daughter, Hilda Bell Howes. Teacher Walnut Hill School, Natick. Mass.. 1901-04; Hampton (Va.) Inst, 1904-OS; Bradford (Mass.) Acad., 1906-07; ass't Cornell Univ., 1907-08; teacher Walnut Hill School, Natick, 1909-10. Episcopalian. HOWES, Eth€4 l*njfrcr (Mrs. Benjamin A.

Howea), 15 W. a«th St., N.T. City.

Autiior, teacher; fc. Framlngham, Mass., Oct. 10, 1872; dau. George Dana and Klla (Dench) Puffer; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '91; Berlin and Frehburg (Baden) Univs., 1895-97; Ph.D. Rad- cllffe, '02; m. Aug. 5, 1908, Benjamin A. Howes. Asb'v and instructor mathematics. Smith Coll., 1893-K; aea't In psychology, Radcllffe Coll., ISSS-lS&l; Instructor in psycbology Simmions Coll. ; instructor, and later associate prof, of scsthetics, Wellesley Coll., 1902-07. Mem. of N.Y. Woman SrTrage Party. Author: Studies in Symmetry (Harvard Psychological Studies, V»l. 1); Psychology of Beauty. Mem. Am. PhUoa. Asen, Am. Psychol. Ass'n, Aas'n of Coil. Alumnae. Mem. Boston Authons' Club, College Club of Boston (pres. 1907), Woman's University Club, N.Y. City. HOW^S, WJaBDiakh Nlchj>Se Cnsbciman (Mrs. Ralph

Holt How-a), 227 Hlveralde Drive, N.T. City.

Bom Cambridge, Mass., February. 1S86; dau. Charles Henry and Hannah (Nichols) Cushnsan ; ed. private schools in Portland, Me., and Cam- bridge, Mass. ; m. Cambridge, Oct. 5, 1904, Ralph Holt Howes. Interested In cshurfJb work and helping philanthropic activities. Against woman suffrage. Has written as an amateur a snxall number of toasts and poems, published In the Boston Transcript and Portland, Me. Episco- palian. Recreations: Out-door life. Mem. Nat Arts Club, Boston Browning Club. Her mother, a great musician, founded Roslni Club (Portland). HOWES. Josephine Holt, 36 Marlboro St.,

Keene, N.H.

Teacher; b. Keene, Jan. 14, 1887; dau. Capt. Benjamin . and Maria A. Howes; ed. Keene High School, 190E; Wellesley, B.A. '09; N.H. State Normal School, '10. Teacher, Winchester (N H.) High School, 1910-11; Portsmouth (N.H.) High School since 1911. Unitarian. Mem. Graffort Club.

��HOWES, Maria Adelaide (Mrs. Benjamin T.

Howes), Keene, N.H.

Born Alstead, N.H., Jan. 1, 1846; dau. Ralph J. and tially Aim (Towns) Holt; ed. Keene High School, Salem Normal School; m. Keene, N.li., Jan. 16, 1872, Capt Benjamin T. Howes; chil- dren: Benjamin A., Ralph H., Josephine H. Pres. Invalids' Home kss'n since 1909; pres. Associated Charities since 1910; regent AJshuelot Chapter D.A.R., 19U-13. Unitarian. Mem. Ol- onial Club (pres. 1906-08 and 1910-12).

HOWI.ANI>, Alice Gulirfma, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Ass't principal Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr; b. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 14, 1883; dau. Charles S. and Mary (Shipley) Howland; ed. Miss Hebbs' School, Wilmington, Del.; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1901-02; diploma of Carnegie Train- ing School of Children's Librarians, Pittsburgh, '04. Ass't to princii>al Misses Shipley's School. 1905-06. State student sec. for N.Y. and N.J. for Nat. Board Y.W.C.A.. 1906-OS. Principal Utica Female Acad.. 1908-11, Utica, X.Y.; ass't principal Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1911 — . Interested in Presbyterian Church missions and Y.W.C.A.; student work and Art Students' Club (Studio Club), N.Y. City. Mem. (3oU. Glut), Phila- delphia. Identified with work of "Survey," Wo- man Suffrage Party. Also owner of Cromarty Kennels of Scottish Terriers and mem. of Am. Kennel Club; active In promotion of playground work and psychological clinics for children. Presbyterian. Progressive in political views. Recreations: Sailing, gardening, dogs, riding.

HOWLAIND, Clara Ward (Mrs. Alfred Cornelius Howland), 260 Orange Grove Boulevard, Pasa- dena, Cal.

Bom N.Y. City, Mar. 23, 1841; dau. Oliver Delancy and E>mily i^Potter) Ward; ed. by gov- ernesses and tutors five years and at sctiool of the Misses Gibeon in N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, 1871, Alfred Ooraellus Howland (noted artist, died 1909); children: Wlnthrop, Alice Ward How- land (Mrs. Hugh E. Montgomery). Favors woman suffrage. Author of occasional articles for magazines. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Soc. Colonial Dames of State of N.Y. ; descended from several Colonial families of State of N.Y., prominent in early settlement and later wars of the country. Recreations: Music, lectures, driving.

HOWXAND, Louise (Mrs. H. S. Howland), 164

Wlldwood Av., Montclalr, N.J.

Author; b. L»ockport, N.Y. ; dau. Charles A. and Lauretta (Smith) Morse; ed. Toronto private schools and lectures in Toronto Univ. ; m. 1880, Rochester, N.Y., Henry S. Howland; chil- dren: Kate Louise, b. 1882 (died 1885); Randolph H., b. 1889. Interested in municipal work and civic reforms, legislation and enforcement of laws. Author (under pen-name, "Kenyon West"): Best Thoughts of Schiller (translations for every day In the year) ; The Laureates of England from Ben Johnson to Tennyson; Clive- den: A Story of the Battle of Germantown and Brttiah Occupation of. Philadelphia; also articles in several leading magazines on Shelley, Macau- lay, Drake, Prescott, Bancroft, Keats, A'bbfi Vf>gler, Margaret Fuller, Misnle Maddern Flske, Richard Mansfleld, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert, Queen's English Among the Young People, etc. Short stories: The Last Hope; Pictures on Wall; Watch at the Fair; also musical and dramatic critlcioms In form of correspondence to Toronto Globe. Montreal Star, Syracuse Herjild, San Francisco Call, etc.; poems on Shelley, John Keats, etc. Mem. Cl-divant Authors' Guild (N.Y. City), Kosmos Club (Brooklyn), Friday Club (Montclair), Federation of Woman's Clubs of Montclalr, Woman's Club of Upper Montclalr.

HOWLAND, Sarah Maud, Blnphamton, N.T.

Teacher; b. Manonville, N.Y. ; dau. William C. and Rose (Belkaap) Howland: ed. Blnghamton High School, 1901; Szag Music School, Blngham- ton, 1902: Cornell Univ., A.B. '06. Has tauglit in Dumont, N.J. ; Tuxedo Park, Blnghamton, N.Y. ; Freeport, L.I. Has contributed to teach- ers' magazines. Popular Educator, Primary Edu- cation, School Progress, S<^ool Century, Ameri- can Home Journal. Baptist.


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