��Club; honorary mem. Cal. Art Club. Recreations: Long walks, sketching. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Board of Directors of Political Equality League of California. Honorary mem. Cal. Por- trait Miniature Soc. HOUSTON. Charlotte Harding: Shepherd (Mrs.
Samuel Frederic Houston), Doraln Moir, Chest- nut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Golden Grove Plantation, La. ; dau. Charles and Josephine (Kenner) Shepherd; ed. French School, Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss Howell's, Clifton, N.Y.; m. (1st) Mt. Holly, N.J., CTharlea Warden Brown; (2d) Philadelphia, April 8, 1902, Samuel Frederic Houston; children: Charles Warden Brown, Charlotte Harding Brown, Eleanor Houston. Auxiliary Deaconess House, Philadelphia; mem. Board of Trustees St. Mar- tha's House. Mem. Acorn Club, Philadelphia. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. HOUSTON, Mary Asenath Sabln (Mrs. Fred. K.
Houston), 1119 Hinman Av., Evanston, 111.
Born Belvidere, III.; ed. Rockford (III.) Coll., class of 'S9, B.A. '96; m. 1504, Fred. K. Houston (pres. Am. Heating Co.), Was teacher of his- tory and home economies In Rockford Coll. and later prof, of home economics in Iowa State Coll., Ames, Iowa. Presbyterian; active In Sun- day-school and Christian Endeavor work. Mem. and former pres. Rockford Coll. Alumnse Ass'n. Has been mem. Fortnightly Club of Belvidere, Des Moines (Iowa) Woman's Club, Woman's Club and Mendelssohn Club of Rockford, 111. HOUSTON, MiBnie Gertrude Adams (Mrs. Jamea
P. Houston), 3503 Sheffield Av., Chicago, 111.
Bom Sandwich. 111. ; dau. Henry Augustus and Augusta M. (Carpenter) Adcims; ed. Sandwich public schools; Highland Hall, Highland, HI.; m. James P. Houston; children: Henry A. (de- ceased), Nancy. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R., Lake View Musical Soc, Lake View Woman's Club (pres. two years); Lake View Musical Soc. (pres. 1312-13). HOUSTON, NeUy Macdonald (Mrs. Oscar R.
Houston), 539 W. 112th St., N.T. City.
Interior decorator; b. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 8, 18S6; dau. Allen Lane and Fanny B. (Snead) Macdonald; ed. Louisville High School, 1904; Sempie Collegiate School, Louisville, Ky., 1892- 1900; New York School of Fine and Applied Arts; m. N.Y. City, Mar. 7, 1912, Oscar R. Houston. Interior decorator from 1910. Editor of What Is New in the Shops in the Ladies' Home Journal since August, 1910. Trade name "Nelly Snead Macdonald." Episcopalian. Recreations: Walk- ing, canoeing, riding, gardening. HOVEY, Esther Lancraft (Mrs. Edmund Otis
Hovey), 115 W. Eighty-fourth St., N.Y. City.
Bom New Haven, Conn., Aug. 21, 1863; dau. Henry S. and Cornelia H. (Tuttle) Lancraft; grad. New Haven High School, '82; Mt. Holyoke Coll., '86; m. New Haven, CJonn., Sept. 13, 1888. Edmund Otis Hovey; children: Henry L., Otis L., Cornelia H. (all deceased). Mem. Fourth Preslyy- terlan Church, N.Y. City. Pres. N.Y. Mt. Holyoke Alumnae Ass'n, 1909-12. HOVEY, Henriette (Mrs. Richard Hovey), 6056
Hayes Av., Los Angeles, Cal.
Lecturer, teacher of Delsartean theory, author; b. Cooperstown, N.Y., 1849; dau. Edgar and Catharine (Tyle) Knapp; pupil of Gustav Delsarte In Paris and was afterward for a time his ass't; m. (1st) N.Y. City, Edmund Russell; (2d) Boston, Mass., 1893, Richard Hovey (the poet and educa- tor; died 1900). Long distinguished as teacher of acting and the Delsartean theory of the art of expression and lecturer on art. Author: Yawn- ing, a book of short essays on education and art. E>ditor of fragments of five unfinished plays of the Launcelot and Guinevere Series by Rich- ard Hovey, under the title The Holy Qrall and Other Fragments. HOWARD, Eleanor Frasler (Mrs. Robert Henry
Howard), 531 N. Chestnut St., Barneavllle,
Born Barnesville, 0., Dec. 7, 1866; dau. Thomas Smith and Emily (Mackall) Frasler; ed. Barnes- ville, O.; m. Barnesville, June 10, 1891, Robert Henry Horward; children: Robert Mackall, Emily Mary. Clubs: Tourist, Young Matrons. Meth- odist. Favors woman sutfrage.
��HOWARD, Ella M. (Mrs. Mayne S. Howard),
Franklinvllle, N.Y.
Teacher; b. North Bolton, N.Y., Mar. 26, 1864; dau. Rev. Joel and Mrs. Mahala (Merrill) Hall; grad. Troy Conference Acad., '86; Syracuse Univ., A.B. '92, A.M. '94 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. June 25, 1909, Mayne S. Howard. Mem. Charity Organization of N.Y. City. Inter- ested In missions, both foreign and home. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episco- pal Church. Taught in Syracuse High School, Ten Broeck Acad., Franklinvllle, N.Y., and (Jenessee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N.Y.
HOWARD, Emma Lovell Shafter (Mrs. Charlea W. Howard), 1200 California St., San Fran- cisco, Cal., and Inverness, Marin Co., Cal. Administrative farmer; b. Wilmington, Vt., Aug. 26, 1842; dau. Hon. Oscar Lovell Shafter (judge of Supreme Court of Cal.) and Sarah (Rlddell) Shafter; ed. High School, San Fran- cisco, 1856-59; m. Charles W. Howard; children: O. S., T. S., M. S.. K. S., F. P. Founder of the Women's luternat. Union of Agriculture and HortlcuHure, London, 1899, at Internat. Osuncll of Women Quinquennial. Lite mem. of Nat. and Internat. suffrage organizations and Nat. and Internat. Council of Women. Auttior of various papers upon economic value of the work of women and their economic equality as pro- ducers. Recreation: Work on pioneer Hues of home expansion and extension.
HOWARD, Oeorgena Myrtle (Mrs. Fred L. How- ard), Ithaca, Mich.
Portrait artist, writer; b. Rome, Lenawee Co., Mich., Feb. 28, 1868; dau. WlUiam H. and Han- nah E. (Wiggins) Beasley; grad. Ithaca High School, '86; m. Ithaca, Aug. 11, 1888, B^ed L. Howard; one daughter: Helen Margaret. Teaches a Sunday-school class of young ladies; vlce- pree. Ladles' Aid Soc. of Presbyterian Church. Favors woman suffrage. Author: History of England in Rhyme. Republican. Mem. Macca- bees, Court of Honor (recorder). Recreations: Boating and all water sports. I*res. Bay View Reading Club; hon. mem. Tuesday Study Club.
HOWARD, Hazel Antoinette, 116 Berkeley Way,
Whlttler, Cal.
Prof. Latin; b. Oskaloosa, la., Feb. 9, 1885; dau. Edwin S. and Cora A. (Downing) Howard; ed. Penn Coll., la., A.B. '06; A.M. '07; grad. student in Bryn M«wr Coll., 1906-07, being the honor scholar from Penn Coll. Instructor in Latin and Greek. WhltUer Coll., Cal., 1907-08; prof. Latin, Whittier Coll., 1908—. Favors wo- man suffrage. Republican. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Associate Ladies' Auxiliary to Whittier Coll. ; mem. WTiittler Choral Soc. Recreations: Read- ing, music, tramping, swimming, rowing. Mem. Wtlttler Club. HOWARD, Maria A. Chase (Mrs. William H.
Howard), 243 Summer St., Maiden, Mass.
Bom Charlestown, Mass., May 31, 1S72; dau. Allan J. and Emma (Loring) Chase; ed. public schools in Maiden, Mass.; grad. Smith Oodl., B.L. "96; m. Maiden, Mass., Oct. 27. 1897, Will- iam H. Howard; children; Frances Pesley, b. May 11, 1S03; Katharine Loring, b. Dec. 9, 1908; Marian Newman, b. Aug. 2, 1910. Mem, Smith Alumnaa ass'ns (at Smith and in Boston), Maiden College Club. Interested in charities. HOWARD, Mary Katharine Foster (Mrs. Charlea
Henry Howard), Fair Oaks, Glencoe, 111.
Born Baneor, Me., Feb. 17, 1845; dau. John Burt and Catherine (McGaw) Foster; ed. Bangor, Me.; m. Bangor, Me., Dec. 5, 1867, Gen. Charlea Henry Howard (died Jan. 27, 1908); children: Otis McGaw, Burt Foster, Nina Foster, Arthur Day, Lfifwrence Rlggs, Donald Charles, Katha- rine. Charter mem., and pres. several terms, Woonan's Library Club of Glencoe, 111. Congre- gationalist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Equal Suffrage Asa'n, Glencoe, 111. HOWARD, Velma Swanston (Mrs. Charles H.
Howard), care Professional Woman's Leaenie,
N.Y. City.
Author, translator; b. Sweden, Jan. 24, 1868; dau. John and Caroline H. (Sundevall) Swan- ston; ed. public and private schools in Chicago; grad. Boston School of Oratory, N.Y. Acad, of